Crimson Dawn

Chapter 153 no_name

Chapter 153 no_name

Liu Wenxiu Liu Baye's name is very elegant, but he is not a scholar, in fact he has never liked reading very much.So Liu Baye has never read the poem "The rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building".At this time, Chen Ke had just written an outline of the standard outline of vernacular Chinese, and it hadn't even been popularized in the Fengtai County base area. It is naturally impossible for Liu Baye to have heard of the phrase "the calm before the storm".

There is a saying that art comes from life.Liu Baye is a layman in literature and art, but he is an absolute expert in life.With the appearance of several mysterious men in blue yesterday, and the shocking blow of that shooter, the servants naturally hoped that they would never encounter such a shooter again.But Liu Baye really wanted to have a good talk with the shooter and the forces behind the shooter.

As the descendant of Huaibei's family that has been able to stand for decades, Liu Baye did not rely on benevolence, righteousness, nor cruelty.It must be said that Liu Baye exists as a defender rather than a pioneer.Although he is resolute and decisive when encountering things, he absolutely does not like to intensify conflicts on weekdays.

If you want not to intensify conflicts, you must communicate, and communication requires communication objects.If it hadn't been for the floods to such an extent, Liu Baye might not have donated some food to ease the conflict.This natural disaster has gone beyond Liu Baye's control, he had to choose the strategy of suspending communication and keeping the door closed.Although such a strategy stabilized the interior, it also cut off the connection between Liu Baye and the outside world.

When the disaster victims came to the door, Liu Baye was still determined to stick to his strategy of closing the door and guarding himself. It was because he knew that the disaster victims had limited strength and could not create any mystery.But the appearance of the mysterious blue-clothed gunman has proved that a powerful force has fully intervened in Liujiapu.The group of people in blue quickly persuaded the victims away, and in the next two days, the outside of Liu's shop was extremely quiet.There is no trace of the victims who often come to beg on weekdays.The servants can feel relieved, Baye Liu is not so relaxed, he just feels a growing sense of crisis.

When Liu Wentao entered his yard, he saw his elder brother pacing back and forth in the yard with his hands behind his back.Whenever he encountered a problem that was difficult to solve, Baye Liu paced back and forth like this, thinking about countermeasures.

"Brother, I sent out two groups of people." Liu Wentao said.

Ba Ye subconsciously responded, but he didn't stop at all.Seeing that the eldest brother didn't speak, Liu Wentao didn't dare to leave, so he just stood by and waited.His legs were a little sore until he stood up, but Liu Wentao still didn't see his elder brother speak.He was considering whether he should simply go back to the house first, but he saw Eighth Master Liu Wenxiu suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Second brother, we have to send someone out." Baye Liu said suddenly.

"I have sent out several groups of people." Liu Wentao replied hastily.

"It's not about sending out spies and messengers, but about taking a large group of people out. We need to let those in blue know how powerful we are." Baye Liu said slowly.

"Do you know how powerful we are?" Liu Wentao obviously didn't understand what the elder brother was thinking.This fence, the hundreds of people on the wall, is enough to prove that the Liu family fence is powerful.How else can the man in blue know how powerful the Liu family is?And although people were sent out, the news about those men in blue has not been sent back.Even if you want those blue-clothed people to know how powerful they are, you have to find someone else to talk about it.

Liu Wentao saw that shot in person standing on the wall. The vigorous skill and decisive shooting of the blue-clothed gunman waving the red flag made him feel palpitations every time he thought about it.Subconsciously, Liu Wentao didn't want to meet that gunman again.And this attitude becomes another way of saying, "Brother, I don't think there are many of them..."

"There are not many people?" Liu Wentao interrupted his younger brother, "There are not many people. Why haven't those bandits who were hit by the disaster come these two days? What did they eat and drink these two days? Could it be that they were dressed in blue?" Did the person with the clothes eat it?"

