Chapter 68 Opportunity (Four more!)


The self-destruction of the five princes took place in an instant, and the earth-shattering energy storm did not destroy Wang Yunyuan's barrier, but turned out to be Wang Yunyuan who gathered together and blasted towards the center!

Aite is also relieved, at least, he will not die.Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt a bit sad because Wang Yunyuan was definitely dead.

But since he didn't have much emotion at all, he started to suck the blood of those ten comatose dukes again!As long as he sucks all these, he can evolve into a prince!How wonderful would that be?At that time, there will be no other princes in the blood clan. Once he returns, he will be able to lead the entire blood clan!

And Wang Yunyuan, who was at the center of the explosion, was also in despair when he saw this destructive energy.It is impossible to survive!

A master in the Nascent Soul Stage, even if his body is destroyed, he can be reborn with a trace of Nascent Soul Qi.But that also requires the surviving Nascent Soul!This energy can definitely blow Wang Yunyuan to nothing!

And at the same moment, Tantai Yun who was far away in the sky, who was watching TV, inexplicably shed a tear in her eyes.

Moreover, there was a sudden sharp pain in my heart!

How could a cultivator have a heart attack?Since it's not a heart attack, then...

As soon as Tan Taiyun thought of the possible outcome, she suddenly lost her original fairy demeanor, her face was extremely panicked, but she didn't dare to say anything, for fear that Liu Xiaoying would be like her after hearing the news.

pain!Unspeakable pain!

Wang Yunyuan was hit head-on by that destructive energy!

The physical body, barely able to resist for a second, was completely destroyed!And even his Nascent Soul was destroyed in an instant!The Nascent Soul is extremely fragile, and only when it reaches the stage of transforming into a god, will the Nascent Soul become immortal.

And Wang Yunyuan is only in the Nascent Soul stage!

The kind of energy that could destroy Kong Ming's early stage, Wang Yunyuan was inevitably destroyed!

thorough!Nothing left!

Wang Yunyuan's consciousness was engulfed by terrifying energy in an instant!


The barrier disappeared with Wang Yunyuan's disappearance, and a breeze belonging to the outside world blew gently.

If it weren't for the existence of Aite and the ten vampire corpses, it might feel that nothing happened here at all.Everything seemed so ordinary.

Only the wind can arouse people's memories.

Wang Yunyuan?It seems that there is such a person.

Tantai Yun, who was far away in China, also sat down on the ground in a sudden burst of depression.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and the clothes were wet in an instant.

no!There's no way he's going to die!How could he be willing to leave me? !No, no!

A crazy light suddenly flashed across Tantai Yun's eyes, and then she closed her eyes for a while, without even saying hello to anyone, she flew towards the place where Wang Yunyuan disappeared in a flash!

In the same way, Lin Qinghan, Zhang Yue, Song Qianhui and others felt a pain in their hearts for no reason.Then they greeted their family members one after another, and somehow booked a plane ticket to the UK.

They didn't know what was going on, anyway, they just had an extremely strong thought in their hearts.Must visit somewhere in London, England!They have never been to that place, but they have that place in their minds!Everything seemed inexplicable.

In London, England, Murong Xiaodie is also a little baffled.While lamenting Wang Yunyuan's sudden disappearance, she stood in a daze at the place where Wang Yunyuan disappeared. However, at that time, Wang Yunyuan was in the sky, and because she couldn't fly, she was in the corresponding underground.

Tantai Yun also arrived immediately, the two of them didn't know each other, but they had a little understanding in their hearts, as long as they knew each other was good.

Lin Qinghan, Zhang Yue, and Song Qianhui also arrived the next day. As soon as they arrived in London, they all took taxis to take them to the place where Wang Yunyuan disappeared.

These five women met for the first time. Although they didn't all know each other, there was an inexplicable understanding in their hearts.

Before they had time to think about it, a trace of magic power flew out of the five women's dantians.

Not mana, just traces.

These five very shallow marks merged together, and then slowly floated to the place where Wang Yunyuan disappeared.

The five women were all a little unclear, so even with Tantai Yun's knowledge, she still couldn't figure out the situation.

In the void, an ax imprint suddenly appeared, and this ax imprint slowly approached the fusion imprint of the five mana imprints.


