The competition between countries in the future is the competition of industrial strength. This point cannot be more clear. Zhang Tinglan also puts his efforts on establishing a sound industrial system, and the core issue in establishing an industrial system is talents.

However, at this time, China is extremely short of talents in science and engineering. Zhang Tinglan is very pleased to meet Bayuzao. Apprentices, allowing them to experience Western industrial production and learn a skill, is still possible.

Besides, it is now World War I, the industrial horsepower of the United States is at full strength, and it needs enough workers. Thinking of this, Zhang Tinglan has already made a decision. After returning to Fengtian, he must immediately select a group of smart young people to send When they come to the United States, they don’t expect them to learn too much, but at least they can help Bayuzao.

"Brother Zhang, 50 yuan can indeed do a lot of things, but how to manage this money needs to be considered."

"If you don't want to hand it all over to Brother Yunhua, it's all up to you."

When Bayuzao heard this, he shook his head immediately: "No, no! Brother Zhang trusts me, I am naturally happy, but I really don't have the energy to take care of these things, the academic burden is heavy, and I have to take care of those apprentice workers , and then manage the money, I don’t have the ability.”

Zhang Tinglan nodded when she heard it. This fund will continue to expand in the future, and more and more people will be funded. In order to make every penny worthwhile, a special management organization is really needed. It seems that I still need to find a contact Talk to Fred and tell him to find someone who can run a fund.

They talked for a few more hours, very speculative, and Kuang Rongguang was completely willing to go to Fengtian, and at the same time promised to contact other young children studying in the United States after Fengtian gained a firm foothold, trying to attract more talents.

Many young children studying in the United States in the past have achieved great success. If you want them to do things for you, you must have a large enough platform, otherwise the temple is too small to accommodate these great gods.

After talking about the big things, Zhang Tinglan bid farewell to Kuang Rongguang and returned to Liuguo Hotel.Zhang Xueliang was also thoughtful along the way, and he suddenly asked: "Brother Ting Lan, if I don't marry Yu Fengzhi, will I be as despicable as Yang Shuqing?"

Zhang Xueliang's life has been mixed, but there is one thing that has to be envied, that is, Yu Fengzhi and Zhao Si are two beauties who will never leave, which can be called a beautiful story in the world. It is Zhang Xueliang's blessing to be able to marry such a strange woman as Yu Fengzhi .

"Hanqing, you and Yu Fengzhi are only engaged. You and Yang Shuqing are married and have children. You have the right to pursue the freedom of love. But can you guarantee to find a better one? I'm just optimistic about the other party's marriage, I suggest you get to know more about Miss Yu, maybe you will be willing!"

"Brother, if Sixth Brother really likes Miss Yu, is it an arranged marriage or free love?" Zhang Tingshu also joined in the fun and said.

"It's true that I can't tell the difference. It's enough to have a suitable partner to accompany you for a lifetime. Why bother to stick to those formal things!"

"Brother is really reasonable, but when will you find me a sister-in-law?"

Although Zhang Tingshu said it as a joke, but Zhang Tinglan is almost at the age of marrying a wife. Marriage is early these days. There are sixteen or seventeen-year-olds holding sons everywhere, but Zhang Tinglan really didn't think about what kind of one to find.

They talked and laughed and returned to the Liuguo Hotel. Zhang Tinglan introduced the situation of Kuang Rongguang and Bayuzao to Lao Zhang.Zhang Zuolin was of course very happy to be able to recruit such a great talent as Kuang Rongguang. Lao Zhang wrote to Yuan Shikai a few months ago, hoping to establish a national normal school in Fengtian.

At present, there are only five national normal schools in China. If the sixth one is settled in Fengtian, it will be a great thing for the development of Fengtian's education. Lao Zhang even suggested that Kuang Rongguang be the principal.

"When I was young, I didn't study for a few days. It was a great regret in my life. From now on, Fengtian will spend a lot of money to make the children who want to study read and write. .”

Zhang Zuolin, a reckless hero, attaches great importance to education, and Zhang Tinglan is also very emotional. After Lao Zhang took power in the Northeast, he did so. The county and city governments have to spend 40.00% of their fiscal revenue on education, and the investment is beyond imagination.

However, judging from the effect, it is not good. Fengtian has not cultivated much-needed industrial talents, and the factories still have to hire a large number of Japanese technicians. Without the help of the Japanese, the industry in the Northeast is almost impossible to operate.

This has an important relationship with the emphasis on liberal arts and the neglect of science and engineering. Lao Zhang invested his money, but he did not manage the money well. In other words, Zhang Zuolin trusted those scholars too much and believed that education should be free enough. Money wasted in the wrong direction and not getting enough results.

