Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 414 Evacuating the Far East

"Commander-in-Chief, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces came, the Russians gathered more than [-] people and occupied the three eastern provinces. They burned, killed, and looted along the way. There are countless women who were ruined, some old and some young. , there are Chinese corpses everywhere, wild dogs wandering around eat a lot of human flesh, and after seeing a living person, their eyes turn red, and the whole three eastern provinces are like going to hell."

"Commander-in-chief, to be honest, I just arrived in the three provinces of the Northeast and joined the Yuzi Army. There was a small tavern next to the barracks. The shopkeeper's self-brewed shochu was very strong. When I drank it, it felt like it was on fire. From then on, I just fell in love with drinking, as long as I have a little time, I would go for a drink and listen to other people talking and laughing, which is very exciting!"

Li Jinglin seldom mentioned his own past, and this was the first time he confided. When he spoke, he was full of longing, and Zhang Tinglan listened carefully.

"The shopkeeper has a little daughter who is two years younger than me. She is pretty and fresh, and her voice is like a silver bell. She is busy in the tavern every day. At that time, many brothers said they wanted to marry her. Later, when the Russians arrived and occupied the Northeast, their family did not run away, and the tavern was burned down. Later, I heard that some Russian soldiers rushed into the tavern, took the little girl to the barracks, and ruined it. The shopkeeper He and his wife got into an affair, and the good family ended like this. At that time, everyone thought that one day, let the Russians have a taste of this!"

When Li Jinglin mentioned the past, he couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly, his veins were exposed, and there was still a trace of water vapor in his eye sockets.Zhang Tinglan finally understood in her heart that there is still a boy's first love in the relationship, no wonder Li Jinglin is so cruel to the Russians, indeed they have left too many sins.There are too many books to tell, as a soldier, you should use an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye, and you should indeed make them pay the price. [

"Captain Li, do you have any good suggestions?"

"After a cat catches a mouse, it will not be killed immediately. They are willing to torture for a period of time. Let's play like this, first give the Russians a way out, and set a daily workload. Those who continuously exceed the quota will be rewarded. Rewards, so that the Russians can be "forced" to work hard. Those whose physical fitness is not good will slowly die from exhaustion. They will be completely eliminated, and those who have reached the standard will be left. We will add new tests to them. Until Completely exhausted to death!"

Zhang Tinglan's eyes lit up when he heard Li Jinglin's idea. If only relying on strong suppression, the Russians would definitely resist wholeheartedly. If they could be given a little hope, the Russians would be much more honest.The work can be done better. In the art of war, it is called encirclement and lack of one. It seems to be a little hopeful, but it is actually the biggest trap.

Li Jinglin looks like a rough martial artist.However, there are still many methods of punishing people. You really can’t judge people by their appearances. Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Commander Li, since you made this suggestion, the concentration camp will be handed over to you to manage, and the Russians must be severely punished. The value of their lives is squeezed out, as long as they enter the concentration camp, they cannot be allowed to come out alive!"

After Li Jinglin got the order, he immediately took office. With him taking over, the entire concentration camp changed immediately. He specially formulated a detailed reward and punishment management method. Every Russian was assigned a fixed amount of tasks. , Only after completing these tasks can we eat, and those who cannot complete will be punished. If they fail to complete for five consecutive days, they will be sent to the woods, stripped and hung on the tree.

At night, the howling of wolves could be heard all around. Most of these Russians fell into the mouths of wolves. Looking at them in the morning, there were only bones and wolf hairs all over the place.

In addition to punishing those who lag behind, we also need to reward those who work hard. As long as you can exceed the task, the more you complete, you can get food in advance, you can eat, and you can even eat a little meat. Waiting for the soup leftovers.

In this cold weather.If you don’t have enough to eat, you will have no strength. After a few days, your physical strength will drop sharply. At that time, you will not be able to meet the quota, and you will not even be eligible to eat. Therefore, these Russians are forced to work hard Live, use your best strength.

After enacting such cruel regulations, the number of deaths of Russians has increased significantly, and the progress of the project has also doubled. It can be said that the rapid construction of several forts is completely piled up with the lives of Russians, but these The Russians no longer care about their dead companions, because according to the regulations, as long as they can exceed the task for fifteen consecutive days, they will get a chance to be promoted, from a laborer to a low-level manager.

After selecting enough management personnel, each team leader must take care of his own team members and not allow them to escape. It doesn’t matter if someone dies, they can be replenished immediately. If one escapes, the team leader will be dismissed and punished immediately. Send it to the wolves.

In addition to the caretakers, each group has to compete desperately for the fruits of labor. Those with the best grades can continue to improve, and those with poor grades will be punished by the team leader, and even become laborers again, working hard together with the bottom-level personnel. .

To put it bluntly, this system is to use Russia to control Russia, give some Russians hope, let them work honestly, and then use Russians to manage Russians. These Russian team leaders who climbed up finally got rid of that misfortune In those days, they will definitely abuse other Russians more and squeeze them desperately. Only in this way can they maintain their status, and only by pleasing the Chinese managers can they continue to maintain their own lives.

Of course, there are also some Russians who have not lost their conscience. They don’t want to kill their compatriots, and they don’t want to press too hard, but it doesn’t matter, because there are other Russians staring at you. , someone else will replace it soon, and your end will be even more miserable. Under such circumstances, every Russian can only annihilate his own conscience. They treat Russians more cruelly and cruelly than the Chinese side several times.

