Date Junnosuke is a typical Japanese military officer in the middle and lower ranks. After defeating the Manchus and Russia successively, the patriotic enthusiasm of the Japanese quickly turned into a kind of fanaticism beyond normal. Date Junnosuke was in this situation. Growing up under the fanaticism, his mind is full of serving the emperor, conquering Manchuria, and controlling the whole of China.

After following the Kwantung Army into the three eastern provinces, Date Junnosuke was dumbfounded. He had never seen such a vast land, nor had he seen such a fertile land. He only needed to sow the seeds and almost didn't need to take care of it. Can harvest food, in comparison, the narrow plains in Japan are not worth mentioning.

After seeing the vastness of the Northeast, the fanaticism in Junnosuke Date's heart has reached its peak. The Chinese people are not worthy of owning this place. Only the Great Japanese Empire is the best master here. For His Majesty, he robbed Manchuria and became him. The only mission.

Under the dominance of this kind of fanatical thought, Ita Junnosuke formed the Manchurian Death Squad. The first task he got was to assassinate Zhang Zuolin. Ita Junnosuke went crazy with joy. Zhang Zuolin is the most powerful man in Northeast China. Warlord, as long as he is taken down, the three eastern provinces will naturally become Japanese.

They planned the assassination with full confidence, but luck is not as good as people's calculations. Not only did they fail to kill Zhang Zuolin, but they also took most of the members of the death squad into it.What's more terrible is that there are still survivors who fall into Zhang Zuolin's hands. Once Zhang Zuolin gets the ironclad evidence, the Japanese government will instantly fall into a disadvantageous situation.

According to the fine traditions of the Japanese, at this time, Date Junnosuke should cut open his belly and apologize with death, and he also planned to do so, but at this time Naniwa Kawashima found him, and after some encouragement, Date Junnosuke Help take on the responsibilities of a warrior.Kill the captured assassin.

As long as it can be successful, it can be regarded as truly washing away the shame on the body, Date Junnosuke agreed without hesitation.Naniwa Kawashima helped him obtain a forged doctor's certificate and successfully sneaked into the Red Cross Hospital.

When this guy heard the conversation of those doctors, his heart contracted suddenly. Fortunately, he came, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. This guy quickly entered the ward, and there was a doctor in this ward with a Nurses are watching.

They were all clearly tired though, dozing with their heads tilted.Not noticing Junnosuke Date who came in, he turned his gaze to the hospital bed, and there was indeed a person lying on it with a pale face and motionless.I don't know life or death.

Date Junnosuke recognized this guy at a glance, he was a member of the Daredevil Squad.Date Junnosuke gritted his teeth.He took a few steps abruptly, then took out his pistol, and fired three shots at the hospital bed. These three shots just hit the guy's chest, and three fist-sized blood holes appeared in an instant, and the internal organs were clearly visible. .Obviously not alive.

Junnosuke Date did not expect such a successful completion of the task. The big stone in his heart was finally let go, and he finally completed his mission.All that was left was to die with honor like a samurai. Date Junnosuke aimed the gun at his head and was about to shoot.

All of a sudden, his back seemed to be stung by a bee, and all the strength in his body was drained rapidly. He felt bad immediately, and wanted to pull the trigger, but it was too late, his gun was kicked away, and his throat was choked Stopped, a big hand grabbed his chin, and took off his chin in one go.

In this way, not to mention suicide with a gun, even the poison sac in his mouth is useless. Junnosuke Date quickly lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. Only his two eyes can move, and he is full of unwillingness. color.

"Young devil, don't be dissatisfied. Grandpa has worked hard to catch you." This time it was Feng Yongshuang who did it this time. He is not only good at marksmanship, but also has top-notch skills. hard work.

The sniper unit is the top of the entire Feng army. If you don't have the ability, don't try to suppress those rebellious and strong soldiers. In order to catch the Japanese killer, Feng Yongshuang worked hard and repeatedly practiced how to capture the opponent alive. An idea came up, which is to use a quick-acting anesthetic to prevent the other party from committing suicide.

Feng Yongshuang made up as a doctor and pretended to be dozing off. After Date Junnosuke came in, he did not act, but waited until he succeeded in killing the person on the bed. Date Junnosuke's spirit was extremely relaxed. At this time Feng Yongshuang With a sudden shot, the anesthesia needle was injected into the guy's body first, and then Feng Yongshuang went to remove Date Junnosuke's jaw.

At the same time, the nurse, also in disguise, kicked Junnosuke Date's pistol aside.After taking him down, Zhang Tinglan and others all appeared. In fact, the one captured earlier was just a living dead person who could die at any time. This time it was completely different. This was a real living dead person.

"Our play is very good, but we haven't finished singing yet. Platoon Leader Feng, please work harder and find a way to pry this guy's mouth open and get what we want."

"Look, I will pry his mouth open!"

