Crimson Dawn

Chapter 209 Architecture

The appearance of more than 100 cavalry in the countryside was an extremely shocking event. The cadres in the village had been waiting at the door of Xie Mingxian's house for a long time. As village cadres, they were also obliged to participate in weddings and funerals in the village.But this is the matter of Lu Xie Mingxian, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and the village chief knows that he is nothing in front of Xie Mingxian.It's no credit for getting things done.If things don't go well, that's a big problem.

Seeing all the clan leaders in the village enter Xie Mingxian's house carelessly, the village head Xie Fusheng felt that he had to go in.In any case, it is not appropriate to shrink to the side and not show your head at this time.

Xie Fusheng had just entered the gate of Xie Mingxian's home, but he saw a comrade who looked like a clerk speaking Mandarin with a strong Hunan flavor to the people gathered at Xie Mingxian's home: "Folks, Secretary Xie is back for the funeral. Everyone understands Come on, please go back first."

The elders at the head stood still, and they took a step forward with the middle-aged people behind them and shouted: "Even if Secretary Xie doesn't want to say anything to us, we haven't seen Secretary Xie for so long, and we still want to talk to him." The secretary said a few more words."

Xie Fusheng didn't even need to see the people, but just by hearing the voices, he could tell that they were the elders of the local Xie family clan.Xie Mingxian's father, Xie Fuzheng, was not the head of the house, but a very powerful figure in the entire Xie family, and he was not very harmonious with the head of the house.Xie Mingxian was bullied back then, many reasons were not because of how annoying he was.Although Xie Mingxian is a well-known scholar in this area, it does arouse the jealousy of many people.Back then, from birth to growing up, Xie Mingxian was always a personal beast during the whole process of being in his hometown when he left home to venture outside.Don't say that he has never even done the business of beating dogs and chickens, Xie Mingxian even seldom goes out.Therefore, the identity of Xie Mingxian's mother's concubine was used by the Changfang's family as a reason to criticize Xie Mingxian. [

Judging from the current situation, this time when Xie Mingxian came back to attend the funeral, the long house changed its previous confrontation with Xie Fuzheng's family, and made it clear that it would have a relationship with Xie Mingxian.

Just as the village chief Xie Fusheng thought, the comrade clerk only listened to Xie Mingxian's command, no matter how those "folks" wanted to talk directly with Xie Mingxian, the clerk politely stopped everyone from squeezing into the house.Comrades from the army soon joined the ranks of Comrade Clerks. They first blocked these folks outside with a human wall, and then said, "Folks, please understand Secretary Xie's feelings." "Folks, go back first." While moving forward slowly, the people in the yard are pushed out.

But even though they are driving people out, comrades in the army can't use violence.And the folks had no intention of backing down at all, and the people on both sides were just so crowded and refused to retreat.After confronting each other for a while, several clan elders finally sighed and said loudly: "Ming Xian, you have been out for so many years, and you have become very powerful. We will not disturb you."

After speaking, they took the lead and left.The others followed them and left Xie's yard.The village chief didn't expect these people to walk so simply, and before he had time to dodge, he was bumped head-on by the flow of people coming out.The people who came out ignored the village chief, and just left and dispersed.

When there was no one else in the yard, the village chief raised the heel of his shoe that had been trampled off by the crowd before entering the yard.Comrade clerk immediately greeted him, "This fellow, please go back first."

Xie Fusheng said quickly: "I am the village head of our village, see if there is anything that needs my help." After speaking, Xie Fusheng pointed to the comrades who followed behind, "This is a few comrades from our village. Cadres, everyone has come to help two days ago. This time, we will come and take a look."

Liu Chunsheng, Xie Mingxian's secretary, was slightly taken aback. Xie Fusheng looked listless, and he didn't look like most village chiefs who were shrewd and capable.However, since Xie Fusheng declared himself to be a family member, he probably wasn't pretending.Liu Chunsheng hurried forward to shake hands with these village cadres and comrades one by one, "Thank you comrades for your concern. But we have learned about the recent system, and Secretary Xie did not dare to disturb the normal work of comrades when he came back this time, let alone now During the spring plowing season, everyone is busy. The funeral has disturbed you comrades, let alone affect your normal work. Thank you, thank you."

It wasn't until Liu Chunsheng sent the village cadres out that Xie Fusheng and others realized that Xie Mingxian was really seeing off guests.Of course, the village cadres dare not disturb the family affairs of the provincial party secretary.Do less and make less mistakes, when Xie Fusheng left, he felt a lot lighter in his heart.

Xie Mingxian was really not in the mood to say anything to the people outside, seeing Liu Chunsheng sent everyone away.He said to Liu Chunsheng who came back: "Chunsheng, arrange for comrades in the army to rest and eat. Close the door, I don't want to see outsiders."

