"The Japanese want to destroy the corpses. It seems that Ivanov and the others are in trouble!"

"Commander-in-Chief, do you think it is necessary to provide assistance to Ivanov and the others so that they can last for a while?"

"No need." Zhang Tinglan shook her head and said, "They have hit the Japanese at the gate of their lives, and they will definitely be eradicated. Why bother to put rouge on a dead man!"

"Commander-in-Chief, the United States and Britain are condemning the Japanese. Is it impossible for them to secretly support Ivanov?"

"How is it possible? It's just a mere experiment. The immoral things done by Britain and the United States are much worse than this. How could they completely fall out with the Japanese over such a trivial matter and help the majority party like a scourge!"

Americans massacred Indians, and a scalp can be exchanged for five dollars, killing tens of millions; when building railways in the west, they used a large number of "pigs" from China, and each sleeper buried a The bones of the Chinese workers, these viciousness are vividly seen.

As for the United Kingdom, which has been the hegemon of the world for 200 years, its viciousness is beyond description. It can launch a war across half of the world for drugs, which is absolutely unprecedented.The Anglo-Saxons also know their viciousness, so they are very wary of rising countries, especially not allowing these countries to achieve industrialization and have the ability to threaten them. Whether it is the era of the Republic of China or later generations, the United States and Britain follow this principle and nothing has changed. .

Don't look at the United States and Britain joining forces to target the Japanese aggressively. At most, they are suppressing Japan's rising momentum, making the Japanese more obedient, and honestly maintaining the balance in the Far East.If there is no restriction from Japan, who will compete against the red Russia!

The shrewd Britain and the United States will not give up their real interests because of a little public opinion and moral pressure, as long as the Japanese are still needed to fight against Russia.The United States and Britain will not really fall out with Japan!

"Zhuoyan, if Ivanov is not supported, he will definitely not be the opponent of the Japanese. Such a good card will be lost. Isn't it too cheap for the Japanese?"

Zhang Tinglan smiled slightly: "The majority party is also a disaster. We really don't need to involve too much. If it is used to this extent, this card will lose its effect and it should be discarded. But it doesn't mean that we let Japan go. People, but use less effort and more effective methods to deal with them."

When Chang Yinhuai heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he hurriedly asked: "Zhuoyan, will the plan come out?"

"One dollar spent on propaganda is equivalent to five dollars spent on national defense. We need to return to the tools of propaganda. I plan to use this incident as an opportunity to support a small and medium-sized newspaper for the United States. It will specifically publish content against Japan. We must vilify the Japanese day and night, tarnish their national image, constantly magnify their flaws, and strive to achieve the instinctive disgust of every American who mentions the Japanese.”

It was definitely the first time for Chang Yinhuai to hear such a high-level theory, and he was still a little unclear about the power of this kind of propaganda.Therefore, he not only asked: "Zhuoyan, don't you often say that empty talk is useless, can you hurt the Japanese just by scolding like this?"

Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Practical work is the right way. Empty talk is crooked, but sometimes these crooked ways can have unexpected effects. Although the American elites have their own judgments, ordinary people do not. They are The most vulnerable to brainwashing by the media. The U.S. election system determines that their politicians must cater to the people and respect public opinion. As long as the propaganda is in place, ordinary people will influence politicians, and then politicians will incite more people in turn. If things go on like this, Japan’s image in the United States will be completely bankrupt, and no matter who cooperates with Japan, it must be carefully weighed.”

In later generations, there is a set of special international public relations, which is doing this kind of thing. The Americans are very familiar with it. They have been slandering some uncooperative countries for decades. Under the repeated brainwashing of the media, these countries are in the international arena Their reputations have also gone bankrupt, and they have been put on various hats.

At this time, Zhang Tinglan is going to make a grand debut of this knowledge in advance. First of all, he will deal with the Japanese and destroy the image of Japan. His reputation will be bad, and his business interests will definitely be affected. The purchase of Western technology will also be subject to more restrictions, and the recruitment of talents will also be affected. Even more difficult, the damage to the economy is bound to be staggering.

One dollar spent on publicity is equal to five dollars spent on national defense!This is definitely not empty talk, but an absolutely achievable goal.

Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "I have already started to buy newspapers, and I also hired American female reporter Elena as the special chief reporter. I heard that she is still full of energy and has already gone to Burleigh to take photos and interview The victims, these things will be sorted out soon, and then sent to the United States to let every ordinary American know these things, and we will label Japan an evil empire."

When Chang Yinhuai heard this, she could only give Zhang Tinglan a thumbs up. This person really had a fantastic idea, which was unexpected.Who would have thought of relying on propaganda to weaken the strength of the Japanese, but they thought of it, this is the real master!

Zhang Tinglan didn't do anything superficially other than doing it secretly. Facing the representatives of the United States, Britain and other countries, Zhang Tinglan only talked about economic cooperation. As for Japan's biochemical experiments, she never mentioned it. Be sidetracked.

This puzzled the United States and the United Kingdom, and even some people in the Fengjun were deeply dissatisfied with this. The young commander Zhang Xueliang took the initiative to find Zhang Tinglan, and his face was very ugly.

"Zhuoyan, didn't you say you wanted to avenge my father? Why are you silent now that Japan has such a big problem? Why don't you condemn the Japanese?"

"Hanqing, what's the use of saying that I denounce the Japanese?"

Zhang Xueliang rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then said: "At least the Japanese can feel the pressure of public opinion, and they can also pull the United States, Britain and other countries to sanction the Japanese and weaken their strength. Isn't that enough? ?”

