Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 771 The First Intimate Contact

Lampson is the new ambassador to China. Since 22 years, the diplomatic relations between various countries and China have undergone adjustments. The Germans were the first to be upgraded from ministers to ambassadors, and the United States followed closely. As for Britain, France and other countries All had to be upgraded accordingly.

It's just that the upgraded ambassadors are far less prestigious than the ministers who were once overlords. They have to learn to deal with this big eastern country on an equal footing.

China's increasingly powerful style is also quite uncomfortable for these old empires.As soon as Lampson came up, he questioned that China was encouraging the independence of the Chinese in Nanyang behind the scenes, and demanded that China must ensure the peace of Nanyang.

Gu Weijun just smiled lightly: "Ambassadors, first of all, I want to clarify that the Chinese government maintains an attitude of appreciation for the independence movement of the Nanyang Chinese, but it has absolutely no support. Here I must make it clear that 1000 years ago For many years, the Chinese have already gone to Nanyang to make a living. In the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He sailed to the West, and brought a large number of Chinese immigrants. At that time, Europe was still in the dark middle ages, and you did not set foot in Nanyang at all. Chinese After arriving in Nanyang, I did not choose to conquer and slaughter, but worked with the local residents to jointly develop Nanyang. The prosperity and prosperity of Nanyang is due to the hard work and sweat of the Chinese.

As one of the masters of Nanyang, the Chinese should enjoy the right to live in peace. However, with the invasion of colonial forces, they took control of the Nanyang area and repeatedly provoked incidents of Chinese exclusion. A large number of Chinese and overseas Chinese were killed and thousands of massacres , cannot be counted.On this issue, the Dutch East Indies bear the brunt, and their behavior is quite bad. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has protested many times. The inaction of the Dutch government makes people surprised and angry. "

Dutch ambassador Bell originally wanted to pull the British to show China a good look together, but he didn't know after arriving.He was reprimanded by Gu Weijun, his face was red with anger, and he was about to argue, but Gu Weijun waved his hand.

"Mr. Ambassador, let me finish my sentence. There is an old saying in China, which is called the government forced the people to rebel. In the final analysis, the uprising in Nanyang was caused by the wrong policies of the Dutch colonial authorities. The Dutch government should first reflect on itself. Instead of blaming others, It's a very wrong attitude."

Bell's face was flushed, and as soon as Gu Weijun finished speaking, he said loudly: "Mr. Foreign Minister, please don't change the subject. Some Chinese in Nanyang launched a rebellion under the banner of independence. They announced the establishment of the South China Federation. Obviously they The use of Chinese words, can't it explain the relationship between them and you?"

When Gu Weijun heard this, he laughed loudly: "Mr. Ambassador, don't you also call yourself the Dutch East Indies? Does your colony have anything to do with India? If you follow your logic, do you want to give us half of the Indochina Peninsula?" ?”[

Gu Weijun stopped Bell with a single sentence.It is wishful thinking to bring China into submission with just one name.

Bell couldn't find any explanation for a while, and Lampson hurriedly chimed in: "Mr. Foreign Minister, you are confusing concepts. The reason why it is called the Dutch East India is because there used to be the East India Company, and India is also because of the Western Age of Discovery. It's just a habit."

"Nanyang has been influenced by China for more than 1000 years, and there is no difference in borrowing Chinese words. You must know that our habits are more than 1000 years earlier than yours."

Once the history is presented, Westerners have no advantage, and Lampson and Bell are unwilling to break up with Gu Weijun. Bell said with a sullen face: "Mr. Foreign Minister, since China has nothing to do with the Chinese in Nanyang, then we will take the most severe measures." The repressive measures to completely eliminate the rebels, please do not interfere."

Lampson also smiled and said: "That's right, I quite appreciate the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence put forward by your government, but I can't ruin my promise!"

Lampson's gloomy words seemed to push Gu Weijun into a corner. Gu Weijun was not afraid, and said with a smile: "Of course we will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but I want to remind Ambassador Bell that in Nanyang, there are only naturalized foreigners. There are many Chinese, and there are also a large number of overseas Chinese, whose nationality is Chinese. Regarding the war situation in Nanyang, the Chinese government believes that it is necessary to take action to protect the overseas Chinese.”

