Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 106 Feng Shui takes turns

"Zhuoyan, I heard that Nomura Taro passed out immediately after hearing the news, and he is still being rescued in the hospital. I don't know how to live or die. This is called evil comes with evil. Get yourself in trouble first!"

After Nomura received the news of the collapse of the Slavic Bank, he suffered a stroke and passed out on the spot, foaming at the mouth, and unconscious.Wang Yongjiang has always been calm, and with his self-cultivation, he would not gloat, but he couldn't help being happy when he heard that Nomura had fallen. This ambitious poisonous snake was finally finished.

This is not just as simple as taking down an opponent and hitting Zhengjin Bank, but also shows that Zhang Tinglan's strategy has initially succeeded. If the Japanese can be sent into the trap as envisioned, the pressure on China's shoulders will be instantly lifted. Relief can also avoid losing power and humiliating the country. You must know that Beiyang is a little bit overwhelmed now.

"Mr. Tie Kan, no matter how powerful the foreign enemy is, it is not scary. The worst thing is the internal ghost. Fortunately, Russia launched it in time this time, otherwise the official bank account would have fallen into the hands of the Japanese."

"It's not just the official bank account, the Japanese also want the right to export and trade. If the Japanese really get their wish, I'm afraid that all the factories and workshops in Fengtian, including farmers, will all work for the Japanese! Duan Zhigui is not only mediocre, but also He has no backbone, let him guard the three eastern provinces, Yuan Shikai really lost his head!"

Zhang Tinglan had already placed people beside Duan Zhigui, so he told Zhang Tinglan verbatim about his conversation with Shitian.Knowing the plan of the Japanese, Zhang Tinglan's forehead was in a cold sweat. The Japanese were too ambitious, but they seized the most favorable opportunity. Zhang Tinglan really didn't dare to confront Japan head-on.

Therefore, the only way to get rid of the bond issue is to cause chaos in Russia as soon as possible, and then involve the energy of the Japanese.In fact, according to Zhang Tinglan's idea.He didn't want to betray Grand Duke Nicholas. After all, this guy had a high position and power, and he was also an ally to some extent.

But the Japanese were so ruthless, Zhang Tinglan couldn't be polite. A dead fellow Taoist would never die a poor man. At this time, he had to make a big enough noise to have a fatal influence.

Zhang Tinglan sent the evidence of Grand Duke Nicholas' arms smuggling and gold smuggling to the Queen's hands through the bribed palace attendants.Also sent along with it were the accounting records of the irregular operations of the Slavic Bank.

The tsar's imperial conquest was in person, and the queen was in Petrograd. She obeyed the bewitching monk Rasputin, and she had long looked down on Nicholas, who relied on the old to sell the old, so she seized the handle.The queen immediately ordered the house arrest of Nicholas, and then thoroughly investigated Nicholas' property.At the same time, the Slav Bank was seized.

Just three or four days.The Russian political arena has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the once popular Slavic Bank closed down.The issued bonds instantly turned into white paper, worthless, and almost all investors suffered a lot.

Nomura obtained more than 300 million Oceanic bonds from Zhang Tinglan, and now they are all waste paper, if the losses caused by counterfeit currency are added.The total loss exceeded 500 million yen.

The total assets of a Zhengjin Bank were only [-] yen, but in the end one-sixth of it was lost all of a sudden. This was equivalent to draining all the working capital of the Zhengjin Bank, and the bank was on the verge of life and death in a blink of an eye.

The larger the enterprise size.The ability to bear risks is not necessarily stronger.A big company also means big expenses. The daily expenses alone are an astronomical sum. If the cash flow suddenly breaks, it will immediately fall into crisis.

The reason why Nomura fell ill and did not improve at all was mostly because of fear. He had caused such a huge loss to the bank. If he woke up, he might have to have a laparotomy.

If Nomura can still survive, then Miki has really come to a dead end. In order to promote the arms trade between Japan and Russia, he bought a full 800 million Slavic bank bonds. Ra speaks for Japan and promotes military trade.

Now that Nikolai has been arrested, Miki has lost not only 800 million yen, but may even threaten the arms trade between Japan and Russia. This is the real thing!Therefore, after Miki got the news, his world was turned upside down. He had been working for the Mitsui Zaibatsu. He was used to seeing the ups and downs, and he knew the characteristics of the Japanese very well.

Island people are cold in nature, they worship the strong, and despise failure. Even when Miki was brilliant, they all worshiped him. Once he failed, the indifferent eyes around him were enough to kill him.

Miki is actually a very paranoid and arrogant person, he absolutely does not want to live in humiliation, this guy chose to commit suicide without hesitation.

Blood dripped down the blade, Miki died like a reptile, and no one cared about his life or death.

Japan has even bigger troubles to deal with. The collapse of the Slavic Bank, in the eyes of many people, is just a victim of the infighting in Tsarist Russia. A storm was brewing.

