Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 626 The Battle of Slaughtering Horses

Although Ma Bufang was not yet twenty, he also revealed his ferocious and brave nature. He straddled his horse and brandished his sword, and took the lead in charging towards the cavalry on the opposite side.

The horse's hooves stepped on the sandy soil, setting off waves of yellow sand. The two sides were getting closer and closer, and the sound of people shouting and neighing could be heard clearly.Ma Bufang was holding a pistol in one hand and wielding a sharp saber in the other. His eyes showed bloodlust.

"Listen everyone, the Han dog took over Xining, smashed our home, robbed our wife and children, now is the time for revenge. Go, kill!"

The soldiers of the Ma family army all had red eyes, and they desperately drove the horses away. Although they were also equipped with guns, their accuracy was extremely poor. Only when they entered within a range of 50 meters could they be lethal. There is joy on the face.

At this time, all the guns in their hands were suddenly raised on the opposite side, dense gunshots rang out, and countless bullets hit head-on, and all the Ma Jiajun who rushed to the front fell under the horses.Some people who were not dead still wanted to struggle, but the following cavalry had rushed up, and the hard horseshoes trampled them into puddles of fleshy mud.

When Han Fuju saw the Ma family's soldiers turning their backs on their backs, he felt very happy. He also knew that the Ma family's army was famous for their bravery, so he thought of taking a blow to the head and knocking down their arrogance.For this reason, Han Fuju gathered the only [-] submachine guns together, and selected the most elite cavalry as the main force of the attack.

The troops led by Han Fuju were no more than that, and Ma's army only regarded them as a small group of cavalry who came to harass them, so they charged up without hesitation, and suffered a lot in the end.The dense bullets from the submachine guns all fell on the soldiers of the Ma family army, and the most elite cavalrymen were all killed on the spot.

But these people are also full of fearlessness.Although there were corpses all over the place, they still rushed up without hesitation, fighting bullets with their guns.

Of course, Han Fuju would not be polite to these live targets. The bullets were like a torrential rain, sweeping away a large number of lives in an instant.People kept falling down, and the corpses of people and horses were intertwined together, and the yellow sand was stained with a thick layer of blood.

Ma Bufang was grinning at this moment, with beads of sweat on his forehead.Just when he was leading the charge, a bullet just hit his arm, and a blood hole was drilled out, and the blood immediately dyed half of his body red.The piercing pain made Ma Bufang feel for the first time that death was so close.

He doesn't care about other people's lives.But he couldn't help but care about his own life, and more than 80 personal guards firmly protected him.This guy also noticed the situation on the battlefield.Ma Jiajun is fighting bravely.But the distance between them and each other is always more than [-] meters.

The death barrage formed by the submachine guns is not something they can break through. The biggest advantage of the cavalry is speed, but the speed of the horse is no match for the bullets. Seeing the cavalry turned into corpses, Ma Bufang also gritted his teeth.But he still can't change anything.More than [-] subordinates have been killed, while the opponent suffered minimal damage.

Han Fuju was no longer satisfied with this result, he directed his subordinates to divide into two groups, and charged back towards Ma's army.All the remaining 200 people should be wiped out.They swept over like a fan, and the hot bullets passed through the human body, turning each soldier into a corpse.

There were fewer and fewer people around Ma Bufang, and people fell down every second. He also completely lost the courage to desperately lead his men to run back, but Han Fuju chased after him and swallowed them all with a big mouthful. posture.

At this moment, the large army of Ma's army finally moved, and Ma Lin came to meet Ma Bufang with more than 1000 people.As soon as he saw Ma Jiajun coming up again, Han Fuju also hurriedly ordered to retreat. After all, he only had more than 200 people at hand, and once he was surrounded, he would be in trouble.

He retreated back leisurely with his men and horses, and when Ma Lingan arrived, Han Fuju only left a trail of backs, and he couldn't catch up at all.This is because he also noticed the situation around Ma Bufang. There were less than 100 people left in the original team of about [-] people. Except for a few people who ran away, the rest were all killed.

Ma Bufang was also injured. When the uncle and nephew met, they both showed panic expressions. They never thought that Han Fuju was so powerful.

"Uncle, the guns they use can fire bullets continuously, just like machine guns, no matter how they charge, they can't take them down!"

"It must be a new type of equipment. These Chinese dogs have a lot of tricks. Let's just be more careful in the future."

The first battle was unfavorable, and the morale of the Ma family's army also dropped a lot. Ma Fuxiang and others held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with the situation before them. In the end, they still made up their minds to fight to the death.

In the next day, Ma Fuxiang personally led the Chinese army and pounced on Liujiataizi. Ma Anliang attacked from the left flank and attacked Zhengkou, while Ma Qi and his sons seized Shapotou and attacked Han Fuju's right flank.

