Crimson Dawn

187 Prelude to Conflict

"Mr. Zhou, this is today's learning content 1.: Reading novels." The guard put a stack of documents in front of Zhou Zhentao, the commander of the 4406 division.This is a newly printed document, smelling of fresh ink1.Zhou Zhentao took the document and said to the guard, "Go out first." Seeing the back of the guard leaving, Zhou Zhentao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a lot more relaxed in his heart.

Since several incidents of conflicts between cadres and subordinates or with soldiers ordered the guards to act, but the guards refused to carry out these orders, the fact that the guards actually belonged to the "Political Security Department" was "recognized" by the cadres .In the tradition of thousands of years, Jingwei members are the confidantes of officials and should be the hardcore of these people.But my own hardcore actually "is someone else's person".This cannot make many cadres feel quite dissatisfied.The elite guards must be managed by the Political Security Department. It was a rule set by Chairman Chen Ke. At that time, Zhou Zhentao didn't think too much about it. Thinking about it now, Zhou Zhentao felt that Chen Ke had "too little trust" in his comrades.Over the past few days, Zhou Zhentao has tried his best to let the guards spend less time with him, so that he can feel better.

I opened the study content, and on the first page was a signed article titled "We Are Comrades, We Must Synchronize".This is a recent trend. The Political Department is vigorously carrying out grassroots education, and Chen Ke is also constantly writing articles to carry out ideological education in the entire party and army.

Zhou Zhentao was a comrade who followed Chen Ke at Fudan Public School in Shanghai, and was also one of the earliest party members.He knew that he was definitely not Chen Ke's opponent in writing articles and reasoning.Needless to say, Chen Ke must be asking everyone to put discipline first, work hard, and study hard.It has been almost half a month since the new year, and Chen Ke has been writing articles on this topic.Zhou Zhentao also felt a little tired. Facing the learning content in front of him, he really didn't want to read it.After closing the document, Zhou Zhentao simply leaned back on the chair and began to close his eyes to recuperate.

As a native of Shaanxi, Zhou Zhentao has always attached great importance to loyalty.In Shaanxi, if a person only speaks reason but does not show loyalty, there is no way to get along.Speaking of loyalty and morality is the foundation of Zhou Zhentao's personality.In fact, not to mention being in Shaanxi, you also need to show loyalty in the south.However, in Chen Ke's recent propaganda, he charged "speaking loyalty" with a crime called "mountainism".Forcibly linking loyalty with forming cliques cannot disappoint Zhou Zhentao. [

Comrades have made mistakes, so instead of shouldering the burden for them, we must dig deep into the roots of our thinking, and we must find out the so-called "roots of wrong thinking."Zhou Zhentao thinks this is "unreasonable", and it can even be said to be a crime.Comrades have worked so hard to become cadres. Occasionally they do something wrong, which should save some face for the comrades.Letting you admit your mistakes in front of the comrades below, how will you lead your troops and work in the future?A person lives with a face, a tree lives with a skin1.With no face, where does the prestige come from?

But Zhou Zhentao really couldn't say this out, he knew very well that he was definitely not Chen Ke's opponent in terms of reasoning.Moreover, Chen Ke never talked about fallacies, and Zhou Zhentao couldn't deal with it when he put the big truth out.What made Zhou Zhentao even more puzzled, or rather unhappy, was that while Chen Ke was engaged in education at the grassroots level, he did not relax at work at the same time.Many cadres face the rectification movement with trepidation and have to work tirelessly. This is simply treating people like animals.Thinking of this, Zhou Zhentao felt exhausted to death. As a teacher, he had to take care of the work up and down, and also had to worry about protecting others as much as possible. He suddenly felt that everything he did was worthless.What are you trying so hard for?

When he was upset, he saw a guard enter the office, "Master, Comrade Chu Shiliang is here. Did you see him?" Chu Shiliang is Chu Shifu's cousin and Zhou Zhentao's subordinate Chu De relatives and confidantes.Zhou Zhentao replied, "Let him in."

Chu Shiliang's face was obviously excited. As soon as the guards left, Chu Shiliang said happily: "Mr. Zhou, I heard some news. There is a commotion in Gu Lu's regiment."

Zhou Zhentao doesn't like Chu Shiliang, he thinks Chu Shiliang's character is quite bad.But now there are not many people who are willing to stand firmly on his side, and Zhou Zhentao has nothing to do. "What's going on?" Zhou Zhentao asked.

