Crimson Dawn

Chapter 182 no_name

Chapter 182 no_name

At [-]:[-] in the morning, when the morning mist was still shrouded in the Fengtai County Military Camp, the melodious wake-up call had already been blown by the trumpeter standing in the middle of the playground.The red cloth tied to the bugle swayed gently in the breeze. Against the red light of the dawn sky, the silhouette of the trumpeter standing upright looked solemn and lonely.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps and the shouts of officers began to resound more and more in the barracks.These sounds became more and more louder, and finally merged into a rumbling sound.Daily morning exercises are a routine, and all officers and soldiers, including Chen Ke, get up.The army and the police force are arranged in square formations according to their respective units.The noise quickly subsided, and the roll calls of various troops echoed in the barracks.

The roll call was soon over.The officer in charge of the training gave an order, and the gate of the barracks was opened, and the police force was activated one by one according to the units. They lined up neatly and walked out of the gate one by one.The morning exercise run around the city officially started.

This is discipline training, organizational training, physical strength training.In a sense, it is also a way to show strength.The neat queue of hundreds of people will advance along several main roads, passing the main camp of the victims.At the time of this preliminary solution to the problem, the danger is not less than that of the most desperate period of the flood. On the contrary, while the livelihood of the local people is guaranteed, the livelihood of the victims entering Fengtai County is still not guaranteed, and even a preliminary building has not been built among the victims. Management system, the People's Party's influence on the victims is completely maintained on the basis of being able to barely let the victims starve to death.Not only has the possibility of conflicts breaking out not being reduced, but there is a possibility of full-scale conflicts.Before solving this matter, it is also a last resort to adopt sufficient high-pressure measures.

Chen Ke didn't take part in the morning run. Last night, Hua Xiongmao first talked about various rumors circulating in the army, as well as the opinions expressed by many party members.Hua Xiongmao complained a lot about the nonsense that the party members almost "have no party discipline".Chen Ke didn't reply immediately, he said that he knew the situation, and then asked Hua Xiongmao to go back to the brigade headquarters of the insurance group in Yuezhangji,

Next, Chen Ke and Qi Huishen talked until after four o'clock in the morning, and Qi Huishen asked one question after another.These days, Chen Ke has been focusing on solving specific problems, but Qi Huishen's problem involves many revolutionary theory issues, which makes Chen Ke very confused.It's not that Chen Ke hasn't thought about many of the issues Qi Huishen mentioned, but under the current natural disaster situation, he doesn't have the energy to study them deeply.

Qi Huishen finally fell asleep exhausted.Chen Ke didn't dare to sleep at all. In order not to delay things, he simply started to process the documents.When the morning exercises started, Chen Ke also participated in the roll call, and then returned to his office.

A simple grass bed was set up in the office, a door panel was set up on the two long benches, and straw mats were spread out.Qi Hui covered himself with a thin quilt and lay down on it to sleep soundly.The movement outside did not wake him up at all.

"What a happy person." Chen Ke, who was used to hard work, sighed helplessly.For comrades, Chen Ke is really envious from the bottom of his heart.I am in the lower reaches of history, although I can see infinite possibilities of success, but what Chen Ke sees more is the possibility of failure.

Sitting at the table, Chen Ke casually flipped through the documents.The things that Hua Xiongmao rushed to report yesterday were actually only a small part.According to the information collected from various sources, with the improvement of the situation in the base area, various undercurrents have begun to float.Compared with these problems, the problems within the party may not be called so dangerous.

Thinking of this, Chen Ke couldn't help shaking his head, his own thinking still simplified the problem for granted.Everything is far from being as complicated as imagined, but it is also far from being as simple as imagined.

The insurance group now has no chairs, but only stools, and the feeling of having no backrest is really uncomfortable.Chen Ke propped his elbows on the table, crossed his fingers, and supported his chin.The current problem is complicated, but it is not complicated. After the pressure on the masses caused by the flood was relieved by this harvest, various contradictions that were once completely overwhelmed by the crisis of survival immediately surfaced.The biggest problem is that many people have already raised the topic of food distribution.

According to the results of the discussion between Chen Ke and the comrades of the People's Party, this batch of grain cannot be divided.Not to mention the need for food for the external expansion of the base areas, and the need for food to stabilize the newly opened areas.How much effort and sweat did the People's Party and the Insurance Group put in to produce this batch of grain.With this contribution alone, there is no reason for the people to point fingers at this batch of grain.

But this truth must not be said in this way. If it is said in this way, it will only oppose the power of the party leadership and the people.This simple and rude approach is not without precedent in history. Comrade Stalin once engaged in the return of particles to warehouses.It cannot be said that what he did was wrong, but the actual means of operation and results in the process of policy implementation cannot be said to be the best.

