The time goes back to June 1920. People from all walks of life in Hunan expelled the Beiyang warlord Zhang Jingyao from Hunan. On July 6, Tan Yankai, who was squeezed out by the Beiyang warlords in Beijing, returned to Hunan to govern, and made a declaration on governing Hunan in Changsha, advocating Hunan autonomy. , Created a provincial constitution, opened the first of its kind in Hunan's inter-provincial self-government.

Then the southern provinces followed suit one after another, and all of them played the banner of inter-provincial self-government. For a while, this slogan was shouted loudly.This time the southern provinces once again played the banner of inter-provincial autonomy, and this time it was no longer a single province. Jiangsu, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Sichuan and other provinces successively put forward requests for inter-provincial autonomy.

Moreover, a large group of literati and scholars were also entangled, and a self-government regulation was jointly drafted, requiring Congress to approve it.Due to the joint efforts of all provinces, the momentum has been quite astonishing.

After Zhang Tinglan got the report, just glanced at it, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Anyone who is familiar with him knows that this is a sign that Zhang Tinglan has murderous intentions. It seems that these guys in the south really met Zhang Tinglan's rebellion. scale.

Yang Yuting and Chang Yinhuai glanced at each other, and were also secretly surprised. I'm afraid they don't know how many heads will be lost.

"Ningge, what do you think of the proposal for federal self-government?"

"Humble words, in all fairness, if it is for the benefit of Sangzi as they claim, it is not a bad idea to engage in inter-provincial self-government. But those guys in the south are trying to grab power with the "government" under the guise, and they have ulterior motives. be severely punished!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tinglan shook her head slightly: "Linge, I don't think so. The words "inter-provincial self-government" are a joke in themselves. The person who put forward this slogan only proved one thing. There is really a myth of rejuvenation in this world! They My mind is filled with mud!"

Yang Yuting heard Zhang Tinglan's words.Immediately, he was a little horrified. Zhang Tinglan's words were serious enough. Is there really such a serious problem with inter-provincial self-government? He also had doubts on his face. [

"Linge, don't underestimate these four words. This is actually related to the issue of what kind of country should be established. All the members of the cabinet are called together, and the president Li Yuanhong is also invited. I want to talk about my views on the state system. .”

Since entering Beijing, everything Zhang Tinglan has done has been done through Tang Shaoyi.It was the first time that the cabinet members were summoned directly, which showed how much Zhang Tinglan attached importance to it, so Yang Yuting didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly arranged.

Zhang Tinglan's face was clouded.It has not been scattered all the time, between 20 and 26 years in Hunan.Self-government was exercised.It has received a lot of praise in later generations, but in Zhang Tinglan's view, this is something that will harm the country and the people. Fortunately, it is only implemented in Hunan Province. If it is really spread, China will be destroyed.

It is precisely to see the danger.Zhang Tinglan couldn't wait to unify his thinking, at least among his own subordinates, there should be no more confused voices like this.

Tang Shaoyi, Wang Shuhan.Zeng Youyi, Gu Weijun, Zhang Taiyan, and a group of Beiyang officials were all present, and Liang Qichao rushed over with some heavyweight congressmen.

These high-ranking officials gathered together, all sitting upright, waiting for Zhang Tinglan's arrival. This was the first time this military and political powerhouse held a formal meeting. Everyone was very concerned about what he would say.

At the end, Zhang Tinglan and Li Yuanhong walked in side by side. Everyone saluted and sat down respectively.

Zhang Tinglan glanced at the audience, and then shook the newspaper in his hand: "Everyone, this is the outline of inter-provincial self-government proposed by a group of elders and scholars in the south. I hope to use this as a basis to implement inter-provincial self-government in the southern provinces. What do you think? ?”

This question seemed simple, but no one knew what Zhang Tinglan was thinking, so they didn't want to be the first to speak.Liang Qichao looked at the crowd, and then said with a smile: "Vice President, this is just a challenge from the central government. I think it must be severely punished!"

Zhang Tinglan nodded, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Liang, regardless of the intentions of these people, what do you think of the inter-provincial self-government?"

When Liang Qichao heard this, his face was a little embarrassed, and he could only say: "Liang once also supported this view, but thinking about it now, it seems that inter-provincial autonomy is not suitable for China's national conditions, and it will cause local problems. Criticism."

