Crimson Dawn

241 Washington Convention

"Who is an engineer? Who has an engineer's certificate! Come here!"

"Who knows how to read! Come here and sign up!"



On the "border" between China and Russia in the Far East, there is a large area of ​​temporary camps, which are simple camps built using the terrain.It is so simple that there is only a bonfire and everyone sleeps on the ground.Although the Russians defended the camp with live ammunition, the Chinese did not care.The Russians had few weapons, much less ammunition for a threatening large-scale battle.Therefore, the Chinese people looked bright, holding loudspeakers, and shouting to the Russian crowd in fluent or not fluent Russian.The Russians looked indifferently, looking at the Chinese Communists who were "recruiting soldiers" with a numb look.

The people who shouted were all wearing Chinese uniforms, some were Chinese, and some were Russians with high noses and deep eyes.Their fluent Russian speaks for itself.The Russians who were still following Kolchak even recognized that some of them were simply Russians who chose to defect to the People's Party in the western border area between Russia and Mongolia a few months ago.

"This is the last chance. After the weather cools down, the Sino-Russian border will be closed. At that time, there will be no chance to enter China for asylum." Not only open recruitment, some Russians in casual clothes began to join the Kolchak team conduct lobbying work internally.

This Russian team that fled from the Ural Mountains to the Far East after thousands of miles, at this time there were less than 50 people left.Centering on the golden train escorted by Kolchak, the team fled from west to east.The Red Army did not intend to let go of Kolchak, and Trotsky's troops pursued Kolchak desperately.If it weren't for the fact that Trotsky's troops had to take into account the border issue with China, I'm afraid Kolchak would have been destroyed long ago.

Falling behind and fleeing, Kolchak's troops dwindled.Especially when entering the border between China and Outer Mongolia, the Chinese army defended China's borders, sold some supplies to Kolchak, and recruited engineers and technicians from Kolchak's team.

At least 10,000+ Russians chose to leave the team and followed the Chinese.Most of the breakaways are families, and there are also some nobles who are not determined.Those who have no choice to leave rely on buying food and daily necessities with gold from China, and continue to struggle.

At Chita near Lake Baikal, Kolchak's troops refused to move on.As soon as the squadron had blocked the railway going east from here, they told Kolchak that the land ahead was already Chinese territory.Although the number of squadrons is not very large, the Kolchak troops who have fled for thousands of kilometers no longer have the will to fight.

After negotiating with the squadron commander Hua Xiongmao, Kolchak paid the price of 100 tons of gold and was recognized by China.Not only did they provide recognition, the Chinese even thoughtfully provided train transportation services to Kolchak's team.Those who are still loyal to Kolchak continue to follow Kolchak eastward, but some people choose to stay in Chita with a firm attitude.According to the records left by the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, these Russians wept, but refused to take a step east.Led by the bishop and others in the team, they wept and prayed in churches or other places all day long.Rather than wasting time like this, they would rather be caught and shot by the following Russian Red Army, and these people would not go any further.

The Central Military Commission ordered the Ninth Army of Outer Mongolia not to get involved in Russia's internal problems. Of course Hua Xiongmao knew how cruel class struggle was.However, everyone has a heart of compassion. Except for those who owe the blood of the people, the People's Party will never let go of the people who owe the people's blood.

Hua Xiongmao immediately ordered the troops to retreat. The Central Military Commission's order could not be resisted is certainly one of the reasons. Hua Xiongmao has been in the Central Committee for so long, and he smelled something very disturbing from the order.Before the retreat, a small group of Russians secretly handed over their children to the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, asking them to take the children away and take them to China.Hua Xiongmao agreed on his own initiative.

It didn't take long before it became clear that the CMC's order was not groundless.The cavalry of the Red Army's chasing troops drove many Russians to the new Sino-Russian border, and killed the fugitives on the spot near the new border.Survivors who fled to China recounted the merciless massacre of Russian counter-revolutionaries by the Russian Red Army in Chita.

Why is Lake Baikal red, and what is piled up like a mountain of corpses.Hua Xiongmao didn't believe these nonsense, the south bank of Lake Baikal is under the control of China, the lake water is still blue, there is no sign of turning red at all.The Russian Red Army arrested these people, and the Russian Red Army also purchased a lot of food from China.Judging from the total amount of food, it should include the basic rations of the Russian captured personnel.It is necessary to shoot some counter-revolutionaries who have committed serious crimes, but Hua Xiongmao never believes that the Russian Red Army can shoot 30 to [-] people.

