Chapter 46

Of course Yu Zhanrui didn't know about the ambiguous relationship between Wang Yunyuan and Tantai Yun. If he wanted to know, he wouldn't invite Tantai Yun to dance if he was killed. personal charm.

Could it be that there is really someone more handsome than Ben in this world?Yu Zhanrui thought a little depressed.

Tantai Yun received the ancient feudal education since she was a child, and she was able to learn all kinds of dances easily, but of course she didn't know the dance at this ball.But this does not affect her performance, she is also a very talented person.

In just a few minutes, he combined the dance he had learned before with the current dance, and the unique dance style he formed made everyone's eyes shine.

This woman is not only beautiful, but when she dances, she really looks like a fairy from the sky, descending like a banished fairy.And other people are also somewhat envious of Wang Yunyuan's women, first Zhang Yue, and then this fairy-like woman.

But no one doubted whether the two of them had any adulterous affairs. In dancing, it doesn't mean that you like whoever you dance with.Two people who don't know each other can dance.

The sensation caused this time was even more intense. After all, Tantai Yun's elegant dancing posture was even more attractive, and there were even many ladies who wanted to ask for advice after the ball was over.

Wang Yunyuan also observed this, and couldn't help thinking about it.Anyway, Tantai Yun stayed at home all day and didn't do anything. She practiced for at most one or two hours a day and then it would not be effective. In this case, why not open a dance class and let these ladies participate?

Thinking of it, Wang Yunyuan told Zhang Guohui about this idea at the end of the dance, Zhang Guohui also thought about it, these ladies are usually very free and lack everything but money.So once this dance class is completed, it will first gain some popularity among these ladies, and the money will come in a lot of money.

With the first batch of sources of income and further investment, a dance hall can be built, and then people can come again.At that time, teach a few students with good dancing talents, and then pay them to stay and teach others. In this way, this method is not bad.

Of course, Wang Yunyuan wasn't the only one who thought of this method.However, other people don't have Tantai Yun's dancing ability, so they can't attract these noble ladies with high self-esteem.

As a successful business tycoon, Zhang Guohui naturally sensed this strong sense of interest very keenly, and immediately confirmed whether Tan Taiyun was willing to start the class. After receiving Tan Taiyun's approval, Zhang Guohui immediately took the stage and announced : "You must have just seen Miss Tantai Yun's elegant dance. According to Miss Tantai Yun, this kind of dance is a unique dance style formed by combining the West and the East, ancient and modern. If you want to learn, You can contact Mr. Wang Yunyuan."

Everyone knew that Zhang Guohui probably wanted to give Wang Yunyuan a chance to make a fortune. Most people were interested in this dance, and besides, it could give Zhang Guohui a face, so why not do it?Almost instantly, Wang Yunyuan was overwhelmed by the crowd. The smell of perfume filled his nose, which made Wang Yunyuan almost suffocate.But these noble ladies are obviously not as tasteless as that sister Yao. Although they all wear perfume, the smell is not bad.

But that's for one person, now Wang Yunyuan is surrounded by a dozen or dozens of them, and dozens of perfumes are mixed together, which makes Wang Yunyuan feel uncomfortable for a while.Fortunately, his endurance is not bad, and he got used to it after a while.After that, they entertained for a while, and finally, under Yingying Yanyan's entanglement, Wang Yunyuan agreed on the contact information and so on.And also made an appointment to start the class in a week.

As for why it is said to be a week later, it is naturally because there is a place where dancing can be taught, and of course it needs to be renovated, otherwise these wealthy ladies will not be satisfied by then, what should I do?

And where does Wang Yunyuan have money?Of course it is by Zhang Guohui, the "old man"!He contributes money to invest, and he himself contributes. As for the shares, Zhang Guohui naturally holds 60.00% and himself 40.00%.Originally, Zhang Guohui said he wanted half of each person, but Wang Yunyuan naturally didn't have the nerve to take it.After all, all the money is paid by other people, you just go to teach people, it is not bad to get 40.00%!

