Crimson Dawn

Chapter 180 no_name

Chapter 180 no_name

Qiuhu was very powerful. Hua Xiongmao took off his blue soft hat, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief around his neck, and put the soft hat back on his head.The handsome face of this Jiangnan man is now tanned.After several months of exposure to the sun and steaming feet, the whole body of the insurance group has healthy dark skin.Compared with that delicate skin color, Hua Xiongmao's calloused palms looked very rough.After holding the handle of the gun and the handle of the hoe, the hands full of calluses are also the unified characteristics of the insurance group.

"Comrades, rest for a while!" Hua Xiongmao shouted loudly.Hearing the shout, the soldiers who were working together in the field finished the last bit of work at hand, and then put down the tools in their hands and sat down on the slope to rest.Everyone took off their blue soft military caps one after another, some wiped their sweat, and some fanned their caps around their heads like a fan.

"Comrades, wipe off your sweat and put on your hat again. It's windy now, and it's easy to catch a cold." Hua Xiongmao shouted.As the highest military chief of the current nominal insurance group, Hua Xiongmao doesn't seem to have any airs of officialdom at all.Even compared to when he was Juren more than a year ago, he is more approachable.I advise everyone to pay attention to the fact that although the voice of the body is loud, there is no hint of domineering in the tone.

After hearing Hua Xiongmao's advice, the soldiers wiped off their sweat with uniform military towels and put their caps back on their heads.

"Brigade Commander, I have something to tell you." A soldier walked up to Hua Xiongmao and said with a very embarrassed expression on his face.Hua Xiongmao finally got his wish and became the deputy brigade commander of the 359th brigade, and everyone's title changed accordingly.

"What's the matter, let's hear it." Hua Xiongmao replied with a smile.

"Brigade Commander, I want to cut off my braids. I want to cut my hair short like everyone else." The soldier had a troubled look on his face, "But I'm afraid my father will scold me. When the time comes, Brigadier Commander, you have to intercede with me." .”

Now more than a quarter of the soldiers in the insurance regiment have cut their hair short.In the matter of hair cutting, Chen Ke has never forced it. Except for members of the People's Party, the insurance group does not force braids to be cut.In the eyes of the Revolutionary Party in 1906, braids meant extreme evil.But Chen Ke is not a person of this era. As a young man at the end of the 20th century, it is not so evil for men to have long hair or even braids.Moreover, the reason why rural men in Anhui wore braids in 1906 was definitely not their allegiance to the Qing Dynasty, but a habit.

The insurance group pays attention to hygiene, and the soldiers have to take a bath regularly, wash their hair, and get rid of lice.Compared with short hair and braids, the superiority is clear at a glance.For now, the percentage of braids in the water detachment is very high. Anyone who decides to follow the party, especially those who have applied to join the party or have already joined the party, most of them have short hair for soldiers.But the most thorough haircut is actually followed by Yougou's engineering team, doing the work of burning cement and glass. Braids are often scorched or even burned at high temperatures.As a female, Yougou herself cut her hair short, and the male soldiers also felt that wearing braids was too uncomfortable, so they all cut their hair short.

China has an attitude of paying attention to social traditions and habits, and forcibly cutting the braids will only trigger a full-scale resistance.When cutting braids can make life and work more comfortable, the Chinese can accept it logically.On this point, Hua Xiongmao felt that Chen Ke was right.After hearing what the soldier said about cutting braids, he smiled, "Cut it off if you want, and your father will definitely scold you. If I tell you, your father will feel that you are using me to suppress your father. When I leave, I'm afraid the old man will scold him even more harshly."

After hearing this, many soldiers laughed.The soldier who spoke just now smiled embarrassedly, "That's right." He scratched his head with a smile.

However, seeing that the soldier had no intention of leaving, Hua Xiongmao felt that the braid cutting might not be what the soldier really wanted to say, and he asked gently: "If you have something to say, a man doesn't need to hide it like this."

