Crimson Dawn

Chapter 215 Architecture

"As long as the Germans kill more British, French, and Americans, that will be the greatest help to us." Chen Ke originally thought that he should be justified when he said this, but it was rare, and he felt a little guilty.It's not that I feel morally guilty, but that it seems superfluous to say so.

This was indeed the case. After Chen Ke finished speaking, the members of the Politburo Standing Committee immediately showed expressions of relief.So the question goes to the next stage, how can China get the maximum benefit by implementing this choice.

"Germany can't give us anything." Chen Tianhua knew this very clearly.

"Try not to let the Allies know what we have done, whether we are setting up an external intelligence agency." Qi Huishen, who has a strong background in the People's Internal Affairs Committee, put forward a very professional point of view.

"Could it be commercial bribery?" Because of the rectification movement within the party and the Three Antis, You Gou quickly thought of a more specific method of implementation. [

"Are you conducting more private exchanges of military technology with Germany?" Shang Yuan also said with his usual steady attitude.

In short, when it comes to major events in the future, everyone has shown considerable stability.

"The key is what will Germany do next?" Of course, Chen Ke probably knew the progress of World War I.Even though the current World War I is quite different from the previous World War I, Chen Ke knew that the US Army would enter Europe to fight, and the Germans would have to fight the Americans to the death.

Germany has no other way but to attack. In fact, Germany really launched an offensive in 1918. The reputation of the Storm Commando was established at that time.After training in 1917, Chen Ke had reason to believe that the German Stormtroopers were more capable.

After discussion, the People's Party eventually rejected the plan to provide medical support to Germany.This is not because the Standing Committee does not support bloody wars, but because the BJP is completely inexperienced in how to conduct such activities.If it is profitable, you can do so.When it was profitable to provide these drug synthesis technologies to Germany, Britain and France can definitely see that the People's Party has bad intentions.At this time, it is only one step away from steadily reaping the fruits of war victory, and excessive pursuit of maximizing benefits will often backfire.

The final result of external discussions was the strategic policy of "stabilizing Europe, taking an offensive against Russia, and trying to digest the South, especially Cambodia."

The People's Party determined its own strategy, and Soviet representative Belkov was also analyzing what attitude the People's Party would take toward the world, especially what attitude and actions it would take with the newborn Soviet.Comrade Lenin repeatedly emphasized that "turning the imperialist war into a civil war" means to complete the revolution in the whole of Russia through the situation of World War I.Comrade Lenin has always been extremely opposed to nationalism.Before Berkov came to China this time, Lenin asked Berkov to carefully observe the nature of the People's Party.

Even without looking too closely, Berkov understood that the People's Party was determined to take over the ships of the Allies and join the ranks of imperialism.However, after talking with Chen Ke, Belkov did not dare to simply classify the People's Party of China into the ranks of imperialism.

The Bolshevik members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union have two views on China. The first is that the People's Party is not too powerful, and it just makes full use of the current situation to benefit itself.The second is that the People's Party was able to independently defeat Japan in Northeast China, and it is a very powerful political party.Regardless of their position on China, the Bolsheviks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union admitted that China has been devastated by foreign powers for nearly a century, and Russia is the country that has encroached on China's territory the most.It is simply unrealistic to expect China to have a good attitude towards Russia.Comrade Lenin repeatedly asked Berkov to judge whether the People's Party had strong nationalist sentiments.

After observation, Berkov found that Chen Ke, the chairman of the People's Party, had great prestige and control within the party. Chen Ke did not mention the topic of nationalism, which might have proved that Chen Ke was not interested in nationalism.However, when Berkov deliberately touched on the issue of nationalism, Chen Ke always cleverly avoided all discussions on nationalism.This cannot but make Berkov feel intimidated.

Berkov did not know the Chinese saying "a dog that bites does not bark", nor the saying "a dumb mosquito kills a man", but it is by no means impossible to avoid a person who talks about all ethnic issues A man without nationalistic sentiments.Such a conversation gave Berkov a great sense of crisis.

During the observation along the way, what Belkov saw was a China with constant motor boats on the Yangtze River, and what he saw was a China full of buildings and wide streets.It is also a China with tall chimneys everywhere along the Yangtze River.Russia is not an industrial power in Europe, and the situation in the countryside is not much stronger than that of China.Seeing an "industrialized China" completely different from the ignorant and backward China widely circulated in Europe, Berkov felt that the Bolsheviks' basic understanding of China was completely wrong.An industrialized China, with a population of more than 4 million, is by no means an opponent that can be easily dealt with.Not to mention that the leader of this opponent is someone like Chen Ke.

There is also a "Russian Consulate" in Wuhan, but that is the consulate of Tsarist Russia, not the consulate of the nascent Soviet regime, and Berkov does not want to have any dealings with those people.Should he rush back to Russia now, or continue to stay in China for basic investigation.Belkov was making a difficult judgment in his heart.In the end, Berkov decided to stay in Wuhan, the current capital of the People's Party, for a few more days to carefully observe the strength of the People's Party.He believes that even if the possibility is extremely small, it is still necessary to apply to the People's Party to visit the People's Party's factory to see what kind of industrial strength the People's Party has.

As Belkov expected, he applied the next day and got a reply on the third day.It seems that the People's Party really wants to show its strength to the representatives of the Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union.

Originally, the first stop of the discussions between the two parties was the port of Wuhan, but the People's Party temporarily changed its mind.This made Belkov very interested, and he sent other comrades to the port of Wuhan to see the situation.What on earth is the reason why the BJP doesn't want people to see their ports.That night, after visiting the People's Party's Wuhan railway system, Berkov's comrades told him, "Three warships full of soldiers are heading west to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River."

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