Crimson Dawn

Chapter 130 no_name

Chapter 130 no_name

The soldiers of the Anhui New Army who came with Pu Guanshui saw that Pu Guanshui's deputy commander had such respect for Chen Kedu, so naturally they dared not make mistakes.Under the leadership of Pu Guanshui, they followed Chen Ke's inspection.The background music of the simple review ceremony is folk music played by the drum band organized by the gentry in Fengtai County.

The soldiers of the new army were really not treated like this by the local elders. They were a little embarrassed and a little triumphant.The gentry who came to welcome them had never seen so many regular imperial troops arriving in Fengtai County.Not to mention that the leader of the team is actually a deputy coordinator.They are also a little trembling.

After the simple welcome ceremony, Chen Ke led Pu Guanshui and the others to live in the military camp of the insurance regiment.Pu Guanshui knew that Chen Ke would definitely have a long talk with him, so he declined the invitation from several gentry on the grounds that the journey was tiring.

After setting up the soldiers of the new army, Pu Guanshui brought Ba Yougong and other main officers to the conference hall with Chen Ke.The main cadres of the People's Party are also waiting here.

The process of mutual introduction was simplified to the extreme, and the establishment of the insurance group and the new army was completely different.On the side of the new army are towns, associations, bids, battalions, teams, platoons, and sheds.Insurance groups are brigades, regiments, battalions, companies, platoons, and squads.The official names are brigade commander, regimental commander, battalion commander, company commander, platoon leader, and squad leader.The officers of the new army probably understood the official name of the insurance regiment, but the officers of the insurance regiment did not understand the official name of the new army.So it's basically a self-preservation official position.

"I represent the People's Party, the people of Fengtai County, and the insurance group to welcome the brothers from the New Army to our Fengtai County." Although Chen Ke didn't like being represented by others in the 21st century, in 1906, he was confident He spoke on behalf of tens of thousands of people behind him.

The officers of the new army didn't have any objection to Chen Ke's self-assertion representing tens of thousands of people. On the contrary, if Chen Ke didn't say that, it would make them feel that there was a problem.After hearing Chen Ke's welcome speech, everyone either laughed or continued to listen to Chen Ke's words quietly.

Chen Ke waved to Yu Wenba who was in the distance, and then continued: "I won't say anything polite, this time we invite everyone to be gentlemen. Brothers in the new army will also watch along the way. After the disaster, everyone rescued a lot of people along the way. Our Fengtai County can also resettle these hundreds of people. However, there are tens of thousands of people in Fengtai County who are fighting for seeds. If there are few things, the brothers in the new army must teach us."

As soon as the words fell, Yuwen Badu and several soldiers from the insurance regiment brought a large table over with a sand table placed on it.This is the topographic sand table of Fengtai County. Because of the extremely qualified surveyors and mappers, it is quite rough.The officers in the Anhui New Army who engaged in surveying and mapping maps suddenly had a look of contempt on their faces.Chen Ke turned his head to look at He Zudao, only to see that He Zudao was also staring at those officers.Seeing Chen Ke looking at him, He Zudao nodded slightly, indicating that he had noticed those people.

Only then did Chen Ke stand up and point the sand table with the pointer. "On this plain, we want to develop a large-scale farm. Although there is a shortage of engineering design personnel, there are. We don't have personnel for specific surveying and mapping. Please come, on the one hand, I have to trouble you to help us survey and map, on the other hand, we also I want everyone to bring apprentices."

Time was running out, and Chen Ke was not polite at all.Straight to the point.Even if Pu Guanshui stayed in Fengtai County, he would stay for at most two months.In the past two months, the insurance group needs to learn too much.Although Chen Ke's knowledge is advanced and rich, his knowledge is based on the use of the existing industrial system, and there is a deep gap between him and 1906.To cross this gap, what is needed is countless modern technologies and knowledge.At most, Chen Ke knew what to learn, but he didn't know the specific content of the knowledge.Only then did he forcefully invite Pu Guanshui to come with Anhui's technical arms.

Pu Guanshui didn't seem to care about Chen Ke's eagerness to acquire knowledge. He asked, "Wen Qing, have all the areas you mentioned just now been under control?"

"That's right, we have the final say on these areas." Chen Ke replied firmly.

After hearing this, Pu Guanshui was silent for a while, and then asked: "How many people do you plan to let to learn surveying and mapping. All the officers of the 359th Brigade under my command must learn surveying and mapping. And there is also an engineering company with more than 200 people who will specially follow You study."

