Crimson Dawn

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

At the lecture on the afternoon of September 1905, 9, Chen Ke chanted slogans in public speeches for the first time.Before that, Chen Ke had been trying to explain the revolution in a calm manner.Chen Ke doesn't like slogans. No matter how many slogans he shouts, it doesn't mean that he can solve practical problems.When Chen Ke was growing up, China entered a stage where engineers ruled the country.It's more about doing than talking.

And even looking at the history of the party, Chen Ke has always believed that the party did not rely on rhetoric, but relied on countless hard work to win.Chen Ke was able to raise the banner of the People's Party, and the reason why comrades were willing to gather around Chen Ke was not all because Chen Ke could solve problems.

After Chen Kegao chanted the slogan "Study for the Rise of China", the students who were already enthusiastic suddenly boiled over.With so many preliminary foreshadowings by Chen Ke, this slogan is so logical.

Looking at the excitement in the audience, looking at the young students applauding and cheering for themselves.With a resolute look on his face, Chen Ke raised his left hand to everyone.This action subconsciously imitates the mustache.But it aroused greater enthusiasm among the students.

But under Chen Ke's seemingly resolute appearance, the nature of science and engineering in his heart has overwhelmed the momentary excitement.Chen Ke summed up the conclusion calmly. "As a public lecture, as a revolutionary propaganda activity, shouting slogans is necessary. Just like an experiment, certain reagents are necessary."

The students who were aroused with great enthusiasm surrounded the audience, making Chen Ke unable to leave.You Gou in the audience watched everyone and asked Chen Ke to say something more.Chen Ke had no choice but to shout, "That's all for today, and I'll continue the lecture tomorrow." However, the students' demands could not be appeased.

You Gou was naturally very supportive of Chen Ke's lecture, but he had to make medicine at night, and the party's work could not be delayed.You Gou looked at his watch again.It's already 05:30 in the afternoon.

Almost at the same moment, the same dial, and the same movement.Qiu Jin also looked at the watch on his wrist.Japan entered the largest shadow on the earth earlier than China, and the sky was completely dark.

Unlike Shanghai, Japan is sunny today. Before Qiu Jin entered the tavern, he could see the bright Taibai star in the sky.Qiu Jin came to the hotel this time to have dinner with Chen Tianhua, and then Qiu Jin was going back to China.

The formation meeting of the League has entered the final stage, and the situation can be said to be good or bad.On this matter, Qiu Jin felt quite confused.

At 8:13 pm on August 2, Chinese students studying in Japan held a meeting at the Fujimi Building in Kojicho District, Tokyo to welcome Sun Yat-sen.Although it was during the summer vacation, more than 1800 people attended the meeting.Those who arrived later could not enter, and there were as many as six to seven hundred people standing on the side of the street looking up at the upstairs.Sun Yat-sen walked into the venue calmly in a clean white suit, and the crowd applauded.There has never been such a grand occasion since there was a gathering of international students in Tokyo.After Song Jiaoren's welcome speech, Sun Yat-sen gave a two-hour speech.

He said: "Now China will be rejuvenated by our 20 million people. Today we are the first to rise. From now on, we will use our strength to bring up this matter of reform. We put down our spirits and say that we want China to rejuvenate. There is absolutely no reason to be unhappy." He called for abandoning the monarchy and "choosing the most civilized political law on earth to save our China" and building China into a first-class republic in the [-]th century.The applause continued for a long time.

Qiu Jin didn't know that in history, Chen Tianhua, who was beside Sun Yat-sen, cheered Sun Yat-sen as "the representative of my 8 million people, and the hero among Chinese heroes!" What Qiu Jin knew was that Chen Tianhua disappeared after he went to Shanghai. On August 5th, Song Jiaoren in Japan received a letter from Chen Tianhua, saying that he would return to Japan in a few days, and he had something important to tell everyone.Then there is no news.

