Crimson Dawn

Chapter 138 no_name

Chapter no_name

Ever since Ba Yougong came to Fengtai County, he felt that this place was full of an atmosphere that he could not have a good impression of anyway.What disgusted Ba Yougong the most was the daily life meetings of soldiers.

Since Chen Ke finished the land negotiation with the landlord, he has been transferred to the brigade headquarters of the insurance group.Soldier life meetings have also returned to normal.The officers and soldiers of the Anhui New Army were assigned to the engineering unit of the insurance regiment as instructors.Naturally, the accommodation conditions in the disaster area will not be very good. The officers and soldiers of the new army can understand but can't accept it.Yuezhangji does have a house to live in, but now it is occupied by women and children.Even the brigade headquarters of the insurance regiment is a thatched house, whether it is the brigade commander, regimental commander, battalion commander, company commander, platoon leader, or squad leader.The accommodation of these officers is no different from that of ordinary soldiers and civilians.The officers and soldiers of the Anhui New Army had nothing else to say.

"Instructor Ba, I'm stupid, but I really want to learn your skills as soon as possible. If you want to scold me, just scold me. But don't stop teaching me after you finish scolding. Please." The soldier Zhu Cunrui said seriously Said.In the insurance regiment, officers are absolutely not allowed to beat and scold soldiers.However, the soldiers in the engineering battalion had long been repeatedly educated privately that these people from the Anhui New Army were here to be gentlemen, they were not members of the insurance regiment, and the rules of the insurance regiment were not suitable for these people.

Zhu Cunrui still remembered Hua Xiongmao's speech at the time, "If you feel unconvinced and want to avoid being scolded, that's okay. Hurry up and learn from others."

Ba Yougong did not respond to Zhu Cunrui's question. He often cursed people, especially in the past two days.It's not that Ba Yougong hates iron and steel. On the contrary, the eager learning attitude of the soldiers of the insurance regiment has frightened Ba Yougong.Engineers are a technical branch, and those who can be selected into the engineer battalion are all soldiers with outstanding cultural qualities.This not only means that culturally they all know five hundred characters, memorize the nine-nine multiplication table, and can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of five-digit numbers.Many even began to study geometry and physics.Chen Ke's requirement for technical arms is, "There must be a passion for science. There must be a desire to seek knowledge."

It is precisely because of this quality and enthusiasm that the selected soldiers of the engineering battalion were able to master so much knowledge in more than half a year.Of course, compared with the systematic education Chen Ke had received, the knowledge these fighters possessed was far from scientific.Moreover, the practical purpose of this knowledge is too strong. Chen Ke did not intend to let these people become researchers at all, but only hoped that they could become users.

Even so, Ba Yougong was still shocked by the learning ability of these soldiers.After observation, Ba Yougong found that the soldiers especially liked to hold meetings.In the spare time of work, everyone does not gather together to drink, brag, show off each other, or secretly go out to play with women, or gather together to gamble like the new army.The soldiers of the insurance regiment rarely talked about anything other than discussing what they had learned.How can I better use the surveying and mapping skills I have learned, and what problems I encountered in the study need to be solved.In the process of learning, I want to understand the knowledge that I didn't understand before.Warriors love nothing more than communicating.

Ba Yougong has made up his mind that he will no longer teach his knowledge to the soldiers of the insurance regiment.Originally, he had been taught the use of instruments for errands. He thought it would take a long time to teach these principles of use, but he really didn't expect that someone in the insurance group would teach these theoretical knowledge.What these bumpkins need is precisely the knowledge of the use of existing instruments.Ba Yougong was heartbroken for not being able to foresee this.

For the old upper class, monopolizing knowledge is the trick for them to make a living.Even if the new army strengthens education, it is the same.The knowledge taught is only enough to enable soldiers to obey orders. Comprehensive education is not the original intention of the new army.Ba Yougong had never seen or heard of an army like the Insurance Corps that spread knowledge to the greatest extent.

The insurance group not only strengthens the popularization of knowledge and education, but also deviates from the norms in daily life.

Everyone has a daily life.In the insurance group, these things are to be brought up for public discussion.The issue of food distribution, even including the issue of military pay.These things should have been decided by the officers, but now they are all decided by the soldiers.The officers only implement these resolutions and allocate personnel.

