Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 264 The Golden Combination

As soon as Zhang Tinglan arrived at the door of Song Zhongyi's house, he saw a man in his 30s standing at the door. He was bookish, neatly dressed, and wearing glasses. He looked a bit like a scholar in an ivory tower. When he saw Zhang Tinglan and Song Zhongyi coming over , hastily greeted a few steps, and arrived in front of Zhang Tinglan.

"You are Director Zhang, and my name is Fan Xudong. I should pay you a visit. I'm really rude!"

"You are welcome, sir. I invite you to come over to invest. Of course, you have to take the initiative."

"Director Zhang, to tell the truth, my capital is extremely limited, and I can't even talk about investment. If I want to set up a factory, I have to rely on Fengtian's loan. You promised to provide a loan of 300 million, I heard My head is dizzy after seeing this number, and I ran here with two empty hands, just in case you will say that I am a white wolf with empty hands!"

"Mr. Fan, you alone are worth 300 million. The most valuable thing in this era is talents, especially those who are determined to develop industries!"

When Fan Xudong heard Zhang Tinglan's words, he was very moved. He had also dealt with many Chinese officials, and there were only a handful of them who could sincerely support industrial development. This was also the reason why his career was difficult. Unexpectedly, the little Fengtian To have such a visionary character, there is really a feeling of bright future.

"Don't be polite at the door, you two. It's freezing cold outside, so go inside and let's talk slowly!"

Song Zhongyi dragged Zhang Tinglan and Fan Xudong into the house, and the three sat down opposite each other. Zhang Tinglan glanced at them, but did not see anyone else. Zhang Tinglan was still a little puzzled when the legendary old father-in-law disappeared.

Fan Xudong said with a smile on the side: "Director Zhang, Fifth Lord let us talk first, the business is important, so he won't get involved."

Zhang Tinglan understood as soon as she heard it, the lover wants to have a one-on-one interview.It is true that there are some more private things that are not easy to let others know.However, Zhang Tinglan's eyes scanned the surroundings. This living room has three rooms, one bright and two dark. They sat in the middle, and there seemed to be a figure in the side room.

"Mr. Fan, I heard that the Jiuda Refined Salt Company you run is the first in history. It is the first refined salt factory in China. It must be because of customer service. Can you introduce the situation?"

Zhang Tinglan took the initiative to ask the question. He also had his own purpose in doing so. He offered such a generous offer. He also wanted to see what Fan Xudong's real ability was, whether he was a real talent.

Fan Xudong also understood what Zhang Tinglan meant.So I sorted out my thoughts a little bit, and then said: "When I was studying in Japan, I majored in chemistry. I deeply felt the importance of the chemical industry, whether it is in military or civilian use, it has an important position. We still have a gap in this area. After returning to China, I investigated the situation in various places, and finally found that Tanggu is the most suitable place to set up the saline-alkali industry. Only then did all parties contact each other, hoping to obtain investment support. I am ashamed to say that, whether it is Tianjin, or Beijing, neither has the arrogance of the Fengtian government, and can’t provide any loans, and foreigners’ banks don’t give loans either!”

Speaking of this, Fan Xudong's eyes had a look of nostalgia, obviously he was deeply impressed by the difficulties when he first started.In fact, this is also the difficulty of all enterprises in the Republic of China. On the one hand, there are cunning foreigners, and on the other hand, the incompetent government. If they do not have the tenacity of weeds, they will never survive.

"There is no loan, and I have to quit. My brother helped introduce some military and political dignitaries, business leaders, and I begged for a little bit from them. Gradually, businessmen were willing to invest. Then the vice presidents Li Yuanhong, Cao Kun, Cai Er, Feng Yuxiang and other military and political dignitaries came forward to help Zhou Xuan, and finally got together the capital to set up the factory, and the refined salt factory was established."

In fact, Fan Xudong was quite lucky. His elder brother was the Minister of Education of Beiyang, and he had to show some face in all aspects so that he could get the support of some dignitaries, otherwise it would only be more difficult.

"In fact, the production of refined salt is far from the chemical industry. The real chemical industry needs to produce acids and bases, such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, soda ash and caustic soda. Since the European powers broke out in the war, soda ash from Europe has almost been cut off. The basic factories have closed down one after another, and my next plan is to build an alkali factory to produce soda ash for industrial use, but this time the troubles I encountered will be even greater!"

Zhang Tinglan also knows that the foundation of the chemical industry is three acids and two alkalis, which have important applications in all aspects. He invited Fan Xudong here to produce these key things. Now that he said he had difficulties, Zhang Tinglan also hurriedly asked : "Mr. Fan, if you have any difficulties, just tell them directly, and let's discuss it together."

