Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 492 Turtle in the urn

"Brothers, work harder, Gubeikou is ahead, make sure to arrive before dawn!"

Jiang Dengxuan personally led the Feng army to quickly rush towards Gubeikou. Gubeikou is an important point above the Great Wall. It connects North China and Inner Mongolia. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. Break through, and then march into Chengde.

When the Feng army was planning a counter-offensive, Zhang Tinglan sent Jiang Dengxuan to personally lead the army, and sent troops from the direction of Shanhaiguan to take the pass along the Great Wall into his hands and cut off Xiao Xu's way back to Beijing.Jiang Dengxuan would naturally not be polite. He personally commanded the first brigade of Fengtian Third Division, plus an artillery regiment, with a total of 8000 troops, and quickly marched westward.

They reached Xifengkou with the fastest speed. As a result, the Beiyang army stationed here was not on guard at all, and the Feng army easily attacked Xifengkou.Jiang Dengxuan was very happy in his heart, this was tantamount to closing a door for the Beiyang Army.He left a regiment of troops stationed along Xifengkou, the main force did not stop, and rushed towards Gubeikou with the fastest speed.

On the long ancient road, the soldiers of the Feng army marched at the fastest speed, and a large number of horses dragged the heavy artillery vehicles, running desperately, the yellow sand raised up covered the sky, and the torrent was unstoppable.

Marching hurriedly for a day and a night, finally Gubeikou was in sight, and Jiang Dengxuan immediately set out to arrange the siege plan regardless of his fatigue.At this time, it was Ma Liang, the division commander of the participating army, who was stationed at Gubeikou.After Xiao Xu entered Rehe from here, he left Ma Liang at Gubeikou and asked him to guard the rear of the Beiyang Army.

Ma Liang was still a little dissatisfied. Others could enter Rehe and receive awards for their meritorious service, but he could only watch the house behind.He also didn't think there was any value in guarding Gubeikou. The main force of Feng's army had been dragged to the three eastern provinces, where they were confronting the Japanese.Even if you want to send troops to help.Soldiers can also be sent, and attacking Rehe now is taking advantage of the sky.

How can I be happy without his Ma Liang's share in such good things, so Ma Liang is full of resentment.He was drinking in the headquarters, when suddenly his soldiers ran in in a panic.

"Master, something is wrong. The supervisor has lost the battle in Chengde and is fleeing back!" The staff officer took a telegram and sent it to Ma Liang in panic. [

Ma Liang hurriedly took the telegram.After only a few glances, his face suddenly changed color, and his hands trembled a little: "Supervisor Xu has brought more than 3 horses and has an absolute advantage. How could he fail?"

"Teacher. I heard that the supervisory office has been attacking Chengde for a long time, but the Fengjun reinforcements arrived. The equipment is very well equipped. Our participating army is not an opponent, and we were defeated as soon as we made contact."

"Hey!" Ma Liang let out a long sigh: "The supervisor is not the opponent of Fengjun, what curse do I have, I'd better go back to Beijing and Tianjin, this Fengjun is really not easy to mess with!"

"Master, the Superintendent asked you to guard Gubeikou. This is the throat of our retreat. If it is lost, more than 3 brothers will become lonely ghosts and will never return to the pass."

Ma Liang nodded.Then he said: "You go and convey the order, let all the brothers strengthen their guards and patrols, and guard the main passes. Especially the Longeryu area on the eastern front is very important. If the Fengjun kills them, it must be from this direction attack."

Xiao Xu's whole army was in trouble, so Ma Liang had to work hard, otherwise the big tree would fall, and how could these hozens enjoy the shade.At this time, Xiao Xu was indeed very miserable. When he gave the order to retreat, he left two regiments as the rear troops.I was counting on them to hold back Fengjun and buy time for the retreat.

However, these two regiments were already full of strength. After encountering Wu Kaijie's cavalry, they collapsed at the first touch, and did not play the role of breaking the rear at all.And at this moment, Zhang Tinglan led the main force of the 27th Division to arrive. After the army was deployed, they killed them with their buttocks around.

As the so-called defeat is like a mountain, Xu Shuzheng has no choice but to fight and retreat in the face of Fengjun's pursuit. At this time, Qu Tongfeng, who ran from the direction of Guangrenling, also joined Xu Shuzheng. After discussing, they decided to Decided to go to Luanping first.It is 65 kilometers away from Chengde and only 20 kilometers away from Gubeikou. It has been the northern gate of Beijing since ancient times and is an important strategic location north of the Great Wall.

After controlling Luanping, Xiangnan can calmly retreat to Beijing and Tianjin, and northward he can resist Fengjun and keep a foothold in Rehe Province.Xiao Xu still didn't give up at this time, and wanted to wait for the opportunity to compete with Feng Jun again after he stabilized his position to see who would win.

The Beiyang army fled frantically, and the Feng army quickly pursued them. There were routs everywhere on the road, discarded ordnance, rations, and other supplies.

Zhang Tinglan commanded the troops and chased them for [-] to [-] miles before gathering the troops. Zhang Tingshu happily reported the results to him.

