Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 189 Cost-effective business

After a debate, it made Fengtian unify their views. Zhang Zuolin was born as a poor child, and he hadn't read a book for a few days. of.As for Wang Yongjiang and Yang Yuting, both are loyal to Lao Zhang, and at the same time, they are also willing to see the prosperity of the entire Fengtian clan. They all agree with anything that is beneficial to Fengtian.

"Marshal, the Ministry of Education has approved the establishment of Fengtian Higher Normal School, which will be the highest institution of higher learning in Fengtian in the future. It will mainly train senior teachers and high-level talents in science and engineering. In addition, several specialized colleges and senior technical schools will be established as auxiliary, and then the main All efforts should be put into basic education, middle schools should be popularized in county towns, and primary schools should be basically popularized in villages and towns.”

Wang Yongjiang introduced his plan, and Zhang Tinglan added on the sidelines: "Mr. Kuang Rongguang has been preparing to build a mining college, and another military medical college, mainly to train western medicine talents to enrich our army. Every battle Among them, there are many seriously wounded who can survive, but our medical technology is too backward, so that soldiers have sacrificed in vain, this shortcoming needs to be made up for. Then we will establish some business and law schools. We also have serious talents in this area. If there is a shortage, some teachers must be hired with high salaries, and even some foreign talents must be introduced.”

"Zhuoyan, have you ever calculated that to run such a large-scale school, at least 400 million yuan will be invested this year, and there will be a substantial increase every year in the future. Fengtian's finances may be a bit difficult. Do you want to introduce some private capital to run the school? There are many people like Zhang Boling who are enthusiastic about running schools, and we use them all."

Zhang Tinglan pondered for a while, and then said: "Mr. Minyuan, I have no objection to the introduction of private capital, but these private capitals must accept the supervision and guidance of the government. And they are not allowed to run comprehensive universities, and they can only run some colleges as supplements." , cannot occupy the mainstream. It has always been who cultivated people for whom, we can't let other people's crops grow in our own fields!"

In addition to ensuring that talents are used by me, Zhang Tinglan also has deeper considerations. Once the top educational resources fall into the hands of private capital, they will often surround the school and form a circle of interests, which is difficult for outsiders to enter.

The vast majority of prestigious schools such as Harvard and Oxford in Western society are privately owned.Through the so-called elite education, they excluded most ordinary people, and then used the school as a link to form the so-called upper class society.Graduates of these schools find jobs thanks to their networks.Promotion has become very easy, and the chances of success are more.This resulted in a solidification of social classes.Opportunities for ordinary people are greatly reduced, which is very unfair to the people at the bottom.

To avoid this kind of polarization, universities must be in the hands of the government and open to all equally.This is why Zhang Tinglan opposes giving the school the power to select students completely, as those professors may be bought by capital forces.

They can also have everyone take the test, graded seemingly fairly.But you can fiddle with the test questions, you can also work hard on the evaluation methods, and use fair reasons to exclude ordinary people, because you are not good enough!

But in fact these test questions are tailor-made for the powerful class.Due to the different levels of contact between the poor and the rich, it is inevitable that there will be differences in knowledge. Faced with these well-designed questions, it is very normal to have differences in grades, which cannot explain the gap in intelligence at all. However, the school ignores these and completely Top universities have become clubs for the rich and powerful.

Zhang Tinglan is very unwilling to see that the upper class monopolizes education and enjoys the best resources alone, while ordinary people have no chance to turn around. Therefore, from the beginning of designing the system, he insisted on the position that the government should lead education.

Several people discussed for a while, and the main issues were finalized, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Marshal, I'm afraid we will be scolded again next time!" Yang Yuting said with a smile.

After Fengtian's education plan is announced, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the debate with Zhang Boling will also be made public. Most of those literati will criticize Fengtian again, and even use various relationships to obstruct it.

"If there are too many lice, don't bite, and if you have too many debts, don't worry. Many literati jumped out to scold me last time, but I have nothing to lose, and I am not living well."

"That's right!" Lao Zhang also said with a smile, "Damn it, if Ting Lan hadn't been sober-minded, we would have lost all our money after listening to the tricks of these scholars. It’s over. The harder they scold now, the more correct we are doing!”

"However, I think the high-end talents that Zhang Boling mentioned should also pay attention to training, and we can't ignore them." Wang Yongjiang said again: "It's not enough just to have people who work, there must be leaders!"

Zhang Tinglan also nodded. He opposed elite education, but it was not that elites were not needed. On the contrary, Zhang Tinglan needed more elites.An ideal talent echelon should be in the shape of a pyramid, with a large number of grassroots personnel as support, and then top talents lead the team to make achievements.