"The biggest trouble is the big powers. Although I produce refined salt, it will also hurt the interests of some salt merchants. But with the help of military and political dignitaries in Beiyang, there is no need to worry about them. But the production of soda ash will threaten the commercial interests of the big powers. The current monopoly China's soda ash market is the British company Bo Neimen, they master the most advanced Solvay process soda process. I initially hoped to buy a patent license from them, and at the same time provide some machinery and equipment, but the British rejected these proposals, instead Ask to cooperate with us in production."

"The British are extremely cunning. As long as you cooperate in production, this factory will fall into their hands, and your hard work will be in vain. These British people are not without criminal record, such as the Kailuan Mining Bureau. What a pity, Mr. What a pity that the coal mines with a production capacity of 200 million tons have all been owned by the British!"

In the first half of what Zhang Tinglan said, Fan Xudong nodded frequently. The factory has not been established, and he has no capital at all. Cooperating with the British, they have the advantage of technological capital, and they will definitely turn the soda factory into their own production workshop, or even simply They dragged down the soda factory, so as to maintain their monopoly interests, Zhang Tinglan's words hit the nail on the head.

However, when the Kailuan Mining Bureau was mentioned in the second half, both Fan Xudong and Song Zhongyi heard something different. It turned out that Kaiping and Luanzhou were two coal mines, but it turned out that Zhou Xuexi was in the hands of the British who controlled the Kaiping coal mine. It was also in the name of joint ventures and cooperation that the Luanzhou Coal Mine was annexed.

The Luanzhou Coal Mine is ten times larger than the Kaiping Coal Mine, but during the joint venture, the Luanzhou Party only accounted for 40.00% of the shares, because at this time, Zhou Xuexi was under a lot of pressure, even infamy, in front of the Zhou family, No one would take the initiative to punch each other's lungs, and they all agreed not to mention this matter.

In the end, Zhang Tinglan did the opposite. What kind of tricks did this guy want to play? He had never met a son-in-law, and he dared to provoke his old father-in-law before the marriage was settled.Song Zhongyi peeked at the room beside him, afraid that Zhou Xueyuan would come out, but luckily there was no movement.

Zhang Tinglan didn't seem to know anything, she didn't care, and continued: "Mr. Fan, I can help you with the machine and patent matters!"

When Fan Xudong heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Zhang, what can you do?"

"I signed a cooperation agreement with the British. Fengtian will supply military supplies to the Allies, mainly food and clothing. Now that Yushuai controls the three eastern provinces, the British are eager to expand the scope of the contract to the entire three eastern provinces. It is best Including Rehe and other places, it is necessary to supply the needs of Russia nearby and solve the domestic difficulties of the United Kingdom. They have something to ask me for. In exchange, the British should be able to sell us the patent. As for the machine In my opinion, we should find a solution from both domestic and foreign perspectives. Fengtian Arsenal has a special maintenance factory, which can customize some parts, and then buy some in Tianjin and Shanghai. As for the key parts, we buy them from the United States. It’s not a problem to get these things through a cooperative relationship.”

Zhang Tinglan said lightly, but when he heard it in Fan Xudong's ears, the meaning was completely different. This young man is too supernatural, and he has the ability to pry the big powers. I'm afraid the giants in Beiyang don't have the confidence. , it seems that coming to Fengtian is the most correct choice for him.

"Director Zhang, the problem that has troubled me for a long time was solved by you at once. I am so grateful!" Fan Xudong was about to stand up and salute, Zhang Tinglan hurriedly stopped him.

"Mr. Fan, the government is to protect the development of the industry. This is its duty. But I also want to remind you that even if the British grant a patent, they will definitely pay attention. Can we produce qualified products? Technicians and workers need to work hard. In addition, industrial technology is constantly improving. The Solvay method is currently the most advanced, but after a period of time, it will inevitably become backward. We cannot always buy patents. The great powers followed suit!"

"That's right, the Chinese have to strive for themselves. We not only need to produce our own soda ash, but also develop new technologies. Knowing what is happening and why, you are pointing out the direction of future development for us. !"

Zhang Tinglan’s request to Fan Xudong is not aimless. Historically, the Red Triangle brand of soda ash produced by them has indeed defeated the British Bo Neimen Company, controlled the Chinese market, and even exported it to foreign countries. It is the first in the history of China's chemical industry.

And later, a new type of soda production method was introduced, which greatly reduced the economic cost and created a glorious page in China's soda production industry.It was the famous chemist Hou Debang who created this miracle, and this new soda-making method is Hou's soda-making method.

Just a while ago, Zhang Tinglan and Bayuzao communicated in a telegram. Bayuzao’s studies were almost finished, and he needed to practice for a while before he could return to China. In the telegram, Bayuzao mentioned some talents who had studied in the United States, among them There is the name of Hou Debang. His financial conditions are not good, and Bayuzao also used the fund set up by Zhang Tinglan to help him.

With this popularity of incense, Zhang Tinglan is very sure to invite Hou Debang to Fengtian. Fan Xudong and Hou Debang are definitely a golden combination, and the entire chemical industry will have a bright future! (To be continued..)

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