A policy must not only look perfect on paper, but also conform to theory and ideal operation.More importantly, in the actual operation of this policy, it must be as realistic as possible.But with the resources in Chen Ke's hands right now, it is absolutely impossible to produce a perfect result.This time things are destined not to end perfectly.Chen Ke sighed, "I hope it doesn't end up like what Comrade Stalin did in Ukraine."

Maybe it was because I set my own bottom line, and the mental pressure was evacuated.Chen Ke, who hadn't slept all night, just sat upright at the table, his chin resting on the shelf made by his hands, and suddenly fell into a sleep state.

"What's going on?" He Zudao's expression was serious. The grassroots political commissars of the 359nd Regiment of the [-]th Brigade also looked embarrassed.This is the first time that a large number of fighters collectively demanded to leave the insurance group.Since the establishment of the insurance group, the number of people has been increasing, although Chen Ke has not warned He Zudao recently that such a situation may occur.But when this kind of thing really happened, the political commissars were also very shocked.

"What did these fighters say?" He Zudao collected himself and asked.He heard from Hua Xiongmao early this morning that comrades from Shanghai had already arrived in Fengtai County, and he planned to go to the county seat after finishing his work in the morning.But as soon as I came up, I encountered a report that dozens of fighters jointly requested to leave the insurance group and go home.Originally, he wanted to go to the county to meet these comrades whom he had not seen for a long time, but He Zudao was already a little restless.He Zudao, who is usually quite calm, felt that he couldn't take it anymore when he heard such news.

Although he tried his best to keep calm on his face, He Zudao subconsciously clenched his fists and clenched his teeth tightly.During the flood, everyone barely managed to maintain order in order to survive, but as soon as life got better, people's hearts immediately began to disperse.When He Zudao saw the other political commissars in front of him looking at him one by one, they all looked a little surprised.He soon sensed his gaffe, and let go of his clenched teeth and loosened his clenched fist.But such an action did not make He Zudao feel relaxed.He only felt that he was burning hot to breathe, and a word popped out of his agitated and confused mind, "ungrateful".

"Let me calm down first, everyone should think about what's going on first. Let's have a meeting in a few minutes." After He Zudao finished speaking, he took an hourglass and put it on the table. In addition to the glass lampshade, Chen Ke specially requested to produce a small batch of hourglasses.The base area can't produce watches, let alone buy any watches.Although the hourglass is rough, it can be used as a timing tool anyway.He Zudao turned around and looked out the window, not watching the fine sand leaking through the small hole in the middle of the two cones on the top.The sky in Anhui in late autumn is blue, only a few white clouds dotted here or there.The endless sky should make people feel happy.But in He Zudao's eyes, the sky is too cold.Although the day of large-scale harvest is coming soon, it won't be long before winter will come.Thinking of this, He Zudao inexplicably felt a chill.

The mood that was a little bit at a loss was instantly calmed down by the coolness from the heart. In winter, they have to hug each other to keep warm.As a high-level executive, He Zudao knew that the People's Party was raising cotton coats and other winter supplies.And after Chen Ke said that there might be a large-scale demand for discharge, he didn't panic like He Zudao.He Zudao remembers it very clearly. Facing the surprised He Zudao, Chen Ke said calmly: "Whoever wants to leave, let them go. A twisted melon is not sweet."

He Zudao felt very strange at the time. According to his own habits, He Zudao asked Chen Ke why he thought so.Chen Ke pondered for a while, and gave an answer that was not an answer. "Maybe I'm thinking too much, and you don't have to take it too seriously. You can work as you want." He Zudao observed Chen Ke's expression by himself. He didn't see any anger or dissatisfaction. Chen Ke was still as usual That firmness and composure.Moreover, this question was a bit too abrupt, He Zudao felt that maybe he really thought too much, so he didn't ask any more.

As always, Chen Ke had anticipated what would happen.Recalling Chen Ke's calm expression, He Zudao immediately felt confident.Since Chen Ke didn't think this kind of thing was a big problem, He Zudao felt more at ease.Finally calmed down, He Zudao turned his head, and there was still about one-third of the fine sand in the upper part of the hourglass.

The other political commissars at all levels saw that Commissar He, who was still a little excited just now, was calm and relaxed, and then heard He Zudao say: "Everyone, go and ask these comrades why they want to leave. Then tell them that the organization will be organized in three days." Give them notice."

"Commissioner He, do you really want them to leave?"

"If they go, many people will probably go."

The political commissars never expected that political commissar He would have such an attitude, they said one after another.

