Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 271 When the reorganization is in progress

As the saying goes, practice three nines in winter and three days in summer.Army training is something that can't be stopped for a moment. The security division has been known for its strict training since its establishment. This winter, Zhang Tinglan has increased the difficulty of training by a large margin and added many new items.

Soldiers are trained to fight in the snow, learn to use skis, practice long-distance raids, urban street fighting, and hand-to-hand combat. All training must be close to actual combat, focusing on finding and solving problems.

Moreover, Zhang Tinglan also hired more than 200 Russian soldiers and asked them to practice against Fengjun as imaginary enemies. At the same time, he set up special Russian courses among Fengjun, requiring soldiers to learn simple daily conversations. These preparations are aimed at Russians everywhere. Obviously, the intention of preparing for war is very obvious.

Zhang Tinglan knew better than anyone that there was less and less time left for Fengjun. If he couldn't quickly gain the ability to fight against the Russians, he wouldn't be able to get anything.Of all training, artillery is the most important, and it is also the key to success.

When Zhang Tinglan saw that the soldiers on the school field were seriously training and operating the artillery, he was very satisfied. Qin Wei, the commander of the artillery regiment, was in charge of commanding the training. He was a student of the artillery department of Baoding Military Academy. More than three years ago, he went to join Zhang Zuolin outside the pass. , in this era, Baodingsheng is a golden signboard, and Zhang Zuolin valued him very much. At that time, Zhang Zuoxiang was still the head of the artillery regiment, and Qin Wei became Zhang Zuoxiang's subordinate.

Qin Wei has done a lot of meritorious service in previous battles, and his military quality is also good. Now that he has also been promoted to the position of artillery regiment commander, he can definitely be regarded as a general under Zhang Zuoxiang's command.

At this time, he was directing the soldiers to carry out aiming training on the school grounds, holding a horsewhip in his hand, staring at these soldiers, as long as anyone made a mistake, he would not say anything.Going up is just a whip, but if you make sure that this whip goes down, there will be a purple bruise on your body, which hurts your heart.

Seeing Zhang Zuoxiang and Zhang Tinglan coming, Qin Wei hastily walked a few steps, saluted and said hello: "Teacher, you are here!"

"Well, the training is very lively, not bad."

"Teacher, we have so many good weapons. If you don't know how to use them, and put them aside as vases, wouldn't it be too shameful!"

When Qin Wei said this, he was also excited, as a soldier.There is no one who doesn't like good weapons, all kinds of artillery obtained from the Russians this time.Look at the whole country.They are all the most advanced, especially those 120 [-]mm howitzers, which are even more addictive.

As long as he has time, Qin Wei will go and have a look. He also knows that Fengjun has already had a batch of heavy artillery, but it is directly under the command of the commander.They couldn't touch it, and now Zhang Zuoxiang also had heavy artillery in his hands, and the number far exceeded a battalion, which made Qin Wei ecstatic.

"Training cannot be relaxed for a moment. We are surrounded by powerful enemies. If we don't have two brushes, we will never get a firm foothold."

"I understand, but there is still a little problem. The number of artillery in our security division is far beyond the size of a regiment. Is it necessary to adjust the size of the artillery in the next step? Otherwise, there are only one regiment, and it is a bit difficult to use!"

"Father, Commander Qin is right on point. The artillery must be adjusted, but I think the entire Feng army should be adjusted together. Great efforts must be made to rectify the establishment."

Zhang Zuoxiang nodded slightly. It is true that the Fengjun has occupied the entire three eastern provinces and has carried out large-scale adjustments. The troops have been unified and reorganized to determine the main combat troops and garrison troops. It is also necessary to unify the equipment system to reduce the logistical pressure and facilitate the joint operations of all Fengjun. These tasks are urgent.

However, these tasks involve various interests, and are the most difficult to adjust. During this time, Zhang Tinglan was in Fuyuan, and she didn't know the situation here. How many times did Zhang Zuolin send telegrams to Zhang Zuoxiang to discuss the adjustment of the troops? question.

"Yu Shuai has a preliminary idea. He wants to divide the Fengjun troops into three levels. Among them, the garrison division, the 27th division, and Wu Junsheng's cavalry division will be the first-class main combat troops of the Fengjun army. Form two garrison divisions, place them in Dongbiandao and Taonan, and withdraw all the original strength of the two divisions in Jilin and Heilongjiang, and organize them into three garrison brigades, responsible for guarding the area."

While listening to her father's introduction, Zhang Tinglan couldn't help thinking about Zhang Zuolin's plan. There were four divisions in the Fengjun Army, but now three divisions are the main force. The teacher's performance was seriously dissatisfied, and he took the opportunity to cancel it, which is also what he should.However, splitting the 28th Division into two garrison divisions is somewhat meaningful.

The combat effectiveness of these two divisions is obviously not comparable to that of the first-class main force, but they bear the name of the division, and most of them are used to accommodate those old people who serve the army, such as Zhang Jinghui, Ji Jinchun, Zhang Haipeng and others. Deep, seniority, directly thrown into the cold palace, it seems that Lao Zhang is not sympathetic.

