Crimson Dawn

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Cutting people's fortunes is better than killing their parents, Chen Ke has heard this saying.He thinks this is right or wrong. For the Chinese landlord class and their descendants, some things seem very intriguing on the surface.

In the history of New China, the revolutionary economic policy was based on the "land reform".All land will be confiscated before distribution.After the old land ownership was completely destroyed, the old social system was also destroyed.

Chen Ke grew up at the end of the twentieth century, and the period when he became interested in politics coincided with the turn of the century when China was undergoing rapid industrialization.During these years, Chen Ke met many people, and these people's attitudes toward land reform were surprisingly consistent. Everyone, including Chen Ke, believed that this was necessary and just.Everyone's differences are only whether the supporting policies of the land reform are reasonable, whether the efficiency of productivity development is sufficient, and whether the ideological transformation after the land reform is thorough.As for the demise of the old landlord class, everyone has no sympathy at all.

This consensus is not uncommon. What is uncommon is that many people, including Chen Ke, were born landlords. "If there are still landlords, how rich will we be with these lands alone?" Everyone occasionally jokes like this.But when it comes to the national level, the descendants of these landlords fully support the land reform.Because everyone is an urban class created in the era of industrialization, everyone's dimensional model is completely industrialized.

From the point of view of industrial countries, the mode of production by landlords relying on land rent is too low.Landlords, as the backbone of society at that time, occupied most of the means of production and food.But they did not use these means of production and food for industrial construction.Because the resources that each landlord can provide are too few to build an industrial system.Not to mention that they have no industrialized organization and mindset at all.The limitations of history doomed these bumpkin landlords to not spontaneously build China's industrial system.

If China in the [-]th century wants to fight against foreign invaders, if it wants to defend its country and people, it must industrialize.Since the old land system and the derived landlord class are doomed to fail to realize this historical mission.In the eyes of Chen Ke and other industrialized urban classes, the old land system is a real evil.From the perspective of national liberation and development, the landlords committed heinous crimes intentionally or unintentionally.The social system on which the landowners depend is a rotten system that must be completely abolished.

The productivity level of industrial countries is much higher than that of agricultural countries. Although the "land reform" eliminated landlords, the industrial system built after the land reform provided more opportunities, higher living standards, and a better way of life.

From the end of the Qing Dynasty in 1911 to the new China in 1949, China's population did not increase for more than 30 years, and the average life expectancy in China actually dropped to more than 30 years old.Among every three babies born, one does not live to be three years old.In the past 60 years, the population of the Republic has changed from more than 4 million to more than 2011 billion. The population in 1949 was three times that of 1949.This was achieved on the basis of large-scale family planning.The average life expectancy has more than doubled. As for the quality of life, it is even unimaginable in [-].

It can be said that the land reform policy ended the existing system in China and laid the cornerstone of the industrialization process of the new China.Therefore, no matter how severe the land reform is, because of improper operation, there have been a little bit of things that are not so mild now.But Chen Ke still believes that the land reform itself is absolutely correct, absolutely just, and absolutely necessary.

When Mao Zedong formulated the land reform plan, he clearly put forward the policy of "landlords getting rid of their hats in five years".Liu Xiuyang, as the leader of the party, from the perspective of industrial capital, believes that the landlords must be exterminated, and the bureaucracy is greatly out of shape when implementing the land reform policy. This is the historical limitation of the party represented by Liu Xiuyang sex.The land reform and Grandpa Mao cannot be blamed.

But Chen Ke had no way to explain this clearly to his comrades, nor could he explain this clearly to the common people, let alone to the landlords and their families.For Chen Ke, everything in front of him is the "past". Unless Chen Ke can enable China to have the strength and status of the first decade of the 21st century in his lifetime, otherwise, it is impossible for Chen Ke to have any "future".

So in the summer of 1906, whether it was the family of the landlord Zhang Youliang who was trembling in front of Chen Ke, or the comrades in the insurance group who were waiting for Chen Ke to make a final decision and implement it. .Chen Ke knows deeply that his orders will determine the future of both the enemy and us.He must take responsibility, not only to his comrades, but even to these current "enemies".

The road that Chen Ke wants to point out will determine the future of Fengtai County now. If Chen Ke succeeds in realizing his ideal revolution, then what Chen Ke will do today will determine the future of China and the future of the world.For the comrades who follow him, Chen Ke is responsible for them. As a leader, Chen Ke will lead them through many difficulties and obstacles to the other side of industrialized China.As for the enemy, for those abandoned and sacrificed people on the road that Chen Ke is working hard for, if Chen Ke can't prove that his road is successful, his own road can achieve the historical mission of China's revival.Then the sacrifices of these abandoned and sacrificed people become meaningless.If Chen Ke's decision is correct, he will inevitably take responsibility for these people.

Chen Kezu was a small and medium landlord more than 100 years ago, but as early as the beginning of the 20th century, his ancestors sold a lot of land and then moved to the city.The children first received education in church schools opened by foreigners. After finishing high school, they completed their mechanical majors in universities opened by the Beiyang government, focusing on internal combustion engines.After the Japanese invaded China, all the children of the Chen Ke family defected to the party.Because the patriarch in the family commented, "xxx looks like it's done."These elders who have received sufficient education have been fighting with the party unswervingly since then, working diligently in the military and technical departments. Some elders died before the victory of the revolution, and some followed the party to liberate the whole of China.

If it's just the choice of the Chen Ke family that determines Chen Ke's point of view, but those descendants of landlords Chen Ke knows who have not followed the party, their elders did not follow the party, but these people also firmly believe in the correctness and necessity of the land reform sex.With such a result, it can only be said that everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.The results of history have clearly proved the correctness of the land reform and revolution, and proved the success of China's industrialization path created by these policies.So they accepted the correctness of this result and the justice of the action that had destroyed their family property.