He Zudao waved his hand and stopped everyone's chattering speech: "I don't want to criticize everyone. Everyone is responsible for this matter, but the responsibility is not for these soldiers to leave." After saying this, He Zudao glanced kindly The political commissars circled around, "Comrades, I think everyone must first understand why these soldiers left."

After drawing such a standard, the faces of many political commissars immediately became ugly.When such a large number of soldiers were about to leave, everyone immediately panicked. All they could think about was how to stop them. They never thought of getting the whole thing out.

From the faces of the people, He Zudao could see that he had hit the point. He smiled and said, "Since they are going to leave, it means that these soldiers don't care about us anymore. They are forced to keep them, but they are not happy. Let's see." They are not happy to see them. Why is this necessary? However, it is clear to leave. People can leave, but we have to understand why. Everyone will go back and ask why the soldiers are leaving. Is it they who want to leave, or There is pressure from other people. After all, these fighters have been with us for so long, it is always okay to let them tell the truth."

Seeing the political commissars nodding one after another, a determined expression with a goal appeared on their faces.He Zudao hurriedly followed, "We must talk about the method, let everyone tell the truth, not force everyone to speak. You force people to speak, but they don't want to speak. Then you must tell some nonsense. Treat comrades, think of spring. The same warmth, you must first consider the difficulties of these soldiers. Don’t just think about how embarrassing we are..."

In response to this problem, He Zudao held another small meeting, which finally calmed down everyone's anxiety and dissatisfaction.Seeing that the political commissars had finally recovered their calm, He Zudao announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Looking at the backs of everyone, He Zudao couldn't help but think, winter is coming soon, do these soldiers who want to leave really think that they can survive this winter smoothly if they leave the organization?Such a simple truth, these people really can't figure it out?He Zudao felt very puzzled.

While thinking about this matter, Hua Xiongmao walked in with an angry face, He Zudao said with a smile: "Zhenglan, didn't you come to me because of a group of soldiers who asked to go home?"

Hua Xiongmao was startled when he heard this, he stared at He Zudao in puzzlement and asked, "How did you know that?"

He Zudao pointed to the pile of empty stools in the office, "Sit down. Let's not talk about this first, let me tell you my thoughts."

"Wen Qing, wake up!" Someone said while shaking Chen Ke's shoulder lightly a few times.The delicate stability needed to sit and fall asleep is disrupted in an instant.Chen Ke's chin slipped from the back of his hand in an instant, his head jerked down, and he woke up in an instant.Looking up with sleepy eyes, there are already many people in the room, and some people are sneaking in.It was Shang Yuan who woke Chen Ke up. He pulled his stool with a look of reason, and he had no intention of taking care of Chen Ke to rest like other comrades.Qi Huishen did not know when he had woken up, and he apologized to the other comrades with an embarrassed look, "I'm sorry, I dragged Wen Qing to talk too late yesterday, which delayed Wen Qing's rest."

Chen Ke covered his mouth, and swallowed the yawn that turned up again.Seeing that several main cadres have arrived, Chen Ke said: "This time, many new comrades have come from all corners of the country, from the north and the south. Some comrades have known each other before, and some comrades have not known each other at all. So many comrades came to Fenghuang. Tai County is all for the revolution. We must welcome these new comrades. Starting today, we must do a good job in the reception work, and arrange their work according to their respective characteristics and strengths. Let comrades who are interested in revolution able to play to their abilities.”

This is all setting the tone, Chen Ke expressed his attitude.

"So so many comrades will arrange work immediately?" Shang Yuan asked.

"Organize them first, spend half of their time in class and study, and half of their time in labor." Chen Ke said without hesitation.

This suggestion was beyond everyone's expectation, and everyone stared at Chen Ke.However, no one objected. Everyone present here had experience in labor, and the labor intensity was not low.If the newcomer is directly assigned to a leadership position, the people present will be dissatisfied.

Chen Ke didn't care about everyone's attention. He continued, "Now the revolution has reached a critical point. When we arrived in Fengtai County at the beginning of this year, the people didn't know who we were and how capable we were. Now the people have already Know who our People's Party is and how capable our People's Party is. The question now is, to put it bluntly, very simple. It is just one sentence, should the masses follow us."

When he said this, Chen Ke's expression was quite serious.Comrades have been with Chen Ke for a long time, knowing that Chen Ke has such an expression, it must be serious.Everyone is listening carefully to the specific method that Chen Ke will say next.

"Many comrades must have a question, why I haven't talked much about theory for a while. Apart from discussing how to work, everyone talks less about revolution. Now I can tell you the real reason. First, if you just talk about some big principles, everyone will definitely think things are easy. Just like those who read the Four Books and Five Classics and then went to the imperial examination, the things in the Four Books and Five Classics are unreasonable. What's the use of some long paragraphs. If you can't use reason to guide your actions, it's useless at all."

