Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 691 An Unexpected Victory

As we all know, ships go through a long period of time when they are built in shipyards.During this period of time, the steel plates and other iron pieces that make up the hull will be gradually magnetized by the earth's magnetic field due to frequent knocking, thus becoming magnetic.Once the ship is launched, it becomes a large floating magnet.

In response to this situation, a magnetic mine was developed. Once the ship passes over the magnetic mine, its own magnetic field will touch the mine and cause an explosion.The advantage of this kind of mine is that it does not require direct contact. When laying mines, you only need to sink the mines to the bottom, and then wait for the ship to take the bait.

Compared with anchor mines and floating mines, magnetic mines are more concealed, and they are simply a must-have for home travel and killing people.Since the Fengjun used mines to sink the Kirishima, the mine race between China and Japan has actually begun.War is always a contest between spear and shield. Never expect a single weapon to sweep the world, but requires constant updating and progress. As long as you get ahead of the enemy, you can take the lead.

Zhang Tinglan is also well aware of this point. Before the Grand Fleet was formed, mines were his trump card to contain the Japanese United Fleet. At worst, my door was covered with mines. Let me see who dares to come here!

It is precisely because of this consideration that Zhang Tinglan pays close attention to the development of mines, and also put forward some opinions. The technical thing is a layer of window paper, which was just not thought of in the past.Zhang Tinglan proposed the concept of magnetic mines, and the arsenal quickly produced the finished product after several months of research and development.

"Marshal, last time you mentioned water pressure mines. According to the changes in water pressure when warships pass by, the mines will be detonated. We have also done research on this, but there is one problem, that is, our water pressure fuzes are very weak. Stable. It is very easy to detonate, and it is still in the experiment.”

"Well, don't worry, temporarily having magnetic mines is enough to make Japan suffer a bit. The problem in Shandong can't be delayed any longer. Our tens of thousands of troops are outside, and the consumption is too great. With this mine After that, there is a little more chance of winning."

"Master. We also have a new product, which is the ground penetrating bomb. It was originally developed for Luda, but we were a little slower. Fortunately, Luda recovered peacefully. There was no bloody battle. Otherwise it's our fault."

Zhang Tinglan heard the ground bomb.Immediately, his eyes brightened.Whether it is Luda or Qingdao, they are operated by two empires, and all kinds of fortifications are densely covered. Ordinary attacks will not have much effect at all, and will also damage soldiers and generals.

If there is a penetrator.Then the effect will be quite different, all the most difficult underground fortifications will be destroyed one by one, making it much easier for troops to attack.

When a normal bomb hits the ground, it explodes.The ground penetrating bomb can penetrate several meters underground and explode only after more than ten meters.The principle is actually not complicated, but it is to make the warhead stronger so that it can rely on strong kinetic energy to penetrate deep into the ground.Another key is the delay fuze, so that the bomb will not explode until it goes deep into the ground.

"It's not too late to take it out now. There are also a large number of Japanese military fortifications on the outskirts of Qingdao. It is very difficult to knock them out. With the ground penetrating bomb, a lot of lives can be saved. I wonder how the production situation is now?"

"Marshal, I'm ashamed to say that we only produced [-] pieces. In order to save costs, we used waste barrels for the projectile body. The strength is not a problem, and it is recycled. But the warhead needs a harder alloy. , we can’t produce it yet, so we can only import it to Germany.”

"The problem of materials cannot be caught up in a day or two. It takes time to accumulate and constantly experiment with formulas. Don't be too anxious."

Zhang Tinglan walked around the military factory, and found that all kinds of production work were running at full capacity, and she was very satisfied.With this thing, there is a strong confidence.

Back in the commander's mansion, Zhang Tinglan approached Gu Weijun and said with a smile, "How's the negotiation going these two days?"

"The attitude of the Japanese is a little loose, but they are still unwilling to return Qingdao immediately, and they are trying to retain their privileges in Shandong."

"Tomorrow you will issue an ultimatum to the Japanese. You will only give them three days. If you do not agree, we will take military action."

"Master, are you a little anxious?"

Zhang Tinglan shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I can't wait anymore. The Washington meeting has entered the final stage, and the countries have to sign a treaty. If the Shandong issue is not ended before then, there will be a lot of trouble."

Like the Paris Peace Conference, the Washington Conference was also a marathon conference, with countries arguing and arguing like a vegetable market, but the main quarrels at the Washington Conference were the United States, Britain and Japan, not the United States, Britain and France.

The core of the three parties is the issue of naval arms control. Since Japan has just been defeated and its international status has declined, the United States proposed that the size of the Japanese navy should be controlled at half of that of the United States.The Japanese are firmly opposed to this. They claim that they are threatened by China and must maintain a strong navy, and even demand to reach 70.00% of the United States.

During this period, the issue of Shandong was involved. The United States originally planned to allow Japan to retain its rights in Shandong in exchange for Japan's concessions in the navy.In short, it has become a practice in the West to sell out weak and small countries.