"Gu Lu and his regiment are doing mass supervision, and they want the soldiers in the regiment to give their opinions. I heard that many soldiers felt that Gu Lu's distribution of rewards was unfair. Opening the mnzhu meeting, I heard that many comrades want to seek justice at today's mnzhu meeting. There should be a big scene." Chu Shiliang knew that Zhou Zhentao didn't like the kind of publicity people, and he was still a little nervous when he first said the news. To be able to hold back a little bit.Because Gu Lu and Chu Deli had fierce conflicts before, Chu Shiliang hated Gu Lu very much, and said that the soldiers in Gu Lu's regiment were going to "make trouble", Chu Shiliang was already smiling when he said it.It wasn't until he saw Zhou Zhentao staring at him with disgust that Chu Shiliang couldn't easily restrain his smile.

Zhou Zhentao knew that Gu Lu had set up this "mnzhu meeting" in his regiment. The mnzhu association in the People's Party is nothing new. As early as when Chen Ke founded the "Insurance Group", there was an mnzhu association in the army. At that time, Zhou Zhentao was still a subordinate, as a party of the "mnzhu".Chen Ke and the leaders of the party committee are the ones under the supervision of comrades mnzhu.Later, due to war and construction, etc., the mnzhu society gradually faded away.When Zhou Zhentao heard this term again, he couldn't help but feel a very distant memory.

"Pretend to be positive." Zhou Zhentao said in his heart. mnzhu will consume a lot of time, as long as there is an important task, everyone will devote all their energy to preparing for the war or working, if you have a little spare time, it is better to go to bed quickly, the mnzhu meeting for ten and a half months is basically just a formality.

But this cannot be said to Chu Shiliang, Zhou Zhentao doesn't like Chu Shiliang's habit of holding chicken feathers as arrows at all.He asked coldly, "Is there anything else?"

Chu Shiliang saw that his report did not make Zhou Zhentao happy, and he didn't dare to show any look of taking credit.He quickly said: "Mr. Zhou, there is nothing else to do for now. I will report to you in time if there is any situation."

Zhou Zhentao didn't seem to be moved by Chu Shiliang's hospitality at all. He said in a stern tone: "Platoon Leader Chu, you are a platoon leader, and you have to lead a whole platoon. Now that the labor is so intense, you should be there more. Work on the construction site."

"Mr. Zhou, don't worry, the work has been arranged, and the progress will never be delayed." Chu Shiliang replied quickly.

Zhou Zhentao knew that Chu Shiliang must have arranged a good job, otherwise he would not have dared to report the situation to him.And Zhou Zhentao knew better that Chu Shiliang came to report the situation to him partly because he wanted to prove his loyalty to Zhou Zhentao, and partly because he didn't like labor.This is the so-called "little man".

As a big local family in Fengxiang, Shaanxi, Zhou Zhentao has received internal education from many families since he was a child.This kind of villain must not be reused, but this kind of villain cannot be absent.How to use it depends on the development of the current situation.

As an ordinary middle peasant from the Henan area of ​​the Dabie Mountains, Gu Lu has not received this kind of "ruling class education".It wasn't until several days after he decided to hold the "mnzhu life meeting" in the regiment that he occasionally met Chen Tianhua, director of the Political Department, and the two chatted about their recent work. Gu Lu didn't know that Chairman Chen Ke had done this kind of mnzhu in the army. Life will be 1.

Gu Lu was neither proud nor terrified because he accidentally learned from Chen Ke. He asked Chen Tianhua how Chairman Chen Ke's mnzhu life meeting was held at that time.Chen Tianhua actually didn't have much experience, so he suggested Gu Lu to ask Chai Qingguo.Chai Qingguo is very experienced in this.

After listening to Gu Lu's question, Chai Qingguo looked at Gu Lu carefully for a while before replying: "The mnzhu life meeting only talked about one thing, how to work. At that time, it was really brainstorming, and then it was gradually accepted by everyone. It has been replaced by a professional research institution. It still exists, but it’s actually just a saying.”

Gu Lu didn't expect Chai Qinghui to give a fairly complete introduction of the ins and outs of the mnzhu life meeting. He didn't think too much about it, but asked, "Will Commander Chai not object to me doing this?"

"Why object?" Chai Qingguo asked back. [

"Because I have only participated in the soldiers' committee, and have not participated in this kind of mnzhu life meeting. So I don't know if I will be opposed if I do this." Gu Lu replied frankly.

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Chai Qingguo looked at Gu Lu brightly, and after a while he said: "You are the political commissar of the regiment, and you are in charge of the political work in the regiment. Don't worry about what the higher authorities say, Chairman Chen has repeatedly emphasized one thing, we The current party organization is a bottom-up structure, not a top-down structure. There is a reason for what happened back then, Chairman Chen was too strong. He can point out the right path even if there is no meeting, so the discussion meeting became Talk about the church. At that time, our base area was small and our strength was weak. There was no current situation at all, and it was unclear whether everyone could survive. If mnzhu discussions really started, things would be delayed instead, and mnzhu life would have to be cancelled. That’s not a question of whether the mnzhu life meeting was right, the situation at the time had to be like this. You are holding the mnzhu life meeting in the group now, if someone makes irresponsible remarks, you don’t have to pay attention to them at all, just do it according to your ideas.”

