Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 466 Angry Americans

A ship on the sea is a piece of floating land, which is equally sacred. If it is violated, the consequences will be very serious.The United States participated in World War I in the name of merchant ships being attacked by German submarines.

If this American merchant ship was intercepted hastily, the problem must be very serious, but if it is not intercepted, these important equipment will be transported to Fengtian, and no one will be able to bear the consequences.

Japan's territory is not as large as China's, its resources are not as rich as China's, and its population is not as large as China's.The reason why China can be overwhelmed is due to its leading technology and developed industry.If China also has its own industry, it will be a nightmare, and Japan will never want to get involved in China.

This is something that the Japanese ruling class will never accept, but if you want to prevent these machines from reaching China, you must intercept the American cargo ship, otherwise it will be too late when the ship arrives in Huludao.

Prime Minister Yuan Jing was in a dilemma at this time, and he called the intelligence officer to his side, and said seriously: "I need to get exact information, tell me whether there is equipment smuggled by China on that ship, and what are those equipment for? ?”

"Your Excellency, according to my understanding, this part of equipment comes from Europe, and its technical level is very advanced. If it falls into the hands of the Fengjun, their industrial level will inevitably rise to a higher level, and they will be able to produce most of their own weapons and even machine tools. !"

Once machine tools can be produced, to a certain extent, the industrial system has already been formed. Of course, Yuan Jing knows the dangers involved. If Fengjun's industrial system is formed, there is no doubt that there will be an industrial system under the noses of the Japanese. As a powerful enemy, Japan's mainland policy is in danger of going bankrupt.

What kind of power can an industrialized China, a behemoth with a population of [-] million, explode.Thinking of this, Yuan Jing's head became dizzy for a while. This multiple-choice question is really too difficult.

This is no longer something that Yuan Jing alone can decide. He summoned all the cabinet members, and these people sat together to discuss this issue.

"My lords, the empire is facing a dilemma. Do you want to take the risk of offending the United States and intercept the cargo ship?"

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, if it is confirmed that there is important equipment on the cargo ship, I think it should be intercepted. The expansion of the Feng army is too fast, and their industrial strength is growing faster than their military strength. The empire must use all means to suppress it. Otherwise, there will be a powerful enemy on the way of the empire to conquer Manchuria."

The speaker was Yoshiichi Tanaka, Minister of War.Behind this guy is Aritomo Yamagata, the last powerful patriarch in Japan, in the cabinet.Yoshiichi Tanaka is very important.Yuan Jing is also afraid of him three points.

"Tanaka-kun, suppressing the development of Fengjun is of course the top priority, but if you offend the United States because of this, I'm afraid it will lead to international disputes, and the consequences will be very serious. We have to be worried."

Yoshiichi Tanaka sneered: "There is no need to care too much about the attitude of Western countries. In the Far East, the empire has absolute dignity. The United States needs the cooperation of the empire, and they dare not do anything."

As soon as Yuan Jing heard Tanaka's words, he knew that this man was a diplomatic idiot who only knew how to be reckless, so he set his sights on Foreign Minister Uchida Yasuya, hoping that he could come up with a solution.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, it is indeed a big trouble to intercept American cargo ships rashly, but as far as I know, the United States and European countries have restrictions on China, and they will not allow important equipment to fall into the hands of the Chinese. Therefore, I suggest that you can While stopping the cargo ship, conducting inspections, and communicating with the United States, as long as it proves that there are prohibited items on it, the United States will not say anything."

Yuan Jing listened carefully to Uchida's words, and it seemed to make sense. In fact, there is only one problem now, and that is whether there is any important equipment on board the Luna Goddess. As long as there is, everything will be easy to handle. Trouble, it depends on how to decide.

Yuan Jing thought carefully for a long while, then finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "The United Fleet immediately dispatched ships and made preparations outside Huludao to intercept this American freighter and absolutely not allow the ship to dock."

The Japanese cabinet finally made a decision, and they acted immediately. At this time, the American cargo ship Luna has passed through the Miyako Waterway, passed the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea, and headed straight for the destination Huludao.

Chen Qiming is standing on the deck. It has been half a year since he left the three eastern provinces. During his stay in Europe, he really felt the gap in industrial technology, and he also deeply understood the shame of being a weak country. Originally, as a victorious country, China But they can't even get a little basic respect, and can only become a fish at the mercy of others.

There is no justice in this world, only power, and most of this power is reflected in industry.Chen Qiming secretly clenched his fists tightly. After returning to China this time, he will do a good job.

Zhang Tinglan has become the actual leader of the Feng army, and has obtained so much machine technology from Germany, if he can't make achievements, it will be unreasonable.

When the big ship sailed towards Huludao with the wind and waves, a fishing boat not far away was secretly observing the huge figure of the Moon Goddess.As the ship passed by, a series of radio waves flew out from the fishing boat, and the two destroyers who were ordered to wait not far away got the news immediately.The two warships immediately chased after the Moon Goddess at the fastest speed.

