Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 410 Sukhoi

Fengjun has strict rules for the selection of recruits, Zhang Henian has no decision-making power, but these workers are too determined to refuse.When Zhang Henian was in a hurry, Zhang Tinglan rushed over with his entourage. When Zhang Henian saw the rescuers coming, he hurriedly asked Zhang Tinglan to come forward to solve it.

When Zhang Tinglan heard that these workers were willing to join the army, she was also quite happy. These workers had a blood feud with the Russians, and their physical fitness was generally better, and their organizational discipline was much stronger than that of ordinary farmers. With a little training, they could Become a strong soldier.

Now that it has set foot on the land of the Far East, the Fengjun needs to deal with all kinds of challenges. It is inevitable to expand the army and prepare for war. It can even lead the Chinese in the Far East to join the army. Millions of Chinese laborers are the most powerful source of soldiers for the Fengjun.

Zhang Tinglan thought of this, smiled and said to these workers: "Everyone, get up, if you want to join the Fengjun, you can't ask for it. If you want to become a soldier, you have to fight and work hard. I will arrange a special recruit selection assessment , as long as you meet the requirements of the army, you can become a member of Fengjun."

After hearing Zhang Tinglan's promise, these workers were all excited, gearing up one by one, ready to fight for it. Some workers even dared to ask Zhang Tinglan: "Sir, after we join the Fengjun, can we fight together like you? Those Russians?"

"Of course, but everyone should be clear that going to the battlefield is dangerous. More than 350 soldiers of the Feng army were killed in the attack on Hailanpao. Once you put on this uniform, you may die."

"We are not afraid, the Russians have bullied us all, and this blood debt must be settled with them, as long as the Russians can be killed. Even if they die, it is worth it!"

Zhang Tinglan saw that these soldiers were in high spirits and their morale was high, so she nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone should clean up their personal hygiene according to the requirements of the army, receive military uniforms, and receive training for recruits. After ten days, there will be tasks assigned to you."

After hearing that the mission could be carried out in ten days, these soldiers all cheered.Follow the officer to prepare.Zhang Henian scratched his head, and asked tentatively, "Commander-in-Chief, even the formation can't be trained well in ten days, what tasks can they perform?"

Zhang Tinglan pointed to the east side with a smile, and said with a smile: "There is Jiangdong 64 Village. Although it is now a piece of whiteness, it is the most fertile land in the Heilongjiang River Basin. The output is amazing. As long as it is developed, it can be fed. Thousands of people are possible.”

"Commander-in-Chief, the teacher of the cultural class also told us that half of the food and vegetables in the Russian Far East are here, and the fertility of the land is the highest in the three eastern provinces, and you can squeeze out oil if you grab it. .”

"That's right. During the period of Manchu Qing rule, this area was also the most affluent area in Heilongjiang, with huge development potential, and it is precisely because of this. The Russians will wantonly massacre Chinese people. What they want is to leave no one behind. , this place will completely become the territory of Russia. But now that we are here, we will reverse all this. We will also leave the land and drive out all the Russians, and turn this place into the Chinese territory. Promised Land!"

"The commander-in-chief is so right!" Zhang Henian stretched out his thumb and said, "We were too honest before. When the Hailanpao and 64 village tragedies happened, there were still a large number of Russian expatriates living along the Middle East Road. At that time, if the Manchu Qing had detained all these expatriates and exchanged them with the Russians, they would have made a fuss, but the Manchu bastards honestly sent the Russians back, and let our common people be slaughtered in vain!"

"The teacher who remembers the past and the future, this incident tells us that we should not only learn to be a good person, but also learn to be a bad person. It is of no use to talk about benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust to the robbers. They will not be influenced, on the contrary. They will laugh at our cowardice, as long as they raise the butcher's knife and make them feel the same pain, this group of people will restrain themselves and learn to respect the Chinese."

"That's the reason, Commander-in-Chief, shall we slaughter all the Russians in the city now, and sink them into the Heilongjiang River to feed the fish?"

Zhang Tinglan shook her head with a smile: "There are more than a hundred thousand Russians here, all of whom have sunk into the river. I'm afraid that Heilongjiang will be blocked. These people are still useful and cannot be killed for the time being. I just mentioned Jiangdong 64 Tun, if you control this place, you must develop it. These Russians are the best coolies. You don’t have to feel bad about using them to your death. And I’m also planning to build a railway from Harbin to the north, passing through Aigun, Build a bridge over Heilongjiang to connect the two sides, and this will be our territory forever, and the Russians will never try to take it back!"

Zhang Tinglan has long thought about building railways. He plans to start construction of two major railways next year. One is the Jifeng Railway, which bypasses the Japanese Nanman Railway and connects the entire three eastern provinces.