"Everyone, I believe that among the people here, I am afraid that there are some who appreciate the proposal of inter-provincial self-government, but here I want to express my attitude. Whoever dares to mention inter-provincial self-government is splitting the country! Treason! It is heinous!"

Zhang Tinglan's words were like a hammer, hitting everyone's hearts. They didn't expect that a proposal of inter-provincial self-government would make Zhang Tinglan so furious, and everyone was silent.

"Don't underestimate inter-provincial self-government. According to this proposal, a federal country will eventually be established. In this world, there are many countries that implement this system. For example, the United States is a very good representative. Perhaps the first to propose People with the concept of federal self-government want to imitate the United States. But this is an irresponsible imitation, a stupid idea that does not go through the brain. Don’t think that if the Americans do this, and we do the same, we can become an advanced country. For a country like this, if China really implements inter-provincial self-government, I dare say that even if the country is not divided, corruption will run rampant and the people will live in dire straits."

Everyone here frowned when they heard Zhang Tinglan's words. To be honest, Zhang Tinglan's analysis was good. It was precisely because the United States implemented a federal system that many people began to envy them, thinking that decentralization of power would allow the country to develop. , but Zhang Tinglan's point of view ruthlessly shattered this "enchanted" dream. [

"The United States has only been founded for more than 100 years, while China has existed for more than 2000 years since Qin Shihuang created a unified system. Learning the national system from the Americans is like a university professor learning to read from a primary school student. What we want to learn from the West is the modern concept of governing the country, not copying the state system, and everyone must keep a clear head on this point!"

People often have a wrong concept, thinking that everything is good when a person is good, and it is the same when dealing with a country. If a country is prosperous, it should copy everything. This is actually a manifestation of the brain.In this civilized circle of Asia in later generations, there are many countries implementing the Western system, but only a few have succeeded.The reason for this is very worth thinking about.

"In fact, we are not without decentralization of power. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, there were a large number of vassal states. In the early Han Dynasty, a large number of vassal kings were entrusted, but they all ended in failure. Of course, the modern federal system is different from the past. The same, but one thing cannot be ignored, that is, once inter-provincial self-government is implemented, it will cause the local people to govern the local people. Starting from Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the system of serving officials in different places will completely fail, and how many bad consequences will be produced. I think everyone should be clear about it.”

The reason why Zhang Tinglan is so disgusted with federal self-government is because of this formulation.In fact, it is a retrogression of history.The ancient Chinese can last for so long, one of the key points is that China has formed a complete set of effective bureaucratic system.

Among them, being an official in a different place is a very good initiative.Officials cannot serve as officials in their hometowns.Even avoid the area where the wife lives.This puts an end to nepotism and intertwined clan ties to the greatest extent possible, and these nepotisms are precisely the breeding grounds for corruption.

Imagine that once China implements inter-provincial self-government, all the governors of each province will be elected from within the province, which will inevitably cause the expansion of local clan power.These clans control a large number of votes, and then use this as a basis to choose spokespersons who safeguard their own interests, and develop over a period of time.The entire provincial government is bound to fall into the control of several big clans.

Controlling political power will then monopolize economic resources and leave limited social opportunities to their descendants.The politics of the big clan and the politics of the family will split the society into two parts, and the majority of the people at the bottom will never have a chance, and it is even said that they will all regress and become servants of the big family.

Take the later generations of Japan as an example. Those politicians will leave their resources to future generations. In the end, the crown prince was elected, but a bunch of grandsons who did not eat the fireworks of the world were elected.China's society is dozens of times larger than Japan's, and its complexity is beyond imagination. Once this is done, God knows what terrible consequences will result.

Zhang Tinglan said with a gloomy face: "China's history has repeatedly proved that local forces must be suppressed. Once left unchecked, they will become tigers that eat people. The subjugation of the Han and Tang dynasties is related to the loss of control of the power of the big clans. Forget about future affairs, so advocating inter-provincial autonomy in China is either lack of IQ or has ulterior motives."

Listening to Zhang Tinglan's thorough explanation of the reasons, some of the people present were already sweating on their backs, and they did not expect that the seemingly fashionable federal self-government would have such serious consequences, so many Everyone bowed their heads and reflected on their mistakes.

