Crimson Dawn

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Now that Chen Ke decided to go north, the comrades stopped talking.The only problem is who goes north with Chen Ke.This can make everyone feel in a dilemma.

When Chen Ke went to check the progress of the school building, he happened to be in time for the meal.After they had lunch, Hua Xiongmao found Chen Ke privately, hoping to go north with him.The dormitory of the school is almost capped, the beams have been set up, and the roof tiles have begun to be covered.After lunch, everyone had to rest for a while. Taking advantage of this time, the two found a place to sit on the top floor.Hua Xiongmao looked a little anxious.It seems that he also knows that this wish may not come true.

"Zhenglan, I know your kindness, but do you think you can go with me?" Chen Ke smiled.

"Wen Qing still thinks my job here is more important?" Hua Xiongmao said.

"Of course it's very important."

"Wen Qing, when you are not in Shanghai, I always feel a little confused. I didn't feel this way when I was working with you before. I am in charge of one side..." Hua Xiongmao frowned slightly at this point, not knowing what to say .

"What are you following me for?" Chen Ke probably understood Hua Xiongmao's meaning.

"What do you do, what do I do."

"Then I want revolution, what about you?" Chen Kewen asked.

"I always feel that the revolution is not what I thought. I have thought a lot about work these days. There is always a feeling that cannot be expressed. This is completely different from the revolution I thought."

After hearing Hua Xiongmao's words, Chen Ke stood up. The dormitory building has three floors, and Chen Ke and the others are on the highest floor.No windows have been installed yet. Looking down from the position of the remaining windows, the farmlands, houses, and cities in the distance are all clearly visible.Chen Ke leaned on the window sill and didn't speak for a moment.

Not only Hua Xiongmao had doubts, but Chen Ke also had doubts.This era seems to be a pool of stagnant water. No matter how undercurrents are surging underneath, it still looks good on the surface.This is an era when large-scale civil wars have not yet begun, and the small peasant economy has not yet been bankrupted on a large scale.Social contradictions are still sharp, but generally speaking, for the people, the world is still going on according to the laws of the past.Although life is very difficult, compared with the predecessors, the current life may not be so bad.

Social change was still on paper, with fierce squabbling within the imperial court in Beijing.The uprisings of revolutionary parties in various places were like moths to a flame, and they were wiped out immediately.Didn't have any big impact.Looking at the normal scene outside, the farmers carried their loads and pushed their carts to walk in the fields, and the destination was the market in the city.Their steps were not in a hurry, and they even looked a little leisurely.In their view, life is like this, and today is just a copy of yesterday.Tomorrow is just a copy of today.

Looking at these scenes, not to mention the violent movement of revolution, just the violent changes in society that Chen Ke told everyone seemed to not exist.What can be seen is only the unchanging life day after day.Even Chen Ke himself is actually somewhat used to this kind of life.

"Zheng Lan, you should also participate more in this social survey. If you can't see social changes, you won't believe that revolution will inevitably happen." Chen Ke finally said.

"Understood." Hua Xiongmao's voice didn't have much enthusiasm. It seemed that he spent a lot of energy building the house all day long, "Anyway, no matter what I say, Wen Qing, you won't let me go."

"That's right. You haven't completed the task assigned to you by the party, how are you going? Let's pick someone up?"

"Wen Qing, you are not in Shanghai, who are you planning to hand over the party work to?" Hua Xiongmao said with a hint of depression.

"If there is any problem, the party organization will hold a meeting to discuss it. You also have the right to speak. Don't say what your comrades have opinions on you. Organizational discipline comes first. You must keep this in mind." Chen Keyu earnestly persuaded.At this time, Chen Ke really couldn't say more. Comrades had to go through this hurdle by themselves, instead of working under Chen Ke's command from beginning to end.This is also an important reason why Chen Ke must leave for a while.