Encouraged by Hua Panda, the sneer on the soldier's face turned into a mixture of anticipation and uneasiness that the land is about to be divided. "

So that's the case, Hua Xiongmao thought with a smile.The large-scale harvest is about to start. Now that the People's Party has fulfilled its first promise to let everyone have food, the people will have more trust in the land that the People's Party promised.These days, more and more people came to see the landscape pictures of Fengtai County in the future. Although some pictures were discolored and the paint began to peel off under the wind and sun, the enthusiasm of the people was getting higher and higher day by day.The hard work of the insurance group has initially gained scale in terms of infrastructure.There is still a long way to go to the beautiful new rural scenery on the landscape map, but the most important backbones such as roads and canals have begun to take shape.This gives hope to the people who have worked hard for this.

Looking at the soldiers seriously, Hua Xiongmao replied, "That's right, the land distribution will start soon."

"Brigade Commander, how are you going to divide it?" Hearing this, all the soldiers cheered up.As the brigade commander, Hua Xiongmao said so himself, and he would definitely not lie.The soldiers surrounded them one after another.

Hua Xiongmao pointed in the direction of the land that had begun to show scale, "Comrades, we will distribute the land that has been repaired to your families first." He also pointed to the areas that have not yet had time to carry out large-scale water conservancy construction, "We The army’s own farm still needs us to sort it out piece by piece.”

After hearing this, some soldiers had expressions of joy and encouragement on their faces, while others showed disappointed expressions.Hua Xiongmao knew this well, he was happy because his family was finally able to plant good land, but disappointed because he felt that the workload on the army farm was too great.After months of hard work, everyone knows how hard the work is.If such a vast area is to be built into the ideal shape, it will require an incomparably huge amount of labor.

Hua Xiongmao said loudly to the soldiers: "Comrades, we are the people's army. We build for the people first, so that the people, our own parents, and brothers can live a good life first. And we farm the land ourselves. , but also to be able to support ourselves, if we eat less food for the people, the people can eat more food. Are you right?"

There was no thunderous echo, and the soldiers either nodded or sighed.But Hua Xiongmao could see that everyone did not object, because everyone knew that Hua Xiongmao was right.But it's impossible for anyone to cheer at the thought that they still have an almost unlimited amount of work to do.

"Brigade Commander, I heard that there is a saying that those with braids will not be able to serve as soldiers in the future." A soldier asked.As a member of the current army, it is impossible for everyone not to know that the insurance group is now vigorously breaking through the landlord's enclosure outside.However, in the Qing Dynasty, there were rebellions every year.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were about tens of thousands of peasant armed riots across the country every year. Although the scale was small, the common people were not too surprised by this.With such a large armed force of the insurance group, it would be inconceivable if they hadn't fought against the outside world.Since most of the soldiers who went out to fight did not wear braids, such rumors appeared in the army.

Hua Xiongmao said loudly: "Our army recommends that everyone cut their braids. Because short hair is easy to wash, and it is not easy to get lice. But until now, we have no policy requiring everyone to cut their braids."

"Mr. Lu from Xincun said that if you want to be a soldier in the future, you have to cut your braids." Said the soldier.

It's Lu Huitian again!Hua Xiongmao couldn't help sighing in his heart.Recently, especially after the first harvest, many party members who used to just bury their heads in their work have started to talk a lot.Especially those comrades who were born as students have recently begun to make a lot of quite radical speeches.

"Mr. Lu's words are just his own thoughts. This is not our army's policy. Everyone must understand this point." Hua Xiongmao still said loudly.

"However, besides Mr. Lu, many people are also talking about this. We need to cut our braids. We need a revolution." The soldier asked worriedly, "I met my family members last time, and they were also a little worried. They are afraid of war. "

Soldiers really treat the troops as their own.Hua Xiongmao was very moved.Although it is only natural for troops to fight, the soldiers are so cute to say such words that are almost heartfelt.

"Comrades, we are the people's army. Do we want to fight? It's because we want to defend the people. It's not for our people. What are we fighting for? Let everyone die in vain, and then I, Hua Xiongmao, will reap the benefits? Haha " Hua Xiongmao laughed out loud after speaking.

The soldiers felt that this truth was a bit convoluted, and they didn't quite understand it.But brigade commander Hua Xiongmao will work with everyone as long as he has time.If it is really for himself, Hualu can let others work when he grows up.Anyway, the same is true of those powerful and rich officials and landlords.Since Hua Xiongmao said so, everyone also thinks it makes sense.