"Brother, our armored vehicle brigade participated in the battle for the first time, and killed more than 300 enemy soldiers, captured more than 1000 people, captured six Krupp cannons, paid 20 yuan, and other materials. The performance is not bad!"

"Stop cocking your tail in front of me!" Zhang Tinglan stared, and said loudly: "You are taking a risk, relying on the Beiyang Army's ignorance of the weakness of armor power, and took advantage of it. If they find the law, rely on Armored vehicles with relatively weak defenses cannot break through the enemy at all, and must use tanks with greater power and stronger protection."

Zhang Tingshu curled his lips disapprovingly, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are the rigid one. The younger brother believed that the Beiyang Army is not familiar with armored vehicles, so he did this. If it is replaced by the army of the big powers, I promise to use troops cautiously and not make mistakes. .”

"Don't think that you have really made meritorious service. You are a typical tactical victory and strategic failure." Zhang Tinglan said, "Don't forget that we were going to wipe out Xiao Xu at the beginning. If you don't rush him away, but Letting Xu Shuzheng's troops stick to Chengde bought more time for Jiang Dengxuan and them. If Jiang Dengxuan and the others did not take Gubeikou first, and Xiao Xu took this opportunity and ran back to the pass, I will take you for a question!" [

After hearing Zhang Tinglan's words, Zhang Tingshu was a little dumbfounded. He really only thought about how to deal with the enemy in front of him, but didn't think about the overall situation. Something went wrong.

"Report to the seat of the master, something is wrong, Feng Jun is here!"

"What?" Ma Liang suddenly stood up, and said loudly: "Have you figured it out, Feng Jun really came here?"

"That's right, the scouts can see clearly, there are at least several thousand people, and they are less than five kilometers away from Gubeikou!"

Ma Liang's head suddenly buzzed. He had just deployed troops to strengthen the defense, and Feng's army killed them later. This was too fast, and there was almost no time for people to react.Moreover, although he was a division commander, he only had two regiments in his hands, and the other troops were taken away by Xu Shuzheng.

With this little man in hand, Ma Liang wanted to fight against the Feng army. He was also panicked, and hurriedly said to the signal soldier: "Hurry up and send the order, let the second battalion and the third battalion enter the position, strengthen the defense, and be sure to guard Gubeikou , I will send a report to the supervisor now and let him return to the customs quickly!"

Just when Ma Liang was assigning troops, he suddenly heard the sound of violent shelling, and the cannons, dragging red flames, smashed into the Beiyang Army's position in the direction of Longeryu.In order to take into account the marching speed, Jiang Dengxuan did not carry a 150 120mm artillery, and the largest caliber was only a [-] [-]mm howitzer.

However, this kind of artillery still has too many advantages over Beiyang's Seventy-Five Cannons. It has a longer range and greater power. Although Fengjun's artillery is in a disadvantageous situation, it does not prevent Fengjun from easily suppressing it. Beiyang.

In fact, being able to do this is also related to Fengjun's new shooting technology. The Beiyang Army generally stays at the stage of direct aiming, and hits wherever it sees.Feng Jun had already done indirect aiming, using trigonometric calculations to determine the shooting angle and distance.Not only can you hit farther and more accurately, but you can also protect yourself better.

The Beiyang artillerymen were the first to be greeted by the Fengjun artillerymen. Under the fierce bombardment, all a dozen cannons were blown into parts, and the artillerymen were also killed and injured.

After the threat of the artillery was resolved, the muzzle was aimed at the other Beiyang army. The artillery was like a meteor, hitting the Beiyang position. Once the artillery fell, it could create a 30-meter human zone, and all the lives They were all turned into primitive particles, and the trenches were completely leveled.

The soldiers who were a little farther away were not spared either. Many of them were already wounded. These people could swear that this was the most violent shelling they had ever encountered in their lives. Falling, piles of corpses.Many Beiyang soldiers were not directly hit by the artillery, but the violent vibration was enough to destroy their internal organs. These soldiers died on the edge of the trench, their eyes were full of horror, and black blood foam continued to flow from the corners of their mouths.

Seeing these dead and wounded people was like seeing hell. The other Beiyang Army finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to flee. A small group of soldiers fled towards the frontal position.

Jiang Dengxuan had been observing the situation on the battlefield. When he saw that the shelling was almost done, he gave the order for the infantry to charge. The soldiers lined up in a perfect formation, and each group leaped forward quickly. The machine guns and mortars provided the guarantee of firepower. Any enemy who still dares to resist will be destroyed without mercy.

Fengjun took Longeryu with a single charge, and the right wing gate of Gubeikou was opened. Jiang Dengxuan went up to Longeryu himself, and the artillery was brought up. After occupying this high ground, Fengjun's artillery could calmly Attack the Beiyang Army on the main position of Gubeikou.

For a while, Beiyang soldiers and horses suffered heavy casualties, and even Ma Liang's headquarters was almost destroyed by artillery. When Feng Jun made a move, it was so fierce that Ma Liang was even more frightened. preparation. (To be continued..)

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