After comforting Hua Xiongmao, Chen Ke returned to the workshop.He and Qi Huishen wanted to discuss social investigation.The courtyard is still very lively. In the open-air classroom built temporarily with wooden beams and thatch, a classmate is speaking Wenzhou dialect and talking about the local situation in Wenzhou in front of the blackboard.Since the social survey started, the first thing everyone did was discuss according to the region and summarize the situation in their hometown, and then they went to the podium to tell their own experiences.It was obvious that this classmate was already a little stage fright, he was hesitating in his speech, and even some words were out of line.There was actually Chen Tianhua who was listening to the class below, but he didn't say anything, while some of the other students who were listening to the class were already laughing.

"How much grain does one mu of paddy fields in Wenzhou produce? 300 catties or 500 catties?" someone asked.

"It depends on the year." The students on the stage answered very fluently this time.

"How do you divide the years?" The people below continued to ask persistently.

After hearing this, Chen Ke felt how important a good investigation method is.Such non-standard questions and answers will only be a large collection of nonsense.

Sure enough, as Chen Ke thought, the people on the stage were questioned.He couldn't help scratching his head, and began to think about how to organize his words in annoyance.

Chen Ke didn't want to listen anymore, so he entered the office.I saw Qi Huishen was writing a document, "What's going on?" Chen Ke asked.

"I have already written the part about the land survey. Wen Qing, please take a look. I find it really difficult for the other parts now. I haven't paid attention to this before. What is a society like? Let me write about society. For investigation, I can only know how to start writing these things after rereading the relevant parts of Wenqing's social analysis report written by Wenqing and the party meeting documents." Qi Huishen seemed also troubled No, he patted the books and materials piled up on the table. "Let me think for myself, and then I realize that I don't know what society looks like at all. Wen Qing, why don't you leave first, and go to Beijing after the investigation is on the right track."

Chen Ke took out a few documents that he had written all night from the drawer, "Look at these documents, and then discuss them with everyone at the party meeting. Many of my opinions are contained here."

"Wen Qing has prepared a good plan. Very good." Qi Huishen actually joked. It seems that writing the plan has really benefited him a lot.

"When I go to Beijing this time, what do you think?"

"Since you are going, what can I think? Besides, if I don't let Wenqing go, you won't go? If I can do this, I will definitely do it." Qi Huishen looked at After a while, he read the manuscript.In the manuscript are several articles on the analysis of Chinese society, which are much better than Qi Huishen's current understanding.Qi Hui watched intently, but he didn't even notice Wu Xingchen came in.

"Wen Qing, this time going north, I'll go with you." Wu Xingchen's face was still gloomy, but it made people feel that he was very serious.

For such an unexpected thing, Chen Ke found it very interesting.Wu Xingchen's joining the party can be regarded as a free ride.Chen Ke really didn't expect Wu Xingchen to volunteer to go with him.What is this brother of the gang thinking?Chen Ke was very curious.

Wu Xingchen didn't intend to let Chen Ke guess his mind, he said directly: "A few friends of mine from the north are going to make a fuss, I hope Wen Qing can help them out."

"Making trouble?" Chen Ke's eyes widened immediately.According to Wu Xingchen, his friend is planning to rebel!He really admired Wu Xingchen in his heart.Chen Ke is a revolutionary party, and friends from the north want to rebel, so the two hit it off right away.

"No problem. Brother Wu and I will go. I don't know how Brother Wu plans to introduce me to everyone?"

"If Wen Qing agrees to go, then I will go to Hebei to contact my friends. We will meet in Beijing then." Wu Xingchen said.

"You ran all the way to Hebei, so who will hand over Brother Wu's work?" Chen Ke asked.

"Now that the hospital is well-known, it doesn't matter if I let you do it or not. And I don't plan to stay in Hebei for too long. After everyone meets and chats, I will return to Shanghai." Wu Xingchen said calmly.

Now that Wu Xingchen said so, Chen Ke didn't say anything more.The two discussed clearly the address of the meeting and wrote it down on paper.Wu Xingchen stood up and said goodbye.

At the party meeting that night, Chen Ke arranged a lot of work. After discussion, Chen Tianhua was finally selected as the person who went to Beijing with him.Everyone also agreed in detail how to contact them if there is an emergency.