Of course, some people have already seen some problems of inter-provincial self-government, but they are not as thorough as Zhang Tinglan. If they want to explain the problem clearly, Zhang Tinglan's attitude is ready to come out.Anyone who dares to advocate inter-provincial self-government can only die. Zhang Tinglan is already sharpening his sword.

Li Yuanhong, who had been listening quietly to the side, suddenly smiled and said: "Zhuoyan is really sharp. In the past, I only thought that foreigners would do the same, and we should do the same, but it is only now that we understand that we can't easily make a wrong move! "

"President, I propose to enact an anti-secession law in Congress as soon as possible, and severely punish those who put forward harmful claims such as federal self-government according to the law!"

Zhang Tinglan's proposal was full of murderous intent. In fact, no matter how many propositions Zhang Tinglan put forward, it was his personal opinion.But once it becomes a law, it rises to the will of the state, and the weight is completely different.

Liang Qichao nodded quickly when he heard it and said: "The Congress will start to make arrangements immediately, and this law will definitely be brought out as soon as possible. But before that, I suggest that in the name of Congress, issue a statement of condemnation, so that these people in the South People rein in the precipice."

After a meeting, everyone has read too much through Zhang Tinglan's statement. This young military and political strongman will not implement a federal system, let alone decentralize power easily. On the contrary, he will establish an unprecedented A powerful central "government" centralizes all kinds of power.

After a period of thinking about how to manage this country, Zhang Tinglan already has her own ideas, and the core idea is still military authoritarian rule.This kind of system is also the most suitable choice for cohesive forces of all parties in the stage of industrialization of the country.

In order to maintain its ability to control the country, the New Democratic Party must also develop. It can follow the example of the Italian National Fascist Party, the mustache Nazi Party, and even the Russian majority party, using the strength of the party to unite the country together.Zhang Tinglan even planned to give the New Democratic Party a certain amount of armed force in the name of the SS.

Of course, Zhang Tinglan, who is in control of the military and political power, is not prepared to rely entirely on his own arbitrariness. The Congress still has to be retained. In fact, the same is true for Nazi Germany, and the Congress has not been completely abolished.In addition, the cabinet must maintain an "independence", so that it can formulate development plans more flexibly and implement various measures.

The occurrence of this incident in the south is both a challenge and an opportunity. Zhang Tinglan is ready to make good use of it, and according to her own vision, it will completely change the country.

The calls for inter-provincial self-government are getting louder and louder, and the warlords in the Yangtze River Basin have expressed their positions one after another, demanding that the "government" respect public opinion.But at this lively moment, a basin of cold water was poured down the face.

On behalf of the National Assembly, Liang Qichao issued a brilliant condemnation, accusing the advocacy of inter-provincial autonomy as splitting the country and trying to make China repeat the mistakes of the late Han and late Tang. Any voice advocating inter-provincial autonomy is dangerous. The "government" will take firm and effective actions to combat such voices.

As soon as this statement came out, the south immediately exploded. Some people felt strong anger and chose to die down. Of course, some people saw that the plot was exposed, and they were ready to take tough measures and use force to fight for self-government. that power.

Immediately, a large number of people found Zhang Jian, the famous number one industrialist, and asked him to come out and serve as the chairman of the Southeast Lian Provincial Assembly. As a banner, he called on the celebrities in the south to oppose Zhang Tinglan.

In addition, Jiangsu Governor Qi Xieyuan, Jiangxi Governor Cai Chengxun, Hunan Governor Zhao Hengti and others also gathered in Nanjing one after another. Facing the talents from all walks of life in the southern province, Qi Xieyuan and others were also full of ambition.

"Everyone, we are pursuing inter-provincial autonomy and managing ourselves. This is the trend of the times and the experience of advanced countries. The reason why the north opposes it is not because they covet the wealth of the southern province and want to take it for themselves. We should unite , to fight for their own interests."

Qi Xieyuan's speech was unanimously cheered by other people. They hung up the new Lian Provincial Assembly sign in Nanjing.

As soon as they put up the sign, Zhang Tinglan got the report. After receiving the telegram, Zhang Tinglan only said one sentence to the people below: "The North-South War is inevitable!" (To be continued...)

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