Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 791 Li Yuanhong is Dead

In addition to the funds in the stock market, the second part is the big bosses of the Qing Gang, the old veterans of the former dynasty, the old bureaucrats, and problematic compradors. These people also hold a lot of wealth in their hands. According to calculations, during the liquidation process, at least cash was seized. 3000 million, and there are also a large amount of gold and silver, antiques, jade, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, land and real estate, corporate bond shares, etc., which add up to no more than 5 million yuan.

Most of these people are greedy, and the wealth in their hands is also ill-gotten wealth. The people's fat and people's anointing should be taken back now.

The third part of the wealth is the concessions of the great powers. The Chinese army rushed into the concessions, which actually marked that the brand of the colonial era should also disappear.In particular, the Chinese side has found a large amount of illegal evidence. Although the great powers strongly deny it, there has also been a strong wave of opposition to the great powers within China.

If they still stick to the concession, they will only fight against all Chinese people, and it is inevitable for the big powers to make concessions. However, it is surprising that the first one who proposed to return the concession was Japan. Making such an unexpected decision really surprised Zhang Tinglan.

However, with the Japanese at the beginning, the United States, Britain and other countries were unwilling to cause trouble. As a result, all countries jointly announced the abandonment of the concession, and the Shili foreign market in Shanghai finally returned to the embrace of China.In exchange, China decided to develop the Pudong New Area to provide policy convenience and tax incentives for foreign investment. In addition, Zhang Tinglan decided to set up a pilot free trade zone in Shanghai to give some foreign goods tax-free treatment.

In fact, Zhang Tinglan also thought deeply about making these decisions. After all, China is such a huge country that always needs a window to communicate with the outside world.If the foreign powers are blocked because of the abolition of the last public concession, it will only affect the status of Shanghai Far East Center.It made Hong Kong and other places cheaper for nothing, and simply left the best conditions to Shanghai, continuing to maintain the glory of this Oriental Pearl, and keeping those places outside the borders.

This kind of exchange can be regarded as accountable to the big powers. Although the concession has been lost, the preferential conditions provided by the new area are also what a country like the United States, which is eager to advocate free trade, looks forward to becoming something.

For China, the land and buildings in the concession were taken back.The value of these also exceeded 2 million yuan.In addition, there are fines for violating companies and fines paid by some people involved in the case. Adding up all kinds of fines, Zhang Tinglan got a total of nearly 25 billion yuan from Shanghai Bund, which is almost equivalent to China's annual fiscal revenue.Especially commendable is the money.18 billion is real money, such a huge sum of money.There are so many things that can be done.

"The focus of the First Five-Year Plan is national defense. It is the construction of heavy industry, so our investment focuses on the Midwest and North China. In the Second Five-Year Plan, the investment in heavy industry will continue to increase, but the southeast coast and other places also need Accelerate the pace of development, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, Fujian and other places have a good light industry foundation, and also have a tradition of foreign trade, these areas need to strengthen support."

Zhang Tinglan walked around the ground.Then he said: "Mainly we can develop industries such as raw silk, textiles, and garments. To compete with Japanese raw silk, [-] million will be set aside from this income to support these industries."

Wang Shuhan suddenly laughed: "Vice President, this is a clever move. Raw silk is the most competitive product for the Japanese in the international market. Once it is eliminated, the Japanese government will lose hundreds of millions of income every year."

China has always dominated the silk industry. The famous Silk Road has witnessed China's past glory. In fact, until the late Qing Dynasty, China's silk still occupied a major share of the world.However, after the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese began to catch up. In addition to sending Japanese women to Nanyang to earn foreign exchange, there were two other things: raw silk and tea.

The Japanese vigorously introduced machine production, improved industrial technology, promoted raw silk planting, cut down large areas of forest, and planted mulberry trees instead.In fact, these industrialized countries in later generations talk about environmental protection one by one, and the various practices of the Japanese in protecting the environment are worshiped by some people, but everyone has a dark history.

Speaking of it, there is no Chinese model at all, and China is not a special case. It is just that China has retraced the path that all industrialized countries have traveled.This road may not be perfect, and some people will ask why China can't blaze new trails, sorry!No country has succeeded so far, so it is better to believe in reality than to believe in vain fantasy.

Having said that, after decades of unremitting efforts by the Japanese, in 1910, raw silk exports accounted for three-quarters of the world, leaving China far behind, losing this last industry, and the Qing Dynasty’s finances also rapidly Deteriorated, and soon total collapse.

