Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 613 Although people are here, their reputation has been ruined

"Don't let Dapao Sun go!"

"Catch Sun Wen alive, and reward him with [-] silver!"


All kinds of cries in the city could be heard endlessly, there were troops everywhere, the sound of shouting for killing was everywhere, stray bullets and artillery shells flew by from time to time, Sun Wen had never encountered such a dangerous situation in his life.He looked at his young wife, stomped his feet fiercely, turned around and ran away desperately under the protection of several guards.

The more he ran, the fewer people around him, and the colder Sun Wen's heart was. At this moment, a group of people rushed over and met Sun Wen head-on, and Sun Wen was almost scared to the ground.But upon closer inspection, it turned out to be one of his subordinates, and it was Li Liejun who came.

He used to be the governor of Jiangxi, and he followed Sun Wen to quarrel several times. As a result, Jiangxi's territory was lost, and he had no military power in his hands, so he could only follow Sun Wen to Guangzhou.Because Xu Chongzhi was defeated in Changsha, Sun Wencai appointed him as the city defense commander of Guangzhou, and now the two meet again.

"Xiehe, save me!"

Li Liejun saw the embarrassed Sun Wen, and hurried over: "Sir, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's just chaos in the city, where should I go?"

Li Liejun frowned and said, "Sir, go to the beach quickly and get on the warship, you'll be safe!" As Li Liejun spoke, he hurriedly asked his subordinates to lead Sun Wen to escape.

Suddenly at this time, several gunshots sounded from the side, and four or five people around Li Liejun fell down immediately. Li Liejun was frightened at this moment, and he hurriedly directed other people to fight against the enemy.But they couldn't find the enemy's position at all, they only knew to shoot bullets continuously from both sides of the road.

These bullets were all shockingly accurate, and the people around him were being shot to death one after another, and Li Liejun also knew that the other party was definitely the best of the best.He also ran away in a hurry.At this moment, a bullet hit Li Liejun's thigh. The huge kinetic energy carried him two or three meters away, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

A dozen soldiers suddenly poured out from both sides and pushed him to the ground at once.There is no doubt that it was Fengjun's special forces that ambushed Li Liejun.Zhang Tinglan has long known that whether it is Beiyang or the warlords in Guangdong and Guangxi, it is a bit difficult to seize Sun Wen's party.At the most critical moment, Feng Jun must take action.

Xue Ju walked up to Li Liejun in a few steps, and said with a sneer, "Li Liejun, be smart, do you know where Sun Wen went?"

Li Liejun was ashamed and angry.Coupled with the pain in his legs, his facial features were distorted: "I am a hero. I fell into the hands of you bastards. Don't let me speak. I want to see your commander and see if he dares to do this I?"

Seeing Li Liejun pretending to be arrogant, Xue Ju didn't care, waved his hand, and a soldier came over.Suddenly poured a bottle of alcohol on Li Liejun's wound.The burning pain dissipated quickly, and Li Liejun's head was covered with sweat, screaming in pain again and again.

"Li Liejun, don't tell me. We have a better way, do you want to try it?"

Li Liejun is neither big nor small, and he is also a character. Warlords everywhere pay attention to leaving a way out in everything, and cannot kill them all. Therefore, there were many warlords in the Republic of China, and too few of them really died.He never thought that he would meet a group of people who ate raw rice and dared to torture him directly. Li Liejun was ashamed and angry, but he was helpless.

He could only reluctantly point to the direction of the beach: "Mr. Sun ran over there."

When Xue Ju heard this, he hurriedly left two people to guard Sun Wen, and then led the others to chase immediately. Chaos soldiers were everywhere along the way. The Cantonese and Guangxi troops poured into the city, and their attention was not on dealing with Sun Wen. On the contrary, they looted the shops along the street, poured into the houses, burned, killed and looted, and did all kinds of evil.

Looking at these troops, Xue Ju and the others also looked down upon them, but there was no need to talk to them, the most important thing was to catch Sun Wen.

They chased all the way to the pier. At this time, night had already fallen, and under the moonlight, they could clearly see the shimmering sea.At this time, another group of people rushed over from the side, and it was Feng Yong who came. Not only did he lead the brigade, but he also captured many important prisoners, including Sun Wen's wife.

After meeting with Xue Ju, they all rushed to the pier. At this time, there were hundreds of defenders on the pier. When they saw the Feng army approaching, they hurriedly opened fire, and the two sides fell into a melee.

Sun Wen had already reached the pier, but there was no one looking around. There was a vast ocean in front of him, and pursuers behind him. There was no way out.At this time, Wang Jingwei also ran over under the protection of his subordinates.

Seeing Sun Wen, Wang Jingwei cried bitterly: "Sir, something is wrong, the eldest son has been captured!"

When Sun Wen heard this, he was like a thunderbolt. The so-called eldest son, of course, was Sun Wen's eldest son, Sun Ke. Promoted to mayor of Guangzhou.

For a young man with no political experience to suddenly rise to a high position, only Sun Wen can do it.What kind of democracy and legal system is just a tool for him to restrain and attack others. When it comes to himself, it becomes nepotism, and the father dies and the son succeeds.

