Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 717 New Beginning

Kuching is the capital of Sarawak. There are many rivers and canals in the city, and the green water is long, and the boats loaded with coconuts, rubber, and pepper shuttle among them. This beautiful city has the reputation of the water capital and is also one of the main gathering places for Chinese. .

People from Fujian and Zhao’an are mainly engaged in commerce and construction. Hakka people are mostly engaged in agriculture. People from Xinghua are mostly engaged in fishing, tires and other parts industries. Most are engaged in business, as well as finance and the timber industry.

It is the hard work of the Chinese that makes Kuching an important port in Southeast Asia.Amidst the feasting and debauchery, the British colonists lived a comfortable life by knocking their bones and sucking their marrow.

The long-term comfort has made these people forget what it means to be vigilant, and there are singing and dancing everywhere.As night fell, a British policeman staggered around, reeking of alcohol, as he passed a dark alley, when suddenly a figure rushed out, covering the guy's mouth with one hand, and firmly clasped it with the other. His throat dragged the policeman into the alley.

It was Zhang Honggang who did it. In the alley, Li Xun and others were inside. Seeing that Zhang Honggang succeeded, they all showed admiration.Just as Zhang Hong exerted force with his hands, he heard a gurgling sound coming from his throat. The policeman's eyes popped out, he kicked his legs a few times, and died on the spot.

Zhang Honggang took the gun from the policeman's waist. It was a revolver with ten rounds of bullets.Compared with the Browning pistol equipped by Fengjun, the revolver has a lot of gaps in accuracy and power, but it is better than nothing.

After all, according to the plan, their weapons will be delivered secretly via submarine, and they will have to wait a few days.But Zhang Honggang, who has always believed in revenge, after the tragic death of Li Xun's father.He will definitely take action.

Of course, killing a few hooligans is too easy, but large-scale killings will definitely attract the attention of the military and police. Without weapons, it will definitely not work, so Zhang Honggang put his idea to the police station.

"Quickly, take off your clothes, Li Xun, you are about the same size as him, put on a police uniform. Get in the police station!"

Li Xun also nodded immediately, changed into his police uniform, then lowered his hat, and walked quickly towards the police station. Five or six of Zhang Honggang and the others followed behind.

At this point most of the police had already rested.There was only one Indian standing guard at the door, his head dozed against the door frame.Li Xun walked over in a few steps.The Indian Ah San finally felt that someone was coming.In a daze, the other party was wearing a police uniform. He hurriedly stood at attention and was about to raise his hand in salute.

Li Xun suddenly rushed in front of him, pointed his gun at his head, and said in English, "Be honest, tell me where the weapons are hidden?"

Ah San trembled her hands.Pointing inside, Li Xun pushed and shoved him: "Lead the way ahead!"

The Indian hurriedly turned around and walked inside, at this moment.Suddenly, another Ah San wandered out from the shadows. It turned out that they were guarding the gate together. This guy ran to the side to pee, and now he happened to be back.

Seeing that his companion was being held hostage, he immediately shouted: "Who is it!"

While speaking, he raised the muzzle of the gun, and Li Xun was shocked into a cold sweat all of a sudden. Someone pointed a gun at him from behind, and the guy in front seemed to sense the opportunity, and turned his body violently, wanting to In turn, he took Li Xun's gun.

The one in the front and the one in the back, no matter which one is killed, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to escape. In an instant, Li Xun's back was drenched in cold sweat, and he only really felt the taste of death.

At this moment, Ah San who came out from behind suddenly screamed in pain and fell to the ground with a throwing knife stuck in the back of his neck, the handle of which was still trembling.

Li Xun didn't think too much about it, he heard the scream from behind, and knew that his comrade-in-arms had shot. He subconsciously fired, and Ah San in front of him was shot dead in an instant.

At this time Zhang Honggang also rushed up with four or five soldiers, one of whom was holding three throwing knives in his hand, Li Xun hurriedly extended his thumb to express his thanks.

"Don't waste time, grab your gun and rush in!"

Zhang Honggang gave the order decisively. He and a soldier picked up two of Asan's rifles and rushed into the police station.At this time, two police officers on duty were also alarmed, and when they heard the gunshots outside, they ran out in a hurry.