Chen Ke's words are very blunt. Most of the comrades who are working have read the Four Books and Five Classics, but everyone has no intention of objecting.After working so hard for so long and struggling to survive the flood, everyone really realized that the principles they had learned before were useless at these times.At this time, knowing how to read the Four Books and Five Classics is really not as good as being able to row a boat.

"I have talked about "On Contradiction". At any time, there are major contradictions and secondary contradictions. What is the main contradiction during the flood? The people want to live! So as long as they can survive, they will follow. Our People's Party If we can lead the people to live, the people will follow us. However, this is not a revolution. For the people, overthrowing the existing system and establishing a new system is not at the top of their list. So I don’t tell you so many revolutionary truths. It’s very simple. The more you know, the easier it is to think more. If during a flood, you can’t devote all your energy to solving current conflicts, but always think about the future when doing things. If you treat the establishment of a new system as the main contradiction, then something will happen."

Qi Hui looked deeply at Chen Ke talking to his comrades, he felt that Chen Ke was very strange now.In the past, although Chen Ke also had this kind of attitude, but at that time he was only in Shanghai, facing a small number of comrades, so although his expression was stern, his attitude was actually tolerant.Qi Hui listened deeply to Chen Ke's words now, and felt a little cold behind his back.Now Chen Ke has no tolerance in the past at all. The leader of the People's Party has undergone a seemingly essential change. A complete resolution.

Qi Huishen then turned his head to look at the other comrades. Everyone listened very carefully, and no one wanted to refute. At least from the face of it, everyone could understand what Chen Ke said.And Qi Hui asked himself deeply, he could understand what Chen Ke said now, but he couldn't fully understand it.Looking at these comrades who followed Chen Ke in Fengtai County, Qi Huishen suddenly felt a slight jealousy in his heart.The relationship between me and Chen Ke, who used to cooperate seamlessly, now has a great distance, and these comrades who followed Chen Ke much later than myself are now closer to Chen Ke.

"Now that the flood has been initially calmed down, the main contradiction in the past, the flood has also disappeared. The disappearance of one main contradiction means that other contradictions have now become the main contradiction. As far as I feel, the main contradiction now is whether to want a revolution. Contradictions. The people of Fengtai County are already able to survive, and there are many ways to survive. In our opinion, the best way is for the people to follow our People’s Party. But in the eyes of some others, if we can drive our People’s Party Going away is the best way. For the common people, it would be a good choice if the old ways are restored. I think how to go in the future is the biggest contradiction now. The interests of all parties , the ideas can even be said to run counter to each other.”

All the comrades had gloomy faces, and many comrades showed approval in their eyes after hearing this.Even the county magistrate Shangyuan, who was always very calm, couldn't help nodding slightly.

Regardless of everyone's expressions, Chen Ke continued: "At this stage, on the one hand, we have to solve the problems of the common people, but at the same time, we must strengthen our theoretical construction. We must first know what kind of new system we want to build. You need to know why such a new system was established. We don’t even know it ourselves, so how can we explain it to the people? So I ask everyone, no one is allowed to talk nonsense at this time. You can’t say whatever you want. The people Not our own comrades, they don’t understand what you said now, they will only interpret your words according to their own ideas. We don’t speak up ourselves, and there are all kinds of rumors floating around. If we say something wrong, it’s not for Are you asking for trouble? When it comes to the outside world, you can only say what you have to say, let this be the discipline of the party, and no matter who you are, you must follow it to the end."

After saying this, Chen Ke glanced at the faces of those comrades who couldn't control their mouths.These people knew why Chen Ke said this, and why they had to look at themselves.Many people blushed.

"Do you have any comments?" Chen Ke asked after scanning the crowd.

No one had any objections, so Chen Ke continued: "Then let's move on to the next part and start discussing how to implement these."

Is this a real revolution?Qi Hui couldn't help thinking.Chen Ke's aggressive attitude, this almost indisputable style, really opened his eyes.But for some reason, Qi Huishen didn't feel depressed in such a meeting. On the contrary, Chen Ke's style made Qi Huishen feel a real high spirited.

He then heard Chen Ke say: "Now that the party school has been opened, all party members and cadres have to enter the party school for training. To clarify the theoretical knowledge. Comrades from Shanghai and Beijing have come, and I have sent people to inform Comrades Chen Tianhua and Wu Xingchen .After they come back, we will hold the first National Congress of the BJP as soon as the party school training courses are over.”

Chapter 182 no_name

Chapter 182 no_name, to URL

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