The offensive and defensive battle around Astana has been going on for more than two days. The Russians have paid heavy sacrifices, but they are still fighting to the death, especially after entering the city. These people use the ruins as cover to attack Chinese tanks. Launched an attack, many times it is completely impossible to guard against.

The Chinese side also had to pull out all the stops. The air force kept throwing leaflets, telling these Russians that they had become a turtle in the urn, that the reinforcements had disappeared, and that continuing to resist was only a dead end.And he kept shouting to the Russian army with a loudspeaker, asking them to surrender.

Attacking the city is the bottom, attacking the heart is the top.These moves also quickly received good results.Rong Zhen summarized the results of the battle and introduced to Zhang Henian with a smile: "So far, more than 2000 Russian troops have surrendered, and the number of surrenders is still increasing. This is a very good phenomenon. But there is only one problem, that is, these surrenders Most of the people are militiamen, and the real main force is quite tenacious."

"No matter how tenacious we are, we can't procrastinate. We must take Astana as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no enough oil."

Playing blitzkrieg looks very imposing, but the consumption is also huge. Before the war, Zhang Tinglan specially set up several large oil storage warehouses in Xinjiang, hoarding [-] tons of oil.It has consumed more than half of it now, and as the battle line stretches, the supply line is getting longer and longer. If it drags on, there will be problems with the fuel supply.

Ma Zhanshan said with a smile: "Our cavalry is better. Although tanks are good, they are all oil tigers. No matter what time it comes, we must stretch this string."

Zhang Henian also smiled wryly: "Starting tomorrow, we will launch the final offensive. Within two days, Astana must be taken."

Just when everyone made up their minds and was about to launch an attack, suddenly Huang Xiansheng came in from the outside with a smile and said to everyone: "Good news. Great news, our self-propelled artillery has been refitted, and now there are more Sharp weapon."

Everyone listened.All eyes lit up, and Zhang Henian laughed loudly: "Let's go. Let's all go and have a look." [

These people all arrived at the camp where the maintenance troops were located at the back. They saw a row of self-propelled artillery in the temporary shed. There were fifty or sixty of them. The long black barrels revealed powerful lethality. People take a look.I can't put it down.

Both tanks and self-propelled artillery are sharp weapons in blitzkrieg. One charge and one fire support are indispensable.Guards divisions were also equipped with self-propelled guns.However, when it came to the battlefield, it was discovered that the number of self-propelled artillery was somewhat insufficient.


Although the situation on the battlefield is not that complicated at this time, and there are not so many anti-aircraft guns, but in comparison.An artillery battalion in China is only equipped with 12 76 self-propelled artillery, and a small number of howitzers and anti-tank artillery. The number is still seriously insufficient, and it is a bit powerless in terms of fire support.

However, you can't do anything when you encounter a situation. You can only use your brains to solve the problem as much as possible.When he was in Keleku, Wu Kaijie used his strong maintenance force to rush to repair more than a dozen Russian-made tanks.

This method inspired everyone. After discussing with Rong Zhen, Zhang Henian immediately ordered that the damaged and captured tanks be repaired immediately and converted into self-propelled artillery.Especially those whose turrets were damaged and unable to undertake the charge mission, all of them were changed into self-propelled artillery to enhance their fire support capabilities.

During World War II, Germany often used this method. They used old, captured, and damaged tanks, and changed them into self-propelled artillery on the basis of the original site.This greatly saves costs, and because the tank's territory is used, it can also ensure that the self-propelled artillery and the tank can march at the same time, which is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

The battlefield is a place that stimulates people's creativity. Under "forced", the squadron can only use this method.Fortunately, Zhang Tinglan knew that this was the first experimental blitzkrieg, so he arranged sufficient maintenance manpower to prevent accidents.

After receiving the task, they used the fastest speed to carry out the modification work. The original 37mm main gun of the light tank was replaced with a long-barreled 47mm gun, which greatly improved its power.As for the damage of the turret, it is also simpler, because the self-propelled artillery does not need to rush to the front, so it is enough to weld the steel plates on three sides as armor.

On the battlefield, we must learn to keep things simple. As for the Snow Leopard tank, it is the focus of this modification. A total of more than 40 tanks have been modified.Most of them were replaced with 46 guns of 76 times the caliber, and another 8 were replaced with 88mm guns that were urgently transferred from the rear.

In the past few days, the refits have been completed one after another, and all of them are placed in front of everyone. Zhang Henian and the others nodded frequently around these self-propelled artillery.

"How is the effect, have you tried it?"