Seeing that everyone's expressions had returned to normal, Hua Xiongmao went on to say: "Comrades, our army still has the old rules. When it comes time to divide the land, we must tell everyone first that we will hold a meeting to discuss this matter. People Well, we have to let people talk, but the rule of our army is that what is said in the meeting is the business, and what others say, if there is no notice or discussion at the meeting, it will not be counted. Everyone must remember this clearly. "

In the past six months, the insurance group has indeed done so.When Hua Xiongmao said this, everyone felt that there was something in their hearts.Then Hua Xiongmao shouted loudly: "Okay, enough rest. Let's continue. Today we will finish repairing this ditch according to the plan!" After speaking, Hua Xiongmao picked up the hoe and walked down the slope .The soldiers put on their hats one after another, and walked down the construction site with their brigade commander.

In the evening, regardless of his exhaustion, Hua Xiongmao hurried from the vicinity of Yuezhangji to the county seat.Although he is the supreme commander of the insurance regiment, Hua Xiongmao actually finds that what he is actually engaged in is military orders and training.Except for the battle against Yue Zhangji, Hua Xiongmao never had the chance to actually participate in the battle.The rapidly expanding army plunged the former martial artist into endless army-building work.

The army building plan proposed by Chen Ke seems simple, but the actual work that needs to be invested is almost unlimited.More importantly, the actual meaning contained in these seemingly simple construction plans is not simple.People who can understand this are a minority in the People's Party, and those who are willing to bury their heads and work hard to implement it are even a minority.The People's Party's military committee is now seen as a gathering place for Chen Ke's diehards.At least two of Chen Ke's loyal subordinates, Hua Xiongmao and He Zudao, were in charge of military orders and military affairs.Although He Zudao is now the political commissar of the second regiment, everyone knows that sooner or later the political commissar of the brigade will be He Zudao.

But for Hua Xiongmao, everyone has a different opinion recently.Because of the adjustment of the water detachment, many people think that Zhang Yu, the current head of the water detachment, is likely to become the third-ranked military officer.Although Hua Xiongmao had the oldest qualifications, coupled with Chen Ke's support, Hua Xiongmao became the deputy brigade commander, and his status was already higher than other comrades.Although no one can challenge his position for the time being.But there was Chai Qingguo before. Although Chai Qingguo has not been as conspicuous as before, but now that Zhang Yu has appeared, everyone thinks that there is already a newcomer who can faintly keep pace with Hua Xiongmao.

However, this kind of competition for status is not obvious now, at least Hua Xiongmao himself does not care.Hua Xiongmao's original purpose of joining the People's Party was to follow Chen Ke.Over the past year or so, Hua Xiongmao feels that life is becoming more and more enjoyable.Not only because he changed from an ordinary Shaoxing gentry to the commander of a team of more than 8000 people, but more importantly, Hua Xiongmao saw that he could accomplish such a great event.In the countryside, let alone 8000 people, it is extremely difficult to only have hundreds of people.However, under the system constructed by Chen Ke, tens of thousands of people can be unified under one banner.Everyone was able to fight against such a terrible natural disaster with their own strength.When the flood happened and the relief work was going on, everyone including Hua Xiongmao was actually at a loss.There are floods everywhere, there is no place to run, no place to hide.And Chen Ke has dared to sail a boat to save people since then.After the water receded, facing a piece of mud, Chen Ke dared to plan the development in the next few years.

When the hard work is over, everyone looks back, and in fact, these things are nothing more than that.As long as the people can be organized, as long as there is a military organization like the Insurance Group, and as long as the Insurance Group can listen to the people's party, great things can be accomplished with one mind.Many comrades in the party have already begun to feel complacent, and all kinds of afterthoughts and Zhuge Liang's words have come out one after another.But Hua Xiongmao, who has always followed Chen Ke on the front line, knows very well that if it weren't for Chen Ke's unshakable determination, if it wasn't for Chen Ke and those hardcore Chen Ke's followers who followed closely on the front line Well, just this group of people who are now boasting so much, I'm afraid they would have run away long ago.