Since then, Japan has been monopolizing the raw silk industry, and their raw silk exports have reached the world's highest profit, accounting for more than one-third of the country's total exports. 90.00% of the raw silk in the US market is provided by the Japanese.Therefore, after the outbreak of the Pacific War, silk stockings, which American women love the most, suddenly became in short supply.A pair can even sell for thousands of dollars on the black market, and a large number of women flock to them.

According to the survey at that time, two-thirds of women chose stockings as the most important thing, while only one-third chose boyfriends. It can be seen that women are crazy about stockings.

The Japanese monopolize the export of raw silk, which can bring an export value of nearly 10 billion yuan every year. It can be said that Japan's industrialization is largely supported by raw silk, which is also one of Japan's most important competitive products.

Zhang Tinglan started in the three eastern provinces, which are not traditional raw silk production areas, and the Japanese raw silk industry has become a major trend, and it is very difficult to compete, so Zhang Tinglan has never started the life and death industry.

However, after the land reform, the traditional silk production areas in the south have also been integrated, and the mulberry farmers are no longer a mess. Professional plantations have begun to emerge. It can be said that China's raw silk has the foundation to compete with Japan for the world market. And with China's existing strength, there is no need to care about Japan's protests.

The time to develop the raw silk industry is fully ripe, so Zhang Tinglan will spend a lot of money to support it at this time.The Chinese earn one dollar more from silk, and the Japanese earn one less. This is like the magic of Beiming. I absorb your internal energy and hit you again, which has twice the effect at once.

Before World War II, the main income of the Japanese was the export of raw silk to the United States on the one hand, and the export of industrial products to China on the other hand.At this time, the Chinese market has been occupied by domestic products. If the North American market is in the hands of China, Japan, an island country, will be completely marginalized!

Zhang Tinglan's decision to enter the raw silk industry also made Wang Shuhan very excited, and said with a smile: "Vice President, China has opened up the Silk Road since the Han Dynasty. The children and grandchildren are unworthy, and they lost this advantageous industry, and now they should get it back. It’s just that the Japanese just let go of the issue of the public concession, which can be regarded as helping us. .”

There was a sneer on the corner of Zhang Tinglan's mouth: "President Wang, the little devil is smart, will they help in vain?"

"What do the Japanese want?"

"Gu Weijun sent me a telegram just now, saying that Japan proposed to allow Taiwan to become an independent country, and this new country will be open to both China and Japan."

"Bastard!" Wang Shuhan suddenly stood up when he heard this. Taiwan was forcibly taken away by the Japanese during the Sino-Japanese War. This has become the most difficult knot between China and Japan.

A powerful China must retake Taiwan, and Japan, as an island country, lacks strategic depth the most. Therefore, they also defend Taiwan to the death. fuse.

On the other hand, Japan is under tremendous pressure in the face of an increasingly powerful China.The high-level Japanese in this era are not all elm-headed. After much deliberation, they put forward the idea of ​​Taiwan's founding and China-Japan public governance.After more than 30 years of imperial education, there are already a large number of pro-Japanese elements on the island, and there are also a large number of mixed blood.A new generation of islanders has been imprinted with the Yamato nation.

Even if it is really independent, the Japanese can still have an advantage, so that they can get rid of the biggest time bomb between China and Japan.In addition, through the founding of Nanhua, the Japanese also saw the decline of the West.They also set their sights on Nanyang, wanting to make a fortune.

Especially Hirohito, who had just ascended the throne, coveted the wealth of Nanyang, so the Japanese government made the decision to ease with China.

"When the Japanese do this, they are undoubtedly giving gifts that belonged to us. I will never let the Japanese dreams come true. Only by speeding up their own development and attacking Japan can we have the possibility of regaining Taiwan."

Zhang Tinglan has determined the development plan, but he still needs someone to implement it, so Zhang Tinglan decided to hold a Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai industrial and commercial conference to discuss the future development of the Yangtze River Delta and determine industrial policies.

This meeting can be regarded as a summary of the chaos in Shanghai. Zhang Tinglan also attaches great importance to it. The invited businessmen are also representatives of industries in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Among them, the most important ones are the Rong family, Zhang Jingjiang, Yu Qiaqing and others.These celebrities in the industrial and commercial circles were also sincere and sincere, and they came immediately after receiving the invitation.

But just when Zhang Tinglan was about to meet them and have a good talk, a news came from Beijing that the great president Li Yuanhong had passed away.

Usually Li Yuanhong was just a memorial tablet, which was useless, but when he died suddenly, a major vacuum appeared in China's political arena.Originally, it was logical for Zhang Tinglan to take over as the president, but there was a problem. Zhang Tinglan was not yet [-] years old, and she was ten years younger than the legal age of the president.

Because of this, Zhang Tinglan had to return to Beijing immediately to decide on the next action plan. (To be continued..)

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