Liu Baye was very dissatisfied with his younger brother's attitude. "Second brother, if they start fighting on the same day, as you said, there are not many of them. Now two days have passed, and they have not moved. The food and clothing of nearly a thousand people is not a small amount. What does this natural disaster look like? , You know it yourself. Even if this thing is brought here from Wuhe, how many people have to transport the food alone. And they are obviously not from the government to provide disaster relief. Tell me, these people transported so much food just for relief Those poor bastards? Do you believe that?" The more Liu Baye spoke, the more angry he became, and his voice became louder.

Being reprimanded by his brother like this, Liu Wentao also felt quite humiliated.But my brother has always been very accurate in seeing things. Since he said so, it must be reasonable. "Then how many people do you want me to take out?" Liu Wentao asked straightforwardly.

"Oh! If only I had given some food to those poor bastards at that time." Liu Baye suddenly sighed, "In the end, I am still selfish. Thinking about the current situation, the land will definitely be barren until next year. And next year may not be able to harvest much food. I'm afraid we don't have enough food for ourselves. In fact, if we can give some food to the poor, it won't be like this. Now that people die, it's useless to say anything .”

Liu Wentao was very puzzled when his elder brother said such a sentence suddenly.In such a catastrophic year, the distribution of food cannot be started at all.If you let it go today, do you want to let it go tomorrow? Is it really necessary to feed those poor people?

"Brother, what do you mean when you say that...?" Liu Wentao originally wanted to say that brother's idea may not be right, but after thinking about it, brother is not the kind of person who likes to regret, so he must have his own meaning when he said so, so if he objected, he would It became an inquiry.

Hearing his younger brother's inquiry, Baye Liu sighed, "If we put in a little more food, we won't know where those people in blue clothes are now. Go to the village and ask a little bit, and you'll know right away."

"I've already sent someone to investigate in the village." Liu Wentao responded quickly.

"Hmph," Liu Baye smiled wryly, "Do you think those bastards dare to enter the village?"

Facts have proved that Baye Liu is correct in his view of his family.The spies sent by Liu Wentao really didn't dare to enter the village.Several nearby villages are now basically in ruins. They circled far outside the village and left.In the tragic attack at the gate the day before yesterday, almost NO.20 people were burned to death.Including the civilians who rushed up who were killed, this is more than [-] lives.If the spies had remained within the enclosure, they might have felt safe.But being in the vast outside world, these people only feel as if they are in an enemy's territory.The floods these days have made these people form a psychological hint that only the inside of the enclosure is safe, and everything outside the enclosure is dangerous.

"Brother, let's go back." A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy in the spy team asked looking at the ruins of an uninhabited village in the distance.

"The tenth master told me that we have to see all these villages." said the man called brother by the boy.The spy unit consisted of four men, two older and two younger.Although Liu Wentao is not as far-sighted as his brother on big things, he does have some knowledge on small things.He didn't choose someone who was smart and capable, but he chose someone who was more honest.After those slickers are sent out, they will only make up a lie and come back to lie to themselves.Those honest people can't make up lies. They know that they can't lie to Liu Wentao, but they will work hard.

Just as Liu Wentao thought, although those elders were quite afraid, they were even more afraid of offending Liu Wentao.Although the younger brother expressed the same fear as himself, the elder insisted on seeing several villages before talking. "Let's go, let's go to the next village." The elder brother took the lead and pulled the younger brother away.

As soon as they walked away, two soldiers from the insurance group suddenly stood up in the ruins of the village. The insurance group had already had corresponding countermeasures for Liu's shop's strategy.There may be a few smart people in the isolated soil enclosure, but the people's party and the insurance group use the overall advantages of the system and the system to confront these smart people.Although there seemed to be no one outside Liujiapu, the scouts from the insurance group had already laid their own nets.As soon as the Liujiapu Weizi sent out spies, the scouts from the insurance group had already monitored him.The way of monitoring is not tracking, but according to the plan made in advance, according to the action routes and characteristics of the spies, there is a plan to stay in front of the spies.

Soon, the scouts quickly sent the information back to the staff through the semaphore and by changing the placement of some inconspicuous items in various obvious places.

