Crimson Dawn

238 Flying Business

On January 1921, 1, Pu Guanshui said loudly to the members of the German Secret Committee: "Members, China and Germany are far apart. If we want to make ordinary transactions between us profitable, there is only one way , to build even bigger cargo ships to trade and sail between the two countries. Of course, regarding your doubts about our shipbuilding capabilities, I also admit that your doubts are indeed correct. Now let’s not talk about battleships, we can’t even build cruisers. But this does not mean that we are content with the status quo, nor does it mean that we can only rely on imports to solve the problem."

The atmosphere of the talks has fallen into a very unpleasant situation. What the German committee members hope is to make a fortune from China. No matter how urgent the Germans’ desire for cooperation is, it will not be overnight for the Germans to get rid of their contempt for China. matter.After Pu Guanshui had had enough of the German's nonsense, he finally couldn't help standing up to show his attitude.

"We have a population of nearly 20 million in China, and as far as we can see, in the next ten years, China's population may reach ten times that of Germany. Our "government" is going to sell everything and implement compulsory education throughout the country. This means that in the future In ten years, our primary school graduates will be ten times that of Germany, and our junior high school graduates will be ten times that of Germany. In the next [-] years, our high school students and college students will also be ten times that of Germany. The longer the time, the advantages of China will also be will be bigger. Time is on China's side at this point. With such an abundance of educated manpower, it's only a matter of time before we make technological progress..."

"...We Chinese have established our own country for more than 4000 years. Our current country is a continuation of that country more than 4000 years ago, so we have never lacked patience and confidence. Now that we have embarked on the If we follow the road of national rejuvenation, this general trend can be reversed..."

"...Cooperation requires not only sincerity and mood, but also needs to move forward step by step. We admit that we are currently behind, so what we want is not a face-saving job that soars into the sky, but like a primary school student. , from the most basic courses one by one, we are not ashamed of this..."[

"...We really need large-scale warship projects, but without the transfer of a complete set of technologies, especially the transfer of various production and processing technologies, just building a few ships, I think this is precisely the most inefficient way..."

There are several more members of the secret committee in Germany than in the previous few days, and this is only the members of the committee.Word spread quickly that the Chinese were trying to buy German technology, although news that Americans were investing directly in Germany was also fast and even more attractive.But the German army has enough appeal anyway. The United States and Germany fought each other, and before Germany could win the final victory, they insisted on keeping the German army out of Paris. Compared with it, China is even more There is cooperation value.

After listening to Pu Guanshui's speech on the theme of "self-reliance and sufficient food and clothing", many Germans still feel quite uncomfortable.If China really has mastered various technologies as Pu Guanshui said, then why does China need to cooperate with Germany?Before seeing the future prospects of cooperation, many committee members fully felt the threat that China might bring.

After the adjournment of the meeting, Pu Guanshui sat in his seat a little depressed. He suddenly felt that he was really not a material for diplomacy.Diplomacy is supposed to be compromise, every effort to persuade others to change their minds.But Pu Guanshui has been in the People's Party for more than ten years, and what he has learned is to rely on himself and work hard.And this set of deeply imprinted on all of Pu Guanshui's actions and thoughts, asking him to be more polite, of course Pu Guanshui can do it.However, when faced with difficulties, Pu Guanshui's stubbornness can't help but come out.

Of course, the Germans appreciate the attitude of the squadron, and the soldiers are more straightforward.Moreover, things like "backbone" have a great positive effect on the army.Therefore, the military representatives attending the meeting talked with Pu Guanshui about the strategic conflict between China and the United Kingdom with great interest.

"We have a population of [-] million, we have a strong 'government', and our army knows how to fight for our country. The British are now afraid to use the army to attack our country. But we do lack naval power, Britain can use their superiority in the sea to threaten and encircle us.” Pu Guanshui also did not shy away from the strategic situation.Every step of China's liberation has been fought, and the negotiation is only a summary discussion of the current situation after the real war.It is not only the focus of the last war, but also the starting point of the next war.