"Mr. Chen, why do you seem to be waiting for something?" Wei Jun asked with a smile. He was one of the laborers who went to Europe. Woolen cloth.Chen Qiming took a fancy to his talent, so he took him with him and asked him to help with some things.

"Junzi, we have reached the last section of the flight route. If there is no accident, some clowns should come out."

While talking, the crew shouted loudly, and they found two ships approaching them at a super high speed in the distance.These crew members were all young Americans. They were exhausted from the long sea voyage, and they were about to relax in a foreign country. Unexpectedly, two ships were eyeing them.

"Hey, man, do you think they're pirates?"

"Perhaps. Oh, no. I can see their flag. It's a Japanese ship."

"That shouldn't be a problem, aren't we allies!"

While these crew members were discussing, two Japanese destroyers, one on the left and one on the right, approached the Moon Goddess.The speed of the cargo ship could not be compared with the high-speed destroyer, and soon fell into the encirclement. The American crew members also felt a little nervous, and the Japanese seemed to have no good intentions.

"Stop the ship immediately and accept inspection!" The destroyer spoke blunt English, and at the same time aimed its guns at the cargo ship.

"Damn. Are these Japanese crazy? This is an American ship. They dare to intercept our ship. Do they want another war? I'm going to kick their asses!"

The captain was also alarmed.He hastily also shouted to the Japanese, asking them not to interfere with the freedom of navigation.The Japanese warships obviously couldn't stand it.They aimed their machine guns at the sky.A series of bullets were shot out.

"As ordered, stop immediately, or we will take decisive action."

Just when the three warships were confronting each other, another larger warship rushed over. This was a Japanese cruiser. This behemoth of seven or eight thousand tons lay in front of the Moon Goddess.The path of navigation was completely blocked.

"Damn it, stop the ship, stop the ship!" Seeing that the situation was not good, the captain didn't dare to hold on any longer.He could only curse and say: "This gang of damned monkeys, we will definitely report to the United States government, and you will pay the price for your barbaric actions."

The ship stopped, and two small boats were dispatched from the cruiser, carrying fifty Japanese naval personnel, and quickly boarded the deck of the Moon Goddess.

After the Japanese came up, they pointed their guns at everyone on board.

"Raise your hands and stand aside!"

The situation is stronger than the people. These American sailors are full of opinions, but they can't challenge the guns, they can only be obedient. The same is true for Chen Qiming and Wei Jun, who have been guarded.

After the Japanese took control of the ship, they found the captain and said loudly to him: "Mr. Captain, we suspect that your ship has transported a large number of prohibited items. You must cooperate with our investigation."

"You have to make it clear that this is an American cargo ship. You have no right to search it. I want to sue you for your brutality. The cargo on the ship is a commercial secret, let alone tell you. You all get off my ship!"

The captain was also young and energetic, his eyes widened at the Japanese soldiers and he cursed loudly.

Snapped!A Japanese soldier slapped the captain violently, knocked him down on the deck, and just rolled to Chen Qiming's side, and Chen Qiming hurriedly helped him up.

"There is an old saying in China that a good man does not suffer from immediate losses. Let them search. We are doing well, and they will not find anything."

Chen Qiming comforted the captain. At this time, the Japanese had already started to rummage, from the deck to every cabin, they did not let go.The Japanese are small, and they are not sloppy in their work, and they will not let go of any clues.

Soon they found the large cargo box in the cabin, and the Japanese's eyes suddenly lit up. These dozens of big guys contained what they needed!

A few Japanese soldiers broke open the cargo box immediately, and all the Japanese gathered around to see what it was.But when they saw it, the group of people were immediately dumbfounded, the inside of the cargo box was full of rubber.Of course, this was not what the Japanese wanted. They opened several more one after another, and found that most of them were copper ore and rubber, and there was nothing else left.

The Japanese in charge were all stunned. They were full of confidence at first, but they got such a result. These Japanese continued to search frantically, cabin by cabin, without letting go of any clues.After searching for several hours, I even found pictures of beauties of American crew members, but I didn't find any industrial machines.

At this time, the news that the Moon Goddess was hijacked by a Japanese warship also spread. The US government and the diplomats in Fengtian all got the report, which immediately provoked a hornet's nest.

Today, the United States is in full swing, its power is rapidly expanding, and it is trying to go out of the Americas and influence the whole world. However, at this juncture, a little Japan jumped out, openly provoking the dignity of the United States and threatening the freedom of navigation at sea. This is the United States. The government cannot tolerate it anyway.

Mukden Consul General Baker urgently contacted Akajiri Masasuke, and as soon as he met Baker, it seemed that a layer of frost could be scraped off his face.

"Mr. Chijiri, the United States needs you to explain why we stopped our freighter. Do you want to provoke war?"

"Mr. Consul General, don't get me wrong. The imperial government has received an exact report. The Chinese are transporting a batch of important machines to Fengtian, including large-scale forging equipment. This is a joint ban on export to China by all countries. We must prevent this from happening. .”

Baker barely suppressed his anger, and said with a sneer: "If the facts are not what the Japanese side described, the U.S. government will definitely take all necessary measures to punish those who provoke the U.S.!" (To be continued...)

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