Crimson Dawn

190 Route divergence

Zhou Zhentao finally decided to go to the grassroots troops to attend the meeting.Before he went to attend the meeting, he was officially notified by the Military Commission, and all the troops formalized and planned the grassroots organization meeting.Grass-roots meetings are held twice a week, and the content of the meetings is linked to life and work, and we firmly oppose formalism.

Zhou Zhentao didn't care about what the party central government wanted to support and what it opposed.After being severely criticized by Chen Ke, Zhou Zhentao was somewhat disheartened about his "future".The problems you will encounter in the future are at most nothing more than being dismissed and investigated. What else is there to be afraid of?Zhou Zhentao embraced the idea of ​​being a monk for a day to hit the clock for a day, and he would implement whatever was arranged in the organization.This grassroots audit, the Military Commission asked all army commanders to go to the grassroots to "listen", not to "speak".With his mouth tight, Zhou Zhentao started the grassroots auditing work.

"Mr. X, you usually never talk about how to work."

"Mr. X, you only talk about practice, how to practice, and to what extent, you have to speak more clearly."

"Mr. X, some comrades usually work less, why is it as much as what we get?" [

X is mainly a grassroots commander, and squads, platoons, and companies are the main objects of doubt for soldiers.Of course, there are also grassroots commanders who questioned battalion and regiment level commanders at the mn zhu meeting.Because the commanders want to listen, they cannot speak.Under the one-sided situation, grassroots comrades are "arrogant", and things from the first three years to the next five years have been brought up for discussion.Zhou Zhentao was quite unhappy about this, and he was not happy at all. He also deeply felt the saying "the eyes of the masses are discerning".

The basic allowances of the troops are not too high, and the rewards after work have been very generous recently. Since merit is judged according to work performance, naturally some troops have more and some have less.Some comrades don't care much about this part of the reward, while more comrades care about this part of the reward very much.Enamel pots, soap, military rubber-soled shoes, everything is available locally.But the price of each is not low.According to the franchise order issued in the latest rewards, comrades in the army can directly purchase these daily necessities with the bonuses issued after each merit evaluation, and the purchase price is cheaper than buying them in cooperatives.For their own labor interests, the grassroots soldiers are quite dissatisfied with the commanders who cannot lead the comrades in the army to work better.

"We also work for a day, and they also work for a day. There is no reason for us to do less than them!" This sentence is the most common sentence in criticism.

After two days of listening in, Zhou Zhentao no longer cared about his "status to be punished", and couldn't help asking political commissar Yang Deshui, "I think comrades are like long-term workers now, only thinking about meritorious service and rewards. Is this a revolution? "

Yang Deshui knew what Zhou Zhentao had encountered recently, and Yang Deshui also felt a little surprised that Zhou Zhentao intervened in this problem.But as far as Yang Deshui knew, Chairman Chen Ke had no intention of sending Zhou Zhentao down. Chen Tianhua, director of the Political Department, held strong dissatisfaction with Zhou Zhentao, but he never said anything about Zhou Zhentao.Zhou Zhentao is still a member of the Standing Committee of the division's party committee. Yang Deshui could not refuse to answer Zhou Zhentao's question: "Mr. Zhou, participation in labor naturally requires labor compensation. This has nothing to do with long-term workers."

"But comrades are all looking at the reward now, will it affect the next military training?" Zhou Zhentao did not give up his sense of responsibility as a division commander.

Yang Deshui patiently explained: "To cultivate the learning concept of the troops, commanders and political commissars at all levels should not only do their own work well, but also have the responsibility to let comrades learn more knowledge and skills. The new round of commander selection It is stipulated that commanders and political commissars at all levels must teach the soldiers of the troops well. Those who do not have the approval of their comrades in this regard will probably lose the election. If they do not perform outstandingly in this regard, it is basically impossible to get the opportunity to continue to be promoted."

