The battle in Harbin became more and more tense. Under the cover of mortars, soldiers of the Feng army launched a fierce attack on the railway station. The Russians also fought to the death.

For the Russians, as long as they take a step back, they will completely lose control of the Middle East Road. Thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of expatriates will be completely under the control of Fengjun, so they can't help but work hard.The morale of all Fengjun soldiers is even higher. This is a war to take back state power, and it has a completely different meaning from the past.

Soldiers are actually not afraid of death. As long as they are given a reason worth sacrificing for, they will give up their lives without hesitation. This is the case with Fengjun soldiers now, and they are not fighting by themselves. There are more and more people in Harbin city Standing on the side of the Fengjun, the army and the people are united.

Every soldier did not dare to retreat easily. Those ordinary people were the best supervisors. Everyone wanted face. If the people were like this, how could the soldiers retreat.These young soldiers rushed to the Russian army's position desperately, and the two sides launched a brutal hand-to-hand combat. The bayonets shone with a frightening light. Became a wild beast, went mad, and fought for his life!

It's either you die or I die. Both sides mechanically waved their bayonets, killing the enemies in front of them continuously until they themselves fell on the battlefield.This kind of scene has not never happened in the Far East. During the Russo-Japanese War, the crazy style of the Japanese taught the Russians a profound lesson. During that war, Russia felt the pain of the skin. They just got it Within a few years, the ice-free port was lost after changing hands.

In Feng Jun in front of him, the Russians even found a trace of the enthusiasm of the Japanese.This made every Russian commander feel a chill. If the Japanese go crazy, they can attack Russia in the Far East. If the Chinese are also awakened, the power will be even greater, and there will be no Russians in the Far East Things are over, and these Russians dare not think about the dire future.

Horvath was in the underground command post at this time, listening to the reports of his subordinates. The battle situation was getting worse and worse, and his heart was getting tighter and tighter.This guy even regretted it a little. If he had known that he would come to this point, he might as well have agreed to Zhang Tinglan's proposal to assist in the defense. At least he could buy a little more time and not be so passive like he is now.

"Mr. Governor, Malrov has absconded secretly, and he should be negotiating with Fengjun!"

Horvath heard the news.Suddenly, it was like five thunderbolts.Sitting down on the chair, he couldn't say a word.This Malrov was originally an official from the Middle East Road. He tended to the majority party and was dissatisfied with the Tsar. Horvath had long wanted to take him down, but this guy had a lot of connections.It was not easy to deal with, so Horvath dragged on.

After the tsar was overthrown, Malrov publicly publicized among the Russian army that Horvath was the lackey of the tsar, and Horvath's remarks should be overthrown.The two sides are already at the same level. At this critical moment, Malrov has absconded. How can Horvath not feel fear and uneasiness.

As the so-called fortresses are broken from the inside, if the Russians don't get together at this time, I'm afraid there is really no hope.

"Bastard! Traitor! Malrov, this idiot, he is not against His Majesty the Tsar, he is against the Slavs. He is cooperating with the Chinese, and he wants to give up the land under his feet to the despicable Chinese. Arrest all of my husband's followers, and shoot them all without leaving any behind!"

Just when Horvath was in a panic, a little Russian old man had arrived at the Harbin General Factory and sat in front of Sun Anhu.

"Are you here on behalf of Horvath, are you planning to surrender, or do you have other plans?"

"No, Mr. General, I am not from Horvath, I only represent myself." Malrov said, "In fact, I have another identity. I am the person in charge of the majority party in the Middle East Road. This time I I came here hoping to cooperate with the Chinese side.”

"Oh?" Sun Anhu suddenly became interested, and asked with a sneer, "How do you want to cooperate?"

"It's very simple. We are willing to help Fengjun and get rid of Horvat, the tsar's lackey, but you must stop the attack on the Middle East Road, and allow us to control the army and form a temporary management agency. Of course, in return, we are willing to cooperate with China. Let’s jointly manage the Middle East Road!”

"Without your help, Feng Jun can still win the Middle East Road. This will be our territory from now on, so why cooperate with you!" Sun Anhu said with a smile: "It's a bit high on myself!"

The color on Mallov's face didn't change. He also said with a smile: "I admit that you can seize the Middle East Road, but you don't have the ability to hold it here. All the big powers will not allow China to use violence to change the status of countries. China's interests. I think Fengjun should be very clear about this, so when you send troops, you are also under the banner of defense assistance, but I want to tell you that this is not enough. Only by cooperating with the Russians can you guarantee that you will get part of the The power of the railways, or you will still be kicked out in disgrace, because you have an incompetent government!"