From Chita to the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, the Russians crossed the Huaxiongmao Outer Mongolia Military Region and the New Northeast Military Region.When Hua Xiongmao and Mu Husan, the commander of the Northern Command of the New Northeast Military Region, met to hand over the work, the two reached a common conclusion that the People's Party did not seek to seize Kolchak's gold at all. Foresight."

Mu Husan said calmly: "This batch of gold is like a magnet, gathering Kolchak's men together. In order to protect the safety of this batch of gold, they will definitely choose to leave our territory. There is no need for us to covet Something that didn't belong to us."

Hua Xiongmao had heard of Mu Husan's name a long time ago. It is inevitable for young comrades to be eager for quick success. It is actually rare to be able to avoid the temptation of immediate interests like Mu Husan.Hua Xiongmao replied: "It's nonsense to say that you are not greedy, but being able to get out of trouble is the best thing. Kolchak's gold can just attract the firepower of other countries for us. The new frontier is so big. Thank goodness it happened."

At the end of August 1921, after Kolchak’s troops arrived in the Far East, as expected by Hua Xiongmao and Mu Husan, they bought some food and other daily necessities again, and then continued northward, looking to run to the Central Plains as soon as possible. to the north of the new borders of Russia.

The People's Party conducted its last "recruitment" among these people, and few people chose to join the People's Party.People who can run all the way from the Ural Mountains to the Western Pacific have had many opportunities to escape.Already in the Western Pacific, how could they choose to join the squadron with the banner of sickle and hammer?

"Commander, the Russians have accelerated their northward retreat." The political commissar appreciated Mu Husan's judgment very much.Before "soliciting" Kolchak's subordinates, the party committee doubted that a large number of Russians would defect to China.However, instead of defecting to the Chinese, the Russians left quickly, which saved everyone's trouble.

Mu Husan didn't want to be complacent at all. Before Yu Hua Xiongmao met, Mu Husan was very worried that the most senior soldier of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army would ask Mu Husan to try his best to get as much money as possible from Kolchak.However, an old revolution is an old revolution. After making a fortune, Hua Xiongmao's reasonable and restrained attitude really made Mu Husan completely relieved.Hua Xiongmao's first consideration is to stabilize the borders of the Republic, not the benefits and achievements that the idea of ​​gold can bring.

Compared with the inside of the pass, the Northeast is already terribly cold.After entering September, the area under the responsibility of the Northern Command of the New Northeast Military Region experienced a major cooling trend earlier than the traditional Northeast region.September's autumn tigers are raging in the customs, and the northern regions of the Republic have to start comprehensively preparing winter equipment to survive the winter that lasts for half a year.Although he didn't want to explain for the Manchus, Mu Husan somewhat understood why the Manchus gave up these areas so easily.If you want to maintain a military presence in such a place, you need a strong national power.If there are no hundreds of thousands of railway soldiers who are not involved in food production in the Northeast, they specialize in building railways.Mu Husan didn't believe that he could maintain the presence of tens of thousands of troops on such a long border line in the winter.

In such an area, maintaining the "presence" of tens of thousands of troops capable of going to war in winter is a terrible job in itself.

According to intelligence, Kolchak's destination is the region in the easternmost part of Russia from the Lena River to the Kamchatka Peninsula.Russians with rich winter experience should have only two options, either to quickly establish a winter camp here, or to enter other countries from these areas.No matter what they choose, in the winter when traffic is almost cut off, China's new Northeast Command must tighten its nerves and guard against any possible variables.

Compared with these troubles, Mu Husan felt that the gold was not worth mentioning at all.

The attitude of the two commanders of the Northern Military Region reassured the Military Commission.The Central Military Commission can't directly say that if the two commanders are full of plans to make contributions, they will carry out orders secretly and secretly plan Kolchak's gold.The Central Military Commission can only dismiss them for investigation.

The recent situation in Asia is very delicate. Except for the Republic and the regions that maintain close trade with the Republic, other countries and regions are in economic crisis.When imperialist countries encounter such problems, they always transfer their internal contradictions abroad.China must not become the target of public criticism at this time.

