Chapter 130 Two Chrysanthemums

I saw the old wolf whispering beside Xiao Ying's ear: "You must be smarter in the future, I don't know which of the two of them is the attacker, if you see such a handsome face like you, you have to run quickly. "

When Xiaoying heard this, her legs trembled, and then she pretended to be calm and said hello to Wang Yunyuan You Qihang, and then fled to sleep in the cubicle arranged by Boss Jia for them.

After a sleepless night, You Qihang practiced all night. Wang Yunyuan was startled by the speed of his cultivation.Although this is not as good as his own, it is better because he has the perseverance to persevere, and he can endure the loneliness brought about by cultivation.

Wang Yunyuan felt that he couldn't stand it if he didn't go out after practicing for tens or hundreds of years, and then didn't find a girl to hang out with for so long.In Hokkien dialect, it is Dongweitiao~

The night passed without any movement. Wang Yunyuan also saw You Qihang practicing, and then he had nothing to do, so he had to lie down and flip through his phone rather bored.

Suddenly, a text message was received, and Wang Yunyuan saw that it belonged to Mizhi.

"What is Wang doing?"

Wang Yunyuan couldn't help laughing, and then returned a message.

"Student Wang is thinking about beautiful women!"

After a while, Mizhi replied.

"Hmph, so that's the case, then the teacher won't bother classmate Wang thinking about beautiful girls~"

Wang Yunyuan shook his head and smiled, and then quickly pressed a text message with his fingers.

"Actually, classmate Wang is thinking about Mizhi, a beautiful woman. Why, what can I do for you?"

Mizhi at the other end looked like the cloud had turned sunny, and then the whole person was lying on the bed, propped up with two hands, but those pair of white and flawless feet were happily flying in the air.

"Huh, sweet talker. Well, actually, I really have something to do with you. In two days, the school will hold a basketball game. I have reserved a place for you in our class. You must come to me ah!"

Wang Yunyuan waited for a long time before receiving this text message, and after reading the content, he replied again.

"I'm not interested in basketball."

"No matter, you must come, otherwise, you will not be able to touch my body in the future!"

Wang Yunyuan was startled, and then hurriedly replied, "OK, I'll definitely be there in two days, okay?"

"Yeah~ You're so cute, come on, give me a kiss. Mmm~"

Seeing this text message, Wang Yunyuan also laughed from the bottom of his heart, shook his head a little lovingly, and then replied: "Okay, it's late, go to sleep, good night."

"OK, good night."


Wang Yunyuan was just about to open a webpage to browse the news, but he received a text message, and after looking at it, it was suddenly sent by Tantai Yun.

"Husband, must you not sleep?"

"Well, wife, you're so smart."

Most people will get goosebumps when they see this text message, let's be patient and watch them chat...

"When your task is completed, invite us all to go to KTV together!"

"You also know KTV?" Wang Yunyuan was a little surprised.

"Hey, of course, well, I'm going to sleep. Bye, good night. They will all be naked tonight."

In the end, Tantai Yun did not forget to seduce Wang Yunyuan.It's just such a simple sentence that aroused Wang Yunyuan's infinite reverie, Nima, how tempting would it be to be completely naked?Thinking of Song Qianhui's bursting breasts, Tantai Yun's graceful figure, and Zhang Yue's slightly youthful but full-bodied body, and thinking of Lin Qinghan's snow-white carcass under his slightly cold face, Xiao Yunyuan couldn't help but brace himself up. tent.

After Wang Yunyuan said good night, he opened the webpage.After reading the news, there is nothing to watch except that our people live and work in peace and contentment, our leaders are very busy, and foreign people are in dire straits.

However, the news about the country of cherry blossoms made Wang Yunyuan slightly interested.It seems that ten days ago, a spectacle of purple divine light appeared in the Cherry Blossom Country. Although the time was short, it caused a sensation in the entire Cherry Blossom Country.But that's all, so Wang Yunyuan didn't care about it. After all, there are countless people who can emit purple divine light.

The next morning, Lao Lang and the others got up early, and then changed shifts with Wang Yunyuan and You Qihang, but Wang Yunyuan said it was okay.Seeing how lively the two were, Xiaoying couldn't help but feel her chrysanthemum tighten even more.Nima, why both of them are so strong, when the time comes, if I really want to see myself, should I obey, or just refuse?

If so, how can I still pick up girls?If he doesn't follow, he will probably be beaten to the point where he won't be able to flirt with girls!Alas, tangled life!

Thinking about it this way, Xiaoying's face became more bitter.

Naturally, Wang Yunyuan didn't know that this girl would think so much, then he stood up, stretched his waist, moved his body, and said: "We must be more vigilant today. The later this time passes, the more powerful the robbers will come. Especially On the last night, we have to pick up [-]% of our hearts to monitor."

Most of these words were for You Qihang.As long as the two cultivators with spiritual consciousness are around, even if the opponent is dressed as a mosquito, they won't be able to get in.

As for whether someone would fall from the sky or rise from the ground in the inner hall, it was beyond Wang Yunyuan's control.After all, Captain Yade has divided the tasks well!Since he has that confidence, he can't run up and hit him in the face, can he?

It has to be said that Wang Yunyuan is still a narrow-minded man. If others embarrass him, he will naturally not be so cheap as to run to care about the safety of that person.It would be nice if he didn't curse him and got hit by a car!

Until the afternoon, after everyone ate fast food again, nothing happened.However, under Zhang Xingfu's reminder, everyone remembered what happened after Wang Yunyuan lost in poker yesterday.Isn't it necessary to pick up a girl? !

Facing Wang Yunyuan's murderous eyes, Zhang Xingfu didn't show any particular fear except that his body trembled slightly and his legs were slightly weak.

Wang Yunyuan sighed. After eating, when there were more crowds, Wang Yunyuan saw a mature young woman who was not bad, especially her figure, which was as good as Song Qianhui, a hot policewoman.

Wang Yunyuan quickly smoothed his hair, then wiped his mouth, put on a deep expression and walked over.

The young woman was looking at a piece of "Chrysanthemum" painted by Van Gogh, and her expression was a little crazy.It was just Wang Yunyuan's sudden interruption that made her frown.

"This beautiful lady, as an employee here, I am very honored to explain this painting to you. I don't know, would you like to hear it?" Wang Yunyuan lowered his body slightly and said in a very gentlemanly manner.

After listening to this young woman, she suddenly realized that she was the explainer here, no wonder she suddenly interrupted her, thinking about it, the impatience in her eyes disappeared.Then seeing that he was such a gentleman, he couldn't help but blushed and nodded.

Wang Yunyuan was calm on the surface, but his heart was running fast.The four animals naturally heard what Wang Yunyuan said, and they were all very interested to see how Wang Yunyuan would explain the "Chrysanthemum" to this beautiful young woman next.

(The first update arrives~!!)

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