After hearing this, the expressions of the officers of the Anhui New Army changed slightly.Chen Ke's handwriting is also big enough. The officers of the Anhui New Army don't know how many officers there are in a brigade.However, more than 200 engineering companies have to come to learn surveying and mapping. This number really frightened the officers of the Anhui New Army.You must know that the surveying and mapping force of the Anhui New Army is extremely weak. Even if Pu Guanshui strengthened these technical arms after he arrived in Anhui, after more than half a year of intensive training, the number of surveying and mapping talents that can be drawn up to now is only 20.As soon as Chen Ke made a move, there were more than 200 people, ten times that of the Anhui New Army.This belief made these new army officers feel a little chills down their backs.

Pu Guanshui stared at Chen Ke, and said in a deep voice: "I brought not only surveying and mapping soldiers, artillery, communications soldiers, but also officers in charge of basic military training. I brought everything. Wen Qing is going to let these What do people teach?"

"There are 359 people in the 8000th Brigade, so there are too many people to teach. As for the instructors, I don't think there are too few, not too many." Chen Ke answered simply.

Chen Ke made his statement straightforward, and Pu Guanshui didn't talk nonsense. He turned his head and said to the officers: "Do you have any requests? Let's talk first."

The officers looked at each other for a while, but they didn't dare to speak.

"Wen Qing and everyone present here are all of us, so there is nothing to worry about. If you want to say something, just say it." Pu Guanshui said seriously, "Don't wait until after you start teaching, and then you have any ideas, it's not beautiful. "

As soon as the words fell, a young team officer stood up, "Master Pu, my home is in Fengyang, I want to go home and have a look first."

Although the salaries of the recruits were not bad, except for middle and high-level officers, very few low-level officers could take their parents and wives to Anqing. Seeing how fierce the flood was, everyone worried about their families day by day.After finally being able to follow Pu Guanshui out, these people naturally hope to go home and have a look.

Pu Guanshui was noncommittal about the young officer's request."Anyone else coming home?" he asked.

Immediately a few more officers stood up and demanded to go home.Pu Guanshui's eyes swept over their faces, none of the officers avoided Pu Guanshui's eyes, and they all looked back at Pu Guanshui seriously.

"Wen Qing, if you have a thousand more people here, can you afford it?" Pu Guanshui turned to ask Chen Ke.

"As long as Guanshui helps me 1000 people, I can support 5000 people." Chen Ke said with a smile.

"What does Wenqing want me to do?"

"During the flood, the checkpoints on all roads were basically abolished. We transported food in the rain without any hindrance. But recently, the checkpoints have been restored. It can be said that there is no limit to robbing food. We still have a batch of food that has not been shipped in. , so I want Guan Shui to help you lead the team."

After listening to Chen Ke's request, Pu Guanshui nodded, "That's no problem. But I also have something to ask Brother Wen Qing for help. Since you already have 8000 people, you might as well second some people to me so that they can work with these Brothers who want to go home go together, and if the families of these brothers can't live in the local area, help them come to Fengtai County first. What do you think?"

"of course can."

The two made a decision in an instant, and all the officers of the Anhui New Army who participated in the meeting showed joy.Those in the new army who followed Pu Guanshui were all from families with little influence.Those sons of powerful landlords either refused to serve as soldiers, or even if they did, they were all very close to other old forces in the new army, and they didn't pay any attention to the person who came to Pu Guanshui's letter.Therefore, although Anhui is surrounded by land, the families of these officers do not have the strength of Zhang Youliang.Once the flood is over, life must be miserable.The officers of the new army arrived in Fengtai County, although they didn't have time to take a closer look.But Fengtai County gives everyone the general feeling that it does not look like a disaster has been caused here.It just looked a little depressed.In this year of catastrophe, it is already very remarkable that there is only a significant depression.

Moreover, the conversation between Chen Ke and Pu Guanshui just now, as long as Pu Guanshui goes out, there will definitely be a large amount of food delivered.Bringing the family to Fengtai County to live temporarily, there will be absolutely no problem in terms of livelihood.What's more, there are people to help, which is even better.

Although some soldiers felt that it was a bit weird that Chen Ke and Pu Guanshui sang together like this.However, it is not normal to live in a catastrophic year, as long as the family can survive, so is the weirdness.

Pu Guanshui didn't care about everyone's feelings, he said: "Go and gather all the brothers and ask who wants to go home. Where are the families. Brother Wen Qing and I will plan how to arrange people."

