Crimson Dawn

Chapter 200 Architecture

"Xu Dian, who has been severely criticized by Chairman Chen, can also be a member of the Standing Committee?" After the list of the five members of the Standing Committee was released, it immediately sparked a lot of controversy.The focus of the debate was mainly on Xu Dian.

No one questioned Chen Ke's status as a member of the Standing Committee. There was some discussion about Qi Huishen and Zhang Yu's absence from the Standing Committee, but these two could often attend meetings of the Standing Committee. They don't have too strong opinions.Both Shang Yuan and Chen Tianhua served as governors, provincial party committee secretaries, and political department directors in several provinces, and no one raised any objections.The National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee led by You Gou is said to be split into the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Communications.As the nominal leader of the industry sector, no one wants to question her.However, there is always some debate about issues to express the feelings of the comrades. As a result, Xu Dian, the weakest backer, became the target of public criticism.

It stands to reason that Xu Dian's qualifications are not bad, he was a member of the Shanghai be jng two major party groups.Although Shanghai provided the backbone of manpower, the members of the be jng party group provided a very solid foundation in the revolutionary cause.One of Shangyuan and Pu Guanshui provided Fengtai County, and the other provided armaments, intelligence, and personnel. In the first Anqing battle after a thousand-mile march, Pu Guanshui made great contributions as the leader.Among the personnel in the industrial department, there are quite a few comrades from be jng.Boxer boxers from Shanghai, be jng, and Shandong and Hebei basically formed the early backbone of the People's Party.

It is not a problem for comrades from the Political and Legal Affairs Office to become members of the Standing Committee.Xu Dian used to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, but everyone still felt that Xu Dian was not qualified to be a member of the Fifth Standing Committee.If Qi Huishen was appointed as the member of the Fifth Standing Committee, this kind of dissent would naturally disappear completely.Since this was a personnel adjustment before the First Plenary Session of the Third Central Committee, it was the result of the Politburo election.Comrades who are not convinced by Xu Dian have no small opinions.It is not easy to find fault with Xu Dian's work, so Xu Dian's qualifications have been questioned.

Xu Dian himself also did not expect such a result. Originally, he thought that it was likely that Qi Huishen would be transferred from the Organization Department, and then Qi Huishen would become one of the five standing committee members.He never expected that Qi Huishen would just become a member of the seven-member meeting.Moreover, Xu Dian is now the chief prosecutor of the Supreme Procuratorate, not the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, so he was suddenly promoted to one of the five standing committee members, and it was Chen Ke's rather tough approach.Even with Chen Ke, in the vote of 25 members of the Politburo, Xu Dian narrowly passed by 14 to 11.The result of this vote is basically equivalent to "failure" in the People's Party.So Xu Dian was very stunned. [

So almost at the same time that the comrades below were puzzled, Xu Dian also approached Chen Ke, "Chairman Chen, after thinking about it, I want to make a statement to you. I will never resign from the Fifth Standing Committee in a hypocritical manner."

Chen Ke was very satisfied with Xu Dian's statement. If Xu Dian dared to "give up" a little bit, Chen Ke would immediately remove Xu Dian from the position of the Fifth Standing Committee and arrange other people.

"However, I really want to know why you chose me? In terms of seniority, job status, and even the election of comrades. There are comrades who are easier to gain the trust of comrades than me."

"Because you have made mistakes that are almost route-oriented, I chose you in the political and legal system." Chen Ke replied, "Political and legal work is a process of trial and error in a sense, and many other departments only need to complete the work. It can be done, the army wins the battle, and the industry and agriculture do a good job in production. If it is done, it means that at least the implementation is correct. However, the political and legal departments are not saying that it is enough to finish the trial and close the case. Every law must involve legal principles, legal Every trial will face a lot of pressure. Not only must there be provisions, but also a sufficient understanding of the precedents. A comrade who has made no mistakes, a comrade who is full of a sense of justice, and a comrade who has not done it for the law and The relationship between reality and politics is so difficult that comrades who are desperate for life will never be able to do this job well. Comrade Yan Fu once said something that I admire very much: the law must not be profaned. After such a long time, I think Xu Comrade Dian, you are a comrade who can uphold the dignity of the law."