In a backward country, if we only focus on top talents, without cooperation from the grassroots, it will end up as a castle in the air without any real value.Just as the Republic of China had so many masters, they were always bullied. There may not be a single master in future generations, but no one dares to act wildly on Chinese soil.

"I think it is better to dismantle Fengtian Higher Normal School and turn it into a Fengtian Normal University and a Fengtian University of Technology as our high-end talent base."

Lao Zhang and the others also nodded in agreement with Zhang Tinglan's suggestion, and waited until the discussion was almost over.Zhang Tinglan walked out of the Tiger Hall, Zhang Xueliang pulled him to the side yard, where Yu Fengzhi had already been waiting.

"Zhuoyan, no matter how we think about this matter, we can't understand it. What Mr. Zhang said before was impassioned. How come after talking about it now, it seems like a different person. Could it be that what he said before was a lie? He is a Can't you be a hypocrite?"

Zhang Tinglan shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Hanqing, I believe that Mr. Zhang Boling is a very good man and a gentleman. He also really wants to develop education and change this country. But they have different positions and different classes. They look at the problem His method is different from mine, and his method may be able to cultivate some great talents, but it will not change China at all."

"Let me tell you one thing first. When I went to Liaoyang to help the victims, I found that many landlords were not vicious. On the contrary, they were good people. They would give porridge and clothes to the poor. But after the flood, they They all collect rents, hoard them, and drive the common people to a dead end, do you know why?"

Zhang Xueliang shook his head blankly, and Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "The reason is very simple, because other landlords are also doing the same thing. If he doesn't do this, he will make less money. If he doesn't collect rent, he will have no money to support his thugs. Once At the slightest sign of trouble, he becomes a tenant farmer again, which he has to do in order to ensure that he remains forever in the class of landowners!"

It was Yu Fengzhi's first contact with Zhang Tinglan, but she was very smart, and soon understood the truth: "Mr. Zhang Boling is a scholar, and from the perspective of his class, giving children from poor families the opportunity to study will increase The pressure from their younger generations may lose the opportunity to study in university in the future. The government’s withdrawal of the right to admit students will make them lose the opportunity to help them, so he must oppose it.”

"That's right, it has nothing to do with his character, but his class determines his opinion." Zhang Tinglan said with a smile, "It's just the ass that determines the head!"

When Yu Fengzhi heard what Zhang Tinglan said was interesting, he laughed uncontrollably: "Which side is Zhuoyan's butt sitting on?"

"Naturally, it is on the side of the Fengjun. The prosperous Fengjun will completely drive out the Japanese forces from China. This is my goal. If you want to strengthen the Fengjun, you must develop industry and agriculture, and let more people receive education. , to make the society fairer and more dynamic, so the focus of me, the commander-in-chief and others is on the entire Fengtian, all the people, not just scholars."

Zhang Xueliang and Yu Fengzhi thought about it carefully, and they suddenly realized that an idol had been shattered, but both of them understood a lot of truth.Zhang Xueliang smiled and said: "Zhuoyan, you ruined one of our idols, you must compensate us for the loss!"

"Isn't it enough for me to compensate you for a wedding? It's not good to have too much appetite!"

As soon as Zhang Tinglan said this, Yu Fengzhi couldn't help blushing. Although she came from a businessman's family and the relationship between men and women was not too great, she would feel shy when someone mentioned her marriage in person, so she turned around shyly and left.

Just after the education strategy was finalized, the Japanese Consul General Shida came over again. This time his arrogance was far less arrogant than last time, but his face was still gloomy, obviously feeling very uncomfortable.

"Zhang Sang, I have already reported the situation to the Kwantung Army. I can provide you with some munitions, but Japan must send military advisers to guide you in using them."

"No need, Mr. Benzhuang is very skilled, let him be our instructor, don't bother others!"

Zhang Tinglan was listening to Lao Zhang's words, and almost didn't laugh. This Marshal Zhang is really good at pretending to be stupid. How dare Japan leave Honzhuang Fan and others in Fengtian? The sooner they return, the better.

Shi Tian's face became even more ugly. This bandit leader was really difficult to deal with, so he had no choice but to give up his unreasonable thoughts: "Zhang Sang, we don't need to send consultants this time, but our next transaction must be done according to the rules."

"Mr. Shitian, don't worry, my old Zhang is also a friend. As long as the price offered by the Japanese is fair, we will not only buy arms, but also other machines in the future. Our cooperation space is very broad!"

The two sides quickly reached an agreement. It is worth mentioning that this batch of arms was the one that Da Dao wanted to hand over to Fang Wendong. After a round of turns, Feng Jun fell into his own hands without spending a dime. (To be continued..)

ps: Four more changes, please count the votes, the small ones may be able to perform exceptionally tomorrow, hehe...

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