The United States has repeatedly asked China whether it is willing to participate in the dismantling of the Anglo-Japanese alliance with the United States.This incident has sparked a lot of controversy within the People's Party. Chen Ke is trying to use this incident to unify opinions within the party and make an overall adjustment to the future strategic planning.If the Kolchak gold, which the United States, Britain, Japan, and Soviet Russia are concerned about, is touched, the People's Party will immediately be opposed by all surrounding countries.

Chen Ke looked serious at the Politburo Standing Committee meeting, and what he said was indeed far beyond the expectations of comrades, "I personally think that maintaining the status quo has its practical significance. The Anglo-Japanese alliance certainly has a restrictive effect on China, but The Anglo-Japanese alliance is now on the defensive, and the alliance itself faces great challenges from the United States. China is also developing rapidly, and this alliance will become a noose around the neck of Britain and Japan in a few years. At this stage, the existence of this alliance is allowed to be limited. its necessity."

"Death early and rebirth early! Disbanding this alliance now and replacing it with the future Sino-US alliance, what's wrong with that?" You Gou is a more radical one.Facing the direct threat of the Japanese fleet to the important coastal cities, what Yougou most wanted to solve was the Japanese navy issue.

"It's easier to die first and harder to die later! So we have to let the Anglo-Japanese alliance die last, not let them die first." Chen Ke said.

"Why can't you trust the United States?" Shang Yuan asked. The United States did not really work hard for China's interests at the Paris Peace Conference, and Shang Yuan was quite dissatisfied with the Americans.However, the cooperative relationship between China and the United States has indeed shared a lot of pressure from China.Chen Ke expressed his firm distrust of the United States in his attitude, which had to be asked clearly by Shang Yuan.

"I can't believe the United States because of the principle of unification of great powers." Zhang Yu concluded his speech, "Once the Anglo-Japanese alliance is dismantled, a new system of unification of great powers must be established in the Pacific region. Where is the biggest conflict between the Americans and the Anglo-Japanese alliance? ? I think everyone should understand."

"The biggest contradiction in the Pacific is the navy issue." Chen Tianhua also began to express his support for Chen Ke, "Our navy can't even defend itself, let alone participate in the new Pacific system. Instead of breaking up the British and Japanese alliance, it is better to let the Anglo-Japanese alliance continue to exist, we must make full use of the contradictions of the imperialist countries.”

You Gou did not expect that no member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo would support her position, and this result surprised You Gou.She couldn't help asking: "The United States is not capable of threatening our homeland. Even if the great powers are the same, we should be able to withstand the pressure."

Chen Ke explained: "The status quo is already in our best interests. What good does it do us to rashly change the current situation? The purpose of reaching a new system among the great powers is to define the future order, and their agreement will inevitably target China. At that time China has lost its cooperative relationship with the United States, and lost its trading system with the United Kingdom in essence, which is tantamount to losing both internal and external interests. What good does this do for us?"

"The reality is that the Anglo-Japanese alliance is indeed threatening us, and there may not be a showdown between us and Japan in a short period of time. At that time, we unilaterally bear the blows from Japan and the United Kingdom, and the Americans may not be able to make trouble." You Gou also It's not that I don't have my own considerations.

Chen Ke agreed with Yougou's attitude towards the United States. He laughed and said, "Since we don't trust the Americans, we might as well keep the Anglo-Japanese alliance that the Americans are trying to dismantle. The Anglo-Japanese alliance is not only our shackles, but also the The yoke against the United States. We don't need to risk the United States becoming our enemy. Some troubles must be tolerated for a while."

Since this issue has been agreed by the vast majority of the Standing Committee, You Gou is not strongly opposed to it. Tolerating the continuation of the Anglo-Japanese alliance has become the direction of diplomacy in the near future.

Chen Ke once again discussed the issue of the unfriendly neighbor in the north, "The news came from Europe that Tukhachevsky was defeated in Warsaw. Russia's attempt to attack Western Europe failed. If there is no special change, Russia will The situation is settled, and it will not be long before Russia will define its own territory with the present borders."

"What impact does this have on us? Will Russia backtrack?" Shang Yuan was very saddened by the huge amount of money invested in the North, and it would be too regrettable if he continued to invest.

"Russia has been beaten like that, how dare it open another front in the east." Zhang Yu is very sensitive, "Will Britain and France refocus their energy on the world?"

"Yes. We have to be prepared for the UK's global redistribution." Chen Ke agreed with Zhang Yu's answer.

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