Xu Dian was not moved to tears by this "gracious encounter", but he was deeply touched by Chen Ke's sentence "after such a long time".In order to prevent the judicial work of the People's Party from becoming a simple "customary law" or "rule of man", Xu Dian has worked hard in the past ten years, and has been stared at and questioned countless times.Of course, it also took a lot of people's fat and people's anointing.

So Xu Dian didn't have much reaction to being qualified as a member of the Fifth Standing Committee.Xu Dian knew how difficult the problem was before him.But he still has some concerns.

Of course Chen Ke saw Xu Dian's concerns, "Just say what you have."

"I don't know Comrade Qi Huishen's opinion." Xu Dian simply brought up his biggest concern.

"Hmph! Comrade Qi Huishen is a comrade who sticks to organizational principles, so you don't have to worry about him." Chen Ke didn't want to criticize Xu Dian either.Although it was a secret ballot, Chen Ke actually passed with several major comrades. Without the two votes of Qi Huishen and Zhang Yu, the final result would not be a 14:11 pass, but a 12:13 no. pass.

Xu Dian didn't do anything twitchy, since Chen Ke said so, he didn't have anything to ask, "I'll go back to work first."

After Xu Dian went out, Chen Ke let out a sigh of relief.Selecting Xu Dian was also a very difficult decision for Chen Ke, of course he knew how many objections he would encounter.Even though he has a lot of confidence in Xu Dian, Chen Ke is very clear that if a person has no real awareness, as long as he has a trace of pursuit and desire for false fame, he will definitely have trouble.This is the core issue of worldview, and it is also a question of comprehensive quality.Facing the enemy firmly, quite a few people can do it.Resolutely facing the incomprehension, opposition, and ridicule of comrades-in-arms is a far more difficult test than fighting the enemy desperately.Now that Xu Dian has passed the test, Chen Ke is also relieved a lot.

The reason why Chen Ke made the political and legal department represented by Xu Dian a member of the Five Standing Committee was quite realistic.Problems within the BJP have begun to emerge gradually.In a crisis-ridden period, organizations can often burst into unprecedented advanced nature.Organizations fail because they are not advanced enough to unite with the greatest possible allies.Moreover, as a revolutionist, a rebel, the feeling of being inferior is strong after all, and the intention to spontaneously stand with the working people is still very sincere.

Now that the People's Party is about to establish a government representing China, a change in mentality will follow.The original mud-legged rebels turned into founding fathers.When He Zudao and You Gou met You Gou's family, they conveyed such feelings.Not to mention that Mr. You secretly asked You Gou when Chen Ke would proclaim himself emperor and when he would ascend the throne.And what kind of high official will You Gou be able to be at that time, whether he can be crowned king.

You Gou's dislike for her two elder brothers has also greatly increased.Originally, Yougou's elder brother was ashamed to recognize Yougou as his younger sister, but now Yougou's two older brothers brag about how capable their younger sister is in their conversations with other businessmen and compradors. Youjia is already a noble relative in Shanghai.Not only You Gou provided this information, but also Lin Shenhe, who was in charge of recent work in Shanghai.

If the laws of the People's Party are implemented in Shanghai, if Brother Yougou behaves mischievously, Lin Shenhe has no reason to let them go.But You Gou is very conscious and knows that Lin Shenhe is doing the right thing.But how do some comrades who are not very conscious and have no legal awareness think about this kind of thing?Don't put your head on the waistband of your trousers to make revolution, so that your relatives can survive in the bloody storm.This was liberated, but my relatives were sentenced and even beheaded.Who really thinks it's okay to do that?

Many times, even most of the time, it is not my comrades who change, but their relatives.The reason why Xu Dian was opposed by many people is that Xu Dian was able to uphold the dignity of the judiciary and offended many people.The vast majority of comrades will agree to kill corrupt criminals in the party, government, and organizations because they have a passion for justice.Moreover, these corrupt criminals have indeed harmed the overall interests of the organization.But in conflicts between relatives of comrades and people outside the party, comrades may not necessarily agree with the judiciary.

So far, no such thing has happened, but Chen Ke firmly believes that it is only a matter of time before such a thing happens, and it cannot be avoided.Xu Dian is in the top position and is a jng bell.At least the negative votes against Xu Dian proved to some extent that the jng clock might really be effective.Chen Ke sincerely hoped that Xu Dian could shock some people, because Chen Ke was also merciless in killing those who broke the law.

