Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 111 The Governor's Throne

In the industrial age, what is the most precious thing?There is no doubt that skilled workers are the basis of a country's industrial production, even more important than resources.

Take Japan as an example. There are almost no local resources, but it can also establish a complete industrial system.Especially in World War II, it was almost blown into rubble by the Americans, but it was able to recover quickly after the war, even more developed than the economy before World War II, relying on a strong workforce.

Zhang Tinglan is very aware of this point. If Fengtian wants to develop industry, it cannot do without all kinds of skilled workers. Without the support of talents, nothing can be done well.But China is still full of illiteracy, heavy industry is almost blank, and there is a lack of available talents and a lack of training bases.

As the saying goes, a clever woman can’t cook without rice, and Zhang Tinglan was extremely worried about this, so when she heard Fred talk about Russian technicians, Zhang Tinglan suddenly regained her spirits. Although Russia’s industrial level is low, it doesn’t mean that skilled workers must be poor, and even if they are very poor , and stronger than China.

"Old friend, tell me what happened in Russia!"

"It's not a good thing that some people did!" Fred gave Zhang Tinglan a blank look, and then said: "After Grand Duke Nicholas was placed under house arrest, the queen wanted to use this as an excuse to clean up the forces that opposed her, and the Far East became an important issue. As a result, a large number of Russian officials and generals were arrested, and the Far East was almost paralyzed."

Listening to Fred's introduction, Zhang Tinglan was also a little dumbfounded. Russia was still fighting the Germans on the western front. What the country needed most was stability. As a result, the queen, a fool, went on recklessly and replaced a large number of confidant officials in the Far East. The first thing is to recruit troops and food.

On the one hand, it is to thank the queen for her promotion, and on the other hand, it is to satisfy his own greed and let these people mess around.The economy of the Far East, which was on the verge of collapse, has completely turned to a cliff. Young workers were sent to Europe to participate in the war, and the factories that were underutilized were almost at a standstill.

However, the turmoil was not over yet. The Queen's perverse behavior completely angered the nobles of Tsarist Russia. The Tsarist Russian nobles headed by Prince Yusupov decided to take decisive actions to stop the Queen's stupid actions.

Of course, these people didn't dare to attack the queen directly, so the admiral pointed the finger at the demon monk Rasputin.Blaming the crime on Rasputin, saying that he had bewitched the queen, Prince Yusupov and others also played the banner of the Qing emperor's side and successfully assassinated Rasputin.

Due to Zhang Tinglan, a butterfly flapping its wings, Rasputin is compared to history.It fell a full year early.However, the death of this demon monk did not bring good luck to Russia.On the contrary, it also greatly aroused the struggle for power between the Russian nobles and bureaucrats.

Petrograd was thrown into chaos.For the Far East, it is beyond reach. Many factories in the Far East have been shut down one after another, and a large number of workers have lost their jobs.

Zhang Tinglan didn't expect that her forced and helpless actions would cause such great harm to Russia. If it continues to ferment.Maybe Russia will lose the war ahead of time, and even the whole pattern of the First World War will change, which is what Zhang Tinglan doesn't want to see the most.

"Is the situation in Tsarist Russia very bad? Can it continue?"

"It's really bad." Fred said, "However, Britain has provided a batch of emergency aid to Russia to help the Tsar stabilize the morale of the army. In a short time, Russia will not collapse. If it continues to fight, I can't guarantee it." !"

Zhang Tinglan nodded: "I can't control the life and death of Tsarist Russia. Hurry up and take advantage of the chaos in Russia. We need to get more benefits. We need as many skilled technicians as we need. For the sake of confidentiality, let them live in Tieling for the time being. Also arrange a special residence. In addition, can the old friend take the opportunity to dismantle some second-hand machines and come back? It would be great if he could get some production lines for rifles and artillery. Steel factories, power plants, and chemical plants are also possible. What can you do? What!"

"Zhang, I knew you had a huge appetite and always caused trouble for me. Russia is in the middle of a war, and these factories are under strict control. If you want to bring the factory to China, you have to take too much risk!"

"Old friend, if you say that, it means you still have a way, doesn't it?" Zhang Tinglan said: "These things are not mine alone, but ours. You still have shares in Xingye Company, don't you want to Have you watched our business flourish?"

Some things are like drugs, as long as you touch them, you will be addicted. The reason why Fred, a Jew, is willing to help Zhang Tinglan is because he is attracted by the appalling benefits. In just a few months, he has already made hundreds of dollars. Ten thousand, and the wealth at his disposal is ten times that, he is almost the uncrowned king of the Russian Far East.

Regardless of the reshuffle of the Far East officials, it did not affect Fred's power at all. On the contrary, the new officials are more greedy and unscrupulous, eager to make huge profits by smuggling. The country of Tsarist Russia has indeed come to the end of the world. No officials are not corrupt, they are all crazily asking for benefits.

It's not that these people don't know the bad situation in Russia, but they can't bear the temptation of benefiting Russia. These guys are also smart people. They are ready to transfer their assets to China so that they can avoid being liquidated.

"I want workers, machines, and funds. Old friend, I will ask Mr. Wang Yongjiang to work out a specific action plan with you. Our goal is to empty the Far East!"

As soon as Fred heard this, he began to pray for Tsarist Russia in his heart. This unlucky country, not to mention internal and external troubles, was also targeted by an evil star. It was really difficult to survive.

But what does the life and death of Russia have to do with him? What he needs is enough benefits. The old guy has set a huge goal for himself. Within a year, he wants to increase his assets to [-] million. Become the world's top rich man.