These two British police officers were quite obese, and they were shaking like two fat pigs when they ran. When they rushed out, Zhang Honggang was about to shoot.

I put my finger on the trigger, but there was no sound.


Damn it, at this moment, Zhang Honggang felt that something was wrong, the opponent's gun had already been aimed at him.Having experienced life and death on the battlefield, Zhang Honggang felt his hairs stand on end at this moment.


With a gunshot, Zhang Honggang was not injured, but the police officer's brain was blown away, his brains were flowing, and Li Xun's gun was still emitting a trace of gunpowder smoke.A smile instantly appeared on Zhang Honggang's face. Li Xun had already killed two people in a row. This kind of hand feeling is very important. If he wants to survive on the battlefield, he must constantly eliminate the other party.

With a snap, another police officer also fell to the ground. Zhang Honggang hurriedly said, "Quick, just a weapon!"

Their actions were quite astonishing. They found the gun room. They found more than two dozen pistols, six rifles, three boxes of bullets, and dozens of grenades in addition.

Seeing these things, Zhang Honggang smiled. Everyone was covered with weapons, and then formed a group of two, one carrying the bullet box, and the other covering the side, and quickly retreated.

When retreating, they did not let go of anything useful, and the guns of the two police officers were also taken away.When they arrived outside the police station, they lit the fire starter they had prepared and threw it in the yard. Soon the police station was covered in red flames and was enveloped in fire.

The British in Nanyang have been at peace for a long time, and their courage has almost been exhausted in this gentle hometown. After such a big incident, the military and police arrived one after another until [-] minutes later, but Zhang Honggang and the others Long gone.

Only four bodies remained, along with the police station engulfed in flames.How many years.The British have not encountered such a situation for many years, and they were immediately dumbfounded. Who did it? Could it be that there will be another anti-British uprising in Nanyang? Hastily dispatched troops and generals, tossing around like chickens flying like dogs.

But none of this had anything to do with Zhang Honggang and the others. After being fully armed, these soldiers turned into tigers again.Li Xun led everyone.First, he found the residences of several native hooligans in the village, killed them all one by one, and then chopped off their heads with an axe.

When more than a dozen bloody heads were placed in front of his father's spirit, Li Xun burst into tears.The other soldiers also wept.After crying enough, Zhang Hong just patted Li Xun on the shoulder and said: "Time waits for no one. Hurry up and cremate the old man. We will face endless battles!"

Just as they were about to leave, dozens of young people suddenly gathered outside the door, their eyes were filled with fear and excitement.

A young man named Han Wei suddenly ran in front of Li Xun: "Brother Xun, are you ready for breakfast? Including me, I am willing to kill these bastards with you."

"Yeah. Take us, we've had enough!"

These young people are all extremely determined, Li Xun is not yet able to make a decision, so Zhang Honggang can only let Zhang Honggang make a decision.

"It just so happens that we have spare weapons. We will temporarily recruit 20 people, but we must make it clear that joining us is not to enjoy happiness, but to risk your life, fight the natives, and the British. If you are not ready to die, don't join! "

Soon Li Xun selected [-] people from these people, and they were all included in the recruit brigade, receiving training and familiarizing themselves with combat methods.This is also one of the tasks of Zhang Honggang and the others. After all, the number of people sent from the mainland is still very limited, so they must use the local strength of Nanyang.

In the next three days, after Zhang Honggang and the others got their weapons, they organized another sneak attack on the port and grabbed a large amount of food and funds, and this small team had food and wages all at once.

What's even more exciting is that the weapons have finally arrived. Fengjun used submarines to send 20 rifles, 2000 rounds of ammunition, two machine guns, two mortars, and [-] landmines. During the war, landmines are an indispensable treasure. If used properly, they will definitely have amazing effects.

And besides these weapons, there is one more precious thing, that is penicillin!

Feng Jun also just broke through the problem of large-scale production of penicillin. If he wants to fight in tropical areas, infection is inevitable. With the magic weapon of penicillin, the survival probability of these soldiers has been greatly improved.