After establishing the list of the five-member group, the People's Party began to prepare for the next three First Plenary Sessions.Party committees all over the country began to hold meetings, and at the same time, people's congresses began to hold elections.Even if it is a formality, the National People's Congress will vote on the main cadres.Even if you want to make adjustments, you need to wait until these main cadres are elected before they can be transferred to their positions.

At this time, external problems also began to emerge.After receiving the first batch of Chinese workers provided by the People's Party, the French side quickly made a request for China to send the second batch of Chinese workers.The ambassador to France and comrades from the Chinese Labor Management Committee said that the French are quite satisfied with the Chinese laborers.With the level of industriousness of the French, the peasants among the Chinese laborers originally thought that they would be strongly exploited in France. Everyone just believed in the high wages promised by the People's Party.As a result, after arriving at a depressed French farm, the work of Chinese farmers was highly praised by France. [

It's not just that Chinese farmers can skillfully use farm tools, but also work hard.Moreover, the French were surprised by the ability of Chinese farmers to farm machinery, even infrastructure construction and farm tool maintenance.Driving a tractor, repairing an irrigation canal, digging a well, Hua Gong can do everything.The Chinese workers dispatched by China basically participated in this kind of labor in their hometowns. While on the ship, the Chinese workers were organized to learn some simple common French, and also received training in the maintenance of iron farm tools.In 1917, when rural blacksmiths were conscripted into the army, or recruited to the French logistics department, the Chinese laborers soon regained their vitality in the areas they entered.The French side immediately asked China to provide another 30 Chinese laborers, especially clearly stating that it required the provision of farmers.

The spy agency didn't get any information about this at the beginning. When they saw hundreds of thousands of Chinese people wearing almost uniform denim clothing suddenly gathered in Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, and even Fujian, they were almost frightened to death.

"The Chinese are concentrated in various camps, taking medicine uniformly, receiving drug injections, and seem to be inoculated with vaccinia."

"The assembled Chinese are receiving military training. In addition to marching in formation and performing exercises, they also study medicine, brush their teeth, wash their faces and clothes with soap, and learn to use nail clippers to trim fingernails and toenails..."

"All Chinese people have short haircuts, and the hairstyle is very similar to the general hairstyle of the [**] team..."

"The Chinese take a bath every day..."

The spies in R-Ben almost took the risk of being caught and sent all the observed news back to R-Ben.This frightened the upper echelons of the r book. If the r book did this, it would be conscription and elementary military training.

Ben didn't dare to show his timidity completely, so he could only ask the British side very implicitly.After getting this group of Chinese people to be the next batch of Chinese laborers to be shipped to France, R Ben finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After the People's Party mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to fight against Japan, Japan began to feel jealous again.Hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers can earn a lot of money, and R originally hoped to make money by selling his labor.The British Minister in R listened to R Ben's request, and asked R Ben very coldly if he would like to send R troops to fight in Europe.

This time, the representative r was frightened, and he didn't know if it was because of the hot weather. The representative r was sweating finely on his forehead. "We can discuss this issue again."

The British ambassador to r said in a very sharp tone: "Your country has seized Germany's colonies in the Pacific Ocean, so sending troops to Europe to fight in your country is also a very necessary action? Even China has sent several One hundred thousand Chinese laborers have come to France. They are even planning to send medical personnel to France to build a rear hospital. I wonder what your country’s plans are?”

R Japan's military observers in Europe have already informed R Japan of the situation on the European battlefield. The unprecedented artillery groups in human history launched terrible shelling and bloody battles. When Japan personally wages war against other countries, it always has a kind of arrogance.However, for wars that they did not participate in, they calculated extremely shrewdly.

More than a year ago, after suffering the loss of 15 young and strong men, R's country could hardly withstand the pressure.Now the People's Party is staring at Japan, and 10,000+ squadrons [**] have been stationed on the border between China and North Korea, which makes Japan feel extremely heavy pressure.If you participate in a major battle in the European battlefield, where both sides can suffer casualties of millions of troops in a month, just one visit can really kill the Japanese army.

So no matter what excuses the UK makes, or even promises to hand over Germany's colonies in Africa to Japan, the representatives of Japan can only prevaricate, but absolutely dare not make any promises.

When the r side was discussing whether to send r laborers to France, the cabinet side only asked all the tempted guys to give up their hearts, "How many people we sent to Brazil have returned?"

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