The officers of the new army responded and went out together.Pu Guanshui watched them go far away, and then said: "Brother Wenqing, I will stay here for two months at most. Even if I leave some people for you, I will stay for three months at most. You have to hurry up if you want to learn. "

Chen Ke said with a smile: "This is natural, I will not let down the painstaking efforts of Brother Guan Shui."

The officers and soldiers of the new army heard that Pu Guanshui let them visit their homes. Among the 82 officers and soldiers who came with them, [-] people asked to go home and have a look.This investigation and arrangement was busy until midnight.

Early the next morning, Chen Ke and the others took the officers and soldiers of the new army to the camp of the insurance regiment located in Yuezhangji.Along the way, there are vertical and horizontal ditches on both sides, and simple waterwheels that are constantly rotating shovel the groundwater seeping from the ditches into the drainage tanks.A large number of people are farming in the newly opened farmland on both sides of the muddy road.

Most of the soldiers of the new army come from the countryside, and one can see the way by looking at this situation.When people are mourning everywhere, Fengtai County has taken the lead in resuming production.It is only August now, as long as God opens his eyes and there is no heavy rain, the food grown can survive until next summer.

While admiring, he saw a huge painting nailed to a high shelf in front of him.Walk in and take a look, but it is a painting with a unique style.Inside is a pair of new army officers and soldiers who can understand, but have a rural style that is completely incomprehensible.

Chen Ke said with a smile: "Brothers in the new army, this is what Fengtai County will be built in the next two years. Since I am in Fengtai County, I will benefit one side."

The officers and soldiers of the new army looked at the endless flat farmland in the painting, and then at the land full of laborers in front of them, but the land was uneven and undulating.Many people think that Chen Ke's words are too bragging.

Chen Ke saw what everyone was thinking, and he said with a smile: "Brothers, the reason why we want everyone to teach us surveying and mapping is to first measure where to level, how much soil to dig, and how much soil to fill. After calculating these , and then calculate how much manpower is needed to complete these projects. How much food and how much money is needed to arrange these manpower. Only in this way can things be done. This is no different from fighting a war, and you have to calculate first.”

What Chen Ke said earlier made sense to Ba Yougong, and he couldn't help laughing after hearing the last sentence.

Chen Ke did not respond to this unexplained laughter.But Pu Guanshui next to him asked, "Ba Guandai, why are you laughing?"

"I didn't expect Mr. Chen to know how to fight." Ba Yougong replied quickly.But next, Ba Yougong asked Chen Ke: "Mr. Chen, you said that the insurance group has [-] people, but you don't know if there is a supply camp."

Ba Yougong felt that Chen Ke was boasting, and Chen Ke's boasting was different from others, so he really looked decent.But it doesn't sound reliable.It's not easy for Ba Yougong to intervene in other civil affairs matters.But when Chen Ke mentioned something related to the military, Ba Yougong couldn't help it.

Chen Ke knew that Ba Yougong was very suspicious of the insurance group. "We don't call it a logistics battalion here, but a logistics unit. I have a logistics battalion with 1000 people dedicated to logistics. This doesn't include the soldiers in the fleet."

Hearing these words, Ba Yougong was skeptical. "Mr. Chen, you won't confuse the supply battalion with the engineer battalion."

"Ba Guandai is very familiar with military affairs. I didn't make trouble. We also have a special engineering battalion. It also has 1000 people." Chen Ke laughed.This is why Chen Ke did not confess to Ba Yougong.The 359th Brigade in history opened up wasteland and farmed land in Nanniwan. It can be said that everyone has trained themselves as an engineer.The reason why Chen Ke named his first unit the 359th Brigade also wanted to use the title of "Later Generation" to add some luck to himself.At least I can keep reminding myself what kind of force the 359th Brigade is.

After all, Ba Yougong is a 40-year-old middle-aged man, and he knew that he would hurt his peace if he continued.When Chen Ke said that, he just shut his mouth and admitted it.

Instead, a young officer of the New Army nearby asked, "Mr. Chen, if you really built Xinfengtai County as shown in this picture, what would you say about this place?"

"I will distribute the land to everyone to plant."

"Oh? Then if my family comes to Fengtai County, can we plant the land separately?" The young officer immediately became interested.After asking this question, he felt that it was unreasonable, so he quickly added, "We can pay the rent."

After finishing this sentence, he felt that it was not right. The young officer asked, "I don't know how much the rent here is?"

Looking at the expectant look of the young officer, Chen Ke said with a smile: "Now this land is under the management of our insurance group, and we will not pay rent this year. Next year, the land rent will be [-]%."

