The dense raindrops kept falling, Li Xun leaned against a big tree, the rain fell on his forehead, and the wound left last night was still oozing blood.

On the side, there is a simple shed, the doctor inside is operating on the wounded, and low roars like wild animals can be heard from time to time.There were more than a dozen soldiers outside, and everyone was also downcast. The rain drenched each of them into a drenched chicken, but no one was in the mood to hide.

Where else could they hide? Just these days, the Dutch colonial authorities took action one after another, wiped out several Chinese villages, and destroyed one of their secret warehouses. All the munitions and medicines in it were lost.

Without these things, the guerrillas were in a desperate situation. Li Xun also thought about getting the things back, but they were ambushed again. A small team of nearly 100 people lost more than half of them. Unable to withstand high-intensity wars, they all collapsed, and those who can persist in withdrawing are all elite forces from China.

In previous battles, these people lost less than ten people, but this time seven people were killed, and five people were seriously injured, and they are being rescued.The unprecedented frustration made Li Xun feel like the sky was falling, the rain fell on his body, and it hit his heart, whether their dream of independence can still be realized!

The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, Li Xun swung his fist violently, and slammed it heavily on the tree trunk. After a few punches, blood was dripping and his skin was torn apart.

"What's the point of smashing your fist? I have a gun here. You don't have to worry about anything if you don't need to shoot in the head!"

As soon as he heard the familiar voice, Li Xun hurriedly turned his head, only to see Zhang Honggang rushing over with some people, and there was a middle-aged heroic man in the middle.It was Xu Shuzheng who was ordered to come to Nanyang.

Seeing Zhang Honggang, Li Xun felt as if he had seen his relatives. Tears were streaming down his face. Zhang Honggang took a few steps, hugged him in his arms, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Young man, be tough and show the posture of a gentleman. We can bleed but not cry. We can die in battle, but we cannot kneel down."

"Hmm." Li Xun muttered, "I hate myself for being incompetent!"

Xu Shuzheng also walked up to Li Xun, and said: "Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. You are miserable, how can you compare with me? Tens of thousands of troops collapsed and almost lost their heads. Aren't I still living well now? Don’t be afraid of failure. I’m afraid that I can’t find the reason, and I’m afraid that I don’t know how to learn from it.”

Li Xun finally recovered his emotions, and the other fighters cheered up, stood up from the ground, and gathered together.Zhang Honggang had someone take a medicine box, which contained anesthetics.And penicillin, first delivered to the shed to rescue the wounded.

Then he, Xu Shuzheng, and these surviving fighters.Sitting around under a huge tree.Xu Shuzheng looked at the dozen or so soldiers, and saw that they still had battle marks all over their bodies, and their clothes were not neat, so Xu Shuzheng frowned immediately.

"I'll give you 3 minutes to make yourself like a soldier. If you don't have the energy, get out of here."

Under this life order, these soldiers jumped up immediately, hurriedly adjusted their uniforms, squatted on the ground again, washed the gunpowder smoke from their faces with rainwater, and finally put their guns behind their backs, and stood neatly in front of Xu Shuzheng.

Xu Shuzheng nodded slightly: "Can any of you tell me why it failed?"

"Report, we are in an ambush."

"Then do you know why you were ambushed?"

When Li Xun heard this, his face turned red: "Report, I have been looking for the reason, but I haven't figured it out yet."

"Hmph, people are not afraid of losing, the most frightening thing is not knowing why they lost, especially on the battlefield, whoever is confused will have to pay the price in blood."

Xu Shuzheng reprimanded sharply: "If I were you, I should reflect on the first time, instead of complaining about myself."

These soldiers were all blushed after being reprimanded, and all of them lowered their heads. Xu Shuzheng sighed, and then said: "According to my observation this time, there are probably traitors. Someone reported our situation to the colonial authorities. , so they let them design it."

Zhang Honggang also nodded and said: "The Dutch action seems to have been prepared a long time ago. They first attacked some villages that supported us, caused tragedies, mobilized guerrillas to dispatch, and then they went to attack the warehouse and snatch the military supplies. Wait until When we came back to aid, they set up pocket formations, interlocking, which was definitely planned long ago."