The other is the railway from Harbin to Hailanpao. Originally, the Middle East Road was east-west, connecting Jilin and Heilongjiang. However, the lack of north-south railways in the two provinces made it difficult to transport personnel and materials.

If this railway is completed, the supplies from Harbin can be transported to Hailanpao within a day, and Fengjun will have a stable logistical support, and the railway has a large capacity and low cost, which is the best choice.This time Zhang Tinglan sent troops to Hailanpao and only brought 7000 people. It wasn't that he didn't want to bring more troops, but that the logistical support was too difficult.

With the current capabilities of Fengjun, it can only guarantee about 1 people, and it has to take care of a large number of Chinese laborers in the Far East, so it can only send 7000 people. It is not impossible to invest one hundred thousand troops in the Far East.

With such a military force, it will be more confident to face the threat of Russia.When Soviet Russia dealt with the Japanese intervention army, it only invested more than 5 troops. In fact, Soviet Russia’s mobilization ability in the Far East was also limited. If the Fengjun could mobilize [-] troops to seek the Outer Northeast, it would not be impossible .

In addition to building railways, we also need to vigorously develop Jiangdong 64 villages, turning it into a large granary in the Far East, building kilometers of railways, building defense fortifications, and developing natural resources, all of which require a lot of manpower.

Moreover, Fengjun has limited capital after all, and the early development work must be filled with human lives. There is no doubt about it. Instead of using Chinese, it is better to use these Russians to completely squeeze out their bone marrow oil. Make up for their past sins.

"Hi Nian, I will give you a task now. Select three large open spaces for prisoners in Tun 64 and other places. The bigger the better, build a few labor sheds and prepare to house Russians. The Fengjun will conduct a city-wide search. Put those Russians in step by step!"

"Obey!" Zhang Henian gave a military salute excitedly after hearing about this task: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I'll prepare right away!"

After receiving the order, Zhang Henian immediately took action. Feng Jun first divided the entire Hailanpao city into several blocks, and sent people to control each block, not allowing entry and exit, and then searched and arrested block by block.Immediately, the whole Hailanpao was full of adults crying and children yelling. These Russians never thought that they would have such a day, and they were all panicked. They couldn't do anything except pray for God's blessing.

"Commander-in-Chief, are you planning to exterminate the Russians?"

"Does Staff Jiang think it's inappropriate?"

"Of course not." Jiang Dengxuan said hastily: "I also hate the Russians to the core. It would be the best thing to be able to kill them all. It's just that there are [-] Russians, not thousands of them. Let's do it." The massacre, the news will definitely spread, and it will attract opposition from the big powers, and it will also attract criticism in the country, I am a little worried!"

"You're right, but I'm not going to commit a massacre, but to build a concentration camp and manage these Russians!"

Concentration camp?Jiang Dengxuan hadn't survived the term yet, so he was a little confused.

Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "This thing was invented by the British. It is used to detain civilians and prisoners of war, including political prisoners and minorities, so as to prevent them from rebelling. And I heard that the majority party in Russia is also working on this thing. They are putting Tens of thousands of followers of the tsar, capitalists, landlords, etc. have all been imprisoned. We might as well follow suit, imprisoning these Russians and forcing them to work. Now the first task is to be in Hailanpao and Jiangdong 64 Set up defense fortifications to prevent the Russians from counterattacking and build this place into a strong fortress."

After Zhang Tinglan's explanation, Jiang Dengxuan also nodded, but he said again: "Commander-in-chief, I have checked the situation of Hailanpao. There are several factories and many schools here. There must be professionals we need. And technical workers, these people are used as coolies, it is really a waste, I think it is better to send them back to China to contribute their talents for us."

"That's a good idea. Chief of Staff, you should make arrangements now. Those Russians must be carefully screened, and all useful talents must be cleared out. The rest of the strong laborers will be charged with the crime of the majority party and sent to the concentration camp for me! "

Jiang Dengxuan hurriedly nodded and went to do it. Now the whole Hailanpao became lively. Countless Russians were driven out of their homes. They lined up in long lines to accept the Fengjun's interrogation.

"Listen, all of you, in order to eliminate the threat from the majority party, you must undergo careful investigation. Everyone must truthfully register their occupations and skills. We will conduct a careful investigation. If you dare to lie, you will be dealt with as members of the majority party!"

After explaining clearly, these Russians all lined up in a neat line and slowly accepted the investigation. A thin young man, coughing from time to time, walked up to the investigators and said in a hoarse voice: "My name is Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi is a student of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Moscow State University, and has studied aviation theory with Professor Zhukovsky..."

Sukhoi!Zhang Tinglan, who happened to come over to inspect, heard the young man's introduction, and suddenly his mind seemed to be struck by lightning, which was so unexpected! (To be continued..)

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