"What? [-]% of the land rent?" The young officer looked at Chen Ke with an incredulous look.Anhui has never had such a low land rent.But the officer thought about it again, it should be Chen Ke who gave special preferential treatment to these new soldiers.

When other officers and soldiers heard this, they also became interested.They asked whether Chen Ke's words were true.

Chen Ke explained: "I don't have any need to lie to everyone. I said to charge [-]% of the land rent, so I will charge [-]% of the land rent."

"Then can we buy land?" A new army officer asked.

"If the land is divided, then there is no reason to buy or sell it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious that our insurance group will make a lot of money by ourselves? We don't do this kind of thing."

"Mr. Chen, you said that there are 8000 people in the insurance group. But you only charge [-]% of the land rent. I don't think you may be able to eat enough." Ba Yougong couldn't help but made another attack.

Chen Ke replied with a smile: "Our insurance group also owns the land. We support ourselves, so the [-]% of the rent is not collected from us."

Hearing this, Ba Yougong was really puzzled.What Chen Ke did was completely different from the local tyrants Ba Yougong had seen.If what Chen Ke said was true, Ba Yougong couldn't imagine what Fengtai County is like now.

A group of people continued to move forward, only to see newly hard-working common people and insurance regiment soldiers in dark blue clothes everywhere.Ordinary people do ordinary farm work.And digging trenches, filling soil, and transporting supplies are mostly soldiers from the insurance regiment.

Ba Yougong held back this time. He looked left and right until he was sure that he was right, so he wanted to speak.But I didn't get any advantage by opening my mouth several times.Chen Ke didn't seem to be angry at all because others targeted him.However, Ba Yougong was extremely dissatisfied with this style of work that should have made people feel good.In fact, he has been very dissatisfied with Chen Ke for several days.From Pu Guanshui's inexplicable trust in Chen Ke, Ba Yougong was somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Ke who had never met.I saw the well-trained insurance team fleet, and saw He Zudao, who was young but shrewd and capable.I saw Fengtai County, which was able to persist on its own in the disaster year, and encountered all kinds of things that should make people admire Chen Ke.Ba Yougong's feeling towards Chen Ke got worse every month.This feeling made Ba Yougong himself feel strange.

It is rare to see Chen Kezuo in such a strong mood, Ba Yougong finally couldn't help asking: "Mr. Chen, I see that the hardest-working people are the people from the insurance group."


"Being a soldier eats food, it's just and right. But I see here, when you become a soldier, you not only have to grow food yourself, but also do the heaviest work. Then these people became soldiers of your insurance regiment, what is this for? Why do you Let these people follow you with all their hearts?"

As soon as the words "Why are you?" came out, Ba Yougong's heart suddenly became clear.He finally found the reason for his dissatisfaction with Chen Ke.Why did Chen Ke make Pu Guanshui, the deputy commander of the Anhui New Army, respect him so much, why did he have a capable fleet, and why did he have such strength and status in Fengtai County.How can this young man in a dark blue jacket and short hair like a "monk" have everything that Ba Yougong doesn't have?Ba Yougong was deeply puzzled and jealous.

Chen Ke didn't know what Ba Yougong was thinking. He laughed and said, "Our insurance group has divided up a large area. If we don't do more work, we can benefit the common people. How can the common people obey us? As for these people Why do you follow me? Because our insurance group is a team of the common people, a soldier of the common people. That’s all.”

Hearing this answer, Ba Yougong looked at Chen Ke dumbfounded.It was like looking at a monster that had never been seen before.

"Mr. Chen is talking about protecting the environment and the people." A new army officer next to him interrupted.

"No. We lead the people to do things to protect the environment and the people. In Fengtai County, the biggest one is neither the county magistrate nor our insurance group. Our insurance group is the people's army and works for the people." Chen Ke For the first time, the political position of the Insurance Corps was explained to members of other military organizations.But the result was really beyond Chen Ke's expectation.After hearing Chen Ke's words, the officers and soldiers of the Anhui New Army neither burst into laughter nor asked questions.They just fell into a puzzled silence.

When they arrived at the brigade headquarters of the insurance regiment, Chen Ke asked Hua Xiongmao to arrange for the soldiers of the insurance regiment and the soldiers of the Anhui New Army to return home together.Taking advantage of the absence of other new army officers and soldiers, Chen Ke and Pu Guanshui met again, and Chen Ke asked, "Guanshui, you know Xu Xilin during the time you were in Anqing."

Chapter 130 no_name

Chapter 130 no_name, to URL

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