As the saying goes, red powder is given to beauties, and swords are given to martyrs.There is no general who does not like good weapons, and on the current battlefield, large-caliber heavy artillery is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon for killing people. Feng Jun has been ecstatic since he got some 120mm heavy artillery. This kind of firepower The strength has surpassed other warlords in the country.

But now that they saw a larger caliber and more powerful artillery, everyone couldn't restrain their excitement. They recruited enough people to drag the barrel out of the pile of guns. After identification, Everyone found that it was a Skoda 1914 medium-sized field howitzer, produced by the Skoda Arsenal of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with a caliber of 150mm and a large muzzle that could fit a small watermelon.

Such a shell can definitely create a no-man's land of tens of meters, which is an out-and-out killer.As a field gun, the caliber is at the 150 mm level, basically reaching a peak. Of course, there are larger caliber artillery, but due to mobility, rate of fire, logistics and other issues, super-large caliber artillery has received a lot of attention in the war. Therefore, the artillery of this caliber is the king of land warfare.

Feng Jun didn't have any of them. After seeing it now, everyone couldn't help being jealous, but there was only one pity. The artillery was damaged, and most of the base was missing. It seemed that it was damaged by enemy artillery fire.

"If this cannon is intact and equipped with artillery, our firepower will be the best in the world!" Zhou Zijian said excitedly.

"It's far away." Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Don't always stare at the country, but look at the great powers. They have piles of artillery that are bigger than this. We can't produce heavy artillery yet, but we must in the future. Break through this technical problem and produce it yourself."

While speaking, Zhang Tinglan carefully checked the cannon.Then he said to everyone: "Look, only the base of this gun is broken, and the barrel is at least [-]% new. It must have not fired a few rounds, and the aiming equipment is also intact. Just take it back and repair it, maybe it can still be used. !"

"Master, I'm afraid the parts we produce are not as good as those produced by the great powers!" Someone raised a question.

Zhang Tinglan pointed at the pile of scrap iron in front of him with his finger, and said with a smile: "Whoever asked you to produce it yourself, wouldn't you look for it here, tear down the east wall and make up the west wall. Everyone can always do it!"

Those technicians also suddenly realized, showing joyful expressions: "Master, please rest assured, we can definitely do this well!"

"It's not just cannons, those machine guns, small-caliber artillery. They're all sorted out and repaired as much as possible. Even if we don't use it, we can sell it to others. Don't look at it as a pile of scrap iron. As long as we sort it out, it's a piece of paper. It's a cash cow, everyone work hard!"

After inspecting the batch of items, Zhang Tinglan was still very satisfied. Many of the guns were only slightly damaged.Some are not even damaged and are still brand new.It's just that Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have different weapons systems, and they can't be used if they are captured. The Russians can only be treated as waste products.

Now it's in Feng Jun's hands.They are all treasures. A rough estimate is that out of [-] broken guns, at least seven or eight thousand can be assembled, and the artillery is about the same ratio.

In fact, Zhang Tinglan has calculated that even if only [-] to [-]% of the assembly can be assembled, that is a huge profit. Now that [-] to [-]% of the assembly can be assembled, the profit is simply immeasurable.

After greeting Felix, the transaction between the two parties began. All these waste guns were sold to Fengjun according to their weight. About one catty of guns can exchange three catties of flour.This kind of trading method is probably the first time in Chinese history. Over the years, various arms dealers have taken advantage of the fatuous and greedy characteristics of Chinese officials to sell some low-quality arms to China.

Of course, there are also good quality ones, but those prices are as high as zenith, but you can only stretch your neck to be slaughtered, who told you not to produce them.But now these guns are indeed sold at the price of scrap iron, which is not even as expensive as scrap iron, so everyone is smiling.

In fact, Felis also knows the purpose of Fengjun for these things, and also understands that once they are handed over to Fengjun, the firepower of Fengjun will inevitably increase greatly, and the military strength will greatly expand, but he has no other way.

The long winter is still going on, but the supplies of the Russian army have bottomed out, and soon the soldiers will starve. Once this point is reached, riots will inevitably occur.

Especially after getting the information from Zhang Tinglan, he was determined to rectify the Russian army in the Far East. Of course, if he wanted to reorganize the army, he must have enough capital to appease the soldiers, so he urgently needed the supplies provided by Zhang Tinglan. .

Therefore, the Russians could only watch helplessly as more and more waste guns came into the hands of Fengjun. After Zhang Tinglan got these things, he first classified them into different categories. It is determined to use Russian-made rifles, so all of these rifles must be exported.

Among them, the relatively new ones and the intact ones are all gathered together, and can be sold directly as new guns. As for the old damaged ones, they have to be disassembled and reassembled. The Jilin Arsenal has sent more than 100 workers. Two hundred soldiers came, and they dealt with it together.

Rifles are not the focus of Zhang Tinglan's attention. What he cares most about is the large-caliber heavy artillery, especially the artillery of more than [-]mm. If it can be repaired again, it should be repaired as much as possible.Even if it can't be maintained, the steel has to be hoarded. This is very good steel. Fengtian can't produce large-caliber artillery steel for the time being, and it can be returned to the furnace to make another one if necessary.

And as the number of transactions soared, another weapon also attracted Zhang Tinglan's attention, that is the Madsen machine gun, which is the world's first light machine gun equipped with troops on a large scale, and its performance is quite good.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, China had already purchased some Madsen machine guns, and Guangdong and other places had imitated them, but the quantity was very limited.