So now Hua Xiongmao is anxious to go to see Chen Ke, the purpose is to explain to Chen Ke the many nonsense things he said recently.The reason why the People's Party and the Insurance Group have gained prestige is that they never make promises lightly. As far as promises are concerned, the People's Party and the Insurance Group do their best to keep them.

If Hua Xiongmao thought that Chen Ke would be better off in Shanghai after arriving in Anhui.At that time, although Chen Ke was also cautious, he still dared to talk about the truth about the revolution.In Anhui, especially during the flood period, Chen Ke repeatedly emphasized that "the People's Party is the vanguard of the people", "the insurance group is the team of the people" and "work hard".What revolution, what ideal, he never mentioned.Hua Xiongmao now understands Chen Ke's difficulties.If Chen Ke, as the supreme leader, was full of big words at that time, the people below would not know what to say.Now that I have just seen the opportunity to lead everyone to live until next year, many comrades who used to work hard began to talk nonsense.This trend must be stopped no matter what.

When Chen Ke was in Shanghai before, he talked about one thing.The revolution must accomplish the work of eradicating the old culture.One of the important aspects is "official standard".Although the fighters below knew that it was Chen Ke who made the decision in the People's Party, everyone believed that what the "big officials" of the People's Party said was also the meaning of the People's Party.But in fact, what these people are saying now is not only not what the BJP means, these words are not really discussed in the party meeting.

Hua Xiongmao can't say it in public, what those people say is their own nonsense.To say this is to destroy the unity within the party.And when the soldiers heard this, they would definitely think that other "big officials" are talking nonsense, so did you, Brigadier Hua Xiongmao, talk nonsense?That was devastating to discipline.So no matter what, Hua Xiongmao hopes to hold a memory and talk about this matter.During the previous disaster relief period, Chen Ke repeatedly emphasized that one of the party's disciplines is that what is said to the people must be unified, and individual independent opinions cannot appear.At that time, everyone could understand it, and it was considered to be done, but now they are relieved, and many comrades will not shut the door.This trend must be stopped no matter what.

Along the way, Hua Xiongmao straightened out all the arguments he heard in his heart.Who said what, what kind of rumors are there among the soldiers, and how far the work has been carried out recently.Although the distance is not short, but the mind is full of things, but it seems that there is not much distance.Just after sorting out the content of the report, Hua Xiongmao had already rushed to the county seat.

Seeing the military camp of the insurance regiment, Hua Xiongmao suddenly thought of a question, is this a small report?Hua Xiongmao has a straightforward temper. Although he knew those little tricks when he was walking in the rivers and lakes, Hua Xiongmao only wanted to guard against others, and never thought of harming others.If it was in the past, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to report other people's inappropriate behavior anyway.

But despite having such thoughts, Hua Xiongmao felt that his conscience was not shaken in the slightest.If this kind of thing is not made clear to the party organization and Chen Ke as soon as possible, there will be big troubles in the future.Hua Xiongmao just regretted that he was still careless. In fact, he should have reported to Chen Ke from the earliest inappropriate rumors.It is definitely too late to report now.Hua Xiongmao made up his mind that he would never turn a blind eye to these "hours" in the future.

Registering at the guard post at the gate of the insurance regiment's barracks, the sentry smiled and asked, "Brigade Commander Hua, who are you looking for this time?"

"I'm looking for *** Chen."

"Mr. Chen went to the pier to pick up people. I heard that a large fleet came today, and there are many new comrades in it." The sentinel said.

"Oh? Then I won't go in for now, I'll go and have a look too." Hua Xiongmao turned around and left after speaking.

Now there are many new camps inside and outside the county seat, and a large number of refugees from other places have poured into Fengtai County, causing the population here to increase sharply.Although the People's Party has also provided a lot of job opportunities, everyone is worried that once the victims are released to work in the fields, there will be a large-scale problem of grain grabbing.So most of the work is in the county town, so there are a lot of people here.In order to maintain law and order, a large number of new policemen also appeared among the victims everywhere.

There were crowds of people passing through everywhere, and sure enough, they could see bright lights on the pier from a distance.Hua Xiongmao has very good eyesight. He rushed to the pier and suddenly saw two familiar people on the pier. One was Chen Ke, and the other was the long-lost Qi Huishen.

Chapter 180 no_name

Chapter 180 no_name, to URL

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