marrying a concubine

Chapter 58 First Encounter

Liusu's face was frosty, her tender white face was stiff and straight, and a few drops of cold sweat had gathered on her forehead. For the first time, she felt so close to death.

The four men in black were masked and dressed, their eyes were cold and without warmth, their black eyes were like empty black holes, terribly empty, and Tassel seemed to see the god of death slashing at her with a sickle.

"Why did you kill me?" She desperately kept her vocal cords from trembling.

"Ask Hades!" Wuwen said, and a murderous white light waved towards her neck, and Liusu closed her eyes subconsciously.

Are you going to die?

This moment is unexpectedly so calm, my heart is like a tranquil lake, without waves or waves, peaceful and peaceful.

When Xiao Jue's face flashed in his mind, a clear smile floated on Liu Su's lips. If he died like this, he wouldn't be sad for her, after all, he hated her to such an extent.

The weapon pierced through the air, and a dart hit the man in black's wrist. With a bang, the long sword fell to the ground, and there was a wailing sound, and Tassel opened his eyes suddenly.

I saw a middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance standing there coldly. His figure was slightly thick and his eyes were restrained. His simple and honest face gave people a sense of security.

"Who are you, dare to meddle in the affairs of Ice Moon Palace?" the man in black said coldly.

The simple and honest middle-aged man flashed a cold light, and said: "You are from Ice Moon Palace? Just based on this sentence, you deserve to die."

Swinging the long sword upwards, the sharp sword energy swept towards the four men in black, and shouted coldly, "Go!"

When Liusu heard this, he hesitated for a moment, and ran forward.

The sound of fighting behind him was getting farther and farther away. Liusu was afraid that the man in black would catch up, so he took a remote path and ran. After a cup of tea, he realized that he was lost.

What caught her eyes was a quiet bamboo forest, and the faint fragrance of peach blossoms overflowed from the bamboo forest, Liusu couldn't help but stop.

The green bamboos are green, the breeze is fragrant, and the cool air eases the tension in her heart, and the fear of being hunted down is soothed by this peaceful environment.

The bluestone trails and cobbled stones reveal a kind of elegance everywhere.

Suddenly, a clear flute sounded. In this quiet and elegant environment, this song is like fairy music, touching your heart.

The sound of the flute is melodious and deserted, revealing a faint tranquility, loneliness, sadness, and vicissitudes.

Liusu listened quietly, her heart mourning with the sound of the flute, this smell of the world permeated everything in the air, as if it could be contagious.

Her heart moved, and following the sound of the flute, she walked slowly along the bluestone path to the depths of the bamboo forest.

The fragrance of peach blossoms became stronger and stronger, and the fragrance hit the nostrils, and Liusu's heart beat two beats faster. The sound of the flute guided her steps, guided her, and kept walking.

Passing through the bamboo forest is an elegant small building, two stories high, small and exquisite, and the layout reveals the aloofness of the world.Liusu admired, if she hadn't passed through the bamboo forest, she wouldn't have known there was something wrong.

Liusu finally saw the flute player. Three or four peach blossom trees were blooming brilliantly, and the falling petals were colorful. The rain of flowers rose with the wind and rolled in mid-air, like a radiant pink satin, elegant and beautiful....

Under the peach blossom tree, a man was sitting in a golden and luxurious wheelchair, and the flowers rained all over the sky on his black hair and snow clothes, making him look lonely and desolate. About 20 years old, with a white jade face as cold as snow, black jade eyes brilliance and restrained, the most eye-catching thing is the red cinnabar between the man's brows.

Delicate as fire, glamorous, like a beautiful charm overflowing in cinnabar, lonely, cold, and desolate.

A little bit of cinnabar makes it as quiet as water, and the lonely and full-shirted man is pure and noble, lonely and beautiful.

The sound of a flute, unparalleled in the country, hard to find in the world, fully shows its amazing talent and beauty.

Tassel praises, praises the wonder of the creator, there is such an outstanding man in the world.

If you are not good at behavior, you will be the best in the world!

Too much fascination, let Liusu forget the crisis, when a cold blade cut through the air, the sound of the flute stopped, and the eyes of the man in the wheelchair lifted, fierce and compelling, noble and pure, the golden thread in his hand was like a small snake Like, quickly flew behind Liusu, only heard a scream.

The golden thread pierced through the sword-holding wrist of the man in black, breaking his tendons.

Liusu backed away in shock, the face of the noble man in white was as frosty, and his voice was cold, "Dare to see blood in my place, I will die!"


It's three more today! !I keep working hard! !

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