marrying a concubine

Chapter 184 Production

Abi on the cliff could see clearly, her eyes were about to burst, and she roared, "My lord!"

Feng Haitang's heart sank, and panic surged. Abi's words aroused the deepest panic in her heart. She slashed at her with a sword, slashing off half of the girl's head in white. After shooting, Feng Haitang quickly ran to the edge of the cliff, his eyes turned red, his pale lips trembled, "Susu..."

I saw Susu was hanging on the cliff, half of her body was suspended in the air, her body was at a 45-degree angle to the cliff, the branches were about to break, and she was slowly leaving. It was very dangerous, as if she would fall to the cliff if she moved. Her heart was sweating, and even if she went down for a full 20 meters, her internal strength would not be enough to lift her up. She didn't see Nan Jin's figure, so she knew that something was wrong, and she could only care about Susu at the moment.

"Susu, hold on, aunt will rescue you immediately!" Feng Haitang yelled towards Liusu, Xuanbei's internal strength is the highest here, but he couldn't save Susu, Feng Haitang turned around and shouted: "Xuanbei, hurry up!" Get rid of them, Susu can't hold on!"

Tassel's wrist was torn bloody by the gold thread, she held on tightly, her voice was hoarse, her eyes were blood red, she could no longer cry out, the pain couldn't overcome the heartache, the colic made her suffocate her soul, trembling, Tassel was in pain twitching all over...


"Nan... Nan Jin..." She locked her eyes at the bottom of the cliff, staring at her blood-red eyes, as if she wanted to see Nan Jin's noble face in the vast expanse of whiteness.

Enchanting blood dripped drop by drop along the wrist, enchanting and gorgeous, like hell's manjusawa, scorching its flowers.Slowly flowing down the arm, the sudden and deep pain and despair caught Tassel by surprise, and only felt a sweet smell of rust condensed and dispersed in her throat.

Her hair was sharp, tears were crisscrossed, bloodstained, and she was very embarrassed.

Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was distorted, her whole body was twitching, and she was in despair.

Never before has she realized so clearly that Nan Jin's position in her heart has long been deeply rooted in her heart.This relationship was planted as early as the first meeting, the first meeting, the second meeting, the third meeting, each time, more clearly entered the heart, these months together day and night, Pampered and cared for, she has long been unable to resist, has long fallen in love with him deeply, but is used to being with him, accustomed to being cared for, she thinks this kind of liking is family affection, she thinks this kind of palpitation is shyness, but...why do you look at him? If he let go, he would feel the tearing pain that would be worse than death.

She even would rather exchange her own life for his. She loved her so deeply, but she didn't have time to tell him.

Life and death, he left the chance of life to her, who can teach her how to get rid of the idea of ​​wanting to go with him.

I want to let go of my hand!

So be it……

Accompanied by life and death.

Live in the same fur, die in the same cave.

"Give birth to a child, live well, and help me guard Fengjiabao!" Nan Jin's words were still ringing in her ears, and Tassel suddenly felt a tearing pain. Nan Jin even deprived her of the right to die.

The colic in the lower abdomen reminded her that the child was about to be born, and it was bound to be premature, and she still had to take care of her little life.

On the cliff, Xuanbei Xiaocui and the others finally put down all the white-clothed girls, stabbing the fake young palace master to death with a sword like jade. Three blasts were shot at Gong Xuemei's three acupoints, extremely precise, and restrained her all at once, Gong Xuemei was stunned, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Everyone rushed to the edge of the cliff, their eyes tearing open. They didn't see Nan Jin, Xiaocui and Xuanbei immediately knew what was going on, and their faces turned pale.

"Palace Master, I beg you to save Liusu!" Xiaocui had already gone to the rope, Ruyu grabbed Gong Xuening for help, Gong Xuening frowned, as if frightened, she quickly rushed towards Liusu...

"Ah..." The pain made Liusu's nerves tense, his body and mind were exhausted, he just wanted to follow Nan Jin, "Nan Jin... I'm sorry..."

She couldn't hold it anymore, the violent struggle finally tore off the branch, Liusu's body was like a broken doll, falling rapidly, she slowly closed her eyes, that's fine...

Nan Jin, wait a minute, I will accompany you!

She unexpectedly discovered that her mood was so peaceful and serene, there was no sorrow and fear of death, only the tranquility of liberation.

Suddenly her body tightened, and a sigh came from her ears. Liusu opened her eyes and saw a pair of quiet eyes. Gong Xuening hugged her and sighed, "Poor child..."

She stepped a little bit, and rushed up the cliff, because she was too high, her strength was inevitably insufficient, she fell down a few times to use her strength, and quickly climbed to the top of the cliff, and when she came down, Feng Haitang and Xiaocui immediately took her up, "Susu ..."

The labor pains made Liusu sweat all over his body, "Aunt... poof..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the blood in his throat immediately overflowed, spreading enchantingly, and his whole body was miserable.There was severe pain in her lower body, and she twitched all over, "Ah... aunt... it hurts..."