Zhou Zhentao didn't study the new regulations too carefully. After listening to Yang Deshui's introduction, Zhou Zhentao spoke for a while.The rectification movement is no longer an adjustment of certain unqualified cadres, and the entire system of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army has undergone profound changes.It is no longer the commander who decides everything, and the grassroots has an unprecedented right to speak.

In the latest grass-roots selection process promulgated by the Military Commission before this, the grass-roots commanders adopt a self-determined method, and the evaluation criteria are announced by the superiors, and the list of candidates and the evaluation standards are publicized.In the end, it is the public election at the grassroots level that decides the candidates.In other words, unless the superior exerts strong pressure on the grassroots, otherwise the superior will not know who will be selected in the end.

If the division commander wants to effectively control the troops, the best way is to have absolute personnel power over the commanders above the platoon level.A division can have nearly 400 troops.The number of commanders including the platoon leader is only more than 100, and if it is a company commander, there are only more than 100.Manage the more than 400 or more than 100 people well, and ensure that the more than 400 or more than 2 people are all our own people, so that we can firmly control the command of the entire division of [-] people.

The new selection system reduced the authority of division commanders in the unit to a minimum.If the division commander wants to establish absolute authority in the army, he must first overwhelm the division party committee and make the company commanders and platoons obey him absolutely.Zhou Zhentao knew that this was an absolutely impossible job, and the jng guards of commanders at all levels had to go to the Political Security Department for "one day of training" every month.If Zhou Zhentao really wanted to do this, the jng guards would probably "sell" Zhou Zhentao first.

Zhou Zhentao couldn't admire Chen Ke's "strictness under the imperial court". This system fundamentally cut off the possibility of anyone having absolute authority over the army. Even if there was, it could only be Chen Ke alone.As long as one of the commanders and political cadres is still loyal to Chen Ke and the People's Party, the individual's strong influence on the troops will be very limited.

"Could it be that Chairman Chen Ke only wants all the commanders and soldiers to be members of the army? Is this the revolutionary army that Chairman Chen Ke envisions?" After thinking about this, Zhou Zhentao had to continue following this line of thought. Think about it.Hard disks made of iron and flowing soldiers are flowing soldiers, not commanders.If the value of a commander is only reflected in the work, without the command position, is the value of the commanders themselves equal to zero?The value of revolutionary heroes lies only in the period of serving the revolution. Once they are no longer in active service, are they nothing?Zhou Zhentao finally got such a result.

While thinking intensely, Zhou Zhentao heard Yang Deshui ask: "Mr. Zhou, the selection of grass-roots commanders this time is different from the past. The troops will resume military training soon. I think the evaluation should not only take into account Labor performance also needs to take into account the upcoming military training. After all, we are an army, and we not only have to work, but more importantly, we have to fight. I think the division party committee should also start discussing this aspect.”

Zhou Zhentao didn't pay much attention to Yang Deshui's words, he replied absent-mindedly: "I see."

In the next few days, the discussions among the troops in the Huai Naval Region began to shift from soldiers speaking to commanders explaining their work to comrades.In response to the questions raised by the comrades a few days ago, the army commanders and political cadres gave xng explanations and discussed solutions with the comrades.

Following the precedent of Gu Lu's regiment, each unit has formulated a plan to be close to the grassroots, and put forward the idea of ​​​​"officials teach soldiers and soldiers to instructors".

Chen Ke lost no time in writing the article "The Feudal Power Distribution System is Never Allowed in the Revolutionary Army".The article made extensive use of the previous speech "We Are Comrades, We Must Synchronize". Chen Ke pointed out that the reason why the feudal system lags behind the times is because the feudal system itself has a strong "hierarchical solidification" idea.Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and sons of mice can make holes.In the army of the people's revolution, there is absolutely no way to allow this kind of hierarchical thinking to exist.Only one standard is allowed to measure the revolutionary army, and that is "work".All promotions or dismissals are only related to work.The Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army must make continuous progress, not rest on its laurels, let alone allow retrogression.Because this kind of complacency damages the interests of all members of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. Even if some people gain temporary benefits from it, these benefits are based on the common loss of the interests of the majority of comrades.