The staff department is now like a lively hive, and the battle plan is being perfected and refined step by step with the enrichment of information.At first, the water detachment wanted to fight with enthusiasm.But before sending troops, the comrades in the army already knew that a strong attack would inevitably lead to a large number of casualties.Now that the situation has changed, there is no need to temporarily attack, the troops can plan in detail, and then conduct more careful operations.Naturally, the water detachment will not be stubborn and insist on attacking.Liu Wentao gave the insurance group time, and Zhang Yu made full use of his time and manpower.The troops conducted special training for the internal terrain of Liujiapu's enclosure.

And the new army led by Pu Guanshui was also able to play its role.He transferred some more reliable new army officers and soldiers from poor backgrounds to provide more effective technical services.The sappers were already at work drawing maps, finding roads of all kinds, and negotiating various means of communication.

If in the past, the technical support provided by the officers and soldiers of the new army might have made the officers and soldiers of the insurance regiment feel a little admired, but this time there is no such situation at all.Because all technical support is practiced according to the tutorials provided by Chen Ke.

Actual combat is the best place to learn. This time, the insurance group in the water detachment was able to gather a complete small group to attack Yue Zhangji.From staff officers, to engineers, from scouts to field hospitals.The tutorials that Chen Ke gave them along the way were completely designed for attacking the siege.Pu Guanshui is a professional soldier and a professional.Take these things and you will know the way at a glance.Moreover, his ability to understand the various aspects of the army's combat operations in the battle case tutorials provided by Chen Ke is much higher than that of the comrades in the insurance regiment.

With the help of Pu Guanshui, comrades have a deeper understanding of Chen Ke's attitude towards war and the application of war technology.In the past two days, people in the water detachment often had a sudden realization. "So this is what fighting is like" is a sentence that appears very frequently.

Even a professional like Pu Guanshui admired Chen Ke very much.He knows best that if an officer has experienced many battles, he may be able to achieve Chen Ke's level of execution, but turning these military concepts into teaching materials and refining them into regulations requires not only actual combat capabilities, but also A deep understanding of war itself.The military quality of soldiers can be best seen by refining the regulations. I have seen a lot of people who talk about soldiers on paper, such as Pu Guanshui, and this kind of people in the Beiyang New Army can be said to be a lot of people.Pu Guanshui couldn't even laugh when he saw the joke-like regulations written in various professional words, and the regulations written by officers at all levels based on their own preferences that were even worse than jokes.

But Chen Ke's regulations made Pu Guanshui occasionally laugh out loud in private.Different from those written by soldiers, Chen Ke's words are not soldiers at first glance, and they are all in vernacular.So it is inevitable that there will be as long-winded and unclear words as La Jiachang.But these lay terms speak inside jargon.What made Pu Guanshui particularly admired was not the concise and concise words, but the explanations in the face of complicated situations. Chen Ke talked about various complicated situations endlessly, and then classified them one by one.Then tell the method, and then describe the reasons why you did it.

Such words made Pu Guanshui very interesting. One person taught others how to fight in the same way as talking about farming. This kind of thing is something that Pu Guanshui has never heard of or seen.The officers and soldiers of the insurance regiment were at a loss.Responsible for analyzing the actual situation, and then selecting a solution that meets the current situation, this work is undertaken by Pu Guanshui.While Pu Guanshui was doing this work, he was thinking about refining these teaching regulations of Chen Ke in his heart.

At the beginning, Pu Guanshui felt that he was qualified for the job.But the more he thought about these things written by Chen Ke, the more he felt that these things could not be deleted.The text may be refined, and the words may be professionalized.But these tactical things mentioned by Chen Ke only made Pu Guanshui feel that the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became, and Chen Ke didn't say too much. On the contrary, Chen Ke still had a lot of things that he didn't explain clearly.Many wonderful parts can lead Pu Guanshui's thinking far and far without even knowing it.