The assassination of Zhang Zuolin has touched the nerves of all parties. Everyone knows that according to Lao Zhang's style, he will never let it go lightly, but this time it was the Japanese who did it. If there is no real evidence, Lao Zhang really has nothing to do with the Japanese.

Now the focus of everyone's attention is on the victim in the hospital. Who would have thought that at this moment, explosive news spread from the commander's mansion that the victim was assassinated, and he was shot three times, killing him on the spot.

Everyone was stunned, and there was no one alive at the end. It seemed that Lao Zhang could only swallow his anger, but at this time, the commander-in-chief announced another news. Although the murderer killed him, Feng Jun caught the Assassin, capture alive!

This can be described as a turning point, which is an extreme test of the endurance of the heart.The people of Fengtian rejoiced, hoping to find out the black hands behind the scenes and punish the murderer severely.Even the big powers were attracted by Fengtian's situation. They also guessed that the Japanese did it. One assassination failed, and then the killing and silence failed again. Everyone was waiting to see the Japanese joke.

"Zhuoyan, you did a great job. The little devil dared to assassinate me. If you don't let you vomit blood, I won't be called Zhang Zuolin!" Facing the assassination, no one can keep calm, and Lao Zhang's resentment towards the Japanese has reached the peak pole.

Now that he caught the Japanese again, if he was brutally slaughtered, he would be a little sorry for himself, even Zhang Tinglan was the same, he was also injured, how could he easily let the Japanese go.

"Marshal, now the initiative is in our hands. Let's sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. If the Japanese are smart, come over quickly and get stabbed. Otherwise, we will stab this matter out and openly assassinate officials from other countries. Rogue countries There is absolutely no escape from his hat."

In order to create more pressure on the Japanese, the Fengjun immediately mobilized up and down, and all the main areas were under military control, and the captured assassins were also locked up in the barracks. Affiliated meaning.

Except for the military, the newspapers and public opinion are also boiling. Everyone is guessing who is the real culprit behind the scenes. Although the Fengtian government has not announced the final answer, all kinds of gossip have been flying all over the sky.Everyone pointed the finger at the Japanese. Don't underestimate the reporter's imagination at any time. Soon someone found out that five or six officers of the Kwantung Army were missing.

In normal times, the Japanese would have been frying pots long ago, but now there is no movement. Isn't this a guilty conscience?Moreover, they connected these missing officers with the assassins killed by Feng Jun, and quickly came to a conclusion: Japan sent soldiers to assassinate Zhang Zuolin. After the assassination failed, they sent people to kill Zhang Zuolin. It fell into Fengtian's hands again.

This kind of speculation was reasonable and was quickly recognized by everyone. The only question for everyone now was when Feng Jun would be able to show the evidence in his hand and discredit the Japanese.

Even some bolder people think that this will become the Sarajevo incident in the East, causing a full-scale confrontation between China and Japan, and even war. The United States, Britain and other allies all expressed serious concerns. Not only was it pressed against the Kwantung Army, but even the Japanese government could not escape. Both the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister were criticized.

As the instigators, Okura Kihachiro and Kawashima Naniwa were even more ashamed and indignant, and suffered a lot. They hardly slept for three days in a row. They did not expect that the matter would develop to this point.

"Red deer, a real red deer. Naniwa Kawashima, you idiot, don't you think your goddaughter is the only one on your mind?"

Facing the scolding, Naniwa Kawashima couldn't say a word. At this moment, Shita came to him angrily. He no longer had the energy to scold others, so he just sent the domestic documents and threw them in Sichuan. In front of Naniwa's eyes.

"Mr. Kawashima, your unauthorized actions have not been allowed by the empire at all, and have seriously threatened the interests of the empire. The imperial government hopes that you can bear the responsibility."

Shida's cold words were like a cold knife, cutting into Naniwa Kawashima's heart. Don't look at the old man fanning the ghostly wind around and instigating others to die. When it was his turn, he didn't have the courage. Now it is clear that Japan The government was about to abandon him and let him top the tank, and the old man went limp in an instant.

"Mr. Okura, it was your idea to assassinate Zhang Zuolin, you can't just ignore it now!"

Okura Kihachiro snorted coldly in his nose, Kawashima, this waste, still wants to drag himself into the water at this time, as one of the privileged chaebols, Okura's status is not comparable to Kawashima.

"Kawashima-kun, don't worry, I will make arrangements for my family!"

When Naniwa Kawashima heard this, a chill surged from inside to outside. At this moment, his subordinates ran in in a panic, and said to Shitian and Okura, "Zhang Zuolin sent Yu Chonghan over here. , invite the two of you to the Shuai Mansion to discuss matters."

Shi Tian's expression was gloomy, and he sighed heavily: "The bandit leader Zhang Zuolin still doesn't want to die, Mr. Da Cang, you have to be prepared to lose money!" (To be continued...)

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