The most important thing is that the security company that Zhang Guohui told himself, Zhang Guohui is now in the process of preparing, and has begun to recruit special soldiers or soldier kings who have completed military service from the military region with a lot of money.Most of these people have powerful skills, and only a master like Wang Yunyuan can restrain them. Otherwise, even though I am a businessman who spends a lot of money to buy them, I must not let them be more loyal to me.

If Wang Yunyuan was willing to recruit one or two disciples or something else, then Zhang Guohui would be even happier. Who wouldn't be happy to have a cultivator as his subordinate?

Of course, Zhang Guohui just thought about this idea, and he also knew that these cultivators were not Chinese cabbages, they were all over the street.For her own daughter to become a cultivator, it is enough to honor the lintel of her Zhang family, what more can she ask for?

After doing all this, Wang Yunyuan also left.Of course, he didn't forget that Yu Zhanrui who was like a fly, the rich second generation who came out to play handsome because of his own money, a person like this, if you don't teach him a lesson, he will never learn to be good. It will cling to you more tightly and make you more annoying.

I haven't left the gate of the community yet, come on, I met that kiln sister again, ahem, wrong, it's sister Yao.It's not my fault, the input method is wrong, the input method is wrong...

As soon as Sister Yao saw Wang Yunyuan coming out of Zhang Guohui's "community" with his female companion, she knew that Wang Yunyuan probably had a lot of power and could attend Zhang Guohui's dance, so how small could it be?So he swayed his waist and greeted him again.

When Wang Yunyuan saw it, he was speechless. How could he be so unlucky to meet this wonderful girl again?It seems that after returning home, he has to do a big job to get rid of his bad luck. Thinking of this, Wang Yunyuan smiled maliciously and glanced at the well-behaved Tantai Yun beside him.

Tantai Yun looked at Wang Yunyuan in a daze, and then seemed to feel that kind of lustful gaze, and quickly lowered her head without speaking in shame.

"Hey, little handsome guy, why don't you go back so early? How about you, did you have fun at Dong Zhang's dance party?" Sister Yao looked familiar, but the charming waist made way for the one on the side. The security guard swallowed involuntarily.Although this woman is not very beautiful, she can only score 65 points at most, but she is mainly coquettish. This coquettish energy alone can make her rise to [-] points.

"Well, it's okay." Wang Yunyuan said indifferently, he was already immune to this kind of trick, unless it was Tantai Yun's move, but it was obviously not very possible.This kind of coquettish energy comes from the bottom of his heart, it is impossible for Tantai Yun to be like this.

"Why, do you have time to come to my sister's house?" Sister Yao immediately cast a wink at Wang Yunyuan, as if completely ignoring the peerless beauty beside her.But fortunately she ignored it, otherwise she really would have died of inferiority complex.

"No time, let's go next time when you have time." Wang Yunyuan is not the kind of unforgiving person, but he is not very polite to people who once looked down on him. Sister Yao was slightly taken aback.But then the latter twisted his shoulders with that shameless spirit.

"Okay, okay, come back later when you have time, there is no one else at Yaojie's house~" That Yaojie's voice is as charming as a sinister one, and the meaning in this sentence alone can make people think about it.But the point is that Wang Yunyuan doesn't like the former at all, so this sentence can only achieve the opposite effect.

Especially in front of Tantai Yun, although Tantai Yun didn't mind Wang Yunyuan having three wives and four concubines, Wang Yunyuan still tried his best to pretend not to be fooled by beauty.What's more, sister Yao's beauty?That was directly ignored by Wang Yunyuan.As for this kind of supporting role, it’s good to show your face a few times, and if you appear a few more times, everyone may think that I’m dragging the post, hehe...

Then, Wang Yunyuan walked towards the door.

At this time, the moonlight is charming.The pretty woman beside her leaned on Wang Yunyuan's shoulder with a gentle face, and for a moment, there was no difference in the world.

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