Naturally, it is impossible for Pu Guanshui to know that Chen Ke, a three-legged cat on the Internet in the 21st century, has read dozens of classic military books and tutorials of the People's Liberation Army, as well as many tutorials on fighting militias in various places in the war preparation era.He has spent countless hours bragging and discussing with military-loving friends on the Internet. His knowledge is not the kind of detailed and organized stuff.Chen Ke's knowledge is messy and mixed with various things.From queuing and shooting in the 18th century to various land, sea and air tactics in the 21st century, they are fully intertwined into a complex and chaotic system.Chen Ke himself also took a lot of effort to straighten out his knowledge in a certain aspect into something that can be written.Even so, Chen Ke unknowingly filled a lot of messy things into this system of attacking the siege.

If it is the soldiers of the insurance regiment, they don't have a deep understanding of the military.Those messy things couldn't arouse their interest at all, and Pu Guanshui, an expert, was far more sensitive to these contents than the second-hand operators of the insurance company, and he keenly felt the digressions carried in this topic.And these digressions are not without reason, which makes Pu Guanshui even more confused.Chen Ke is definitely not a general who experienced many battles, Pu Guanshui can be sure, Chen Ke has never received formal military education, Pu Guanshui can be more sure.But Chen Ke's military concept is very advanced, and Pu Guanshui, as a soldier, feels this fact very clearly.

Chen Ke has his own unique and profound views on politics, and also has the ability and potential that Pu Guanshui can't see the end of in the military.When Pu Guanshui was resting, he couldn't help thinking, maybe he really met the legendary "Mingzhu"?Because regardless of other things, at least Pu Guanshui knew that no matter what, he couldn't bring out an army like the insurance group.Even if he was put in Chen Ke's position, Pu Guanshui would never be able to do it.

Knowing that Liujiapu Weizi sent spies, the staff department immediately ordered the people to move their residences.Anyway, the ground is now full of sand and soil, but there is an advantage, the growth of bacteria is not strong.The dwellings of the victims were originally temporary.Transfer also transfers.The spies couldn't find any news, but happily went back to do business.

Regardless of the internal reaction of Liujiapu, the insurance group has decided to break the siege, and this plan cannot be changed.With the help of local victims, the analysis of Liujiaweizi's situation became more and more clear, and the training became more targeted.With the completion of reconnaissance and training, the combat plan is becoming more and more mature.At noon on the third day, the headquarters of the water detachment had already issued a decision.On the fourth day, the battle officially began.

If it is the People's Liberation Army of later generations or the elite of the Eighth Route Army who have experienced many battles, it will not take such a long time to prepare for a small enclosure.However, the insurance regiment, an army that has only been established for half a year, can train and prepare in this formalized mode, and three days can only be said to be absolutely not long.Chen Ke has put in so much hard work, and finally it's time to reap it.

According to the provisions of the People's Party and the Insurance Group, pre-war mobilization had already begun.Why the war was fought and what the purpose of the war was, the team clearly stated it openly and honestly.As an old army, there are many party members, and even ordinary soldiers know more or less the ambitions of the People's Party.

Rebellion is nothing new to the Chinese people.In the entire Qing Dynasty, there was hardly a year without rebellion.In the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Nian Army was relatively large.Rebellions launched by organizations such as the White Lotus Sect spread all over the place.Small-scale rebellions happened one after another.

Compared with other dynasties in Chinese history, the Manchu Qing never had a truly peaceful year.Except for Yongzheng, none of the successive emperors of this regime really wanted to establish a peaceful world.The essence of this regime is based on complete oppression, and the so-called enlightenment in the later period is just powerless to oppress.

The only Yongzheng who looked like a Chinese emperor was forced to write "Dayijue Milu" at the end of his life.Chen Ke had seen it, and the brother in it was simply outspoken, saying whatever he had to say.Many words, as a politician, even seem extremely naive.But such naivety and eagerness can prove that Yongzheng himself really wants to fulfill his obligations as emperor.Because this book is distributed nationwide, Yongzheng hopes that the people all over the country will know his painstaking efforts and what he has done.

Except for a man like Yongzheng, the other eras of Manchu Qing were completely dark and brutal.This is also the reason why there are constant uprisings everywhere.

Therefore, the soldiers of the insurance group did not have any prejudice against the rebellion, nor did they have any enthusiasm from the heart.And this time it was just breaking a siege. Even the party members and officers knew the significance of breaking the siege this time, but the soldiers hadn't understood the historical significance of breaking the siege this time.