On October 10st, Chen Ke and Chen Tianhua boarded a ship heading north to Tianjin.When the ship slowly left the pier, Chen Ke watched from the side of the ship.It was You Gou who came to see him off, and the other comrades were extremely busy, so Chen Ke ordered everyone to work hard.So the party organization appointed You Gou to see him off.Chen Ke waved to You Gou slowly, and You Gou waved back in response.

The side of the boat was full of people, and everyone waved to the relatives and friends who were seeing off, and various blessing words kept ringing in Chen Ke's ears.But the boats on the pier and on the pier are getting farther and farther away.

No matter how worried he is about the work in Shanghai, Chen Ke knows very well that the revolution is never a one-person matter. If there are no comrades who can be trusted, the revolution is simply a big joke.Early work sets the foundation for the future, and if things go wrong, the losses can be huge.But the earlier it is, the more opportunities there are for adjustments.At this stage, the more problems are exposed, the more dangers will be avoided in future revolutions.So Chen Ke wants to entrust the work in Shanghai to everyone, because he trusts everyone, and must trust everyone.

"Do well! Comrades." Chen Ke said in a low voice.

"Everyone can do it well. Wen Qing." Chen Tianhua laughed.

Chen Tianhua standing beside him had no other acquaintances, he just waved to You Gou politely, and stood beside Chen Ke quietly.Chen Ke said to Chen Tianhua beside him: "Tianhua, go back to the cabin. I'll show you some documents."

Chen Ke had been to Tianjin in the 80s, so after disembarking in Tianjin, the surrounding environment in 1905 was surprisingly familiar.At least the road is still familiar.

According to the agreement, Chen Ke took the train to Beijing in Tianjin, and then took the Beijing-Hanzhou Line to get off in Xingtai.Take Wu Xingchen's letter to visit Pang Zi.Standing in Tianjin Port, Chen Ke's short hair, thick cotton shirt, denim trousers, frosted leather shoes, and the backpack on his back are really eye-catching.Looking at the eyes of the people around him, Chen Ke simply took out the carton of cigarettes that had been hidden for a long time, took out one and put it in his mouth, lit the cigarette with a fake zip lighter, and looked around childishly. own guys.

This kind of behavior is not very kind at first glance, and the guys with braids around turned their heads.Chen Tianhua was dressed in a school uniform back then, and his shoulder-length hair was loose.Chen Ke took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Tianhua, Chen Tianhua thought about it, and took it.With cigarettes in their mouths, the two walked a few steps proudly.Then I heard someone scolding in Tianjin dialect: "Japanese devils."

Chen Ke was discouraged at that time.Turning back to look at the person who scolded him, but no one answered Chen Ke.Chen Ke said to Chen Tianhua who was beside him: "Tianhua, have you ever seen a handsome Japanese like me?"

Chen Tianhua talked with Chen Ke about revolution and ideals along the way, and he had the impression of Chen Ke as a very stable person.Hearing Chen Ke's question suddenly, he almost choked himself. "Brother Wen Qing, I don't think you seem to have ever cared about not having braids?" Chen Tianhua asked.

"I've had short hair like this since I was a child, and I don't know what it's like to have braids." Chen Ke replied angrily.

"So that's how it is." After hearing such straightforward words, Chen Tianhua didn't say a word.

When the two arrived at Tianjin Railway Station, it was already afternoon.The tickets to Beijing at the ticket window were sold out.It was already afternoon, and it was unreliable to take other means of transportation. Chen Ke wanted to book a ticket for the next day, but was told that it was also sold out.Chen Ke left the ticket window helplessly.

"Tianhua, let's hire a livestock and go to Beijing tomorrow." Chen Ke said.

Chen Tianhua didn't care much about how to go to Beijing, anyway, he followed Chen Ke, and he arranged the way.Chen Tianhua was interested in Chen Ke's attitude, "Brother Wen Qing, why do you look so happy?"

"It's natural to be happy to visit the old place again." Chen Ke replied casually.