The inaugural meeting of the Tongmenghui was getting closer and closer, but Chen Tianhua never showed up, which was beyond everyone's expectation.Everyone was very worried that Chen Tianhua was arrested by the Manchu government, after all he was still wanted.Huang Xing and Chen Tianhua had an uprising together, so he was especially worried.It was Qiu Jin who persuaded Chen Tianhua to meet with Chen Ke.Although he didn't dare to tell everyone, Qiu Jin was even more worried.It was not until August 8th, four days before the establishment of the Tongmenghui, that Chen Tianhua arrived in a hurry.Although everyone complained in their mouths, they were all relieved.

Chen Tianhua came back excitedly, and Qiu Jin invited Chen Tianhua to dinner the second day after Chen Tianhua's return.Talking about Chen Tianhua's trip to Shanghai and getting along with Chen Ke during the meeting, Chen Tianhua praised Chen Ke's talent, and told Qiu Jin about Chen Ke's formation of the People's Party and Chen Ke's recent situation.Knowing that Chen Ke was doing well in Shanghai, Qiu Jin was very happy for Chen Ke.The last meal was paid by Chen Tianhua.Chen Tianhua, who has never had a lot of money, can also treat guests, which is enough for Qiu Jin to see that Chen Ke Tianhua is treated as a guest of honor at Chen Ke's place.

But the happy reunion didn't last long.

Chen Tianhua is an important figure in the establishment of the Tongmenghui. As the main cadre of the Hunan Huaxing Association, Chen Tianhua is the cadre of Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren.Two days later, Qiu Jin heard that there were many quarrels between Chen Tianhua and Song Jiaoren.The Tongmenghui was mainly held jointly by Hunan Huaxing Association and Guangdong Xingzhong Association.

However, there is no affiliation between the various political parties, so Qiu Jin learned about the conflict between Chen Tianhua and Song Jiaoren from the foreign students who lived with Chen Tianhua.It didn't take long for Qiu Jin to understand why such a conflict occurred.

On August 8, at the first meeting after the establishment of the Tongmenghui, Chen Tianhua put forward his own opinion. He hoped to establish a political party with a clear political program.This political program is not just a general program, but a complete set of political theories and a political program based on this theory.As a well-known propagandist, Chen Tianhua is the main propagandist of "Min Bao".Since he said so, everyone hopes to hear what kind of political theory Chen Tianhua is going to come up with.

Chen Tianhua "lived up to everyone's expectations" and put forward the idea of ​​"reducing rent and interest, uniting workers and peasants."Discussed the defects of private ownership of land, put forward the idea of ​​building a new industrialized China.

While Chen Tianhua was eloquently explaining his ideas, none of the participants spoke.After Chen Tianhua finished speaking, there was silence in the venue.Qiu Jin still remembered that facing such a situation, Chen Tianhua's expression changed from high spirited to confused.

Sun Zhongshang was the first to speak, and he politely expressed his objection.Sun Yat-sen believes that the most urgent task now is to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.After seizing the national power, we will be able to discuss Chen Tianhua's policies.

Hu Hanmin, a member of the Guangdong Xingzhong Association, spoke immediately, supporting Sun Yat-sen's opinion.Hu Hanmin put it more bluntly, the establishment of a new country, at least as the Huaxing Society hoped back then, the establishment of a new political power in a province is the top priority.Moreover, Hu Hanmin said bluntly that the people are not reliable.ZTE also did a lot of propaganda in Guangdong, but very few responded to the revolution.Instead of relying on the people, it is better to rely on the township party.

Faced with such opposition, Chen Tianhua was not discouraged.He emphasized that the establishment of a political party with a clear program and strict organization is what is most needed at present. Without such an organization, the revolutionary force is too weak in the face of the current Manchu Qing Dynasty.However, there are many differences in everyone's revolutionary attitudes. If we can't unify politically now and form a consensus.In the future, the unity problem of the Tongmenghui will be very serious.

Chen Tianhua's speech was still supported by some people, at least it could be seen that Huang Xing was more supportive.Sun Yat-sen's Xiaoyuan had a kind smile on his face, and he asked: "Xingtai, what kind of national salvation idea is the main political idea?"