As soon as this article came out, Zhou Zhentao already knew that Chen Ke had made up his mind to rectify.Sure enough, the comrades who started the selection of grassroots commanders, and all middle and senior cadres who did not participate in the selection work were all studied intensively.After all, Zhou Zhentao is a teacher and an old comrade. Some old comrades told Zhou Zhentao in private despite Zhou Zhentao's "mistakes".Chen Tianhua, director of the Political Department, wants to establish Chen Ke's people's revolutionary thought as the party's thought at this study meeting.All party members must establish the people's revolutionary thought as their own. [

The old comrade-in-arms anxiously advised Zhou Zhentao, "Old Zhou, we all started the revolution with Chairman Chen. Everyone admires Chairman Chen very much. Even though Chairman Chen has strict discipline requirements, Chairman Chen has never let everyone down. Until now There are a lot of people who want to get you down. Chairman Chen has done so much for you. Just bow your head and admit your mistake. We will do whatever Chairman Chen asks us to do. We will do whatever Chairman Chen asks us to think about. Think about it. As long as you express your opinion, Chairman Chen will never do anything to you. You have kept silent until now, we just want to speak for you, and we have no way to speak."

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Zhou Zhentao looked at his old comrades-in-arms and burst out laughing, "That's right. Now we people take Chairman Chen's people's revolutionary thought as our thinking. The selection of cadres below, according to Chairman Chen's instructions, the comrades at the grassroots level select the people they agree with. Then what? Let’s shout long live, long live Chairman Chen? Then what are we? When I rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, I wanted to oppose such things. "

The old comrade-in-arms really didn't expect Zhou Zhentao to say that. He was stunned for a while, and the anxious look on his face gradually turned into annoyance, "You let me call Chairman Chen long live long live long live, I feel at ease. People call you Mr. Zhou a thousand years ago?"

"I don't want to hear people call it a thousand years old. Chairman Chen told me last time, who ruined the future of so many comrades who sacrificed? Now I think so many comrades who sacrificed will not agree with the current Fa, if we fight the world, we have to sit in the world. Even for those comrades who sacrificed, we have to sit in the world. I can’t accept being dismissed because of a trivial matter. This is for those of us who followed the revolution early in the morning Comrades are not fair."

After hearing this, the old comrade-in-arms also softened his expression.Most of the comrades dismissed this time are old comrades.Zhou Zhentao's "rescue work" is not unrecognizable.The reason why no one stood up to speak for Zhou Zhentao was simply because Chen Ke didn't want to do anything to Zhou Zhentao.

After thinking for a while, the old comrade-in-arms asked, "Old Zhou, what are you going to do?"

"Since Chairman Chen gave me this face, I can't let it go to the ground. If I don't mention this problem in this study, I won't say anything. If I raise this problem this time, I have to talk."

The old comrade-in-arms knew Zhou Zhentao's temper, so he thought for a while before he said, "It would be best if you don't talk. If you talk, I won't help you, but I will never let you bully you. Who If you dare to bring out Chairman Chen to suppress you, I will absolutely not agree."

The old comrade-in-arms said so, Zhou Zhentao simply thanked him.Zhou Zhentao was very moved by his friendship for many years. At the critical moment, there was such firm support, and Zhou Zhentao also felt that he had better not speak.After all, this is not only for myself, but also for my comrades.

The situation is the same as that disclosed by old comrades-in-arms. This time, the study of the troops did not talk about military affairs at all, but went straight to politics.Chen Ke gave a speech on "Revolutions Are Not Prioritized".As soon as the report was over, Zhou Zhentao stood up, "Chairman Chen, according to what you said, is it true that revolutions are not prioritized, and there are no heroes in the revolution?"

There were crows and sparrows in the venue, and everyone's eyes were focused on Zhou Zhentao, with surprise, anxiety, approval, disgust, and admiration.Every comrade attending the meeting did not speak, but under the same silence, they had different moods.