Chen Tianhua was a little strange, "But I don't think Brother Wen Qing is very familiar with the road."

"The last time I came here, I took a car. Who can walk without anything?" Chen Ke looked around and told the truth casually.

Chen Tianhua has seen cars before in Japan, and knows who can ride in a car.After hearing what Chen Ke said, Chen Tianhua fell silent.Chen Ke didn't care too much, just looking around for mules and horses.

I asked a few people on the way, and after seeing Chen Ke and Chen Tianhua's attire, they all said that they didn't know where there was a mule shop.This kind of words seemed to be perfunctory, which made Chen Ke very depressed.The two walked, looking around.Suddenly, Chen Ke saw a banner hanging outside the door of a cloth shop, "This store does not sell foreign goods." There are many people coming in and out of the cloth shop.

"I see." Chen Ke said to himself.

Chen Ke's voice was not high, and Chen Tianhua beside him couldn't hear him clearly. He asked, "What's wrong."

Just as I was about to answer, a gust of early autumn wind blew over, and the cool wind from the north refreshed my spirits.What Chen Ke wanted to explain turned into something else, "I know where the mules and horses are." After speaking, Chen Ke turned left and headed towards the windward direction.

After walking for a while, Chen Ke raised his head slightly to sniff the air.Such an abnormal appearance made Chen Tianhua feel that something was wrong.But it wasn't too far away, Chen Tianhua already understood what was going on.Because he also already smelled that very special smell in the air.

The two stopped in front of a courtyard, and a large signboard hung on the courtyard door, "Ride with the Wind".When you walk into the gate, you can see that the yard is very large, and a row of barn is built under the east and west walls. Just looking at the scale of the barn, it is really not small.In front of the barn, there are food troughs and water troughs.The small number of mules and horses inside are either resting, or bowing their heads to eat grass and drink water.The ground was cleaned fairly clean, and the excrement of mules and horses was piled up in a corner, and the air was filled with the smell of herbivores.Disgusting but not disgusting.

Seeing a guest coming, the boss hurried out to greet him.Seeing Chen Ke and Chen Tianhua's attire clearly, the smile on the boss's face became even more hypocritical.

"Boss, how much does it cost to rent a car to Beijing?" Chen Ke asked.

The boss in long gown looked at Chen Ke's short hair and outrageous clothes, and replied enthusiastically, "50 taels of silver."

"Why don't you go to the streets to grab money?" Chen Ke asked seriously.

"Sir," the boss replied seriously, "I'm not robbing you right now?"

Chen Ke really couldn't think of any way to deal with such an irrefutable answer from the boss.He had no choice but to say, "It's too expensive."

"The car rented to the Japanese is so expensive. If you think it's too expensive, you can find another one." The boss's face once again showed a profiteer's smile.

After hearing this, Chen Ke quickly explained: "Have you ever seen a Japanese like me who can speak Chinese so well?"

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the one behind you." The boss also explained to Chen Ke.

Hearing this, Chen Tianhua, who had been silent all this time, said, "I'm not Japanese, I'm from Hunan." Chen Tianhua's Hunan dialect was so authentic that Chen Ke couldn't understand it.

The owner of the mules and horses is also well-informed and can understand dialects from various places.After hearing Chen Tianhua's words, the boss quickly laughed and said, "I made a mistake. I'm sorry, these two guest officers. Since the two are not Japanese, then 30 taels of silver will be fine."

"30 taels is also expensive." Chen Ke felt sorry for silver.

"Mr., come and take a look." The boss led Chen Ke to the barn, pointed to groups of mules and horses and said, "Look at these animals, how many companies in Tianjin can have such tall animals? Look at our car." The boss said while pointing to the place where the big car was parked, "Such a good car, how many companies in Tianjin can have it."

After saying this, the boss said with the typical smile of a businessman: "We have such a large barn, you don't see many mules and horses, that's because all the animals are rented out. The best cars are also rented out. Come to rent Our cars are all officials from Tianjin. Although you have never been to our place before, you have really come to the right place."

Chapter 46

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