Hearing this, Bell's eyes widened. The word "huqiao" is not just said casually. Since modern times, many wars and disputes have been caused by these two words. Huqiao means sending troops, sending troops It means fighting. Could it be that China wants to intervene in Nanyang?

Even Lampson's face has changed. Since China was basically unified, the British have been trembling. There is still a Hong Kong between the two countries.

"Mr. Foreign Minister, I hope you can think carefully about China's strategy."

Gu Weijun smiled slightly: "Mr. Ambassador, as a sovereign country, we protect our citizens as a matter of course, but you can rest assured that if China breaks the rules, we will report the situation of the warships we send in advance, and we must not resort to war. But I also remind In the Netherlands, we must protect the Chinese nationals, and if something goes wrong and the public complains, we will not be able to deal with it!"

Gu Weijun's last sentence is very meaningful. Chinese people will not provoke troubles, but they will not be afraid of us if they provoke us.This was a blatant warning, and Bell felt a chill in his heart.

Today's China is very different from before. This warning can be said to be resounding, and the Dutch can't help but be afraid.

Leaving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a trance, Bell immediately reported the situation to the country and asked for instructions from the country, and Gu Weijun also reported the situation of the meeting to Zhang Tinglan.

Since leaving from Lushun last time, the Fengtian aircraft carrier went to the South China Sea immediately after simple maintenance to start its first ocean-going training.Of course, this kind of training is not done for no reason. The training is just for one purpose, and more importantly, it is to suppress the uprising in Nanyang.

With the development of industry and the increase of strength, China is also facing dual pressures from home and abroad, and Japan, Russia, Britain and other countries are becoming more and more wary of China.With the development of domestic industry, the resource gap is getting bigger and bigger. Although China has vast land, it only lacks oil resources. [

Although Zhang Tinglan knew that there were oil fields in Daqing, Shengli, and Xinjiang.However, these oil fields are either too deep or have complicated geology, so they cannot be exploited now.But the shortage of oil is increasing day by day. It is absolutely wasteful to spend huge sums of money every year to buy a large amount of oil from the United States.

If you want to break this dilemma, you must expand outward, and the best direction is the Dutch East Indies!The Netherlands is an outdated country with limited strength, and the Dutch East Indies has a lot of oil.The annual output of oil is about 500 million tons.Borneo alone would require 150 million tons.

And China's oil consumption is only 120 million tons!What's more, in addition to oil, Borneo also has rubber.It was precisely after considering all aspects that Zhang Tinglan decided to give it a go in Nanyang, not only supporting Jianguo, but also dispatching the only aircraft carrier battle group.

It was the third day after the Southern China Federation announced the founding of the country.The Dutch colonial authorities issued a strongly worded statement vowing to crush the rebels.

After the Dutch made a statement.China is not far behind.Expressed regret for the Nanyang war, and said that in order to avoid a humanitarian crisis, China will send the Fengtian aircraft carrier south.Overseas Chinese in Nanyang, if they feel that their personal safety is threatened, they can get the help of the navy and withdraw to the country.

After this statement was issued.The Chinese side has shown unprecedented high efficiency. Just in Guangzhou Port, China has concentrated a total of eight large passenger ships and two [-]-ton oil tankers.A supply ship converted from a cruise ship, filled with food and drinking water.

Eleven ships, escorted by two destroyers, slowly left Guangzhou Port. According to the plan, after the fleet goes south, it will join the Fengtian aircraft carrier battle group under training, and then go south together.

Just when the fleet officially began to assemble, Chinese public opinion boiled up again. Over the years, Chinese people have been repeatedly massacred overseas. The century-old history of humiliation is full of blood and tears.

However, China at that time was trampled under the feet of the great powers, let alone these overseas wanderers. Now in the new era, China has enough power to protect her people.

A huge fleet assembled, and when they were about to set off, countless people appeared on the pier holding five-color flags.Among them were many Chinese businessmen from Nanyang. When they saw this scene, they couldn't stop crying.