Chen Ke knew that someone would stand up like this, let alone a party like the People's Party that was established only six years ago. Even a party in history could not completely get rid of the idea of ​​"hero" after the victory of the revolution.Needless to say at that time, even in the 21st century, wouldn't the character Li Yunlong portrayed in "Bright Sword" be admired by many people?Although in fact it was just a matter of privately appointing police guards, people like Li Yunlong had already been purged by the party's discipline, let alone organizing battles for his wife in private.

With Zhou Zhentao standing up, Chen Ke was both gratified and regretful. With an indescribable feeling, Chen Ke replied: "Everything has a beginning and an end. The credit for the future is never judged, but the credit for the past. The past is It's over. But we don't live in the past every day, we live in the present every day, in front of the eyes, in the present. So at this moment, who do you say is the hero? We can't always live in the past."

"Comrades have accumulated so much credit, you should give it another chance, right?" Zhou Zhentao said.

"Even the dismissed comrades, as long as they can realize their mistakes, of course he has a chance. Everything has a beginning and an end, and no one will allow them to continue to participate in revolutionary work."

"Participate in revolutionary work from scratch? After so many years of hard work, just such a thing has become the most grassroots soldier? They didn't have a problem with their military post, but because of something else that violated discipline. I don't think it can I don’t see the performance of these comrades in military posts. I can’t just go to the end regardless of any mistakes. It’s not fair.”

Zhou Zhentao's words expressed the aspirations of many comrades, and some comrades have already nodded slightly in approval.It is indeed too much to go all the way to the end, and the subsequent drastic personnel adjustment at the grassroots level is beyond the imagination of comrades.Quite a few comrades are not used to the new selection system, and even have a considerable sense of resistance.

"Until now, nothing has happened. The dismissed comrades are now reorganized to study. Your view is too one-sided." Chen Ke replied.

After listening to Chen Ke's words, Zhou Zhentao had already determined that Chen Ke would absolutely not support the reinstatement of those comrade officials. At this point, Zhou Zhentao had nothing to fear. He said loudly: "Then come out after they finish their studies? Now the grassroots is The selection process is carried out, and middle and high-level cadres come here to study. After the study is completed, all positions have candidates. Even if you want to arrange the work of these comrades, where can they be arranged. Those comrades will not start from scratch, but let them have a free time? "

Sitting on the rostrum with Chen Ke, Chen Tianhua couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and said, "Comrade Zhou Zhentao, after all, you still don't accept the dismissal of these comrades who made mistakes. If you make mistakes, criticize them." A few words, where is the organizational discipline? We talk about learning from past mistakes to save the sick and save the sick, which is no different from saying nothing.”

Zhou Zhentao sneered, "I'm afraid it's not these comrades who will be rectified this time. I think it's us old guys who will be rectified this time. Chairman Chen, I think your wrists are much stronger than I thought. First stabilize us, Then replace all the people below with the ones you like, and make us empty. Then gather us together for this study. If we fail to pass the study, we should be punished. We are only so many people. You don’t need to punish us. His own police guards cleaned us up. Zhao Kuangyin had a glass of wine to release his military power, and he also knew to treat everyone to a drink. We don’t even need to drink wine here, and we have to obediently hand over power when a person pours a glass of water. "[

While lashing out at Chen Ke, Zhou Zhentao pointed to the tea mug in front of him.In this meeting, every cadre has a tea mug in front of them. Zhou Zhentao doesn't like to drink tea, and there is only white water in the tea mug.After hearing this metaphor, some comrades burst out laughing.Added a sense of humor to the dignified atmosphere in the venue.