Although the Anhui New Army has strict management, it is still an old army after all.Although trying to eliminate the old army's ills, officers can always find other ways to solve them.For example, although the payment of military salaries cannot be deducted openly, the officers will take the soldiers out to drink and buy sex.Naturally, there are "smart" soldiers to pay their respects.Soldiers who are sensible can get easy and fat jobs, while soldiers who are not sensible will suffer harsh treatment.As for those "stabs" who dared to resist, the officers just used their "army method".As for gambling, it is the only way to make money.There are even things where officers sit on the bank and gamble.

In the eyes of military officers, power is the greatest source of profit.The officers and soldiers of the new army take it for granted that being able to take on less work is current success, and if they can gain power to squeeze others, that is success in life.

But in the insurance group, this natural world is turned upside down.Power is only for getting the job done, and the hard work done is not for the benefit of the insurance company itself.On the contrary, these heavy tasks are for the benefit of the common people.

These days, Ba Yougong already knows that the job of the engineering battalion is surveying and mapping, preparing for the future large-scale water conservancy construction in Fengtai County.Although the insurance group will get their own farms, the army has already issued an order. The first to be surveyed and constructed will be water conservancy projects for ordinary people.This kind of putting the cart before the horse made Ba Yougong very puzzled.The work has been so hard, but the insurance group has to work for the common people first.What is this picture for?

The common people only pay 1000% of the rent, and in this disaster year, no rent was collected for the first year.This means that in addition to supporting themselves, the insurance group has to work for the people with no income at all.Even if the families of these soldiers can benefit, the number of soldiers in the engineering battalion is only 1. According to the overestimated data of a family of ten, it is only 6.Now there are more than 5 people in Fengtai County.For those [-] people who contributed in vain, Ba Yougong himself would never do it.

He originally thought that the soldiers in the engineer battalion hadn't considered this issue.As a result, when asked privately, the soldiers' stance was very simple. "We have surveyed the land, and others have to open and plow the land. Everyone is working. What's the difference?"

"If your mother is like this, why do you still want to be a soldier?" Ba Yougong took a lot of effort to swallow this curse back into his throat.To be a soldier is to eat food. If it is not for the purpose of not facing the loess and turning the back to the sky, no longer sweating and sweating, who will be a soldier?

Ba Yougong's anger went off the charts.I don't like this group of raw melon seeds anymore.He didn't think about why he was so dissatisfied with the soldiers of the insurance regiment, and his chest was filled with extreme dissatisfaction.The attitude towards soldiers is getting worse day by day.

In fact, He Zudao, who is in charge of political work, has reported these situations to Chen Ke and asked Chen Ke's attitude.Chen Ke made a rare joke, "Zhu Dao, if someone firmly believes that the sun is a triangle, would you make friends with this person?"

"Of course not." He Zudao replied without hesitation.

"If you can make friends, then one party must completely change its position. Either you change, or the other party changes. Now we must strengthen our own position. We will never allow the slightest relaxation. Since we firmly believe in ourselves It is correct, so we must stick to ourselves.”

He Zudao thought for a while before asking Chen Ke: "Brigade Commander Chen, do you mean that we want us to reform the soldiers of the new army?"

Chen Ke's original intention was to strengthen the ideological construction of the army, and not let the decadent ideas of the new army pollute the insurance group.Unexpectedly, He Zudao had already thought of calling new soldiers.In Chen Ke's plan, the large-scale probation of the new army will not start until the soldiers of the new army return to Fengtai County with their families.

But since He Zudao has such an awareness, Chen Ke doesn't think it is necessary to pour cold water on He Zudao.Anyway, it is necessary to work early and late, and now Chen Ke's attitude towards the party and the army is to let everyone do it freely.He himself once protected everyone too tightly, and it's time for everyone to use their subjective initiative.

"Comrade Zudao, let's do it. I will take on any responsibility." Chen Ke finally gave such a reply.