Now stuffed into the two garrison divisions, the rank is very high, and the power has shrunk, which is also a common method used by the superiors. As for the dismantling of the two divisions in Jilin and Heilongjiang and organizing them into three brigades, it is obviously to completely weaken or even eliminate the two divisions. remaining local forces.

The situation in Jilin is relatively good. Since the elimination of Gao Shibin and his subordinates, Jilin only has a force of garrison divisions, while Heilongjiang is more troublesome. The two Manchus, Yingshun and Ba Yinger, each command a brigade Troop strength is also a potential hazard, so we must find a way to eradicate the weakening, and this reorganization plan has a stronger meaning for them.

"Father, this plan is not bad, but how should the three garrison brigades be allocated?"

"Yuting means two in Heilongjiang and one in Jilin. However, I have some disagreements with this distribution plan. Jilin's border defense line is longer than that of Heilongjiang, and the pressure is greater. According to reason, Jilin should have at least two brigades, which is enough. use."

The distribution of this kind of troop organization is actually a display of everyone's status in the Fengjun. Zhang Zuolin is a well-deserved King of the Northeast, but how these people are assigned is very particular. Zhang Zuoxiang wants to win two brigades. For the guard division, the strength in his hands is nearly two divisions, so Zhang Zuoxiang's power is the second strongest in Fengjun after Zhang Zuolin.

Zhang Zuoxiang also has the confidence to fight so hard. Zhang Tinglan has made great contributions to Fengjun's development to the present. Shouldn't he win enough benefits!Moreover, Zhang Zuoxiang is still the military governor of Jilin. In terms of status, he is higher than Wu Junsheng's military assistant. As a result, Jilin's military strength is not as strong as that of Heilongjiang, and Zhang Zuoxiang's face is not good.

"However, the current situation has changed a little bit." Zhang Zuoxiang said with a smile: "Zhuoyan, you brought back so much equipment from Russia, especially the heavy artillery. The firepower of the Feng army has been greatly strengthened. It seems that two heavy artillery regiments should be established, one in Jilin and the other in Fengtian, and they will be called independent artillery regiments to the outside world. In this way, Jilin will have a division, a brigade, and a heavy artillery regiment. The strength is not bad !"

Zhang Zuoxiang's method is eye-catching. Judging by Zhang's arrangement, the garrison brigade is definitely not the focus of development. Even two garrison brigades are not worth as much as a heavy artillery regiment. It can be said that winning a heavy artillery regiment is undoubtedly the Highlight the status of Zhang Zuoxiang and Zhang Tinglan and his son.

Moreover, Zhang Zuoxiang was not worried that Zhang Zuolin would refuse. These heavy artillery pieces were all made by Zhang Tinglan. Without Zhang Tinglan, Fengjun would not even be able to get them. Now that Fengtian has left a regiment, it is also to strengthen Lao Zhang's capital. Zhang Zuolin will never refuse.

"Captain Qin, if the heavy artillery regiment can be pulled up, you will be the regiment commander!"

When Qin Wei heard this, his face brightened immediately. The Heavy Artillery Regiment is undoubtedly the most powerful force in the Fengjun Army. Although he is now the head of the Artillery Regiment, he is completely different from the head of the Heavy Artillery Regiment. The son lifted it up.Not to mention being a regimental commander, even being a battalion commander is worth a fortune.

"Thank you for your cultivation, Master, I must train hard in my humble job, and repay my master's kindness!"

"Put all your energy on training. From now on, you will be the fist troops of Fengjun. If you have any difficult bones, you must rush up and smash them to pieces. As the saying goes, you have to be hard when you strike iron. If you kill the enemy If your ability is not good enough, I will absolutely not agree!"

"Teacher, don't worry!" Qin Wei said confidently.

"Captain Qin, please organize. Let's go to the shooting range to see how the live ammunition is being fired!" Zhang Tinglan put forward his request, and Qin Wei hurriedly nodded in agreement.

This time they pulled a total of three types of artillery, including two 120mm heavy artillery, two 76mm mountain artillery, and two grenade mortars.

The muzzle of the black hole was facing the target in the distance. Qin Wei commanded the artillery soldiers to move quickly, aim at the target, and load the shells. When the artillery shells fell, the mountains and rocks immediately splashed, and within a radius of tens of meters, they were all strongly affected. Obviously, on the real battlefield, this is a huge no-man's land.

After the calibration shooting, the artillery soldiers quickly adjusted, and another three rapid fires came. This time, the distance to the target was much closer, and the scattered debris and shrapnel had completely covered the target, showing the close relationship between the artillery and the artillery. Cooperate.

Then we fired mountain cannons and mortars, and the killing effect was also very good. Although these Russian-made weapons are famous for their stupidity, their performance is no worse than that of the Germans. The Fengjun is more and more accepting of these weapons. Russian weapons.

What Zhang Zuoxiang and Zhang Tinglan are more concerned about is not the strong power, but the cooperation of the three types of artillery in front of them. A dense firepower network is formed from far, middle and near, and the damage to the enemy will definitely increase exponentially. Zhang Tinglan seems to be able to see the opponent's attack. Under the attack of the artillery, they fell to the ground and died one after another. They were very satisfied with the artillery training.

Just as the army was undergoing intense and effective training, Zhang Zuolin sent a telegram inviting Zhang Zuoxiang to Fengtian to discuss reorganization. (To be continued..)

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