Chen Tianhua was furious at Zhou Zhentao's words. Hearing this laughter, Chen Tianhua's hands trembled with anger.Chen Ke pressed Chen Tianhua's hand and said, "Comrade Chen Tianhua, sit down for me." If Chen Tianhua couldn't help but say something angrily, Chen Ke would find it troublesome.According to the ordinary political struggle model, Chen Ke should have let some comrades appear to preside over it, and he would control it behind the scenes.In this way, Chen Ke can guarantee his detached status, and he will not have any grudges against others.But Chen Ke knew that it was a real method of personnel struggle, and he opposed this method.This kind of struggle will definitely happen in the future, and it doesn't depend on Chen Ke's personal will at all.But Chen Ke didn't want the rectification movement he presided over to use such inferior means.

More importantly, Zhou Zhentao didn't talk nonsense, Chen Ke had thought about what he said.The most important purpose of the rectification movement in history is to establish "Mao Zedong Thought" and establish the party's organizational discipline in a very clear way.The purpose of the rectification movement is not to punish people, but to completely eliminate internal struggles within the party organization by establishing leaders and ideology.Therefore, there are many people who did not graduate from the Yan'an Party School. Many comrades waited for a long time to be assigned a job after completing all the courses.If you look at it from the perspective of personnel struggle, if you look at it from what Zhou Zhentao called "tricks", this kind of trick to deprive power can be said to be extremely clever.All comrades who do not support Mao Zedong Thought are indeed skillfully separated from the organization.Yan'an Party School is not a place where you can easily graduate with a few words of "Long live Chairman Mao".

Zhou Zhentao accurately grasped the core of this rectification movement. The establishment of the grassroots mn zhu model touched the worries of the party, government and army in violent chaos, and Chen Ke was finally able to let go of rectifying the middle and high levels.Just like the Yan'an rectification movement, no matter how much the middle and high levels of the People's Party shout "Long live Chairman Chen", they will not be able to graduate easily.

The situation Chen Ke is in now is very different from the situation Chairman Mao was in. Chen Ke has always been the leader of the People's Party, the founder of the base area, and the founder of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army.There is no one in the party who can compete with Chen Ke.But just like there were people like Zhang Guotao back then, Zhou Zhentao also stood up and expressed firm opposition.

When Chen Tianhua held down his anger and sat down, Chen Ke raised his spirits and asked seriously: "Then Comrade Zhou Zhentao, do you simply object to the treatment of some comrades this time, or do you object to the entire rectification movement? "

The comrades saw that Chen Ke was not angry in the face of unprecedented doubts, but instead controlled the situation first, and then had a one-on-one discussion. Everyone felt relieved, and their eyes turned to Zhou Zhentao.

Zhou Zhentao originally thought that he had "exposed" Chen Ke's tricks. Even if Chen Ke didn't fly into a rage, at least he hesitated.Unexpectedly, facing this kind of attack, Chen Ke not only controlled the situation very well, but also kicked the ball back to his feet.On the contrary, Zhou Zhentao found it difficult to deal with it.His outburst did have a long-term consideration, but this consideration was only for Chen Ke's actions, not a systematic and comprehensive negation of Chen Ke's thoughts.Even if there is negation, it is far from rising to the point where Zhou Zhentao's own ideological system has been constructed.As the right to speak was skillfully handed over to Zhou Zhentao by Chen Ke, Zhou Zhentao felt that he had a lot to say in his heart, but none of them could be universally recognized by the comrades present.

After provoking such a big topic, I found that I was far from capable of controlling this topic.Zhou Zhentao looked at the comrades around him with anticipation at first, but with Zhou Zhentao's silence, it slowly turned into doubt.He was anxious in his heart, and the more anxious he became, the more he couldn't find a word that could fully express his true heart.

Chen Ke, who was facing Zhou Zhentao, didn't say a word, but watched calmly as Zhou Zhentao blushed slowly, but remained silent.The venue fell into a kind of silence.

ps: I didn't want to explain at first, but this time I had to replace a few forbidden words with pinyin, so I couldn't help but say a few words.It’s not that I’m nasty, the word Maoye must be used, and compared with many pinyin alternatives, the author would rather use the word Maoye as a tribute to a great man.The author believes that in terms of age, it is also in line with the facts to use this title for the revolutionary predecessors born in the last century.

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