"At least I don't think there is any need to equalize land rights." Jiang Yue, who was born in the Restoration Society, spoke in response to Sun Yat-sen's sixteen-character program of "expel the Tartars, restore China, establish the Republic of China, and equalize land rights."

The relationship between the Restoration Society and other political parties is not very good. As a representative of the Restoration Society, Qiu Jin is very clear about this.The contradictions are manifold.

In terms of political ideas, what the Restoration Society demanded was the overthrow of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but it did not oppose the imperial system.Not only that, many members of the Restoration Society publicly stated that the monarchy is better than a constitutional monarchy.In the ideal of the Restoration Society, it is hoped that a new Han Dynasty will emerge.

In terms of official affairs, the members of the Restoration Association are relatively rich, and it is easy to find financial supporters for their affairs.Therefore, they did not support the crazy promises of this group of people headed by Sun Yat-sen and the practice of throwing away a lot of money.

On the private side, the members of the Restoration Society also value their own integrity. Tao Chengzhang publicly criticized the corrupt style of prostitution and gambling of those in the Guangdong Revival Society.

The reason why the Restoration Society joined the Tongmenghui was because the Restoration Society had launched many uprisings, but they all failed.Under such circumstances, the Restoration Society hopes to connect with more contacts by joining the Tongmenghui, hoping to support each other in the uprising.Even so, there are serious differences in attitudes within the Restoration Society. Some comrades in the Restoration Society have claimed that they will never join the Tongmenghui. If the Restoration Society joins the Tongmenghui, they will launch a revolution on their own. "The Restoration Society will never cooperate with those fake foreign devils from the United States."

The so-called "fake foreign devils from the United States" refers to Sun Yat-sen.Many people in the Restoration Society had a strong dislike for Sun Yat-sen.Qiu Jin didn't even know how it happened.

After hearing this, Hu Hanmin immediately retorted, and the atmosphere of the meeting immediately became tense.Chen Tianhua was left alone, watching the quarrel of his comrades in embarrassment.

In the next few days, everyone debated endlessly about the political program of the Tongmenghui.And Chen Tianhua tried to explain his reasoning again.This time, the various factions finally gave Chen Tianhua time. Qiu Jin didn't expect that Chen Tianhua would suddenly be unable to continue speaking.On weekdays, Chen Tianhua talked eloquently about the revolution, and talked about various injustices in China, with eloquent speech and thought-provoking.But this time, Chen Tianhua's statement of political ideas was actually a little hesitant and contradictory.At the end, Chen Tianhua reluctantly put an end to it and sat down.

This statement cannot convince comrades.Not only other factions, even Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren who were also from the Huaxing Society did not support Chen Tianhua.This is not the end of the matter, Chen Tianhua is always brave to speak out, and now he started to listen more instead of talking.The alliance will let Chen Tianhua take charge of the secretarial work.Chen Tianhua actually had the intention of dodging.

These things were just trivial matters. On August 8, Qiu Jin heard that Chen Tianhua and Song Jiaoren broke up because of an argument again.The two have been working together very happily. Now that this happened, Qiu Jin was skeptical at first, but now he has to believe that the meeting with Chen Ke definitely had a great influence on Chen Tianhua.

Qiu Jin invited Chen Tianhua to dinner today, just to ask about this matter.Out of women's sensitivity, Qiu Jin didn't come out directly with Chen Tianhua, they agreed at 7 o'clock, and Qiu Jin came very early.As an important cadre of the Tongmenghui, she is also very busy.It's impossible to think about it all the time.The reason why she came earlier was that she also hoped to sort out her thoughts.It's been a long time since I saw Chen Ke, Qiu Jin wanted to think about Chen Ke's affairs.

Even now, Qiu Jin can still recall the first time she met Chen Ke.That young man in a strange costume still had that slightly uneasy and bewildered look on his face.Qiu Jin can remember it all.But it's hard to say whether Chen Ke has changed, or whether Qiu Jin didn't understand Chen Ke in the first place.

