Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 17 Conflict intensifies

() The telegram was sent by the Ri Ben envoy of Beijing, Ri Zhiyi. In this era, the envoys of the great powers are not simple diplomats. Even President Yuan Shikai had to look at the faces of these great powers.

Japanese Minister Ri Zhiyi is the culprit who single-handedly planned Article 21. He wanted to take advantage of the time when the great powers had no time to look around and swallow China in one gulp, but to be honest, this goal was not achieved.

The things involved in Article 21 are so important that it even makes all the big powers panic, for fear that Japan will monopolize China.And Yuan Shikai also adopted an attitude of hypocrisy and arrogance. Although Lao Yuan finally accepted some of the terms, he signed the so-called four civil treaties.But if you compare carefully, you will find that the Fourth Ministries Treaty limited Japan's rights to the three eastern provinces, and even if the rights were surrendered by the three eastern provinces, Lao Yuan also instructed local governments to resist, making it impossible for Japan to implement them.

Yuan Shikai bore too many infamy in his life. In fact, many crimes really wronged him. How many choices does the leader of a weak country have.Perhaps his biggest mistake was to restore the monarchy, so that the fame of the first life was put to the wind and flow.

At this time, Ri Zhiyi was worried because he could not implement the treaty. Suddenly, he received a report from his subordinates. Some newspapers published articles about Japanese ronin committing murder in Fengtian. When Ri Zhiyi heard this, he turned pale with fright. He hurriedly asked his subordinates to bring over the newspaper and read it carefully.

His face was ashen, and he slapped his thigh fiercely: "Stupid, stupid! How can this idiot Yata cause trouble for the empire at this time!"

Japan is in Beijing, and knows Japan's situation better than Yata, and the great powers are already very dissatisfied with Japan's attempt to monopolize China.At this time, Japan is far from being strong enough to ignore the great powers. As long as Britain, the United States and other countries pass some trade sanctions, Japan can suffer great losses.

In Ri Zhiyi's view, the right and wrong of Fengtian's affairs are no longer important. The important thing is that the big powers will take advantage of this opportunity to jointly launch an attack on Japan, and China has also set off a climax of boycotting Japanese goods. It is definitely not a good thing for the soaring Japanese economy.

That's why Ri Zhiyi sent a strongly worded telegram to Yada, asking him to calm down the Fengtian incident as soon as possible, so as not to damage the image of the Japanese Empire.

After receiving the telegram from Ri Kiyoshi, Yada suddenly felt a heavy pressure on his shoulders. Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, someone came to see him.

The person who came was a thin old man in his fifties, wearing big glasses and looking refined.But don't be fooled by this person's appearance, he is the famous Kawashima Naniwa, the first ambitious man who tried to split the three eastern provinces.

After he arrived at the consulate, he said straight to the point: "Consul General Yata, Chinese students and businessmen launched a demonstration against the empire, which is a blatant provocation to the dignity of the empire. I think decisive measures must be taken to suppress this trend. I am willing to be your pawn, summoning the warriors of Great Japan to teach those Chinese people a lesson, and let them taste the pain!"

Kawashima Naniwa ran to Yada and offered to recommend himself. On the other hand, Fengtian Governor Zhang Xiluan also summoned Zhang Zuolin.In his early years, Zhang Xiluan was skilled in bowing horses and made many military exploits. Because of his special liking for good horses, he was nicknamed Kuai Ma Zhang. He was also a man of the late Qing Dynasty.

But at this time, the old man was already in his 70s, his physical strength was gradually weakening, he could no longer ride a fast horse, and he even pushed out his daily government affairs.

But during more than a day, the 27th Division first detained the Japanese ronin who made trouble, and then there were demonstrations in Fengtian.Seeing that if it is not handled properly, it will lead to a major incident of Sino-Japanese conflict, the old man can no longer sit still, so he can only invite Zhang Zuolin.

Zhang Zuolin visited Zhang Xiluan as a godfather a few years ago. Although he looked down on this old coffin from the bottom of his heart, Zhang Zuolin still had to maintain basic respect for him, so he rushed to see him. Zhang Tinglan also became an adjutant and followed Zhang Zuolin to the governor government.

When Zhang Xiluan saw Zhang Zuolin coming, the old man rushed out to welcome him.

"Godfather, how can you work hard for your master? Isn't this making your son bear the name of being unfilial?"

"Yuting, let's not talk about this between us, let's talk about how to pass this level. I can't help this old bone. This conflict between China and the West has always been a difficult thing. I think Zeng Wenzheng Because of this, the Duke was not guaranteed at the end of the festival, and there was also the Gengzi Rebellion, and it was also because the Boxers killed foreigners, and now I am sitting on pins and needles."

Seeing that the governor is so timid, not only Zhang Zuolin, but even Zhang Tinglan despise him. Without any murderous spirit or courage, can he still be the military commander of one party? Kuai Ma Zhang is a dead man.

"Godfather, don't worry, things haven't reached that point yet, this Fengtian is still China's territory, and the Japanese are not allowed to mess around."

Seeing Zhang Zuolin's confidence, Zhang Xiluan was a little relieved, sat tremblingly on the seat, and sighed: "Yuting, the Japanese Consul General Yata sent a message just now, asking me to calm down as soon as possible The students marched and asked Yuting to release the imprisoned Ri himself."

Lao Zhang raised his brows: "The rogues in Japan are the first to do evil. It is reasonable for us to detain these people. If there is no suitable explanation, we will let them go and let Fengtian's elders think about us. And those students still It will poke our spines, and even President Yuan Da of Beijing will blame you if he finds out!"

Zhang Xiluan also knew that what Zhang Zuolin said was right, he had already obtained a secret order, and Yuan Shikai asked him to secretly boycott the Four People's Treaties, restrict the activities of Japan itself, and prevent Japan from buying land at will.This time, the Japanese used despicable means to conspire with the world's food industry. It seemed that it was not a big deal, but at this juncture, it affected the hearts of all parties.

"Hey, I'm so old, why did I get involved in such a thing, I'm an old man, I'm going to lose my life at the end of the festival!"

When Zhang Xiluan was lamenting, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and someone shouted: "Brother-in-law, let me see that you are getting old."

While talking, a middle-aged man trotted to the main hall. This person was Zhang Xiluan's brother-in-law Lu Zhengxiong. When he looked up, he saw Zhang Zuolin sitting beside him. If you are driven out of the barracks like a dog, no one will lose face.

"Mr. Zhang, you are here!" Zhang Zuolin just snorted.Zhang Xiluan, who was on the main seat, asked, "Zhengxiong, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother-in-law, some student representatives from Fengtian will go to the Governor's Mansion and the residence of the 27th Division to petition, demanding that the Japanese ronin who caused trouble be severely punished. You said this is not adding to the trouble, I ordered the troubled students to disperse at that time, and those brats are still not convinced , I hit a few thorns on the spot. They are all honest now, what do you think of my move!"

Lu Zhengxiong had a flattering look on his face, thinking that Zhang Xiluan would praise him, but Kuai Mazhang's seyin face was like a scapegoat.Zhang Zuolin on the side suddenly stood up, pointing at Lu Zhengxiong and yelling: "Bastard, thanks to the fact that you are still a police officer from Fengtian, how could you attack students? This is adding fuel to the fire!"

Zhang Tinglan's complexion is also not good. He hopes to use public opinion to force Japan to retreat, but he is more afraid of bloody conflicts. The current situation is out of control, so he hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, the old governor, the students are full of enthusiasm. It's always better to block than to slacken, and I worry that the conflict will become more intense, and we must act as soon as possible."

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