Chapter 42 Blood Cross

I don’t know if you have caught loach in the river, or touched a snake, especially the kind of snake that has just broken its shell and its body is full of mucus. It’s disgusting, right?Yes, Lin Fan had this feeling. When the fat monk's hand slipped out of his hand, he felt that what he was holding was a snake full of mucus.

Now Lin Fan didn't dare to touch the fat monk with his hands easily.

When you go back, you should wash your hands with 84 disinfectant, otherwise, you may get infected if you touch Xiaonizi's face in the future.Lin Fan thought to himself.

When the fat monk heard Lin Fan say such a sentence, he immediately looked at Lin Fan with idiot eyes.Are you an idiot?You let the past go.

Not fooled?Oh well!Lin Fan nodded, suddenly turned his eyes to the left in shock.

"Meow!" Little Flying Tiger also roared, his eyes glaring at the left side, and the hair on his body stood upside down.

Lin Fan's expression doesn't look like he's cheating, what's more, even if the master is cheating, it's impossible for a second-level little monster to have such a high IQ to cheat, right?The fat monk chose to believe the little flying tiger, and hurriedly looked to the left.

"Huh!" The wind blew, the shadow moved, and the blood shadow fluttered. The fat monk's body flew out, and he stepped forward with a pale face.

"Hehe...I'm really sorry, I couldn't help kicking you just now when I saw how handsome you were standing just now." Lin Fan said with a smile.This trick to lift the genitals was still in his last life when he watched "The Godfather of the Demon God" and saw that the protagonist Lin Hao used this trick very handsomely, so he learned it. Unexpectedly, this trick is still very effective for monks.If you think about it, monks are also human beings, so there are not too few parts that should be killed, and there should be more, uh... I don’t know if there are too many.

I heard that Lin Hao learned this trick from Master Qiushui. Master Qiushui has practiced this trick to the point of returning to nature.As soon as the divine legs come out, the world is shaken, and ghosts and gods are weeping, no one can stand up anymore, um... In fact, this trick is also effective for women, and it is even more effective.Wolf friends, you understand!

mean!Shameless!Dirty!While clutching his crotch, the fat monk scolded Lin Fan viciously in his heart.

Lin Fan knew that the fat monk was scolding him, but he didn't care, he just scolded, anyway, brother couldn't hear it, it didn't hurt or itch.Seeing that this move is so effective for monks, Lin Fan wondered if he should go back and study this move to lift the genitals, the blue is better than the blue.

"Xiao Huang! Bite him!" Lin Fan gave Xiao Fei an order.

"Meow!" Flying Tiger has swallowed a lot of elixir along the way, and will soon be promoted to a third-level monster. There is still a large amount of spiritual power accumulated in his body. If these spiritual powers are not resolved as soon as possible, Fei Tian Tiger is no good.Hearing Lin Fan's order, the Flying Tiger yelled, kicked all four feet on the ground, and scratched the fat monk's face with its claws.

Lin Fan was in a cold sweat, it was still a flying tiger!It's a kitten, and I tell you to bite it, why do you insist on scratching his face?

It's just a second-level monster, and the middle-stage monk who built the foundation as a fat monk really didn't pay attention to the little flying tiger. He just waved his big hand casually, and a black light swept towards the little flying tiger.

However, the blow that the fat monk was originally confident in failed.

"Meow!" The Flying Tiger was in mid-air without its feet on the ground. It roared loudly, its body speed more than doubled, and its sharp claws were like a black ray of light, slashing across the fat monk's face. There was a bloody gash.

Although the little flying tiger is a second-level monster, its speed even surprised Lin Fan a little. It is not surprising that the fat monk suffered a loss under underestimating the enemy.

However, the little flying tiger is only a second-level monster after all. Although it is fast enough, its strength is not enough.The fat monk just underestimated the enemy and was succeeded by the little flying tiger. Now that the fat monk is full of anger, Lin Fan dare not let the little flying tiger fight the fat monk again.

Little Flying Tiger was not stupid. He knew that he was not the fat monk's opponent. After hitting the blow, he didn't pause at all. He turned around and jumped back to Lin Fan's side, making Lin Fan who was about to help him stunned.

Depend on!Where is this kitten?It's clearly the old goblin!Such a high IQ.

Thinking so, Lin Fan's movements were not slow, he held the formula with both hands, and quickly struck the fat monk with a cross blood blade in his hand.

unfair!It's so unfair!The fat monk really wanted to tell Lin Fan that he would fight after he had a rest, but he knew clearly in his heart that Lin Fan would not be able to give him that chance to rest.However, the crotch was attacked, and every movement would cause heart-piercing pain all over the body, and even half of the spiritual power gathered would dissipate.

Paralyzed!This bastard is too cruel!The fat monk cursed viciously in his heart.

Seeing that the cross blood blade was about to hit, the fat monk yelled, covered his crotch with one hand, patted the storage bag with the other, and sent a spell from it, the spell instantly turned into a wind wall to block the fat monk.

Although the Blood Demon Sutra does not have any offensive spells in the innate stage, there are several more in the foundation stage, and the power is greater than that of monks of the same level. Not only that, the later the stage, the greater the gap.

Although the Wind Wall Talisman is a low-level high-grade spell, how could it be the opponent of the Cross Blood Blade? The Cross Blood Blade only paused for a while, then cut through the wind wall and continued to attack the fat monk.

The fat monk was startled, and hastily released another Wind Wall spell, which was able to withstand the Cross Blood Blade.However, the fat monk didn't feel at ease in his heart. With a roar, luck temporarily sealed part of his lower body perception, kicked his feet, and flew up quickly, opened his mouth, and a black shield-shaped object flew out. It quickly grew bigger and stood in front of the fat monk.

Low-level magic weapon!Unexpectedly, the fat monk, a monk in the middle of the foundation establishment period, would take out a low-level magic weapon!Thinking of the fat monk casually taking out two low-level high-grade charms, Lin Fan looked at the fat monk with fiery eyes.It seems that this time I can make a small fortune!

Come!fatty!Come here and let my brother take good care of you.

Lin Fan grasped the magic formula with both hands, and several cross blood blades struck at the fat monk together.

The fat monk was taken aback, but he didn't expect Lin Fan to release several formulas at once.This pervert, how did he do it?

As we all know, the casting of magic formulas depends on spiritual power. The amount of spiritual power in a person's body also represents how big the magic formula can be cast by this person, and it takes a certain amount of time to mobilize spiritual power.But Lin Fan's blood spiritual power is different, his spiritual power has been integrated into the blood, blood is spiritual power, and spiritual power is blood, so it is easier to use it, so he can release several spells at once.

"Buzz!" The fat monk didn't have time to think about it, a wave of spiritual power hit the small shield, and the small shield quickly split into two, spinning around the fat monk.

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