Miki committed suicide and Nomura fell ill. These two guys were originally the vanguard of Japan's economic aggression in Fengtian. After they fell, Japan's economic deployment in Fengtian was in chaos for a while, and the pressure on Fengtian suddenly eased.

As the main buyer of Slavic bank bonds, the news that Zhengjin Bank suffered heavy losses also came out, and the bonds of Zhengjin Bank were sold off in large numbers.During World War I, in order to promote industrial development, Japan issued a large number of bonds and provided loans to factories. The common people also had a lot of bonds, so when they saw a large amount of bonds, they also joined the ranks.

Until then, the Japanese government felt that something was wrong, but they didn’t take it seriously. They just severely condemned the bond selling behavior in the newspapers, accusing it of treason. There is no problem.

But it was too late for them to sell. At first, they only sold the capital in Zhang Tinglan's hands. His capital is not strong. Even if all of them were sold, the bond would only drop by [-]%.But this is enough. The Jewish consortium, which had been ready to go, launched a random operation, and Pandora's box was opened.

These consortium forces wantonly dumped the bonds of Zhengjin Bank, and even shorted the yen.Immediately afterwards, the Japanese people, out of panic, no longer ignored the government's warning, and began to sell a large number of bonds.Not only the bonds of Zhengjin Bank, but also the bonds of banks and enterprises including Mitsui Bank, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nagasaki Shipyard, etc., were all sold blindly.

For a while, the Japanese financial market was in danger of collapsing. This situation was also related to the contradictions in Japanese society, and the polarization between the rich and the poor became more and more serious.However, the Japanese government also requires the people at the bottom to buy a large amount of bonds to support the development of the country. As a result, these Japanese people can no longer sit still after seeing that their hard-earned money may become a pile of waste paper.

Facing the sudden wave of selling, although the Japanese government was caught off guard, it still has enough coping methods. It can fully use the sufficient capital in its hands to stabilize the financial market.

However, the Japanese thought things were too simple. The major banks were unstable, and even the yen began to depreciate. A series of things were like dominoes. If one fell, the next one would not be able to keep.

The depreciation of the yen exacerbated the rise in prices in Japan. Food, vegetables, and daily necessities began to grow wildly. The burden on the Japanese people suddenly increased.

But at this time, when the consortia saw the soaring price of food, they actually started hoarding, hoping to use food to make up for the loss of bonds. It was their actions that fueled the fire and completely detonated all kinds of contradictions in Japanese society.

In Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kobe and other places, there was a wave of rice rush. Hungry people smashed open various grain stores and robbed the white rice. The social order of Japan was greatly impacted.

These incidents took place less than a month before and after, one link after another, and the Japanese government was completely passively beaten.Originally, the Japanese were gearing up and even clamored to use force against China, but before they could deploy their troops, they lost their balance.

There are troubles in Japan, and the Japanese soldiers along the South Manchuria Railway can't continue to toss about. Although the Japanese Minister Hikimashi is still putting pressure on Yuan Shikai and shouting at President Yuan Da, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is nothing more than It's just a bluff.

This past month has been a torment for Feng Jun, especially Zhang Tinglan. He doesn't have many bargaining chips. Apart from providing information to get Grand Duke Nicholas down, he intervened in the initial stage of the bond sale. That's it, the rest of the time can only be foolishly waiting.

In addition to reading the newspaper every day, I found Fred and learned about the first movements of the consortium through him.The safety of the entire three northeastern provinces was at stake. If there was no chaos in Japan, then the three eastern provinces would definitely be unlucky. The Japanese could get Yuan Shikai to make concessions only by intimidation.

Fortunately, everything was deduced according to Zhang Tinglan's script. The conflicts in Japan broke out ahead of time. The rice commotion spread to dozens of cities in Japan. It stirred up a miasma.

"Mr. Tiekan, the Japanese government has used force to suppress the uprising people. It seems that the island country is going to be littered with corpses. Our pressure is finally gone!"

Wang Yongjiang nodded with great emotion: "Zhuoyan, your calculation ability is far better than Zhuge Wuhou, it is admirable!"

"Mr. Tiekan, don't praise me. This is just atonement. If the Japanese really use force against Fengtian, I will become a national sinner. Fortunately, the danger is basically lifted now. Some time ago, the Japanese Arrogant and domineering, now it’s time for them to suffer.”

A smug smile appeared on Zhang Tinglan's face: "We sold the bonds this time, and we made a small profit of more than 200 million yen. Since Zhengjin Bank can run on us, then we can also run back. Circulate the vouchers, let the Japanese gold tickets and bank notes go away!"

"Feng Shui takes turns, this is also a courtesy, I agree with both hands!" (To be continued...)

ps: Hematemesis at the fifth watch, please reward me with a few monthly tickets, the little ones will work hard this month, thank you in advance!

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