There was a chuckle on Zhang Tinglan's face, he pulled Zhang Xueliang, and said with a smile: "Hanqing, I want to avenge the commander in no less than you, but I know that killing a few bastards is not for the commander at all. To take revenge. If you want to take real revenge, you must completely destroy Japan. Send their emperor and prime minister to the gallows, this is the real revenge."

Hearing this, Zhang Xueliang scratched his head and asked, "Zhuoyan, what you said makes sense, but I still don't understand why you don't condemn the Japanese, don't you want to take this opportunity to weaken the Japanese?" Is it?"

"Hanqing, among the parties in the Far East, our strength is the weakest. When our interests are really violated, it is natural to stand up. This is our duty. But in this kind of matter, the more we dance, the easier it is Acting as a gun for others. The United States and Britain are complete bastards. We rushed to the front, and they must be hiding behind. Fan us. Then act as a mediator, and both sides will benefit. But if we don’t say anything, let the United States and Britain and Japan fight against each other , They in turn have to fight for our support, and they will give us the most benefits."

Zhang Tinglan said the key to this, and Zhang Xueliang's eyes suddenly brightened.Only then did he understand Zhang Tinglan's abacus, and he couldn't help but stick out his thumb: "Zhuoyan is clever, compared with you. I am always like a child, my head gets hot too easily, and I am confused when encountering big things, and I can't see clearly. .”

"Hanqing, don't underestimate yourself. You have a specialization in surgery. I heard that you have trained the air force well. You have paid close attention to the training. You also get along well with those pilots. Being able to manage the air force is a magic weapon. You may rely on it in the future." You, command tens of thousands of planes, and blow Japan back to the Stone Age!"

Zhang Tinglan laughed and said, but Zhang Xueliang at the side was a little pensive, and said after a while: "Zhuoyan, I want to study abroad, travel around Europe and the United States, gain knowledge and gain a little knowledge."

Suddenly hearing that Zhang Xueliang was going abroad, Zhang Tinglan frowned immediately: "Hanqing, have you heard some gossip, if you have any things you can't figure out, you can tell me, or you can find my father. Commander How can you go abroad when your bones are still cold?"

"Zhuoyan, don't think too much." Zhang Xueliang said hastily: "It is precisely because my father's bones are not cold that I want to study abroad, learn the most advanced military concepts, and master the essence of air force tactics. Didn't you say that you want me to command a Thousands of planes, I'm really afraid I don't have that ability!"

Zhang Xueliang said sincerely: "I just feel that I am too immature, and I don't have much real talent. If I want to really avenge my father, I must not only have enthusiasm, but also have real skills."

While listening, Zhang Tinglan couldn't stop thinking about it. In fact, it is a good thing to let Zhang Xueliang go abroad at this time. After all, Lao Zhang is dead, and the old and new soldiers are changing. A large-scale personnel reshuffle is inevitable. Zhang Tinglan The delay in taking action is due to the pressure of the Japanese and the opposition of the old faction.

If Zhang Xueliang is gone, the old school figures will be without a spiritual leader, and it will be much easier to clean up.Thinking of this, Zhang Tinglan also nodded and said: "Hanqing, if you insist on going abroad, I have no objection, but you remember, we are brothers no matter what time. I will reserve the throne of Air Force Commander for you, but you can I have to show my real skills, otherwise if I waste time, I can only follow the rules!"

"Don't worry about Zhuoyan, when I come back, I will definitely let you see a brand new Zhang Hanqing."

Zhang Xueliang resigned to go abroad, and solved another matter.Zhang Tinglan will be able to concentrate more and deal with the chaos in front of him.As expected, Feng Jun didn't say anything, but instead became the target of all parties vying to win him over.U.S. Consul General Baker visited Zhang Tinglan twice in a row, and talked about the cooperation between the two sides, and finally finalized a cooperation agreement.

Holding the formal contract text, Wang Yongjiang sent it to Zhang Tinglan, and said with a smile: "Humble words, the agreement between us and the United States to jointly build the Huludao port has finally been reached. The first phase of the project will allow Huludao to stop exporting 3000 tons. For ships, after the second phase is completed, they must be able to dock [-]-ton giant ships. And the Americans also provided us with a preferential loan of [-] million U.S. dollars, mainly for railway construction.”

Wang Yongjiang said with great emotion: "We have been discussing this contract, but the Japanese are obstructing it, and the United States is not very active, so it has not been finally implemented. Unexpectedly, the Japanese could not bear the pressure and agreed to the United States. The entry of capital into the three northeastern provinces is equivalent to breaking the sphere of influence, which is really gratifying."

Zhang Tinglan also nodded with a smile: "Not only that, I see that behind the contract, the Americans also promised to provide us with diesel engine technology and tractor production lines. After tractors, the productivity of various farms can be greatly improved. And we have modified some armored vehicles. The tractor technology of the United States must far exceed that of Russia. After mastering the technology, I am going to produce tanks. Our army must move towards mechanization and keep up with it World trend!"

"Zhuoyan, I have no objection if you want to strengthen the army, but you should also take a look at our financial situation. After this rebellion, Fengjun has lost its strength, and it also involves a lot of energy to fight against the Japanese. With all-out military expansion, the financial hole will reach at least 2000 million yuan, so you have to find a way."

"Mr. Min Yuan, can you see if there are any items that can be cut?"

Wang Yongjiang's face suddenly sank: "Zhuoyan, industry and agriculture, education and health, infrastructure construction, you don't even think about making a move in these areas, I will definitely not agree!"

Zhang Tinglan rolled her eyes, and said with a sudden smile: "Mr. Min Yuan, don't worry, I have a way to get money, and I promise not to make financial decisions." (To be continued...)

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