When Li Xun heard it, he immediately said loudly: "Instructor, who is this shameful traitor? I cut him!"

"If I knew who it was, I wouldn't be so troublesome." Zhang Honggang also sighed.

Xu Shuzheng said: "We should reflect on our negligence. Since we entered Nanyang, we have developed very smoothly. We have won many victories, but the result is a little careless. There are some deficiencies in prevention, especially anti-espionage and anti-osmosis, which are not good. Everyone should Knowing that we are surrounded by tigers and leopards, we may lose our lives at any time."

Xu Shuzheng said this, paused, and continued: "The more important thing is that we have too much trust in some Chinese people. We think that we have the same roots and the same origin, and it is for them to be independent. Naturally, these people will support us. But in life and death At this juncture, facing the great temptation, with life on the one hand and death on the other, whether you can hold on is a big question."

Listening to Xu Shuzheng's words, Li Xun and the others nodded frequently. Indeed, thinking about it now, in the process of development, as long as they were Chinese, they would accept them, and some did not conduct a careful investigation.

Speaking of it, on the one hand, it is because of the desire for power, and on the other hand, it is because of negligence, forgetting the possible existence of ghosts.As a result, the Dutch found an opportunity to deal a heavy blow to the guerrillas.

Zhang Honggang also said: "Our task now is to shrink our strength, temporarily gather guerrillas from all over the country, strengthen discipline, and seriously clean up. At the same time, we will strengthen intelligence work and find out the reasons. Only in this way can we rise from the ashes, otherwise we will only fail. Road."

After unifying their thinking, these guerrillas distributed in Borneo gathered together as soon as possible. During this period of time, several guerrillas were attacked one after another.The number of guerrillas once reached more than 1000, but now there are only more than 300 left, but fortunately these people are the best.most loyal.

They first withdrew from the key areas controlled by the colonial government, and then reorganized and established a special secrecy bureau and a military discipline office. At the same time, according to Xu Shuzheng's intention, they also set up trainers to do ideological work for everyone on a regular basis to ensure the loyalty of soldiers .

Just as the guerrillas were gearing up, good news finally came. The country had already determined the policy of strengthening aid and would further increase the delivery of arms.At the same time, a batch of equipment and medical equipment will be assisted to enhance the hematopoietic ability of the guerrillas.

Zhang Tinglan also asked the Congress to issue a strongly worded statement of protest, severely condemning the atrocities committed by the Dutch colonial government in persecuting Chinese and overseas Chinese.The Chinese government then called the League of Nations.It is requested to organize a special investigation team to go to Nanyang.To investigate the issue of Chinese persecution.

Although the League of Nations was proposed by the United States after World War I.But because the United States did not participate, the League of Nations fell under the dominance of Britain and France.In the face of China's request, they will definitely not agree. The colony of these guys is far larger than that of the Netherlands, and they have done more things about cutting off children and grandchildren. If the Netherlands is investigated.How are they doing.

Of course, Zhang Tinglan did not expect the League of Nations to work. He was just a gesture to show that China abides by international rules, and we have done everything that should be done.Now that you are unable to solve the problem, whatever means China adopts is out of your control.

Just after passing the condemnation, the Chinese Navy immediately dispatched three warships, one of which was the Jilin just returned to China.It is the first time that the Chinese navy has a large ship of [-] tons, and it is far from mastering the key to use it, but this does not prevent it from being sent out to scare people.

A heavy cruiser is not enough to scare others, but it is enough to scare the Dutch. The former sea coachman has already declined by this time. If it were not for the conflicts between the great powers and the need for a buffer zone like the Netherlands, the Dutch East Indies would have long since there is none left.

Now the largest warship of the Netherlands in Nanyang is an old light cruiser. Of course, there is no advantage in facing the Jilin.

According to the order of the Chinese government, the Jilin, accompanied by a destroyer and a frigate, is supposed to carry out high-sea training and run-in the warship.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is China's display of its maritime power. Although it is still very weak, China has learned the tactic of deterrent force.

Of course, the fleet has not yet formed a combat capability, it is just a lie, and the real killer is the underwater submarine.Zhang Tinglan arranged for three submarines to secretly transport supplies to Nanyang, and the scale increased three times at once.