Fengtian's foundation is very weak, even if it spends 40.00% of its finances, it will be difficult to meet the needs of education. Therefore, the focus of education should be on the cultivation of practical talents, focusing on the development of majors such as teachers, science and engineering, and medicine. Fengtian's industrialization provides talents, but majors such as literature and history have to be put aside. Zhang Tinglan suddenly felt that it was necessary to talk to Lao Zhang about education.

He was thinking about it, while Zhang Xueliang told the story of scolding Yang Shuqing vividly. After hearing this, Lao Zhang frowned slightly.

"Ting Lan, Professor Yang is a well-known scholar. He may not be as bad as you said. We should respect those who are knowledgeable and capable. They are national scholars."

Lao Zhang and his group of warlords have considerable respect for scholars, and after taking power, they also gave them too much preferential treatment, even to the point of connivance. Therefore, when Zhang Tinglan scolded a professor, he instinctively objected, but Zhang Tinglan had a special status. I'm afraid that Lao Zhang will start scolding if he becomes someone else.

"The water of the Yellow River is turbid and the water of the Yangtze River is clear, but the water of the Yangtze River can also flood and flood the land of several provinces. Because of the turbidity of the water, everything is in one degree.”

Zhang Tinglan brought out Emperor Jiajing's theory of the Yellow River and Yangtze River, which is very suitable for the current situation. Academics should be free, and education should also pay attention to humanities.

Now that China has been opened by guns and guns, the land of Kyushu is allowed to run rampant by foreigners, and the people of Li are suffering from hunger and cold. At this time, it is natural to use all the power on things related to a powerful country. Relying on poetry and writing articles will not drive them away. For the invaders, only iron and blood, and only guns can revitalize the country.

And it is science and engineering talents who bring advanced weapons and strong military power, which is industrialized production capacity. At this time, investing precious funds in liberal arts is actually a crime against the nation.

"Seventh Lord, these literati are far from as good as imagined. For example, there is a dispute between traditional and simplified characters. It is difficult to recognize and read traditional characters. It takes at least five years for a person to use traditional characters proficiently. For ordinary people, they It is impossible to let a child do nothing for five years. Just reading is an invisible door that blocks the way for ordinary people to seek knowledge. Only the descendants of those families with rich families and a tradition of reading can learn to read and write. "

When Zhang Tinglan said this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Lao Zhang's eyes, and his expression was a little painful. Zhang Tinglan just said what was on his mind. When he was young, Lao Zhang relied on the charity of his husband to study in a private school for a period of time.Not only him, but also Zhang Zuoxiang, who had to give up his studies after only two or three years of private school.

"Seventh Lord, if you use simplified characters, you will be able to recognize all commonly used characters in about three years, learn basic reading and writing, and be able to continue your studies. If simplified characters are promoted on a large scale, many children of ordinary people will be able to go to school. I have the opportunity to change my destiny. But there are a large number of literati who desperately stop them. They talk about cultural traditions, beautiful calligraphy, and calligraphy. No matter how many excuses they have, I can only summarize one point, that is, to raise the threshold and monopolize Knowledge!"

How shrewd is Lao Zhang, he just didn't think about it. After Zhang Tinglan pointed it out, Lao Zhang suddenly realized that yes, those scholars did have their own calculations.Traditional characters are difficult to learn and write, and it takes a long time. Ordinary people can't afford it. Naturally, only their descendants can study and study, and the pressure of competition in their circle is much smaller.

Throughout the Republic of China, it is very common for father and son brothers to be cultural celebrities, which is the result of monopolizing knowledge.After the popularization of education in later generations, this situation will disappear. Even if the parents are famous and the children do not work hard, they will still be eliminated. Not even qualified to enter the competition.

"Understood, I understand, these scholars really have too many minds!" Lao Zhang said with a wry smile: "Ting Lan, you have a sharp mind and you can see clearly. In the future, Fengtian will promote simplified characters in education, I don't care whether it is beautiful or not. , I only care about practicality.”

Zhang Tinglan made a fuss at Peking University, which soon became the biggest news. A famous professor was challenged by an unknown junior. It was definitely an explosive thing.

The students who were present at that time wrote down the conversation between the two people from their memory, especially what Zhang Tinglan said, and tried their best to do their best to publish everything in the newspaper. Yang Shuqing also called friends to quote As a companion, I contacted a large number of literati, and began to write articles to crusade against warlords for slandering education and insulting scholars. For a while, this wave of public opinion was so large that it surpassed the discussion of the monarch constitution.

This made Zhang Tinglan unexpected, and the eldest prince Yuan Keding found Zhang Tinglan after knowing the situation.

"Ting Lan, you still have the ability. For so many years, those professors pointed at us and scolded us, but we didn't know how to fight back. You gave me a sigh of relief."

"My lord, I don't think we need to fight or be afraid to deal with these literati. Instead, we have to fight for the power of public opinion, and we can't let them say whatever they want!"

"That's very good, Ting Lan, I'm in a bit of trouble right now, please help me find a way!"

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