When the ax imprint and the mana imprint merged, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void!

For a moment, tears burst out of the eyes of the five women.

Because a door suddenly appeared in the void, and Wang Yunyuan stepped out just like that.

There was no sound, and strangely, no passerby passed by.

After Wang Yunyuan stepped out of the door in the void, the imprint of the fusion of the ax mark and the mana mark drilled into Wang Yunyuan's forehead with a "swoosh".

And the imprint on the forehead of the Nascent Soul in Wang Yunyuan's body also flashed a burst of substantial light!

Wang Yunyuan remembered, everything was remembered when it was destroyed before.

He is a consciousness that Pangu turned into after his death.This consciousness has been reincarnated tens of thousands of times, but it has never been awakened.Only in this life, when he came into contact with the cultivator, a mark appeared in his mind at first, and then a mark appeared on Yuanying's forehead.

All of this is just the beginning, and it can also be said to be an opportunity.An opportunity for awakening.

A woman who cared about Wang Yunyuan in her heart and had entanglements with Wang Yunyuan in cultivation would appear at the place where he was destroyed at such a time.

They are also an opportunity.

I have to say that Wang Yunyuan is very lucky, if any of these are missing, he will definitely die today!There is no possibility of rebirth!

Wang Yunyuan grinned and fell to the ground.

"My Wang Yunyuan, I'm back!" Roaring towards the sky, the magic power in Wang Yunyuan's body became more and more surging!

Yes, he is Wang Yunyuan, not Pangu!

After the last tear fell from the eyes of the five women, flower-like smiles bloomed on their faces at the same time.

Lin Qinghan, Zhang Yue, and Murong Xiaodie, these three women who have never confessed their affection to Wang Yunyuan, at this moment, for some reason, they already regard themselves as Wang Yunyuan's woman in their hearts.

Wang Yunyuan also seemed to understand, with a pair of big hands, he held the five women together in an extremely domineering manner.

Tantai Yun is suddenly the first one in his left hand.

This simple little action made the five women understand that Tantai Yun was the most important one in his heart.The other four didn't have any objections, because they also learned about Wang Yunyuan's past.

With a laugh, Wang Yunyuan stepped on the auspicious clouds and took them, then flew back to Huaxia.

Although the seven-day tour in London is not over yet, Murong Xiaodie has no nostalgia at all, as long as she can stay by his side, she will have no regrets in her life.What's more, it's just a trip?

After sending the four women home one after another, Wang Yunyuan returned to his home with Tantai Yun.

The two of them didn't say anything along the way.Finally, Wang Yunyuan couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?" Tantai Yun was a little confused, leaning on Wang Yunyuan's shoulder, and asked suspiciously.

The two of them looked like a couple of gods and immortals, strolling on the street, Tantai Yun's beauty naturally attracted a lot of attention.

"I'm too careless..." Wang Yunyuan's previous domineering spirit is gone. In front of Tantai Yun, he is completely an ordinary person. No matter how powerful he is, even if he is the reincarnation of Pangu, in front of her, he is as good as himself. Just an ordinary husband who loves her.

And as a husband who loves her, he actually flirts with women outside.Although only one song qianhui had been budded by him, the other three can also be said to have something to do with him.

Tantai Yun also suddenly said very seriously: "You only know now?"

Wang Yunyuan's face was full of annoyance, and then he sighed: "But, I have no choice..."

Tantai Yun suddenly burst into a beautiful smile, and said: "Yun Yuan, do you know? Yesterday, I suddenly felt a pain in my heart. At that time, I realized that something happened to you, and it must be a big one, otherwise I wouldn't There was that vibe. Do you know what I was thinking at that time?"

"What are you thinking?" Wang Yunyuan scratched his head in doubt.

"I was thinking, what would I do if you really left me forever. I suddenly realized that my mind went blank for a while, and then I figured it out on the way to find you." Tantai Yun suddenly paused, "I can't imagine a day like that."

"..." Wang Yunyuan didn't speak, but hugged Tantai Yun tightly, and kissed her affectionately without any emotion.

(The fourth update is here! The fifth and sixth will be posted before six o'clock!)

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