Zhang Tinglan also plans to equip a large number of light machine guns to form an effective cooperation with Maxim. However, since the First World War has already broken out, it is impossible to purchase, and Russia does not have a large number of purchases, so Fengjun is currently seriously short of light machine guns.

But there is no limit to the road, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was equipped with a large number of such weapons, and it also caused serious damage to the Russians on the battlefield. Among these obsolete arms, there are many Madsen machine guns.Of course Zhang Tinglan was overjoyed.

He hurriedly ordered his subordinates to pick out all these light machine guns, and after sorting them out, they would be enriched in the Feng army.

While Zhang Tinglan was busy cleaning up these things, Zhang Zuoxiang, who was in Jilin, couldn't sit still anymore, and hurried over, and Xiong Mengyuan, who was in charge of the arsenal, also brought a group of technical backbones.

After knowing that Zhang Tinglan got a larger caliber heavy artillery, Zhang Zuoxiang felt like a dream. After calming down, Zhang Zuoxiang immediately felt the value of this weapon, and of course it was not just as simple as increasing the firepower of Fengjun.And it is also the key to breaking the balance of Fengjun's major factions.

At present, the garrison division and the 27th division are almost on par, but if equipped with larger caliber artillery, the garrison division will definitely surpass the 27th division in power and become the main force of the Feng army. Can Zhang Zuolin agree?Do you want to share this kind of artillery with Zhang Zuolin, and what conditions will be exchanged from Zhang Zuolin after sharing.These have to be considered and weighed clearly.

Don't look at Zhang Zuolin as the commander-in-chief of Fengjun.But Zhang Zuoxiang also has considerable autonomy in his hands, and before he thinks about it clearly, he can't leak the news for the time being, so Zhang Zuoxiang rushed to Fuyuan in a hurry.

Since Xiong Mengyuan got a batch of machine tools last time, he got all of them from the arsenal, and now he has started to use them.The production capacity of the arsenal is also rising.At this time, more good things were shipped over, and he was also crazy with joy, this time he came with the old man.I just want to remind Zhang Tinglan, don't focus on the guns, and get more machines, this is the key!

"Zhuoyan, tell me quickly, how many heavy artillery have you got?"

"It's freezing cold, you always come all the way, take a rest first!"

"I think I'm old, I'll tell you boy, no matter how far away I am, my body will be fine." Zhang Zuoxiang's face showed a solemn look while speaking, and his voice was lowered: "Zhuoyan, these weapons are so important, we must Firmly control it in your hands, even if Yuting wants it, you have to come up with a condition in exchange, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a burden for nothing? I don’t feel relieved to leave this kind of thing to you. After I come here, what should I do with Russia? You are responsible, and I will not interfere, but we old buddies discuss what to do internally, so don't interfere!"

Zhang Tinglan also knew that the old man was worried that he would not be able to open his mouth due to affection. Since the old man was willing to take care of it, he was happy to be at leisure.

"Father, my son will listen to what you say, but let's see how many things we got first, and then discuss other things!"

"That's right, let me also open my eyes and see what kind of bezoar horse you got!"

Zhang Tinglan sent a list to Zhang Zuoxiang, and said with a smile: "Father, this is the data collected yesterday, please take a look at it first."

Zhang Zuoxiang took it over and took a look. After just one glance, he couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, with a look of disbelief. The first item above listed [-] Steyrmann Lisha rifles.Looking at the past for the first time, Zhang Zuoxiang thought it was because of his old eyesight, but after careful reading several times, he was completely stunned by the same number.

There are nearly 460 rifles, enough to equip six divisions, which is too much. Looking at the second item, Zhang Zuoxiang was shocked again. There are a total of [-] and three Madsen machine guns!

This number is more than the total number of machine guns equipped by the Fengjun. Looking down, Zhang Zuoxiang is already a little numb. Among them are mountain artillery and field artillery of various calibers, including those from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany, and some Russian ones. Things, all kinds of things add up to thirty or fifty.

In the end, there are two most critical things. One is a 150mm medium-sized howitzer, a total of 28, and there are also eighteen [-]mm field howitzers, and eighteen [-]mm mountain howitzers. Austro-Hungarian standard equipment!

Zhang Zuoxiang stared blankly at these things, keeping his eyes on the paper.Looking at it, he felt dry mouth for a while, he grabbed the teapot and poured tea into his mouth, Zhang Tinglan was a little puzzled.

"Father, the water is a bit cold, I'll change it for you!"

"Sit down!" Zhang Zuoxiang held down his son, and patted the list in front of Zhang Tinglan: "You tell me the truth, is the number on it right?"

"It's not very accurate, because these are all temporarily cleaned up, and there are still many that haven't had time to clean up!"

Dare to have more!After Zhang Zuoxiang heard this, he almost spat blood.

"Zhuoyan, do you know that these weapons are enough to change all Fengjun's outfits, and there are still a lot of wealth!"

"Father, there is nothing strange about this. Feng's army only has 6 or [-] people, and the Eastern Front is often fought with hundreds of thousands of troops. There are too many damaged weapons! And you should always pay attention Let’s see, we got a lot of weapons, but the amount of ammunition is seriously insufficient. After all, after the Russians seized the ammunition, many of them were disposed of on the spot. The mainstream equipment of Fengjun must be Russian-made, and we can get the production line for this! "

"No matter what, this is an astonishing amount of ammunition. How to use it must be carefully thought out!" (To be continued...)

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