Compared with Mu Da, Mu Jiu knows that he is really a very incompetent elder brother, not to mention that he is not only a brother to A Fu, but also a father. He brought A Fu into this world, but finally left him alone.

"A Fu, don't be impulsive, there is still a little time, we... can see if there is any way to save it..." Mu Jiu's mind was spinning rapidly, he really didn't want to see A Fu make mistakes again and again Going on, he wants to stop this mistake, not for any temple, but not to see A Fu standing here alone as a tree for hundreds of millions of years.

Ah Fu's smile continued, still as bright as ever. He looked at Mu Jiu and said with a smile, "Brother, it's too late now. This is my plan. I've even put a huge piece of wood on the root. The power stone, just wait for once I replace this place, someone will push that power stone over there, and everything will start again."

"What restart? What do you know, kid? Do you think it's a simple matter? Do you know how dangerous it was when my predecessor turned into the king of all souls? My father told me that in order to prevent accidents, It happened, they prepared three people to replace them before they started, and the King of All Souls in front of you is the second one. Why do you think you can definitely succeed once? What if you fail? " Mu Jiu looked very anxious, he wanted to go over and slap A Fu's head hard, to see what had been in this head during the years he had been away.

The King of All Souls next to him was shrinking little by little, but Ah Fu was not in such a hurry. After listening to Mu Jiu's words seriously, his eyes were bright and he looked very happy. He felt that the father and brother stood together again. in front of him. [

At that time, he was very stupid, every time he did something wrong, Mu Jiu would speak to him in such a tone of hatred but caring.

When he heard such a familiar tone again, Ah Fu realized that he had missed this scene for a long, long time.

"Brother, I am no longer the kid I was at the beginning. I know exactly what I am going to do now. You don't have to worry about me. I am confident that I can succeed once. If I am not fully prepared, I will I can’t act. This is also learned from you, you say every time that you must have full confidence before doing this, so please believe me.” A Fu said seriously.

Mu Jiu couldn't help but rushed over, and slapped A Fu's shoulder fiercely: "What are you thinking? Even if you can succeed once, you will have to endure eternal loneliness! Do you understand? Standing here alone, unable to move, unable to do what you were able to do before!"

A Fu said vigorously: "Brother, I understand everything, I understand everything. But you don't know, for so many years, except for preparing for this dream, I have basically done nothing during the rest of the time. I’m in a daze or thinking about why you don’t want us anymore. Over the years, I’ve gotten used to this kind of loneliness. Besides, I’m here, not dead. Chusheng and Baiwu will stay here with me, and you can also Come and see me, if you will..."

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