Now when he heard that Sun Ke was arrested, Sun Wen was in a dizzy situation. He grabbed Wang Jingwei and asked loudly, "Really, why didn't you rescue him?"

"Sir, it's not that we don't want to save him. It's because the other party is very skilled. There is nothing we can do about it!"

While talking, Feng Jun had already rushed to the pier, and Sun Wen's men were getting fewer and fewer, and it seemed difficult to resist.As long as they rushed up, they would definitely die. Sun Wen didn't care about crying for his son anymore. Both he and Wang Jingwei became ants on the hot pot.

Suddenly, a large ship sailed over from a distance, and quickly docked. It was the Yongfeng ship. Before the warship stopped, several sailors jumped down from the ship, and the captain Feng Zhaoxian was the leader.He came to Sun Wen in three steps and two steps, and grabbed Sun Wen.

"Sir, follow me quickly, you will be safe on board!"

"Hey!" Sun Wen hurriedly agreed, and Feng Zhaoxian carried Sun Wen and ran to the boat, followed closely by Wang Jingwei.

At this time, Xue Ju and the others had already broken through the barrier, and rushed towards Sun Wen and the others. Seeing that they were about to board the ship and escape, Xue Ju was also anxious, and hurriedly fired several shots at the warship.

The bullet brushed against the top of Sun Wen's head. He was not injured, but it also frightened his three souls and seven souls. Wang Jingwei, who was following Sun Wen, was not so lucky. A bullet happened to hit him. Wang Jingwei's body swayed and almost fell under the warship. Fortunately, Feng Zhaoxian grabbed him, and both of them were sent to the warship.Feng Yong didn't expect that after preparing for such a long time, Sun Wen was still allowed to escape, which is really abhorrent!

"Sun Wen, open your eyes wide and see who this is. Your wife and son have fallen into our hands. Do you have the heart to abandon them and escape alone?"

Feng Yong asked two Fengjun soldiers to escort Sun Ke and his stepmother to the pier. Mrs. Sun was also pale at this time. After she and Sun Wen separated, she originally thought of running to the port and escaping by boat. In the end, he collided with Feng Yong and was also arrested.

"Sun Wen, if you are still a man, get off the boat, we promise not to kill you, if you still shrink your head and run for your life, your wife and son will be in trouble!"

When Feng Yong was threatening Sun Wen loudly, Madam Sun suddenly yelled: "Sir, hurry up and leave me alone, they have sharpshooters, be careful of plotting!"

Sun Wen was in the cabin, and he heard it clearly. He gritted his teeth loudly, and the veins on his head collapsed.

"Mrs. Sun is kind and righteous. It's a pity that you met a man with a heartless heart. Mr. Sun is going to leave you. He doesn't even want to see you for the last time!"

Sun Wen was in the cabin, and he heard it very clearly. He was also full of anger, but he also knew that he couldn't stay any longer, or he would be caught without a fight. He squeezed out a word through his teeth: " Walk!"

The Yongfeng ship left the port. Among the warships, Sun Wen was like a raging beast. He grabbed Feng Zhaoxian's chest and said loudly: "Fire, bombard Guangzhou, and kill these counter-revolutionary bastards!"

There was still a trace of embarrassment on Feng Zhaoxian's face: "Sir, it's so dark now, once the guns are fired, innocent people will definitely be hurt, and the common people will suffer the most!"

"I don't care, as long as they are all dead, fire!"

Feng Zhaoxian didn't dare to disobey Sun Wen's wishes, so he could only order the artillery to be fired into the city, and suddenly clouds of gunpowder smoke rose into the sky. This kind of aimless bombardment has little lethality to the army, and the most unlucky ones are the common people. Their houses were blown up, their relatives were killed, and the spreading flames continued to devour their lives.

Feng Yong and Xue Ju regretted not catching Sun Wen, but fortunately they arrested a large number of key members of the Democratic Party, including Liao Zhongkai, Hu Hanmin, Xu Chongzhi, Chen Mingshu, Lin Sen, Zou Lu, Xie Chi , Juzheng, Yu Youren, etc., a total of more than thirty people.

It can be said that except for Sun Wen and Wang Jingwei, everyone else was basically arrested. Although Sun Wen was not caught in this battle, his left and right arms were all cut off, and he became a bachelor commander.

Feng Yong and the others led their subordinates to continue the search. At this time, Wu Peifu also led the Beiyang Army into Guangzhou. After Wu Peifu entered the city, he hurriedly ordered the search and suppression of the remnants to restore order in the city.

In any case, it is a gratifying thing to be able to enter Guangzhou. At this time, Feng Yong suddenly found Wu Peifu, and after paying a military salute, he said: "Mr. Wu, we have captured a group of key members of the Democratic Party. And found this at the same time!"

Speaking of which, Feng Yong sent a list to Wu Peifu, which listed a large number of arms items, including guns and artillery.

"All these were given to Sun Wen by the Japanese?"

"That's right, Mr. Wu, this is solid evidence that Sun Wen colluded with the Japanese. In addition, we are collecting telegrams and letters. As long as we seize these things, we will be able to prove Sun Wen's betrayal of the country. His reputation will definitely be rotten." , so there is no bluffing around, which is more effective than killing him!" (To be continued...)

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