She no longer knew whether it was heartache or body pain, Gong Xuening said calmly: "She is going to give birth, and the situation is not very good. If Miss Feng trusts me, take her to the Ghost Palace, and I will deliver her."

"Thank you!" Feng Haitang hurriedly said, and asked Xuanbei to hug the tassels and hurried down the cliff top. She turned around and looked under the cliff, her heart sank, it was so deep... There are no birds and animals here, and it is dangerous to go down, Nan Jin...

Feng Haitang closed her eyes in pain, and opened them again to cover up the pain in her eyes, "Xiaocui, send a distress signal and ask Xuanwu to lead people to search at the bottom of the cliff... If you are alive, you want to see people, if you die, you want to see corpses!"

Xiao Cui's eyes were reddish, she nodded heavily, "Miss...Young Master, I'm afraid..."

"Go and send the signal!" Feng Haitang yelled, Xiaocui immediately took the order, and Feng Haitang also went down the cliff.

Tassel's dystocia, the situation is very bad...

Ruyu and Haitang suppressed Liusu's struggling hands in the room. They had already ordered the maid of Ghost Palace to boil hot water and brought it in. Gong Xuening used silver needles to prick the acupuncture points on Liusu's wrist to relieve her pain. , but she was still moaning in pain, and her voice that had been hoarse for a long time made a low sobbing sound, broken and desolate...

"Nan Jin..." There was another burst of pain, and Liu Su called Nan Jin's name over and over again.

It seemed that only by calling Nan Jin would it not be so painful.

"Susu..." Ruyu cleverly called her Susu, and kept talking to her, letting her endure the labor pains. Haitang even wiped her sweat with distress. Stained red with blood, enchanting and desolate, so is the arm, which looks pitiful and distressing.

Another wave of labor pains passed, Liusu was tossed so weakly, Haitang said distressedly: "Susu, bear with it, don't be afraid...Nan Jin will come back!"

"Auntie..." Liusu's voice was weak and hoarse, her eyes were hazy with tears, and there was a broken sadness in her voice, "I want Nan Jin..."

"Okay, Nan Jin will be fine, Xuan Wu went down to look for it, and will find Nan Jin..."

Haitang comforted, but Ruyu didn't want to break Tassel's hope, she pursed her lips and said nothing, her eyes were full of sympathy, the cold water cliff was bottomless, and everything disappeared, falling from such a high place, it must be bad luck, judging by Tassel's appearance, it seems I love Feng Nanjin very much...

"Palace Master, when is the birth? She has been in pain for two hours, how long will it take?" Ruyu changed the subject...

Gong Xuening's face was serious, "The child's head is up, it's a dystocia, you have to be mentally prepared!"

She slapped her palm on Tassel's round belly to get luck, the fetal position is not correct, although her body has been carefully adjusted, if the delivery is normal, there is a [-]% certainty that the delivery will be safe. When she took the pulse, she found that Nan Jin had long since discovered that the fetal position was still wrong, and was slowly adjusting the fetal position. Unfortunately, before time was too late, she was held hostage by Gong Xuemei, her fetus moved, and she gave birth early. Now she hastily adjusted the fetal position. It will certainly do great damage to the mother.

She doesn't have much confidence!

"Then what should we do? Will Susu be in danger?" Feng Haitang and Ruyu asked in unison, firstly concerned about Liusu's safety.

Gong Xuening stared, "If you can only keep one, I hope you make a decision quickly!"

The faint voice was like thunder on the ground, which caught them off guard. Feng Haitang pondered for a moment and said, "Susu can't be bothered!"

"No... I want a child..." Liusu said weakly, the girl's face was pale, her lips turned pale, but she was very firm, she wanted a child!


"I want a child..." Tassel repeated, followed by another burst of severe pain, "Ah..."

"The amniotic fluid is broken..." Gong Xuening exclaimed, it was too fast, she hastily pierced the acupuncture point on the sole of her foot with a silver needle, now she can only forcefully correct the fetal position, otherwise the baby will suffocate to death, the method is too dangerous, Gong Xue Ning had no choice but to let Ruyu slowly input internal energy into Liusu's body to protect her heart.

There was a severe pain in the abdomen, and Liusu screamed, "Ah..."

Gong Xuening lit the incense, and with luck, slowly adjusted the fetal position on her abdomen, Tassel's whole body was convulsed and painful, and her clothes were heavy with sweat.

The shrill cry made Feng Haitang panic, she looked at Gong Xuening beggingly, "Senior Gong, please do your best, please!"

Gong Xuening nodded heavily, "Madam Feng, don't faint, hold on..."


"Susu, be strong, you must make it through, when you give birth, Nan Jin will come back, hold on, let Nan Jin see the strong Susu..." Feng Haitang wiped her sweat, feeling extremely distressed .