Seeing these things, Zhang Honggang was also overjoyed, especially the penicillin, which he regarded as a treasure.

"Listen, guys, this thing can save our lives at a critical moment, so you must watch it!"

"Instructor, what is so precious about this thing?"

"Once injured, the most terrifying thing is infection. Most soldiers will die from infection. These infections are caused by bacteria, and this thing is the killer against bacteria. I can tell you that there is no country other than China Penicillin has been discovered, we can use it, which shows the care of the superiors."

When these soldiers heard that this was the number one thing in the world, they were all startled, and hurriedly took care of it.

After Zhang Honggang and the others got the weapons, their strength suddenly increased greatly, especially after they got the mortars, their attacking ability also improved a lot.Zhang Honggang was not polite either. In the following time, they successively launched attacks on the British army.

In less than ten days, five attacks were launched, killing more than 20 British soldiers, destroying a warehouse, sinking two cargo ships, and stealing more than 200 million yuan in funds.In addition, in the fifth attack, Zhang Honggang and the others also set fire to four British oil wells and killed more than 30 oil workers.

Before World War II, Nanyang was an important oil-producing area. The Japanese also went south frantically for oil. The oil wells were attacked, which made the British feel as if their hearts, livers and lungs had been plucked.

Once the losses were counted, the British wanted to cry without tears. The oil well was ignited, and the huge flames caused all the surrounding facilities to be burned. The direct economic loss exceeded 100 million.Moreover, it also caused the serious consequences of a 5.00% drop in crude oil production. All oil fields are in fear, and they don't know when they will suffer bad luck.

Of course, the colonial government was under tremendous pressure. The British in various villages and towns no longer dared to stay leisurely. They all ran to the big cities, hoping that the military and police would protect them.

Zhang Honggang and the others not only stunned the British, but also woke up the Chinese and overseas Chinese in Kuching.Especially the Chinese in various villages, they are basically Hakka people. The so-called Hakka people started from Qin Shihuang's southern expedition to Baiyue, and a large number of Han people from the Central Plains migrated to Lingnan. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a large number of Han people moved south one after another and merged with the local people, finally forming a stable Han ethnic group - the Hakka people.

In the Hakka people, we can see the most precious blood of the Han people. From the end of the Song Dynasty, the Hakka people followed Wen Tianxiang to fight against the Mongols and the Yuan Dynasty, spilling blood on the mountains and rivers. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, countless righteous men fought against the Manchus and regained Taiwan.

When they arrived in Nanyang, these Hakkas still retained the blood of the Han people, and they fought desperately during the previous anti-Chinese actions of the aborigines.It's just that because the British colonial authorities fanned the flames behind the scenes, the overseas Chinese suffered heavy losses, and all kinds of resistance weakened.

But this is just a kind of terrifying tranquility, someone finally came out to challenge the Westerners, and a large number of Hakkas joined Zhang Honggang's team.In less than a month, they took control of seven villages, and their forces had penetrated into Borneo under the rule of the Dutch.

This team has already taken root in Nanyang, and the storms are getting bigger and bigger, and the British have to face up to the problems in Nanyang.

Beacon smoke is everywhere, which has already caused headaches for the empire on which the sun never sets. Zhang Tinglan, who was in Beijing, was overjoyed when she received Nanyang's report. She really didn't expect this chess piece to play a role so quickly.

"Lin Ge, the British seem to be much weaker than expected in Nanyang. You should immediately send a telegram to Xu Shuzheng. If he is interested, he can come to Nanyang to preside over the situation."

Yang Yuting also nodded: "Xu Shuzheng still has a way of fighting, and he can also coordinate various relationships. It is perfect for him to go."

Facing the war in Nanyang, the British could no longer sit still, and finally began to make substantial concessions in front of the negotiating table. Boxer indemnities were suspended for five years, and other loans were suspended for three years. They agreed to withdraw troops from Weihaiwei...

After receiving Gu Weijun's report, Zhang Tinglan also laughed loudly: "1923 is coming, this is a good start! Everyone must work harder to make this year a starting point for the Chinese to completely get rid of unequal treaties !” (To be continued..)

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