Fred went to make arrangements, and Zhang Tinglan was immediately full of ambition. Although industrial construction cannot be opportunistic, he can use his foresight to seize every opportunity and maximize his benefits. Get stronger.

After arranging this matter properly, Zhang Tinglan participated in the intense new army training. He is now the acting head of the Second Regiment of the Independent Brigade, and has more than 1000 recruits under him.In the past, the Armed Police Corps could only be regarded as training hands, and most of the soldiers were veterans of the 27th Division, and they were just trying to sell dog meat.

The recruits this time are Zhang Tinglan's serious team.Not only Zhang Tinglan paid attention to it, but even Zhang Zuoxiang paid great attention to it. He arranged the best sources of soldiers, and specially found the best instructors to help Zhang Tinglan train the soldiers.

But after the real training started, Zhang Tinglan's head grew bigger, and most of them not only couldn't read big characters, but even couldn't tell the left from the right.When they first came, some people even had big braids, and they didn't know that the Manchu Qing Dynasty had perished.The gang howled and cried when their braids were cut off.

Those instructors were also very clever. They tied a hemp rope on each soldier's right wrist to help them distinguish between left and right, as long as they turned the wrong way.No mercy, it's a stick to go up.Zhang Tinglan was still reluctant at first.But soon he changed his mind.Not only did they beat people, but they also hit people harder. Only pain can wake these people up from their numbness.

"Remember, the more you sweat in training, the less blood you shed in battle. Not long ago, the Japanese clamored to launch an army against Fengtian. They wanted to turn the three eastern provinces into their colonies. Do you understand the colonies? They are your land The land, your wives and sisters, and your lives belong to the Japanese. They let you live as long as they live, and die as long as they let you die. At that time, we will all be subjugated slaves, just like cattle and horses, livestock!"

Zhang Tinglan lectured these rookies loudly during the training interval. He didn't expect them to fully understand what he said, but at least he had to give them an impression.Then instill in them repeatedly, whether it is brainwashing or ideological education, in short, a concept must be instilled in them, a seed of hatred for the Japanese will be planted, and gradually this will become a belief.

"So you are not training for money, nor for a place to eat. One or two yuan a month can't buy a life. You are for your family, for your relatives and neighbors, and for being human. Live in the world with a straight chest!"

This group of soldiers listened with half understanding. They were both afraid and grateful for Zhang Tinglan, a young officer.The fear is that Zhang Tinglan's punishment is absolutely harsh, and if something goes wrong, he will be beaten.Moreover, Zhang Tinglan has formulated a lot of regulations, from eating to sleeping, from internal affairs to military content, each has detailed regulations and clear rules, and those who violate it will be severely punished.

This group of people are used to being loose, so they don't want to be bound by the rules. The army is the place with the most rules. They either obey the rules honestly and accept punishment for breaking the rules, or they will go out.

Speaking of which, these recruits were really unwilling to leave. Although the salary of the Independent Brigade was much higher than that of the 27th Division, there was absolutely nothing to say about other benefits.Each person's underwear, shoes and socks, hats and belts are not lacking in everything, and they are all well-made, beautiful and wear-resistant, tailored to fit, and wearing military uniforms, the whole body is full of energy, and the state is immediately different.

In addition to clothing, food and drink are top-notch. Most soldiers probably ate more meat in the first ten years than in the past few days. Steamed buns for breakfast are enough, and each person is given an egg. Chicken, duck and fish are exchanged for noon and night. Looking at it, especially the braised pork is fat and oily, which makes people look salivating.

Even the landlord's family does not have this condition, so no matter how difficult the training is, as long as they smell the aroma of the food, they will be energetic. In this age, where can they find such a rich food.

There is also a reason why Zhang Tinglan spent a lot of money on food. These soldiers are all seventeen or eighteen years old. At the critical moment of growing their bodies, if they are well nourished, their physical fitness can be greatly improved.And the training these days is really too hard, endless queue training, two five-kilometer cross-country runs every day, and a lot of physical training. If the nutrition can't keep up, these recruits will definitely not be able to survive.

However, this kind of training is also very effective. The bodies of these young men quickly became stronger, and the muscles all over their bodies were bulging, and they were all full of energy, just like little tigers.

Of course, Zhang Tinglan has another great advantage in doing this, that is, the cannery is getting more and more prosperous, buying a large amount of meat every day.To make canned food for the British and Russians, just use some leftover garbage, and pick out the fattest and tender meat every day and send it to the military camp.

Not only the Independent Brigade, but even the food level of the 27th Division has been improving in a straight line. Although the matter is not a big deal, everyone in Fengjun must read Zhang Tinglan's benefits.In the past, even if you had money, you couldn't buy so much good meat. After all, Fengtian's spending power was limited.But after the cannery was built, the surrounding area delivered goods to the cannery, and people even trafficked cattle and sheep from the Rehe area.

After Zhang Tinglan finished his lecture, he immediately directed the recruits to carry out a long-distance running with heavy loads, and Zhang Tinglan followed closely behind. At this moment, Zhang Xueliang rushed over and caught up with Zhang Tinglan.

"Brother Tinglan, my father's letter of commission has come down, and the governor of Fengtian has arrived!"

"Hanqing, this is a great thing, the seventh uncle has finally come to this point!"

"Brother Tinglan, it's not that simple. Yuan Datou even arranged for my father to be a Supreme Emperor." (To be continued...)

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