Just like the situation faced by the party in history, the people's party must tell the soldiers why they broke the siege.The meaning of breaking the fence.Seeing those appalling victims, the soldiers of the insurance regiment naturally felt sympathy in their hearts.And what the People's Party did in Fengtai County, Fengtai County was able to overcome natural disasters and resume production.Just as a living example, it told the soldiers who participated in the post-disaster reconstruction work that natural disasters are not invincible. The reason why these people in Wuhe County ended up in such a dead place must be due to evil people.As long as these bad guys are eliminated, the people of Wuhe County, at least Liujiapu, will be able to live a promising life.

During the mobilization, a simple soldier asked why there were no bad people in Fengtai County.As a result, the comrades roared with laughter. "With our insurance group here, which scoundrel would dare to make trouble!" Some comrades immediately answered this question.The soldier blushed and sat down.But the red face was not only because of shame, a large part of the reason was that he understood that as a soldier of the insurance group, he had unknowingly guarded the elders in his hometown from being bullied.

In fact, many soldiers did not have this kind of self-consciousness before. They were just forced to accept the leadership of the People's Party and the Insurance Group when they were at a loss.They didn't know what kind of tragic fate they might encounter until they saw the "real disaster area" for themselves.And under the leadership of the People's Party and the Insurance Group, what kind of achievements have they created with their own hands.

The mobilization went smoothly. After Pu Guanshui finalized all the details of the battle plan, he also wanted to see the situation of the troops.Of course, there was another reason that attracted him.The neat slogans outside made Pu Guanshui very curious.It was a voice full of enthusiasm, even full of a childlike feeling.Pu Guanshui really didn't understand why shouting a slogan could actually make him feel happy.In war, it should be windy and cold.It should be Sen serious killing.This kind of happiness is really too child's play.

When Pu Guanshui arrived at the gathering place of the troops, he heard the most unbelievable content of the post in his life.To be precise, that is not a slogan, but a question.

"How do you go?" Political commissar Li Zhao shouted.

"Follow the cadres!" The comrades replied in unison.

"The cadre told everyone to stop, what should everyone do?"

"We stop immediately!"

"What if I get hurt?"

"Obey the orders of the cadres and doctors!"

This is the program of action on the battlefield, the way of action.How to deal with various problems.Most of the soldiers in the insurance group could read some characters, but these characters were not enough for them to smoothly understand the thick tutorials and regulations written by Chen Ke.Therefore, the insurance group communicated through this method of collective questioning, instilling the essentials of combat to the soldiers.

Pu Guanshui never thought that such a model could be adopted in the army.In the new army, beatings are used to instill discipline.Even a very good officer like Pu Guanshui still does not object to corporal punishment.But the insurance group is not, they just indoctrinate and train again and again in a way that soldiers can understand.

Looking at the happy but serious faces of the soldiers, Pu Guanshui suddenly had doubts, could this kind of training really work?

On the other side, there was a sudden shout, which startled Pu Guanshui.After looking over, I saw more than 300 victims not far away, carrying ladders, holding various agricultural tools and spears made of wood, practicing shouting.This is part of the battle plan. The insurance group doesn't want to scare the enemy. If they want to fight, they will invest in the elite and deal with the enemy with lightning speed.Planting explosives in the enemy's place is an important part. There is too much excavation in the night, so someone needs to be able to divert the enemy's attention.The disaster victims led by Zhou Xingrui just took on this task.Starting tonight, they are going to harass the enemy.At this time, it is also necessary to practice well.

This was the first real battle in Pu Guanshui's life, so he looked at his pocket watch.It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the prelude to this battle would begin soon.What kind of battle will be waiting for him, Pu Guanshui only feels that the inexplicable excitement is mixed with this fear.That's real fear.Swallowing his saliva to moisten his thirsty throat, Pu Guanshui decided to go to sleep for a while.Because of the upcoming battle, there is no time to sleep anymore.

Chapter 153 no_name

Chapter 153 no_name, to URL

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