At the beginning, overseas Chinese destroyed their families to relieve difficulties and launched domestic revolutions, but they hoped that the motherland would become stronger and that these overseas wanderers could live with more dignity.Finally seeing this scene, several old overseas Chinese even knelt on the pier, weeping bitterly, just like a child.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the fleet slowly left the port, carrying the blessings and concerns of the domestic people, and quickly headed south.When the fleet arrived in the Xisha waters, the Fengtian aircraft carrier battle group that had been assembled here for a long time finally joined in.

The reporters on board finally saw the whole picture of China's aircraft carrier battle group for the first time. For the aircraft carrier, there are not many reports in China. It is also the first time for these reporters to feel the pressure of this behemoth.

The aircraft carrier formation adopts an elliptical formation. The nearly [-]-ton Fengtian is in the middle, surrounded by two heavy cruisers, the Harbin and the Jilin, and two cruisers at the front and back, and a dozen destroyers looking around. , followed by two oil tankers at the end.

Of course, there are submarines to follow underwater, these reporters don't know yet, but just these things on the sea surface are enough to shock people's hearts.

The aircraft carrier battle group is the largest combat system created by mankind in history. The majestic and magnificent aircraft carrier is also a symbol of a country's strength.Although it is still the era of giant ships with cannons, the aircraft carrier battle group, which is showing its ferocious appearance, also shows a strong deterrence.

After the aircraft carrier battle group and the passenger ship converged, more than [-] ships headed south together, and the power was almost breathless.The British also knew about the Chinese navy going south, so they also mobilized several ships from the Far East Fleet to monitor the Chinese navy.

China is not very polite to the approaching British warships, and these frigates around them can only easily block the British warships.The British can only watch from a distance, and there is nothing they can do.

Another morning came, and the navy soldiers of the fleet, as well as the reporters on the passenger ship, all boarded the deck early, and not far ahead was Zengmu Ansha, the southernmost tip of China!

Just last year, China released a new version of the map, which basically encloses the South China Sea within China's scope, and the southernmost tip of the territory is impressively marked on the Zengmu Shoal.A 20-meter submerged reef all year round has become a territory, and it really requires a strong imagination.

However, the Chinese navy has no resistance to this. Originally, the South China Sea belongs to us, and we can row it however we want.If you are happy, simply include the whole Nanyang.

The sailor pointed excitedly, and the reporters simply set up their cameras to record this place.Just when everyone was extremely excited, a telegram suddenly came from the submarine outside.

When Chen Jiliangli saw the telegram, he immediately frowned. According to the description of the telegram, 6 to 7 British warships were coming here, including a battleship.

Upon receiving the news, Chen Jiliang immediately ordered the fleet to prepare for battle. On the issue of Nanyang, the British and the Dutch wore a pair of trousers. Now that the British warship suddenly appeared, it must be associated with people.

"The fighter plane takes off, intercept it immediately!"

Chen Jiliang gave an order, and all the personnel on the aircraft carrier got busy. The fighter planes rose from the hangar to the deck. The pilots got ready, and the first batch of two reconnaissance planes took off.

The fighter plane roared into the sky, and went to search the British fleet. This time the British sent over the battleship Iron Duke. Since the last Sino-British war, this battleship has stayed in the Far East, in order to deal with possible incidents. The situation, after learning that the Chinese fleet was going south, the British had to send the Iron Duke to show their presence in order to show their status as the overlord of Nanyang.

The majestic battleship took the lead and rushed to the forefront. The proud British Royal Navy did not pay attention to the Chinese navy at all. The last time it failed was because within China, if it reached the ocean, no one could be the opponent of the Royal Navy. .

The British fleet was triumphant and wanted to impress the Chinese, but at this moment, facing the rising sun, two reconnaissance planes searched from north to south, and happened to find the British fleet below.

The two reconnaissance planes circled over the British and immediately reported the situation to the rear.In less than half an hour, the first batch of eight planes, four fighter jets, and four dive bombers appeared over the heads of the British

At the same time, the Chinese side also sent a clear-coded telegram, requesting the British to immediately stop their dangerous actions approaching the Chinese fleet, and keep the two sides at a safe distance.

It has become a habit for the British to be unscrupulous, and they would not be willing to be restrained, but the Iron Duke still did not stop.At this time, the dive bomber driven by Wang Weiguo suddenly rushed down from the clouds, and the plane was like a cannon, heading straight for the Iron Duke. (to be continued...)

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