The guard was a little confused, so at this time Zhan Yifei came over and said, "Come with me."

As he spoke, he popped a little antidote into Mr. Da's mouth, and then flew out with the guards.

Le Zhiguang's face was livid with anger: "Zhan Yifei! Who allowed you to feed Shangshang the antidote without authorization?"

He was going to feed it with his own hands or kisses!

Mr. Da woke up faster than the guard. He opened his eyes very quickly, and what he saw was Le Zhiguang's smiling face, and his face turned dark immediately: "Let me go!" [

Mr. Da broke free from Le Zhiguang's arm, and quickly moved away from him like avoiding the plague.

Le Zhiguang's face also darkened: "Shangshang, I didn't do anything to you...I..."

Feng Zhuoxi smiled, walked over and said: "Mister Da, are you better?"

Mr. Da nodded: "It's fine as a teacher. What happened just now? Am I like everyone else?"

"Yes, we are afraid that you will hurt yourself, so we have been immobilizing your hands and feet with the restraint technique, you can move around and see, there should be nothing wrong." Feng Zhuoxi said.

Mr. Da moved his hands and feet a few times, his face froze suddenly, and then he clenched his teeth.

Le Zhiguang immediately turned pale, drew out a dark sword and rushed over: "Shangshang!"

Mr. Da was startled, and hurriedly hid to the side.

Le Zhiguang seemed a little wronged: "Shangshang, don't hide, I want to help you untie the sword mark of Xuan Mie Jian."

Mr. Da frowned, and looked at Le Zhiguang suspiciously: "Le Zhiguang, what are you planning? I won't exchange anything with you, I'd rather die in pain for the rest of my life!"

Le Zhiguang's face turned even darker, but he still managed to force a smile: "I know, I won't exchange anything with you, just to help you remove the sword marks."

Mr. Da stopped suspiciously, let Le Zhiguang approach, and then lightly struck him on the back with the back of his sword.

A strange black light flashed, and then Mr. Da felt relaxed all over his body, and the sword marks on his back were gone.

Le Zhiguang smiled flatteringly: "Shangshang, you don't know, I was scared to death by you today."

Mr. Da frowned and returned to Feng Zhuoxi's side, asking: "What's the matter with this person?"

Feng Zhuoxi smiled, and said: "Le Tian Wang is very brave today, in order to help Mr. Da find out the whereabouts of the antidote, he tortured the noble Queen of Heaven to look like that."

Mr. Da was also surprised when he saw Tianhou lying on the ground like a dead body.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven was still looking at the group of exquisite puppets. The baby face who gave him the antidote looked at the face of the Emperor of Heaven, and then at the red crystal floating in front of the Emperor of Heaven. Return the crystals to us."

The Emperor of Heaven sneered: "You have made the heavens like this, and none of you will go back today."

"But, I've already given you the antidote." The baby-faced boy said solemnly, his voice was not as harsh as Linga's, but it sounded a bit awkward.

"Do you know how many people died in the heaven because of you? Do you think that if you give the medicine, this matter will be over? Don't think that you are from another dimension, so you think you are superior." The emperor said.

Feng Zhuoxi was a little surprised, and looked at Mu Jiu, Mu Jiu said softly: "It seems that this Heavenly Emperor knows more than we do, but why, under his nose, the Queen of Heaven will do such a thing?" Where are your hands and feet?"

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