Gu Lu is an extremely well-behaved person. Since the director of the political department did not object, Chai Qingguo simply expressed his support with a clear attitude, and he started the mnzhu life meeting 1 in the regiment.The meeting mainly discussed two issues. The first was to discuss with everyone how to do a better job, and the second was to discuss various problems encountered in the work that made comrades unhappy.

In the first few days, everyone didn't know what to say.What can be brought out are trivial matters, whether the attitude of the cadres is correct, and whether they are happy at work.After the party's organizational discipline was propagated to a certain level, fierce conflicts really appeared in the mnzhu life meeting.

The "Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" group was pretty well implemented, and after Lu Kaiwen was dismissed, the cadres were quite shaken, and they didn't dare to speak loudly, let alone violate discipline.When the issue of "labor and equality" was explained to the comrades, some comrades got up and asked, "The cadres are often not on the construction site, but when the rewards are distributed, the cadres get the same as the soldiers. Is this equal? "

This question immediately won the approval of quite a few comrades, and of course there is always something different.For example, at a company mnzhu life meeting that Gu Lu participated in, after this issue was brought up, some comrades said something strange, "It was said in the army education before that absolute egalitarianism is opposed. Of course, the work of cadres and soldiers cannot be equal. "

Opposition to absolute egalitarianism was proposed by Chen Ke before.At that time, the army began to talk about equality, and some soldiers thought that since they talked about fairness, they had to be completely consistent.Officers and soldiers should live equally, and commanders cannot ride horses.At that time, when the trouble was relatively large, even the stretchers had to be equal. At that time, Chen Ke once criticized this kind of thinking that "one monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink." After passing through the troops Education, this trend has finally calmed down.Comrades don't say what happened a long time ago, but they don't forget it in their hearts.

Of course, the commanders couldn't agree with this kind of accusation wholeheartedly. In addition, Gu Lu, the political commissar of the regiment, was also there, and the cadres began to explain in a bit of frustration.When they started to explain, the comrades stopped asking.The meeting resumed the previous calm situation.

Gu Lu just listened quietly at the beginning, until the mnzhu life meeting came to an end, the cadres and soldiers had nothing to say, just waiting for the meeting to end, Gu Lu got up and walked to the meeting place Zhongyng, he was less than 170 cm tall, The figure is not strong enough, but when walking silently among the comrades, there is really no sense of oppression1.

But when Gu Lu spoke, her voice was loud and crisp, as if it sounded like a bell. "I want to criticize my comrades today, not the commanders, I want to criticize our soldiers!"

The faces of the commanders are all ugly. What is the difference between criticizing the soldiers and criticizing the commander?In any case, this leadership responsibility cannot be escaped.The soldiers were not familiar with Gu Lu, the newly appointed political commissar of the regiment. Hearing Gu Lu's loud voice and clear attitude, he directly began to criticize others. No one dared to make a sound, so everyone just quietly listened to the political commissar and began to criticize everyone.

"Comrades, our organizational discipline requires everyone to speak up when they encounter dissatisfaction. This is the organizational discipline of our Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. If you are right, everyone will naturally support you. If you are wrong, everyone will support you." I will tell you where you made a mistake. This is our organizational discipline. The work is already very hard. If everyone is unhappy and doesn’t say anything, how can this work be done well? In this matter, I want to say Everyone is wrong. After I criticize you today, you don’t have to be afraid of anything. You can speak up if you have something to say. You can’t be the same as you were in today’s meeting. If you have a chance, you can complain a few words. If you don’t have a chance, you can’t say anything. Say what. What are you afraid of?"

The commanders and soldiers were stunned. Everyone never expected that Gu Lu, the political commissar of the regiment, would criticize this matter.Soldiers listen to officials, this has been the case for thousands of years.Comrades couldn't understand what Gu Lu meant for a while.

After a while, the comrade who made the strange remarks just now suddenly laughed, and said, "If I want to say it so bluntly, I am afraid that the commanders will be unhappy. If they are unhappy, I naturally cannot be happy either."

The soldiers are all from the countryside, and they are quite simple. It took a long time for many comrades to understand the meaning of these words.Some comrades waited for other comrades to laugh out loud, and asked other comrades with puzzled faces, what is so ridiculous about this.