"It can be fired, and it can also be fired, but how about it, I'm afraid we can only test it on the battlefield. After all, we don't have enough time."

Hearing the explanation of the maintenance personnel, Zhang Henian couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, let the battlefield verify how these weapons are!"

Soon these temporarily modified self-propelled artillery were all enriched into the troops, and everyone was preparing for tomorrow's offensive.After leaving the maintenance office, everyone was full of ambitions. Rong Zhen said to Zhang Henian: "Commander, I guess the Russians may escape tomorrow. Trotsky is a big fish. Hold him in your hand and he can rise up." Therefore, I suggest that the paratroopers be sent out to set up an ambush in the northwest of Astana, and once Trotsky escapes from here, he will be caught!" [

"Well, this is a good way, so let's do it."

At dawn the next day, the general offensive began. The squadron concentrated its artillery fire and blasted the front of the Russian army. All the ruins on the ground were plowed by the artillery again.However, the Russian army also has rich experience. They can even judge the landing point of the cannon from the sound, so the loss in this round of shelling is not very large.

But then the official attack began, the Snow Leopard tank rushed to the forefront, and the focus of the Russian attack also fell on these big guys.Although tanks have amazing combat effectiveness in field battles, they are handicapped when it comes to street battles.During the fighting in the past few days, the Russians used anti-tank firepower to destroy many Snow Leopard tanks.

But this time they made a wrong calculation. Just when their firepower was just aimed, the self-propelled artillery following the tank showed its power in advance.Unlike the cannons in the rear, which can only be felt, these self-propelled artillery fire more accurately.

As long as you see the firepower of the Russians showing up, you will immediately send a shot, especially the big guy equipped with an 88mm main gun, which is a super killer. With one shot, you can create a person more than ten meters tall district.

Facing the attack of these self-propelled artillery, they had nothing to do. After all, there were still so many tanks blocking the front, and their losses skyrocketed.

After all, Astana is just a Central Asian city, far from being an industrial center like Stalingrad, and it can use a lot of reinforced concrete as a cover.Therefore, the squadron can easily destroy all the buildings, and the army moves forward frantically.

Zhang Henian also used all his skills, and dispatched a large number of special operations troops to infiltrate in advance to provide guidance for the artillery. In this way, before noon, the Russians paid more than 3000 lives. The position was completely destroyed.

The army drove straight in, and half of Astana had already fallen into the hands of China.Moreover, rumors abounded in the city at this time, and all kinds of voices that had been forcibly suppressed by Trotsky's powerful commanding ability in the past burst out, and quite a few Russian troops deserted.

Especially those militiamen, they are not all Russians, most of them are locals in Central Asia, they are just close to the majority party, and at this critical moment of life and death, they have become unreliable and have become organized Collapse, even surrender.

Trotsky, who had been in command all along, also got the news, and Astana could no longer hold on.At this time, what Trotsky resented most was Stalin. This guy could do anything for power.

Letting the squadron occupy the entire Central Asia will have an impact on Russia's strategic situation. Hasn't he thought about it? It is definitely a great misfortune for such a greedy person to control Russia.

Walk!We must return to Moscow to expose Stalin's face and tell everyone the true situation of the Central Asian War.According to the time calculation, Voroshilov's reinforcements should have arrived three days ago.To allow tens of thousands of soldiers to fight bloody battles under extremely unfavorable circumstances is simply to ignore death and treat state affairs as a trifle.

Thinking of this, Trotsky was also furious, and hurriedly retreated with his confidants.As soon as he left, the entire Russian army in Astana completely collapsed. The "chaotic" soldiers retreated in all directions, and the whole world was full of panicked figures.

The squadron was like catching chickens and ducks, driving the prisoners in groups and taking them to the prisoner-of-war camp outside the city.The crowd is dense and dense, and people with trypophobia may be afraid.

One of the most important strongholds in Central Asia has finally fallen into the hands of China, and the entire war situation is completely moving in a direction that is beneficial to China.

Not long ago, the Russian army also broke through the Slyudyanka line of defense and killed Ulan-Ude, but these are of no value anymore. The soft belly of the Russians was torn apart, and everything was exposed to China Under the edge of soldiers.

After Zhang Tinglan received the report, he was also overjoyed. He immediately issued two orders. First, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted Russia through Switzerland, a permanent neutral country, to seek peace talks.

In addition, Zhang Tinglan also ordered the Chinese Air Force to carry out the first large-scale bombing of the Siberian Railway. This railway is the lifeblood of the Russians. Only when they feel threatened here can the Russians bow their heads and use both soft and hard tactics to promote peace.

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