Having absorbed the lessons of yesterday's exchange of fire, Ma's army has also become more cautious. Instead of sending out the most elite troops, they used local militias to charge first.These militias are not even equipped with guns, they can only be equipped with sabers.

However, their morale was still very high. The militia usually had no military pay, and only when they were fighting, could they share the captured property. Therefore, they all regarded fighting as the only chance to make a fortune.

Before the official launch of the attack, Ma Fuxiang also sent someone to send spirits. Each soldier was given a bowl. After drinking the wine, they jumped on the horses. Just when the sun was shining, tens of thousands The cavalry rushed towards the central defender.

The horseshoe stepped on the ground, and waves like an earthquake came out. They were getting closer and closer to Han Fuju's position. The first thing that blocked them was the barbed wire. These annoying things blocked the way of Ma Jiajun.

The spiked wire cut through the flesh of the horse and the thigh of the soldier. They all became bloody, and the machine gunner who had been waiting for a long time fired dense bullets in this direction.

da da da... da da da...

The machine gun swept over, and a piece of corpse fell to the ground. Blood, stumps and broken legs were all over the place. These Ma's troops were bearing huge casualties. Do your best to remove all obstacles.

These people slashed with sabers, picked with bayonets, even tore them with their hands, bit them with their teeth, and finally made a gap in the barbed wire.Excitedly, Ma Jiajun didn't care about the casualties at all, and all rushed forward frantically.

Han Fuju, who had been watching the battle, also hastily issued an order. He gathered the only twelve cannons and blasted the Ma's army.When a shell falls, there will be a no-man's land of 30 meters, surrounded by wounded and struggling Ma Jiajun.

The metal storm set off by the shells turned all the flesh and blood around them into spare parts. Machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, mortars, and grenades all rang out. Seeing the Ma Jiajun under the impact, his body shook and he fell to the ground. The ground, and then completely submerged in the dense crowd, completely disappeared.

Most of Han Fuju's soldiers were newly recruited, and had never experienced such a tragic confrontation, but they soon adapted, and began to calmly aim at their opponents, and decisively pulled the trigger.

The tight barrage blocked all the Ma's troops from the outside of the position. The Ma's troops in front kept falling, and the people behind kept following.The corpses piled up more and more, and the blood flowed into a small river. The thick gunpowder smoke and pungent blood sharpened everyone's nerves.

The battle had lasted for more than an hour, and the Ma's army hadn't captured any valuable targets except for the corpses left all over the place. They were simply queuing up to die.Han Fuju has also become more relaxed. Regardless of the large number of Ma Jiajun, it is still too far away to deal with him.

"Brothers, give me a hard fight and wipe out the Ma family army, and you will all be rewarded for your meritorious service."

While Han Fuju was boosting morale, Ma's army was not idle. Apart from the elite troops brought out by Ma Fuxiang, militia groups from other places also came one after another.

Among them were Wuwei, Zhangye, Guyuan, Haiyuan, Longde and other places. The number of these militia groups varied, with as many as seven or eight hundred people and as few as two or three hundred. They rushed over one after another.In addition to the militia, religious groups from all over the country also came forward to organize personnel, calling on believers to come out to help the Ma family army fight, defend religion, and drive away the Han people.

The appeal of the elders was quite astonishing, and soon tens of thousands of young and strong gathered, some of them with shotguns, some with sabers, and even kitchen knives and sticks.They have different equipment, some have horses, some can only travel on their feet, but no matter what, Ma Fuxiang has more and more people and horses.

These people would definitely not be able to participate in brutal battles, but with their unique enthusiasm, they were enough to serve as cannon fodder. Therefore, as the number of people in his hands became stronger and stronger, Ma Fuxiang also strengthened his determination to fight against seas of people.

These temporary armed forces were all incorporated into the militia, and they rushed up like a tide. They didn't stop for a moment, no matter how many people died, they just didn't retreat.

From morning to noon, and from noon to night, the fighting has not stopped, and the corpses in front of the position have piled up into mountains.Looking at these corpses, Han Fuju was no longer as relaxed and proud as before, and he was also frightened by this crazy crowd tactics. Could it be that these people are all made of wood, so they are not afraid of death?

Han Fuju also felt fear for the first time. After a day of fierce fighting, his soldiers were exhausted and the reserves were almost exhausted. He could only send a report to Feng Yuxiang in a hurry, asking for help.At this time, a subordinate suddenly reported.

"Sir, something is wrong. The Ma family army has broken through Zhengkou and is attacking in depth."

What!Han Fuju suddenly felt dizzy. Zheng Kou was the core of the right-wing defense line, how could he lose it? Without further ado, he grabbed his pistol in a hurry, rushed out himself, and brought two hundred cavalry equipped with submachine guns to help. (To be continued..)

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