Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 228 The Learning Army

In an era when there was no Internet, no TV, and even just started broadcasting, the speed of information dissemination was very slow. For the vast majority of Chinese, knowing that a war was taking place in Europe was already very good. As for how the great powers fought Well, with the situation on the battlefield like this, most people don't know what new tactics and new weapons have appeared.

Even those who know a little bit about it can see it in the newspapers. Zhang Tinglan is very concerned about the situation in Europe. He not only relies on the memory of his previous life, but now he is also actively searching for information, through the Russian smuggling network, from military officers and Get first-hand information among the soldiers.

In addition, with the help of Fred's network, he learned about the situation on the Western Front and reported to Zhang Tinglan regularly. He dare not say that he knew everything about the European battlefield, but he almost knew it. He was full of confidence when he explained to these students.

"Students, everyone must first understand that the most advanced technology of any era is first embodied in the military. A little progress in the same technology will also bring about earth-shaking changes in the battlefield situation. Take the simplest cavalry stirrup. It is said that with this thing, soldiers can be more relaxed on the horse. When there is no stirrup, the cavalry can only use short-handled weapons, such as swords, so it is not historical fact that Guan Erye's Qinglongyanyue knife. In the same way, after the use of stirrups, the cavalry used a large number of spears and horses as weapons. This kind of cavalry was very popular in the Tang Dynasty, and it also created the glory of the Tang Dynasty.”

The problem of technology has always been ignored by the Chinese. The literati even dismissed these things as strange skills and obscenity. When explaining the change of dynasty, they paid more attention to public opinion, saying that the number of days was cycled, and often ignored the importance of technological progress. Influence.Take the Yuan Dynasty as an example, the ability to conquer the world relied on powerful cavalry and shooting tactics. Compared with swords and guns, the attack distance of bows and arrows is undoubtedly longer and more lethal.

This can be said to be the strongest combination of human weapons before the advent of the age of firearms, compound bows and war horses, coupled with appropriate mangudao tactics, allowed the Mongols to run rampant in Eurasia.Created a huge empire unprecedented in human history.

After entering the age of firearms, muskets became more and more sophisticated, and their ranges became longer and longer. Traditional cavalry was no longer an opponent of an army equipped with muskets. Take the famous Battle of Baliqiao.Seng Gelinqin led the most elite [-] Mongolian horse team and launched a desperate charge towards the British and French allied forces.

Zhang Tinglan said to all the students: "During this battle, the Mongolian cavalry went forward one after another. No one was timid to fight, and no one flinched. Their behavior is definitely a model for the charge of meat bombs. But the result is tragic. Seven thousand Mongolian cavalry , It is said that less than ten people survived, and other friendly troops also died in large numbers. The British and French casualties were only a few dozen people, this is the huge change brought about by technological progress.”

The students are listening carefully, using technological progress as an entry point to explain military affairs.This is a fresh point of view that everyone has never heard before. It is all refreshing, but it is also reasonable.

"British and French armies relied on volleys of guns and cannons to wipe out all the Mongolian cavalry. After decades, their platooning tactics fell behind again. Because technology improved again, machine guns appeared, and the firepower of the army was unprecedentedly enhanced. Originally, platooning guns was for The output of firepower is guaranteed, but until now, rows of dense gunners have become the best targets for machine guns. At the beginning of the war, the French army was killed by German machine guns in large numbers, and the corpses on the Western Front were piled up. Mountain.

Also in order to cope with the powerful lethality of machine guns and new artillery, the battlefields on the Western Front in Europe have become trench warfare. Simply put, dense trenches and barbed wire are used to form a defense system. Soldiers hide behind the trenches like mice. , pouring bullets and shells at each other. "

Zhang Tinglan mentioned trench warfare, and deliberately placed a sand table in front of all the students to explain the situation of trench warfare to them.

"Teacher Cai Xiqia explained the tactics of engineering soldiers to everyone, but the mode he taught has fallen behind. The reason is very simple, that is, the army's offensive ability is getting stronger and stronger. If it is still a simple defense like a line, it will not be able to stop it at all. Therefore, it is necessary to implement defense in depth and rationally allocate firepower, and there are higher requirements for the construction of fortifications, and the role of engineers on the battlefield is becoming more and more important."

Having said this, Zhang Tinglan told everyone in detail how to build trenches, how to build communication trenches between trenches, how to configure firepower, and other issues. Everyone listened with gusto.Some of the students have participated in actual combat, and they all take this defense in depth deeply.

In the past, the Chinese army often only built one fortification. As long as it was broken, they would be defeated. Now it is completely different. The firepower configuration must also be carefully calculated in order to kill the enemy to the maximum extent.