Chen Ke knows this era very well, or he knows who to cooperate with very well.Chen Ke never treats those who are worthless.The same is true for making friends with oneself, and the same is true for making friends with Xu Xilin.Of course, it would be too much to blame Chen Ke for this.The watch that Chen Ke gave to himself was extremely valuable.It’s not just Yu Gou who said that, Japanese friends also have knowledgeable goods, and they are also full of praise for this watch.Xu Xilin just brought Chen Ke to Shanghai, but Chen Ke still gave Xu Xilin 300 taels of silver.Making a revolution these days costs money, and Chen Ke did not have much money at the time.

However, Chen Ke dared to get in touch with You Gou and others. Now, even Hua Xiongmao, who had conflicts with Chen Ke at that time, was so close to Chen Ke.But Qiu Jin and Xu Xilin seemed like passers-by.After Chen Tianhua met Chen Ke, he was quite different from before.What the hell is this Chen Ke doing?

Qiu Jin decided to ask Chen Tianhua carefully, and she will return to Shanghai soon.This time Qiu Jin will not let Chen Ke go easily, she must find out what this guy is doing.

Chen Tianhua entered the tavern at 6:45.Seeing that Qiu Jin had arrived, Chen Tianhua hurried over to apologize.The proprietress of the hotel came over in a half-bow posture unique to Japan.Qiu Jin ordered a few dishes casually, and asked, "Xingtai, why did I hear that you and Mr. Song had some trouble?"

"It's nothing, it's just trivial matters." Chen Tianhua said.Qiu Jin didn't believe Chen Tianhua's words, and it could be seen from Chen Tianhua's face that this was by no means a trivial matter.The two were afraid that the argument would be quite fierce.

"Xingtai, Wenqing was introduced to you by me. If there is anything wrong, Tianhua, you can speak up."

Chen Tianhua picked up the small wine cup and drank the sake inside in one gulp.Then he said with a wry smile: "Mr. Qiu, I am very grateful to you for introducing people like Wen Qing to me. As far as the revolutionary comrades I have met, there are not many who can surpass Wen Qing."

"Which one of them can beat Wen Qing? Can Xingtai tell you?" Qiu Jin smiled narrowly and poured wine for Chen Tianhua.

It could be seen that Chen Tianhua took this joke seriously, he thought about it carefully.He didn't even speak anymore.This really frightened Qiu Jin a little.Chen Tianhua doesn't like lying, but he also doesn't like talking about people's merits.Since he kept silent, it can only be said that Chen Tianhua really hasn't found a revolutionary who can compare with Chen Ke.

Who did Chen Tianhua contact?They are all famous revolutionaries such as Song Jiaoren, Huang Xing, and even Sun Yat-sen.When Qiu Jin was hesitating whether to continue asking Chen Tianhua, Chen Tianhua spoke first. "Mr. Qiu, the revolution advocated by Wenqing and the revolution advocated by us seem to be the same, but they are completely different. What Wenqing advocates is a revolution for the common people, but not a revolution for us property owners."

Qiu Jin still remembered Chen Ke's speech at Cai Yuanpei's house, and Qiu Jin was not surprised by what Chen Tianhua said. "Wen Qing has always advocated that."

Chen Tianhua shook his head, "It's different, it's different."

"What is the difference?"

"In Wen Qing's view, the Manchus just stood in his way, that's why he wanted to destroy the Manchus. Wen Qing's revolution was to completely crush China and start over. The world will start all over again. over and over."

"Wen Qing always said that." Qiu Jin laughed.

Chen Tianhua frowned slightly, and looked at Qiu Jin with indescribable emotion, "Mr. Qiu, in Wenqing's revolution, even revolutionaries like you and me have to be crushed and started again."

I don't know if it's due to this explanation or Chen Tianhua's eyes. Just now, these words seemed to open a window in front of Qiu Jin. Qiu Jin suddenly realized that what Chen Ke didn't understand before, now It seemed to understand a lot in a moment.