"What we really need now is comprehensive national power. Only with such national power can we wage a full-scale war with a country like Britain." After saying this, Pu Guanshui couldn't help emphasizing, "It's a real full-scale war." .”

The representatives of the Revenge Faction of the German Army couldn't help but nodded slightly. The failure of this war was because the war was far from comprehensive.Even with many victories on land, the German navy was completely suppressed by the British. If the German ocean fleet could break through the British blockade, the outcome of this war would be completely different.

"Does the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army need instructors?" asked a former military member.

"Navy instructors who participated in the Battle of Jutland, German artillery instructors, and artillery instructors with actual command experience of artillery groups are the best. There are also many commanders of low-level, intermediate, and high-level combat commands. We are willing to invite them to China. Military exchanges." Pu Guanshui resolutely opposes the unrealistic business projects of those capitalists, and welcomes the military technology exchange proposed by the German government that is very suitable for China's situation.

Based on different positions, there are two attitudes in the committee.The capitalist group is very dissatisfied with the stinginess of the People's Party, while Pu Guanshui does not enter into it. Any project that cannot obtain technology transfer, and any large-scale project that does not help solve the immediate technical needs of the People's Party, Pu Guanshui firmly vetoes it up.

The German veterans feel that they have gained a lot, and the People's Party is willing to pay a considerable amount of remuneration to invite German veterans to exchange lectures in China.After the war, Germany's warships, artillery, and logistical equipment were looted by Britain and France, and these skilled soldiers were unemployed.If various experimental seminars and training can be carried out in China, the Chinese will pay for the German Army to conduct a post-war acting summary of the war. This is a very cost-effective thing for the German Army.

As for this process, China has learned war-related technologies from it to improve China's war level.This is not within the scope of consideration of the Germans at all.After all, the Germans have discussed this matter. Even if China has obtained the most advanced military command technology from Germany, it does not pose any threat to Germany in the current situation.The soldiers of the Chinese Army must be referring to Russia and the United Kingdom.

Pu Guanshui is very satisfied with this agreement.Of course, the Germans can see it clearly with their little ninety-nine-pointed water. Germany is equivalent to sending a small army model to China and using the squadron to carry out war replays.This is a very good learning opportunity for the Revolutionary Army of Workers and Peasants who did not have the opportunity to participate in the actual combat of World War I.

And after the agreement was completed, another news reached Pu Guanshui.The French looted a lot of artillery from Germany, but these artillery can't eat or drink, and they need money for maintenance.After discussing with China, the French sold part of the artillery to China at the price of scrap steel.Chinese personnel in France want to contact cheaper transport ships. You must know that this batch of artillery is not expensive, but the freight is more expensive than the artillery.

So Pu Guanshui immediately asked the committee whether it could provide transportation services at a preferential price, and the capitalists in the committee were finally happier.The current German transport company has no business, and this batch of business is really pie in the sky.

After many joints and many troubles, in March 1921, nearly a thousand artillery pieces of various types were finally shipped, and German military experts had already set off for China earlier.Among the unemployed German industrial and technical personnel, some who are closely related to the military also set off for China for higher salaries.

In April 1921, after half a year of tossing, Pu Guanshui finally boarded the ship back home.Seeing the European coastline gradually disappearing from sight, Pu Guanshui swore inwardly that if there was another time, he would never accept the task of coming to Europe to do these specific tasks.In the past six months, Pu Guanshui felt that he was more troubled than fighting ten battles.

The fleet was carrying artillery and parts, and it was already June when they returned to China after all the hardships.Pu Guanshui, who returned to China early, has been responsible for the comprehensive cooperation between the Chinese Army Academy and German military experts. [

When it comes to purely military work, no matter how cumbersome it is, Pu Guanshui does it without complaint.As long as he doesn't deal with those annoying foreign officials, Pu Guanshui can do anything.