"You don't have to be afraid of retaliation. If comrades feel that they told the truth and were retaliated against, can they raise it in public at the mnzhu life meeting? I don't know if the commanders have told everyone Clear, I believe the commanders will explain clearly to everyone in accordance with the regulations. I repeat here now, everyone has the right to participate in this mnzhu life meeting, and no one can deprive comrades of the right to participate in the mnzhu life meeting under any excuse. If someone does this, you can report it to the political commissar, and we will deal with it seriously. Do you understand?"

The comrades looked at each other in astonishment, not knowing how to answer for a moment.Gu Lu didn't wait too long, he continued to say loudly: "Today's time is up, comrades, hurry up and rest. Tomorrow's work will not be easy. When the mnzhu life meeting starts tomorrow, I hope everyone can loudly say what they want to say." Speak up. I will come to the meeting."

At the mnzhu life meeting on the second day, Gu Lu happened to be called by Chen Tianhua to discuss some work.Gu Lu, who usually doesn't like riding horses, specially found a horse, straddled the horse and rushed to Chen Tianhua's place, and explained to Chen Tianhua that she was going to attend the mnzhu life meeting.Without further ado, Chen Tianhua told Gu Lu that not only did he not talk about work for the time being, but Chen Tianhua also went to attend the mnzhu life meeting in person.

When the two appeared at the meeting place, the cadres and soldiers were already waiting there.Gu Lu could see that the cadres had a look of uneasiness in their eyes, and they even looked disappointed when they saw Gu Lu arrive on time.The soldiers' eyes were full of anxiety. Seeing that Gu Lu came to the meeting on time, great enthusiasm appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this meeting, the comrades really did not say anything unreasonable.The focus of everyone's questions is generally focused on one question, why are the cadres often invisible when working.Comrades work every day, but cadres often go away for two or three days a week.

When the cadres saw that Gu Lu had clearly supported the soldiers, they were all downcast. Some cadres explained a few words, but not only did not get the approval of the soldiers, but they were criticized even more fiercely because they stood up. [

After such a round of criticism, the cadres were all wilted.On the contrary, the soldiers were agitated and kept clamoring for the cadres to tell them what they were doing.

Chen Tianhua had really never participated in this kind of grassroots mnzhu life meeting. Seeing the serious confrontation between cadres and soldiers, it seemed like tit for tat.He just looked at Gu Lu, but didn't say anything.Chen Tianhua didn't think there was anything wrong. Chen Ke had said long ago that a small group of cadres was no match for the united masses.He really wanted to see how Gu Lu would handle this situation.

Sure enough, Gu Lu showed up.His voice was still loud, "Yesterday I criticized the soldiers, and today I want to criticize our cadres. If you have anything to fear, you can say what you have done. As far as I know, everyone must attend the meeting in the regiment headquarters. Comrade Lu Kaiwen has an accident, and everyone has a lot of meetings. There is nothing embarrassing about it. If you are afraid that comrades will know that they are not all attending the meeting, but are lazy. Then I have to tell everyone, look at the present The question raised by the comrades is short of directly asking whether the cadres are being lazy. It has reached this point, what is there to be afraid of? Tell the truth!"

Gu Lu's words caused the soldiers to burst into laughter, and the faces of the cadres were even more ugly.

"Comrades, don't laugh!" Gu Lu turned and shouted to the soldiers.As soon as the shout fell, the soldiers stopped laughing immediately.

"Comrades, I have not been in our regiment for a long time. I don't know what happened before I came, and I can't say so much. But now I ask comrades to put the things to talk about in the period after I came. Come on. Let's not turn over the old scores, just discuss the facts and seek truth from facts. Do you agree?"

"Agree!" The soldiers replied almost in unison.

Gu Lu turned her head and said to the embarrassing and shame-faced cadres: "Comrades, everyone is a man. What does it look like to answer so shyly? Now that the comrades have asked questions, should everyone raise their heads and answer questions loudly. This kind of shame does not mean that you are ashamed of doing something wrong. It is because you dare not take responsibility, which is why you are looked down upon by everyone. I heard Chairman Chen Ke hold a meeting before, and everyone talked about Chairman Chen Ke and his comrades rowing out together. Disaster relief. At that time, everyone didn’t know how to row a boat. The boat capsized when it encountered a wave. The comrades in the whole boat fell into the water. When talking about these things, Chairman Chen admitted that no one makes mistakes. Mistakes It is inevitable. Chairman Chen dares to admit what he has done, and there is nothing everyone dares to admit. If you don’t admit that you have done it, do you think you didn’t do it?”

With Gu Lu's encouragement, the mnzhu life will finally continue.

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