"Xingtai means that Wenqing's revolution, even the revolutionaries must have a revolution in the end?"

"Exactly." Chen Tianhua drank the wine in his glass again. "I didn't agree with Wen Qing's thinking at first. But after getting along with Wen Qing for so long and writing an article with Wen Qing, now I think Wen Qing's thinking is quite reasonable."

"Oh? What a masterpiece, can I watch it?" Qiu Jin wondered.

"Mr. Qiu, Wen Qing still has the original manuscript. I only brought a copy. You can read it now, but you have to return the manuscript to me before you leave." Chen Tianhua took out a copy from his satchel while talking.

""Chinese Cultural Inheritance and the Rise of Materialism", the name is so strange."

"This content is even more incredible."

"Then I have to study it carefully." Qiu Jin smiled.

Having said that, there is no need to drink any more wine. "Mr. Qiu, I'll be leaving first." Chen Tianhua said to Qiu Jin with a smile.

There was some fatigue in this smile, but it felt full of vitality.Qiu Jin could tell that it was only Chen Tianhua's body that was tired.The disputes in the past few days did not defeat Chen Tianhua, on the contrary, Chen Tianhua seemed to get rid of the initial helplessness.It's like finding a new direction.Qiu Jin was very curious about Chen Tianhua's changes.

Young people can immerse themselves in their ideals for a long time, and burn their enthusiasm almost infinitely.For them, the future is something to look forward to.As a revolutionary propagandist, Qiu Jin knew that feeling well.But Chen Tianhua and Qiu Jin were both born in 1875. They are also 30 years old this year, and they are no longer young.

After the burst of revolutionary passion, Qiu Jin always felt powerless.No matter how beautiful the ideal world is, we must face the ruthless reality after all.As she grew older, Qiu Jin felt more and more helpless.The more you know, the more you will be afraid.Chen Tianhua suffered setbacks one after another, but he felt like letting go, so Qiu Jin was a little worried.

"Where is Xingtai going?" Qiu Jin asked with concern.

"I made an appointment to give lectures." Chen Tianhua replied.He looked at Qiu Jin's expression with a little worry, and couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Qiu, I've been lecturing Wen Qing's book to some students recently, and the students all like this book very much. After every lecture, I , you will find that many people thought they understood, but in fact they didn’t understand at all. And after every lecture, there is a feeling of enlightenment.”

"Oh, then can I go and listen too." Qiu Jin became interested.

"If Mr. Qiu doesn't dislike it, I hope Mr. Qiu can teach you more."

Classes were held in a decent house.A lot of young people had already gathered in the tatami room, and they heard their heated discussions before entering the door.When the door was opened, there were more than [-] young people sitting in several groups, discussing enthusiastically.Qiu Jin took a glance, only to see that there were people wearing kimonos and ordinary foreign student clothes.

When the young people saw Chen Tianhua coming in, they got up one after another.But stand in two rows.The row to the south should be all Japanese, there are about seven or eight of them, they bow in Japanese almost at the same time, and say hello to Chen Tianhua in non-Japanese. "Hello, Teacher Chen."

The Chinese youth on the right saw the Japanese, and said at the same time, "Mr. Chen."

When everyone straightened up, Chen Tianhua introduced: "This is Mr. Qiu Jinqiu, a revolutionary and my comrade. Mr. Chen Ke was introduced to me by Mr. Qiu."

After hearing this, the Japanese students immediately greeted Qiu Jin again with Japanese etiquette, and the Chinese students also greeted Qiu Jin one after another.Qiu Jin didn't understand why when talking about herself, she had to specifically mention the relationship between Chen Ke and herself.And the way those students looked at me was so enthusiastic.

The Japanese student in the lead asked happily, "Mr. Chen, since this Mr. Qiu is familiar with Mr. Chen Ke, is she going to give us a lecture today?"

"That's not true. Mr. Qiu just came here today. I'll try to talk about this class."