However, the Chinese "government" has to deal with "nasty foreign officials".When Japan learned that France had sold a lot of cannons to China, and that the cannons had already arrived in China, the Japanese foreign ministry immediately protested strongly.

The French have long since lost their plans to invade China by relying on the army. The starting point of the Germans’ willingness to conduct comprehensive military command and technical exchanges with China is similar. The French also feel that selling cannons to China is beneficial to France and beneficial to the British. trouble.From a certain point of view, the troubles of Britain are the interests of the French, and France has no reason to reject the double interests.

After the Japanese protested, the French quickly saw more clearly that it was obviously impossible for China to have a full-scale conflict with the United Kingdom. The biggest threat to this batch of artillery was Japan.Of course, because of the existence of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, after Japan felt threatened, it was natural to pull the British to fill the scene.The pressure on the British in the Western Pacific has increased, and there is a possibility of becoming more dependent on France.No matter how you look at it, the tense situation in the Western Pacific, thousands of miles away, has no bad effect on the French.The protests against the Japanese "government" were like listening to fart.

As for China, which got the cannon, it also regards Japan's clamor.For the Revolutionary Army of Workers and Peasants, the function of these cannons is training.With the continuous improvement of electric furnace steelmaking, converter steelmaking and oxygen top blowing technology, there is also the development of high-quality iron ore in the south.Republic Steel Quality is slowly but surely advancing.Before the large-caliber artillery manufactured by the Republic itself enters the ranks, it is necessary for the Revolutionary Army of Workers and Peasants to master the use of large-caliber artillery and experience what a war with high-intensity firepower looks like.

Regarding the questions raised by the Japanese minister to the Chinese "government", the Chinese side simply replied: "The construction of the Chinese army is purely China's internal affairs, and Japan has no reason to interfere in China's internal affairs."

The characteristics of imperialist countries are "long hands and wide control". Japan has nothing to do with China, and Britain has no choice but to step forward.British Minister Sir Humphrey finally reached a negotiation with China on compensation, and China and the United Kingdom came to a summary of the old bad debts.Seven deductions and eight deductions, except for the batch of silver that Britain handed over to Yuan Shikai, China did not make any concessions at all.

As for the bonds issued by the Qing Dynasty, the Republic publicly stated that it would not recognize them at all. "You can go to the Manchu Qing 'government' to ask for it. It makes no sense to ask our People's Party for it."

On this basis, except for Japan, which has been relentlessly calling out the issue of "international treaties", other countries have also maintained the principle of "unity of great powers", and all of them have lost their minds to make money from China.

Not only that, although the Republic has not reached an agreement with other countries on issues such as concessions, but taking the opportunity of municipal construction in various cities, China has actually completed the recovery of the concessions.The Shanghai policemen also tried to "maintain a little bit of integrity", and then they were beaten up by someone who didn't know where they came from.A few "very strong" ones were beaten so badly that they couldn't take care of themselves.

Since then, foreign police officers have appeared on the streets, and they dare not resist when stones are thrown by the Chinese.Because every resistance will be beaten mercilessly.

Water and electricity cut off in areas where foreigners gather, and people take in garbage.After being fed up with the filth and stink, the foreign devils left the former concessions one after another. After selling the properties at extremely low prices, they either re-purchased legal properties in the new area and continued to do their own business, or simply Packed up and went back to Europe.

Other countries have no influence over China at all.As for the British Empire, they found that facing China was a powerful country with a population of [-] million, an army, industry, and a market.Because of these small frictions and full-scale conflicts, it is impossible to win a decisive military victory, nor to bear heavy commercial losses.Therefore, the British are very smart to "keep these old accounts in mind" in order to wait for the opportunity to settle accounts after autumn.At the same time, the British are looking to the future, and they are seeking struggle and cooperation with China on the current basis.

Therefore, when Sir Humphrey seriously raised the issue of Sino-Japanese relations to the People's Party, Chen Ke did not dare to underestimate the attitude of the British.If the British have already moved forward, but China is still clinging to the past, it will only put China at a very disadvantageous position.

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