This is the weakness of human nature, and it is not uncommon in Chinese history. Han jn such as Hong Chengchou and Wu Sangui, they killed their compatriots, and they were more ruthless than the Manchu Tartars, because they could only kill themselves Only by killing all his compatriots can he show his loyalty to his master, please him, and make others forget his identity as a Han jn. He has a little softness.Other Han jn will follow.

When the Japanese invaded China, they supported a large number of Han jn, and they used this method to control China with China. Those Han jn were willing to act as pawns and executioners, killing their own compatriots. There are few Japanese, so those Han jn are even more hateful than the Japanese!

Li Jinglin sent the entire plan for managing the concentration camp to Zhang Tinglan, and Zhang Tinglan read it.I also called him a genius. I really didn't expect Li Jinglin to have such abilities. It seems that letting him manage the concentration camp is really the right talent.

Zhang Tinglan simply handed over all the concentration camps to Li Jinglin's management. Those Russians who did not enter the concentration camps also belonged to Li Jinglin's management, as long as it felt appropriate.The scale of the concentration camp can be expanded at any time.

Under Li Jinglin's management, the efficiency of the concentration camp was unprecedentedly high.Several forts along the river have been issued scale.On the outskirts of Tun 64, a solid defense fortification was also built.

The total size of the Jiangdong 64th Regiment is controversial among various historical materials. The main reason is that the Russians continue to devour it. Some historical materials incorrectly quoted the data published by Russia. [

According to Feng Jun's statistics, the width of the 64 villages in Jiangdong is about eighty miles from east to west.The length from north to south is 210 miles, and the total area is more than 500 square kilometers. Because of the confluence of two rivers, the land here is fertile.The climate is suitable, and the agricultural output is also top-notch compared with other regions in the three northeastern provinces.

There are records in Qing history manuscripts, saying that the wealth here is the highest in the whole province, and the 64 villages in Jiangdong, which should have been the granary of the north, were brutally occupied by the Russians. This is definitely the greatest shame.Fortunately, now I have this place in my hands again. Now that I have it, I absolutely cannot lose it again.

Zhang Tinglan transferred a large amount of building materials from the three eastern provinces to build defense fortifications. At the same time, he also built military camps and airfields. He continued to use planes to patrol the entire area to strengthen security and prevent the Russians from counterattacking.

Just when Zhang Tinglan strengthened his defense, his old friend Felis came over again. This majestic nephew of the tsar, a member of the Russian royal family, looked more and more lonely at this time, with dark circles under his eyes and no traces on his face. Compared with the original high-spiritedness, he looked extremely downcast.

He couldn't tolerate Felis not being in a hurry. With Zhang Tinglan's help, he managed to stabilize his position in the Far East. But now that the majority party is gaining power, the flames of war in Europe are constantly burning, and the Far East is also frequently haunted by the majority party.Moreover, he also heard that the Tsar's family had been brutally killed, and other royal family members and nobles in Russia had also been destroyed, and the majority party put them all in prison.

Felis felt more and more precarious, and what was even more terrible was that the already out-of-control army was becoming more and more difficult to control. Without enough external help, his power would collapse at any time.

These days he has been trying to use women to numb himself, but after learning that Zhang Tinglan's army has occupied Hailan, he has seen a glimmer of hope again, so he can't wait to find Zhang Tinglan.

"Old friend, it's useless to regret something after it happened. People should look forward. If you don't have ambitions and just want to be an ordinary person and live your life honestly, I can give you enough now." Money, I will send you anywhere, and live the rest of your life comfortably, if you still have ideas, you should cheer up and think about what to do instead of frowning!"

Hearing Zhang Tinglan's words, Felice seemed to recover a bit, and said with a wry smile: "Old friend, will you still help me at this time?"

"You shouldn't beg for my help, but prove your worth to me and make me feel that you are worthy of investment!"

Felice lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "Old friend, of course I am not willing to fail like this. I am the nephew of the Tsar, a member of the Normanov family, and there are still a large number of troops loyal to the Tsar in the Far East. As long as I can unite them, I can fight with the majority party. I will never give up easily, but before that, I need a lot of financial assistance, as well as arms and food. I can't let those soldiers go on empty stomachs. fighting."

Hearing this, Zhang Tinglan smiled and nodded immediately: "Old friend, I can meet all your needs, Fengjun now has a large number of Russian-made weapons, as long as you need them, I can hand them over to you at any time! "

Felice showed a wry smile: "I only have a few million rubles in my hands now, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to pay for the ammunition."

"Don't worry, we are friends, and we will definitely take care of you. You just need to use the factories in the Far East as compensation, including machines and workers. I can give you the best price!"

A smug smile appeared on Zhang Tinglan's face. After moving to a Hailan, he has become addicted to this kind of thing. Now that Felis has taken the initiative to deliver it to his door, Zhang Tinglan will definitely have to kill him hard to destroy everything of value in the Far East. Everything is moved here.

Felisi looked at Zhang Tinglan and knew his plan very well. He had no choice: "Old friend, you can do whatever you want, as long as you give me enough ammunition!" (To be continued...)

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