Qiu Jin didn't understand what Chen Tianhua meant. She saluted everyone and looked at them.With Chen Tianhua's usual appearance, it was hard for Qiu Jin to imagine that he could have so many supporters.More importantly, although these young people are high-spirited, they don't have the impetuous spirit of those overseas students.There is no joy and anger on everyone's face, but they have the serious attitude of pursuing knowledge.

Watching everyone sit down cross-legged, Chen Tianhua stood in front of the blackboard and wrote down a topic - "Connection and Development of the World".

"Today's class, I have no way to explain it to you. I can only try to read the text. As I said before, when Mr. Chen Ke led me to write this book, there was something I didn't understand. Mr. Ke was on the sidelines personally guiding. At that time, I felt that I understood. But now let me explain it to everyone, I can’t explain it.”

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianhua also sat down cross-legged, took out a manuscript and began to read.The atmosphere of the lecture was very good. After Chen Tianhua read a part, he would explain it according to his own ideas and discuss it with his classmates.All the Japanese students who participated in this class can speak Chinese.But it is estimated that there are more people in Nagasaki, and their Chinese accent is inexplicable, mixing various tastes from Shandong to Fujian.

Accent issues pale in comparison to the course content.This lesson is about dialectics and metaphysics in their fundamental oppositional manifestations, connections and their implications for objectivity and universality.

This kind of logic problem, just the name makes Qiu Jin dizzy.Qiu Jin can still understand every specific example, but once these examples are logically demonstrated, it is not what Qiu Jin can understand now.Not only Qiu Jin was confused, but the students were also puzzled.After Chen Tianhua talked for half an hour, he gave up.

"I'm really sorry everyone. I really can't teach this class. I'm announcing now that our class is over." Chen Tianhua said.

Seeing Chen Tianhua smashing Ke Dao, Qiu Jin felt a little worried for him.Then, the students really got into trouble.

"When is Mr. Chen going to leave for Shanghai?" asked the leader of the Japanese students.

Qiu Jin looked at Chen Tianhua, the Japanese used this blunt term, which meant to drive someone out.

"Leave in three days."

"Then I'm going to buy the ferry ticket first." The Japanese student said with a little joy, and then he turned to communicate with other students in Japanese.

"Let's go back and prepare." A Chinese student who looked like a leader said.After finishing speaking, he took out a money bag, "This is the money we paid for the boat ticket."

Chen Tianhua shook his head, and pushed the purse back in front of that classmate. "I will pay for the boat tickets for everyone. I feel really guilty for giving up your studies and returning to China with me."

"Tian Huasheng took us to meet that Mr. Chen Ke, and everyone was overjoyed to be able to attend a class under his teacher. We have learned to save the country. As long as we can save China, this study will not be in vain."

The other students nodded in agreement.

Qiu Jin looked at Chen Tianhua in astonishment. She thought that Chen Tianhua had ruined the lecture, but she didn't expect that to be the case at all.Hearing what everyone said, they actually wanted to go back to Shanghai together to find Chen Ke.Chen Tianhua never mentioned this matter, and he kept his mouth shut about such an important decision.

"Mr. Qiu, I don't blame the members of the Tongmenghui for having opinions on me. Wenqing's learning is indeed far better than mine. I thought I had already learned it, but now I understand it. I only understand a little bit. Therefore, I decided to go back to Wenqing to finish these courses first. These friends are very interested in Wenqing’s book, and I also boasted that Wenqing is running a school and a factory. You will definitely not miss it when you arrive in Shanghai. The way to support yourself. Everyone will go there with me."

Qiu Jin never thought that things would turn out like this in the end.Look at the students, especially those Japanese students.What exactly did Chen Tianhua learn from Chen Ke to make these people so interested?According to what Chen Tianhua said, Chen Ke could accept so many people and support so many people.

What did Chen Ke do in Shanghai?Qiu Jin wanted to know very much.

Chen Tianhua left on September 9th, a day earlier than Qiu Jin's return.

Chapter 32

No. 32, to URL

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