In addition to traditional munitions and medicines, a batch of engines were also sent. With this stuff, they can make inland speedboats.In the rainforest area with dense water network, after having a speedboat, a machine gun can be mounted on it, which can not only transport troops quickly, but also launch attacks, and the effect is quite good.

In addition to sending things, Zhang Tinglan increased his investment. After sending the first batch of soldiers to Nanyang, he arranged for manpower to go to Hainan to receive training in tropical rainforest warfare.

At this time, the men and horses in the sleeves were released, and more than 500 strictly trained soldiers were released one after another.

Moreover, these people are no longer simply concentrated in Borneo, they have been sent to Myanmar and other places.Zhang Tinglan could see very clearly that without the backing of the UK, the Dutch would definitely not have the courage, so if they wanted to take action, they had to attack their master.What's more, the British have swallowed up a lot of land belonging to China in the southwest over the years, and the British should also taste the bitter fruit.

With all the strength in the country, Xu Shuzheng and the others finally survived the most difficult period. The soldiers dispatched from the country gradually gathered. They took advantage of this time to train the soldiers under them, which greatly improved their combat effectiveness.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, this is the information I just received." Xu Shuzheng took the secret letter into his hands, and when he took a closer look, his eyes lit up.

According to the investigation, they have figured out the reason for the leak. There is a businessman named Qian Jiaxun who once helped the guerrillas transport supplies.As a result, after this guy went back, he secretly sent his nephew to join the guerrillas and became a militia. When he found out the situation, this guy immediately reported to the colonial authorities.

"Qian Jiaxun received a bonus of 10 yuan, and was awarded an extraordinary honor. He was appointed as a counselor for the suppression of bandits to assist the colonial government and deal with Chinese people. Several villages have been attacked, and more than 30 Chinese businessmen have been arrested and tortured. Said it was all done by Qian Jiaxun. He is more ruthless and cruel than the Dutchman, and he is merciless in his attacks. I don't know if he still has humanity!"

Xu Shuzheng sneered: "After becoming a dog, in order to please the master, he must bite people harder. The Dutch are hateful, and this kind of guy should be killed. After our training this time, the first target is Qian Jiaxun!"

After making up his mind, the action started immediately. Li Xun led a small team to act as a bait, while the others set up a net, waiting for the big fish to jump in by themselves.

Li Xun and the others first attacked a guard post and killed four Dutch soldiers. The originally silent Nanyang was disturbed again. The Dutch colonial government immediately mobilized soldiers, and Qian Jiaxun and his nephew were also called out. The guy is most familiar with the situation of the guerrillas and rushed to the forefront.

"Uncle, what the guerrillas pay attention to is harassing operations. They are like flies, harassing you constantly. When they get tired, they will come ruthlessly. If you want to deal with them, the best way is to find their lair and kill them in one fell swoop."

While talking, Qian Xiaoguang searched for clues on the ground. Suddenly, he found a fountain pen under the tree. When he saw this, his eyes lit up.

"Uncle, I know this pen. It's the gangster who trained me back then. It's called Li Xun. I've seen him use it to sign."

Qian Jiaxun was also overjoyed: "This is a big fish, we must not let it go, as long as we can catch it, we can get promoted and get rich again."

The pair of uncles and nephews rushed up excitedly, leading the Dutch soldiers behind them. They happened to reach a valley, and Qian Xiaoguang was still looking for traces ahead.

At this time, people at both ends of the valley had already made preparations. The soldiers of the guerrillas used the bamboo that can be seen everywhere to make huge slingshots, and the projectiles were explosives in packs of [-] kilograms. In order to increase the lethality , There are also a lot of broken iron pieces in it.

After seeing these Dutchmen fall into the trap, all the organs were activated.The explosive package fell from the sky, and the group didn't understand what was going on for a while, but the huge explosion had already sounded.

There was an earth-shattering sound and gunpowder smoke came out one after another, and those Dutchmen were killed and injured by the bombing, and they were in a panic.Some people tried to escape, but within a few steps, they were targeted by gunmen who had already ambushed.

This time, the most elite soldiers came, all of them had amazing marksmanship, none of the Dutchmen could escape, while the Qian family's uncle and nephew desperately fled to the depths of the dense forest, trying to escape. (To be continued..)

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