What He Zudao has learned these days is his ability to think. He convened the party committee in the army.The members of the party committee initially thought that He Zudao had received some orders from Chen Ke.It is a recognized fact that Commissar He is Brigadier Chen's confidant.When Chen Ke was a small insurance group, he almost did everything by himself, so why did he follow behind like a messenger.So He Zudao had a meeting, and everyone thought that Chen Ke had given some instructions.

When He Zudao asked everyone to put forward a political work plan, many people almost had the urge to dismiss the meeting.It's not that everyone has tried to propose their own plans. As a result, after these plans were handed over to Chen Ke, they were either rejected or changed beyond recognition.After a few tries, no one is willing to lose face again.Since Mrs. Chen Ke can always come up with effective solutions, why should I have to find it hard.

He Zudao understands everyone's attitude. To be honest, his plan is the one that has been criticized the most.But when He Zudao suffered setbacks at first, there was an ideal supporting him. He hoped to be an equal man standing beside Yougou.He also hopes to repay Chen Ke's kindness.These two saved He Zudao from a shameful death.But to some extent, He Zudao couldn't get rid of the shame in front of the two of them.Because of this, the setback of failure is irrelevant to He Sudao.They have already made such a big mistake of being infected with willow disease, and it is impossible for other mistakes to make He Zudao feel more ashamed.

In fact, it is this attitude of not being afraid of making mistakes, daring to admit mistakes and working hard to correct them, which has actually led to insignificant progress.Admitting one's own shortcomings and learning with an open mind is the smooth way to truly master the rules.Every time he learned something, He Zudao felt that he was one step closer to Chen Ke, and also one step closer to You Gou.

All other comrades hope is that they can succeed, so setbacks hit them very hard.He Zudao knew that no matter what he did, he would never succeed in front of Chen Ke.In order to stand up to Sister Yougou, He Zudao had to move forward.In order to achieve this goal, He Zudao has only selfless work.

From the perspective of the psychology of later generations, this can be said to be a morbid state.The insignificant ecstasy is largely to forget the mistakes of the past.Completely severing the relationship between himself and the past, and standing in front of You Gou with a brand new person.If He Zudao met someone else, this mentality would only make him fall into a more miserable situation.

And what He Zudao met was Chen Ke who was completely different from this era.The more He Zudao forgets himself, the more he can learn from Chen Ke, who does not belong to this era, things that should not have appeared in this era.This may be insignificant luck, but it is definitely Chen Ke's luck.

He Zudao didn't care about the performance of comrades who were afraid of difficulties. "Comrades, the central government has already planned a strategy. Mrs. Chen is very busy now. With our big business, it is unrealistic for him to make another plan."

This is Chen Ke's own explanation, and comrades actually didn't really believe it.But people are like this, although they don't believe it, but seeing other people believe it, the weaker the will, the easier it is to believe it.Sometimes the mood of the masses does not depend on the number of people, but on which side is more determined.And everyone didn't really give up on themselves.The plan might not be approved by Chen Ke, but it might not be rejected by He Zudao.Under the auspices of He Zudao, the meeting finally began to proceed normally.

The topic is ideological mobilization.

"I have an idea this time, and I want to discuss it with my comrades. What kind of new regime are we going to build? What is the core of this new regime?" He Zudao began.

"The new regime means that the people are the masters of the country?" Someone began to recite quotations.

"Do the people now know that they should be the masters of their own country?" He Zudao asked.

The comrades in the political work department laughed wryly after hearing this.Yes, what does it mean to be the master of the house?To be honest, in this era, after accepting Chen Ke's leadership for so long, these comrades finally understand a little bit what it means to be the masters of the country.According to the mainstream thinking of this era, being the master of the country means commanding others and gaining privileges.More is gained.

And the people's party is the master of the country, which is to be responsible for itself and others.It's more about giving.

There is no longer a gap between the two, but something completely opposite.The cadres who can engage in political and ideological work are all selected by Chen Ke himself.This awareness is not ordinary.Compared with other comrades, they are all conscious.Even these people still find this kind of ideological work very difficult.As for other comrades, it is not bad to be more enlightened than ordinary people.

"What is the purpose of the people wanting to be the masters of the country now?" He Zudao continued to ask.

"For fairness. Not to be bullied." Someone replied.

"Then let's start from this angle." He Zudao said.

Chapter no_name

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