Liu Chunsheng went to arrange these things, and Xie Mingxian's brother had already brought a towel and a basin of water to Xie Mingxian.Xie Mingxian just wiped his face, when he looked up to see his mother's coffin, he immediately burst into tears and let out a cry of grief.After crying for a while, Xie Mingxian felt a little better in his heart.After washing his face again, Xie Mingxian regained his basic composure.

Sitting back on the chair, Xie Mingxian asked his father, "How did my mother die?"

Xie Mingxian's father didn't answer, but raised his head to look at the coffin parked in the house, with a look of disappointment on his old face.Xie Mingxian waited for a while. Seeing that his father hadn't spoken yet, he was about to continue asking questions when he heard the door inside the room open.Turning around, Xie Mingxian saw the person he least wanted to see.

"Mother." Xie Minggu went up to meet her, and helped an elderly woman with bound feet out from the door of the inner room.

Xie Fuzheng's first wife walked a few steps and sat down in the place of the mistress in the house.She tried her best to use a mild tone and said: "Ming Xian, you are back."

Xie Mingxian subconsciously wanted to stand up, but seeing his mother's coffin, he sat firmly on the chair and said in as calm a tone as possible: "Hello, auntie, long time no see."

The atmosphere in the room immediately stiffened, Xie Fuzheng's wife's face was as cold as frost.According to the rules, Xie Mingxian had to call her mother and kowtow to her.But Xie Mingxian clearly expressed his attitude with practical actions and words.Seeing that Xie Mingxian not only didn't move, but leaned comfortably on the chair and raised his legs, Xie Fuzheng's first wife snorted angrily, got up and went back to the inner room.

When his father's wife returned to the house, Xie Mingxian put down his legs, turned around and continued to ask his father. "How did my mother die?"

As if he hadn't seen the fierce family conflict just now, Xie Fuzheng still had a disappointed look on his face, "It was a cold at first, and then a fever. Our local doctors couldn't cure it, so we sent it to the military hospital in the county. The hospital said it was an infection, The high fever persisted. Then I couldn’t sustain it.”

"Why not send it to Yueyang's hospital?" Xie Mingxian couldn't help asking.But just after he finished speaking, he also felt that what he said was really too much.It is already a very labor-intensive task for the rural areas to be sent to the military hospital in the county.Xie Fuzheng is no longer the middle-aged man Xie Mingxian was when he left home 13 years ago, and now Xie Fuzheng is already an old man.It is really unreasonable to accuse such an old man so severely. [

Xie Fuzheng didn't seem to realize his son's excesses, he still looked at the coffin in the room with a disappointed face and said nothing.

"Brother, you're wrong to say that." Xie Minggu sent his mother back to the inner room, and when he came out, he heard Xie Mingxian question Xie Fuzheng, and he couldn't help retorting, "At that time, our father and I sent Erniang to the county. The hospital. Our father also said whether to send Erniang to the hospital in Yueyang, but we are in Hubei, not Hunan. Hospital. Blame me if you want!"

Xie Mingxian almost flew into a rage when he heard this, but after all, he is a person who can be the secretary of the provincial party committee, and he has always done a lot of criticism and self-criticism.At this time, Xie Mingxian already understood that the psychology of middle-level cadres of the People's Party mentioned the five processes of grief, rejection, anger, hesitation, depression, and acceptance.At this time, Xie Mingxian was obviously in the stage of anger, and Xie Mingxian also realized that his anger at this time was not so much the anger caused by his mother's death, but rather an outburst of Xie Mingxian's long-standing accumulation of this family for many years.As an ordinary person, Xie Mingxian might be able to do this.But as a secretary of the provincial party committee, Xie Mingxian couldn't do this no matter what.

Even though he understood this truth in his heart, Xie Mingxian still felt that his heart was beating violently due to uncontrollable anger, and even his ear drums could hear the thumping sound of blood vessels congested.

At this moment, Xie Fuzheng finally took the initiative to say something, "People are gone, so don't say such useless words. Mingxian, when are you going to leave?"

Xie Mingxian was stunned by these words. He also thought about what his father would say along the way, but he didn't expect that his father didn't mention Xie Mingxian's contribution to the family at all, and turned out to be a posture of pushing people away.Since his own father is going to kick someone out, Xie Mingxian has no reason to stay at home with a stern face, not to mention that he didn't plan to stay at home for a long time.Xie Mingxian has long since lost any nostalgia for his hometown, and he only hopes that he will never see this place again in his life.

"I'll leave after my mother is buried." Xie Mingxian replied.

"Then where are you going to live these few days?" Xie Fuzheng continued to ask.