When Mallov said this, a smug smile appeared on his face, as if he had firmly grasped Feng Jun's handle.Sun Anhu's face darkened. In fact, when he heard that Mallov came here on behalf of the majority party, Sun Anhu still looked forward to him and hoped that he could offer some valuable suggestions.

But looking at it now, all Russians are the same, no matter whether he is red or white, all Russians can't change the common problem of being superior. In the name of the great powers, Feng Jun was asked to compromise.

Sun Anhu had secretly made up his mind that as long as he took control of the Middle East Road, he must teach these Russians the most painful lesson and let them know that China should not be humiliated lightly.Right now, Sun Anhu is still trying to maintain restraint, and said with a smile: "I am very interested in your proposal, but I must remind you that there is no free lunch in the world. Since you want to share the Middle East Road with Fengjun, you have to come up with your own. Sincerity, there must be enough action, otherwise, just relying on two lips, don't try to fool around!"

Sun Anhu made his attitude clear, and Mallov looked confident, and hurriedly said: "Naturally, I have a large number of soldiers in my hands. As long as I give an order, they can launch an uprising and kill Horvath."

"Then you have to act faster, otherwise Fengjun will take down the Middle East Road with his own strength, and you don't even want to get anything!"

Sun Anhu's indifference made Mallov a little disappointed. He thought that as long as he said something, the Chinese would be very happy, and he would happily cooperate with them.In fact, Mallov is not willing to hand over the Middle East Road to the Chinese side. He just wants to get rid of Horvath first and get some power in his hands.

When Russia settles down, the entire Middle East Road will still belong to Russia, but it will only temporarily benefit China.However, Sun Anhu put on a posture that they were dispensable, and Mallov was at a loss in his mind.

"We can overthrow Horvath, but Fengjun must also fulfill its promise and jointly manage the Middle East Road with us."

"I'm only in charge of fighting, and I can't take care of other things!" Sun Anhu said with a sneer: "Now the Fengjun has prepared forty heavy artillery pieces, and within two hours, the Fengjun will launch the final attack on the Middle East Railway Road." Attack, if you can't solve Horvath in advance, maybe even you will be blasted into scum."

At this point, Mallov is no longer full of confidence. He doesn't want to end up with Horvath, so this guy hurried to arrange.

A sneer appeared on Sun Anhu's face. Before the war broke out, Zhang Tinglan had repeatedly explained that the responsibility for the war should be shifted to the majority party, and even if there was no evidence, evidence should be produced.I didn't expect that the majority of the party would come to their door on their own initiative, which saved Feng Jun countless troubles.

Of course, Fengjun will not agree to co-management. Red Russia and White Russia are equally heinous in Sun Anhu's eyes. Anyone who wants to occupy China's land and violate China's sovereignty will be damned. However, if the majority party can make trouble, it can alleviate it. Feng Jun's pressure can at least save a few precious soldiers from dying.

Although Fengjun is not afraid of death, he is not a fool like the Japanese. Casualties must be avoided at critical moments. Sun Anhu immediately ordered Fengjun to suspend the offensive for an hour to facilitate the troubles of the majority party, and at the same time let Fengjun simply Take a break, especially to refill your ammo and eat something.

"Chao Liu, the battle was fought well, thank you for your hard work!" Sun Anhu took advantage of this time to come over to check the situation on the battlefield.

"Commander, it's all brothers who are desperate. We broke through three Russian defense lines in a row, and now only the station building is left. As long as we take this place and the garage, the station will be taken down!" Jiang Deng chose. Wiped the gunpowder smoke from his face, took a sip of water, and then asked: "Commander, we are indeed a little tired, but the Russians are even more tired. I don't think there is any need to rest, and the Russians were stewed in one go. We are the winner!"

"Don't worry, the situation has changed a little bit. Maybe the Russians will be in chaos. In addition, we have to wait for artillery. Although we have to protect factories and various facilities, we can't be fools who use our lives to fill guns. Another batch of artillery Send it over, let's wait for the firepower!"

While they were talking, suddenly several young students ran over quickly carrying a stretcher. One of the girls slipped on the sole of her foot and fell to the ground suddenly. On the ground, he grunted in pain.These students were all shocked, especially the female student, whose face was covered with tears. At this time, Sun Anhu also rushed over with the guards. He saw the injury on the soldier's body, and immediately frowned. (To be continued..)

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