But the responsibility is so heavy.The current base area is very weak, and it is entirely due to natural disasters that intensified social conflicts and greatly weakened the order of the old society itself.In order to survive, the people followed the insurance group, and in order to survive, everyone came to fight.In order to survive, those soldiers from good families also learned to kick the door, learned to kill, and learned to use violent means to suppress the commotion of the captives when persuasion was ineffective.

In order to survive, they gathered under the banner of this new party, the new army, which Chen Ke started to form.And this political party and army, after their formation, have already begun to show the violence and ruthlessness unique to the state machine.Chen Kemai has overcome this psychological burden, because history has proved to him, "Revolution is not about treating guests to dinner, or making articles, or painting and embroidering. It cannot be so elegant, so calm, gentle, courteous, and modest. Revolution is a riot, and it is a class overthrowing a class." violent action."

The dust will not run away without the broom reaching.A revolution cannot proceed without the use of revolutionary violence.If you don't destroy the enemy, you will be destroyed by the enemy.Zhang Youliang and their family have been captured now, but it is not necessary to let the tiger go back to the mountain. The Zhang family may not be a great force, but if they are allowed to act freely, they will fight back.

Then maybe we should cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.

Just as Chen Ke thought of this, he heard Xu Dian speak eagerly. "Chen Battalion Commander, we can't kill them all." Maybe because he felt his voice was too loud, Xu Dian hastily lowered his voice, "It's not that we can't kill them now, but we can kill them all now. What do you think? Others will think that if we offend us, we will kill them all. That just makes others think that we have no tolerance. Yes, if we let the Zhang family go, they will definitely make trouble. But we just need to see The people who are in charge of their family, anyway, they will be cautious and dare not move around. Even if they go to file a complaint, we have a way to suppress them. Absolutely. We, we are not without people above us."

Xu Dian said while looking at Chen Ke.Just now, the expression on Chen Ke's face has become indescribably calm, Xu Dian has never seen such an expression, this is the expression and posture that made Wu Xingchen shudder.This is a kind of look and gesture that has abandoned all his own thoughts and only expounded a kind of reason.And this attitude is really shocking, Chen Ke doesn't look like a living human being at all at this moment.And like being possessed by something, exuding a decisive attitude.

The other comrades felt a heavy atmosphere, and Xu Dian had guessed that Chen Ke was determined to get rid of the Zhang family.In the morning, Xu Dian and Hua Xiongmao came to Zhang's house together.They escaped from the Zhang family killing their bloody way, so they survived.But Xu Dian doesn't think that some things need to be done so thoroughly.

"It's too late, Commander Chen. Although heavy codes are used in troubled times, there must be a reason to kill them. In order to save the people and obtain land, we attacked the Zhang family. When the Zhang family resisted, we killed them. But Most of the landlords in the county did not resist us at all. We removed the Zhang family, what do those people think? Should we kill them all? Battalion Commander, it’s not that we can’t kill them, but that we can’t without reason Kill them all."

After hearing Xu Dian's words, Chen Ke breathed a sigh of relief.These words are very reasonable. Although there is no more practical suggestion, Chen Ke accepted this explanation.

"Wen Qing, uh, Commander Chen. I suggest that we move the headquarters of the insurance group from the county seat to Yuezhangji. This place is also close to the county seat, so we can quickly find out if there is any trouble. Besides, the situation here is also good. It’s a good place with mountains and water. Let’s take care of the Zhang family first. We’ll decide on the final plan later.” Hua Xiongmao also said.

Chen Ke nodded, "Let's do this first. Everyone first copy out the Zhang family's food and money. Our insurance group keeps half, and the other half is distributed to the local people. Those who come from other places, according to the distance of their homes, also Give them a share. These people have worked hard, and they can't go home empty-handed."

Seeing that Chen Ke has returned to the orderly situation in the past, the assignment of things is also reasonable and very humane.All the cadres breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chen Ke suddenly said loudly: "I have been telling everyone that we want to establish a new order. I can explain clearly to you what a new order is. From today onwards, in all the territories under our People's Party, only the people The people and our government led by the People's Party. The People's Party directly leads the people and leads everyone to live a good life together. May the tillers have their fields, and those who work hard have their jobs. But they want to rely on the possession of land and factories, and then give themselves Those who made their fortunes will never have the opportunity to do so again." Having said that, Chen Ke raised his left arm straight, and pointed his left index finger at the sky above, "Comrades, this day has changed!"

Among the comrades around Chen Ke, only a very few people can vaguely understand the economic and political ideas Chen Ke expounded in these words, but they all know that Chen Ke has set the tone for the People's Party and the Insurance Group.At this time, a gust of wind blew from the lake. It was already the beginning of autumn, and the temperature after the flood was not high. Everyone's clothes were very thin. Everyone was shocked by the gust of wind.I don't know if I feel it or feel a little coolness, or feel high about the sentence "The sky has changed!"

"On the [-]th day of the beginning of autumn, every inch of grass bears fruit. Tomorrow, we will organize a rush to plant. If we fail to grow food this year, our insurance group and the tens of thousands of people under our banner will not be able to survive this winter. Comrades, get ready Is it?" Chen Ke asked loudly.

"Yes!" Hua Xiongmao stood at attention first, and gave a military salute to Chen Ke.One by one, the officers saluted Chen Ke at attention.

Chen Ke waved his hand, "Everyone, copy the Zhang family."

Chapter 110

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