"Live with comrades in the army first." Xie Mingxian didn't have the guts to specialize, even though he was very old in the party and had his own advantages.However, Xie Mingxian knew that he did not have the talent of other comrades who were good at going up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire.Xie Mingxian's reason for joining the revolution was very simple. He was unfamiliar with the place when he arrived in Shanghai, so Chen Ke gave him a job as a book editor who could make use of what Xie Mingxian had learned.Later, I continued to follow Chen Ke because the People's Party has money to maintain the organization's operations, and everyone has wages.At first he followed Qi Huishen to engage in "underground work" in Shanghai, and later worked in the Anhui base area.There is military training before going to the battlefield, and there are arrangements and plans before the battle.Doing civil affairs work also involves analysis and investigation.In general, nothing he does is more dangerous or harder than his comrades.Xie Mingxian also experienced what comrades encountered and overcome.

Xie Mingxian thinks that all pioneering, innovative, and adaptable are not his forte.If Xie Mingxian thinks there is something unique about him, it may be that he can "steal".After realizing what Chen Ke's instructions were trying to say, Xie Mingxian distributed these instructions to the cadres of various departments, and through careful work, the implementation of the policy was basically not out of shape.And Xie Mingxian discovered that his "abilities" were nothing more than life-saving skills learned from being bullied at home.

Xie Mingxian is actually very envious of those comrades who are free and easy, very envious of those comrades who are in the front line of fierce struggle, especially envious of Chen Kezhan's style of "under control" that everything is under control.In Xie Mingxian's view, when the People's Party confronts the enemy's dagger, it can always draw a machete from behind.

And Xie Mingxian didn't even have to face the enemy, just facing an ordinary man like his father, he was already at a disadvantage every step of the way.

Xie Fuzheng didn't care what his son thought at all, since his son Xie Mingxian had clearly stated his future action plan, Xie Fuzheng got up and said: "Then come with me to visit the cemetery, that place is right next to the place I set for myself. "

Xie Mingxian walked behind his father in the fields of his hometown, and his younger brother Xie Minggu followed behind Xie Mingxian.To be honest, Xie Mingxian was very discouraged.He came this time to wait for his mother's illness to improve and take her to the hospital in Yueyang, and then transfer her to the hospital in Changsha when he has a chance. This is also a way to save the country.

However, Xie Mingxian was shocked by the shock of his mother's death, and now he is obediently following behind his father like when he was a child.This is completely different from the dominating situation that Xie Mingxian had imagined.However, Xie Mingxian's father was still not in a hurry, which made Xie Mingxian feel even more discouraged.

In terms of official positions, Xie Mingxian is now the secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and he still has more than 100 troops in his hands.Although it is impossible to wash his hometown with blood, he can turn a village like his hometown upside down if he wants to follow his own wishes.But organizational discipline firmly bound Xie Mingxian's hands and feet.And Xie Mingxian never dared to challenge the seriousness of organizational discipline.

The three stopped in front of a cemetery, which was the ancestral grave of the Xie family.Even so, the entire Xie clan is actually buried in this area.Seeing that the tomb occupied the boss's land, Xie Mingxian couldn't help asking: "Isn't there a proposal to build a spiritual pagoda?"

The People's Party has started to build cemeteries and pagodas in many areas.In particular, the pagodas do not occupy much land, and the policy of centralized burial of ashes is implemented.

After hearing Xie Mingxian's words, Xie Fuzheng just turned his head slightly to look at his son, but remained silent.This made Xie Mingxian a thought in his heart full of struggles, could it be that his father insisted on burying him?

Before Xie Mingxian could speak, Xie Minggu had already said loudly: "Brother! What's the matter with you? After you got home, you knew to fight with our own family. Yes, I know you think many people in our family are disrespectful to you and Er Niang." Okay, so my father never said a word about you never coming home. But about the burial, I have to explain to you..."

"Minggu, shut up." Xie Fuzheng said slowly.

After Xie Minggu heard his father's words, he finally stopped angrily.Xie Mingxian turned his head to look at his younger brother who was flushed with anger, feeling a little shaken in his heart.He also knew that he had really gone too far just now. In fact, even if he didn't call his father's first wife "mother", it was still proper etiquette to stand up and call "auntie".My younger brother is very sensible, even if Xie Mingxian embarrassed him in front of him, Xie Minggu didn't say a word.So it is not an ordinary thing to make Xie Minggu angry like this. [

"Ming Gu, what's going on?" Xie Mingxian asked seriously.

Xie Minggu turned his head away from looking at Xie Mingxian. After a while, he turned his head and said with considerable malice: "Didn't you say that you follow the mass line and keep in touch with the masses? You shouldn't ask me, you should ask Those masses."

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