But I didn't expect that just after the suggestion was made, it was strongly rebounded by the Feng army. The three armies of the sea, land and air forces all moved to Shandong, and the whole of China was full of voices, wanting to go to war with Japan.The Americans had to shelve the proposal for a while, and the Washington Conference fell into a stalemate.

However, the cunning West did not stop there. The United States put forward a new proposal. The tonnage of Japanese warships is still half that of the United States, but they can retain the right to build two battlecruisers. These two battleships are aimed at the Mackensen. built for potential threats.

But the Japanese are not satisfied with this, they try to own 60.00% of the tonnage of the United States.In fact, the Japanese are also very shrewd in their calculations.Regardless of the large tonnage of the US Navy, it is necessary to take into account both oceans. From the perspective of the Pacific Ocean, the United Fleet will still become the most powerful force.

Zhang Tinglan has already learned some of the content of the talks through his relationship in the United States. He is also happy and worried. The good news is that almost the whole world believed Fengjun's deception and believed that the Mackensen would become a warship again. For this reason, the Japanese It is necessary to build two battlecruisers tit for tat, and the strategic deception operation is almost done.

What is worrying is that once the US, Britain and Japan finally implement the agreement, the Shandong issue is still unresolved. Maybe the US and Britain will plot against the Fengjun behind Japan's back. Therefore, an agreement must be reached before the end of the meeting.

When Gu Weijun heard this, he nodded hurriedly: "What the commander said is true, but the Japanese still don't agree, what should I do?"

"Then go to war!"

Zhang Tinglan said bluntly that in this kind of international competition, the most taboo thing is to be anticlimactic and make the mistake of escapism.If there is no way out, then you can only die.

After Gu Weijun left, Zhang Tinglan immediately called Shen Honglie and Sun Anhu over, introduced the situation to them, and then said: "Once we start a war with Japan, it is still a principle that the battle must be resolved quickly without delay. The navy immediately dispatched a submarine force to attack Jiaozhou. to carry out mine-laying operations in the Gulf, and cut off the communication between the Japanese army and the outside world."

"Marshal, I think it is not only necessary to lay mines in Jiaozhou Bay, but it is also best to take offensive measures of mines, that is to say, to lay mines at the door of the Japanese."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tinglan couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure?"

"No problem, the range of the Seawolf-class submarine is enough, and we have a new type of mine, which will definitely make the Japanese suffer a big loss."

"Well, let's arrange six Seawolf-class submarines to mine Japanese ports, while the rest of the submarines will blockade Jiaozhou Bay."

"As ordered!"

Zhang Tinglan looked at Sun Anhu again: "Let the First Division and the Fifth Division be mobilized, immediately stationed in Shanhaiguan, and enter the pass for reinforcements at any time. Once the war starts, we must use the fastest speed to eliminate the Japanese army in Shandong."

Both Shen Honglie and Sun Anhu rushed to make arrangements. The Feng army increased its troops again and poured another barrel of oil on the already well-burning firewood. All parties were concerned. It seemed that the battle was really inevitable.

The morning sun once again flooded Jinan, and the Japanese soldiers got up again, dragging their exhausted bodies. Last night, the Fengjun conducted three consecutive exercises. The most annoying thing was that they invited a group of opera singers to sing Shandong Bangzi changed to Lv opera after singing, and kept tossing all night.

Up to now, the high-pitched vocals of Shandong men are still echoing in the ears of these Japanese soldiers, which makes these Japanese extremely irritable.Hit but not let hit, go and not let go.Isn't this making them suffer alive!

Over the past few days, all the Japanese soldiers have lost more than ten catties. The Japanese, who were already short, looked even shorter, with sunken eye sockets, black eye bags, stubble beard, and messy hair. Like rotten grass, these people are not like soldiers at all, but like a group of beggars!

It was time for breakfast again, and everyone was listlessly eating steamed buns and drinking the clear soup that could reflect the silhouette of people.At this moment, several planes suddenly appeared in the sky again. Originally, this required air defense security, but the Japanese were used to this harassment, so they simply didn't care about anything and were still pointing fingers.

The plane turned around a few times, and suddenly dropped a large number of paper bombs, which fell to the ground. Some curious Japanese thought it was a picture of a geisha, and planned to secretly collect it.

But when they saw the content, they were dumbfounded. It turned out to be an Asahi Shimbun newspaper. The headline on the front page stated that the Sino-Japanese peace talks had been successful, and the Japanese army had withdrawn from Shandong.

Seeing this thing, the Japanese were immediately dumbfounded. Is it really over? Have the nightmare days finally passed?

This is a Japanese newspaper, you can’t be wrong. After seeing this, two words came out of the Japanese heart: "I lost again." "It's finally over!"

Not only those in the city, but even the Japanese soldiers on the ground outside the city also saw this newspaper. They walked out of the trenches one after another, and the damn confrontation was finally over.But at this moment, in the headquarters of the Japanese army, there was a scream of cursing: "Despicable Chinese people, how dare they deceive the samurai of Japan!" (To be continued...)

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