Liusu nodded weakly, Nan Jin... thinking of Nan Jin, it seems... it hurts even more...

When the people outside heard her shrill cry, they couldn't bear to frown, and walked back and forth anxiously.

Tassel burst into cold sweat, wet hair, sticking to her cheeks wetly, her complexion was pale, she held Feng Haitang's hand tightly, until Feng Haitang's hand was bruised, and crystal tears dripped from the corners of her eyes.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, the sky is full of sunset clouds, the sky is full of sadness, and the mountain is shrouded in mist, and it is peaceful and calm.

Time seems to pass very slowly, and everyone's heartstrings are stretched tightly, like a full bow, and there is a danger of breaking if you pull it any longer.

After the sunset completely sinks into the mountain, the faint moonlight emits pale light, covering the earth with a hazy veil.

The night gradually sinks...

Liusu's child hadn't been born yet, and fainted several times in the middle, but was forcibly awakened by Gong Xuening.

"Susu, think about the child, you are going to be a mother, work hard!" Haitang gently caressed her face, Tassel felt her eyes moist, child... her child, she is going to be a mother, think of the little life, mother's love The strength gave her another burst of vitality, she gritted her teeth, and she wanted to give birth to the child safely.

This is the child that she and Nan Jin have always cared for, and she will not let anything happen to her.

Until the sky was about to turn white, and finally saw the child's head coming out, everyone was so tired that they were about to lie down, and Liusu had already fallen into a semi-comatose state, Gong Xuening asked Haitang to twist Liusu's arm to keep her awake, and continued to exert force, finally give birth to a child...

The first light of dawn flashed across the sky, like a silver arrow across the sky, it was dawn...

Liusu gave birth to a daughter.

"Why doesn't she cry?" Ruyu looked at the child in Gong Xuening's hands in shock. Due to the premature birth, the child was less than a month old. The child was very small, with a lot of wrinkled skin, a little bright cinnabar between the eyebrows, and a slightly purple face. .

Wouldn't it be suffocation?

Ruyu breathed out, her heart felt cold, and she opened her mouth in shock!

Gong Xuening sternly shouted, "Ruyu, hurry to the kitchen and bring a green onion, hurry up!"

"My child... what's wrong?" Liusu also smelled something bad, her heart sank, she was too tired to move her fingers, but she still wanted to get up and look at her child, Haitang immediately held her down, and Liusu burst into tears All of a sudden, he burst out, "Auntie, what's wrong with the child?"

"Is it..." The dead word couldn't come out of her mouth, Haitang's eyes were red, and Gong Xuening was about to speak, when Tassel's blood surged up, and shocking blood suddenly overflowed from the corners of her lips. The successive blows made her completely collapse. As soon as it got dark, he passed out suddenly, and his whole body fell limply into Haitang's arms.

"Susu..." Haitang was in a hurry, Gong Xuening sighed, Ruyu quickly brought a handful of white and tender green onions, Gong Xuening took one, and lightly whipped the child a few times, but there was no response, she With a chill in his heart, and a ruthless heart, he twitched fiercely, and a bloodstain immediately appeared on the child's white and tender body, and he burst into tears...

"Wow..." The loud cry greeted the light of the morning sun, as if hoping to spread across the plain, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting outside for a whole night, everyone in Fengjiabao, who were so tired that they were about to fall asleep, cheered up suddenly, and the young lady gave birth safely.

The baby has been in the mother's womb for too long, a little suffocated, holding his breath, unable to come out, and naturally looks purple in the face, the human force is too strong, touching the baby's delicate skin will definitely hurt the baby, so use delicate spring onions to beat the baby, let the baby Crying, this method must be timely, otherwise, the child will suffocate to death.

Seeing that the child was safe, Haitang immediately asked Gong Xuening to show Liusu. The birth of this child almost cost Susu half his life. Gong Xuening said: "Madam Feng was stimulated for a while, it's not a serious problem, just take care of it carefully." recover!"

Finally, the mother and daughter are safe, Feng Haitang breathed a sigh of relief, and took the child from Ruyu's hands.

The skin has not yet fully unfolded, it is white and tender, and the short limbs are very soft, as if they would break if pinched. What shocked Feng Haitang in particular was that there was a touch of cinnabar between the child's eyebrows that was the same as Nan Jin's touch.

Delicate, bleak, ethereal!

Is it Nan Jin's child?She always thought that Liusu was not pregnant with Nan Jin's child, but this child was obviously...

Even Ruyu was surprised, she knew very well that this child belonged to Xiao Jue, but how could there be cinnabar like He Nanjin?Could it be that it's been so long, it's too unbelievable.

But the most important thing now is that Susu and the child are fine, as for Feng Nanjin...

"Susu, wake up quickly, the child is fine, it's fine..." Haitang yelled distressedly. She had suffered a lot in the past two days, and she hoped that Susu would be strong enough to survive.

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