Hearing Zhang Tinglan's narration, Xiqia's expression was a little unnatural. He has always been proud of his status as a non-commissioned officer, and believed that in the field of military tactics, Fengtian could surpass him. clever.

In fact, Xiqia didn't know that the Japanese often left a hand in teaching Chinese students and would not give them the most advanced things.Not only military students, but also other industries. Therefore, Japanese students are the worst quality among modern Chinese students.

After returning to China, this group learned some specious things and didn't understand construction at all, so they became professional revolutionaries, and followed Sun Dapao to set off rounds of uprisings.

"Students, what you learn on paper is superficial, and you never know that you have to practice it. Let's go to the training ground at the back and demonstrate how to build the fortification."

The enthusiasm of these students was also mobilized, and they went to the training ground together with Zhang Tinglan. At this time, not only the engineering department, but also students from other departments came together. Everyone wanted to see the excitement.

Zhang Tinglan directed the students to dig trenches on the spot. A trench should be nearly one person deep. When you bow your head, it can cover the top of your head. The width is basically enough for two people to walk side by side.

These students used the new-style engineering shovels produced by the arsenal. They were very sharp, short and nimble, and they were digging very fast.

The students quickly dug a trench more than [-] meters long. According to Zhang Tinglan's instruction, they put the soil aside to form a bunker, so that the soldiers could be well protected when shooting inside. All the students fought hard. Feeling the role of this trench, they even brought some weapons and conducted a simulation exercise.

Last time when Zhang Tinglan was dealing with Yijun cavalry, he built a snow ridge to block Yijun's cavalry. Later, he found that this method was not only effective against cavalry, but also against infantry.

At a distance of about 30 meters, building a trench can slow down the speed of the opponent. At this time, the soldiers in charge of defense can use grenades to attack, and the killing effect is amazing.

Although there is no barbed wire fence on the training ground yet, the trainees also brought a few wooden stakes and pressed them on the front of the position, simulating trench warfare on the European Western Front.

Some students were in charge of attacking, and some were in charge of defense. Soon everyone understood the mystery of becoming a flesh and blood mill in the European battlefield. How difficult it is to cross a road full of murderous intentions for hundreds of meters.

Even if the first front line is captured, there are still more trenches waiting for them behind them, almost endlessly, and sooner or later the attack force will be exhausted.Everyone didn't have time to feel the cruelty of the battlefield. They were all thinking about how to break through the opponent's fortifications, or use more rigorous fortifications to eliminate the opponent.

"The Chinese often say that the right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the harmony of people. On the modern battlefield, this view is still very valuable. No matter how powerful the enemy's firepower is, as long as you make good use of the land under your feet, take advantage of the mountains and rivers, and lay down the fortifications. If the fortifications are well built, casualties can be greatly reduced. If you want to build the fortifications well, you must play the role of harmony. All engineers and soldiers must be creative, adapt to local conditions, and skillfully use their advantages. Judging from the current European battlefield, The cavalry has become an auxiliary arm, but the value of our engineers is getting higher and higher, and they are one of the well-deserved protagonists on the battlefield!"

While explaining, Zhang Tinglan did not forget to cheer up the students of the engineering department and make everyone full of confidence.

"Teacher assistant, you said technological advances will bring about revolutionary changes, so how do you think you can break through trench warfare from a technical perspective?" Some students raised questions, and others were also listening attentively.

"Actually, many new technologies have appeared on the European battlefield. For example, they have produced gas bombs with astonishing lethality, which can cause thousands or even tens of thousands of casualties each time they are used. They have applied the aircraft that just appeared to the battlefield , from now on, war is no longer a two-dimensional space, but a three-dimensional space. For example, when we build fortifications, we should consider the needs of air defense. If the opponent uses planes to drop bombs on our heads, how should we deal with it.

In addition, the Western powers have also developed armored vehicles, wrapping vehicles with iron armor to prevent damage from shrapnel. These new things are not yet mature, but it is conceivable that trench warfare will sooner or later be replaced by a new mode of warfare. The reason is very simple. It's just technology advancing. "

"Professor, since the technology is so advanced, and the big powers are far ahead in technology, will we always have to be beaten, and there is no way we can beat the big powers?"

Zhang Tinglan also knew that students might ask this question, so he said confidently: "Any tactics and weapons have weaknesses, and there are ways to deal with them. Those who use weapons and techniques are human beings. What everyone needs to do is to keep learning. Find the enemy's weaknesses and be a learning army!" (To be continued...)

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