Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 823 Establishing a Province in the Far East

"To put it bluntly, as of June 6, more than 1 serfs have been released in the plateau area, and 80 of them have already been assigned pastures and fields. It is expected that all pastures will be divided within this year."

Wang Yongjiang said with a smile: "This Yan Xishan is still very capable and neat in his work, but it's not very honorable to make such a hand-tuned tiger. Some people have sued me and demanded a thorough investigation of Yan Xishan."

"Dreaming!" Zhang Tinglan said unceremoniously: "I still want to be a slave owner and live a life of master, absolutely not. Now it's easy for them to just confiscate their property. come down."

When Wang Yongjiang saw Zhang Tinglan's murderous look, he smiled and said: "Zhuoyan, you don't mean to kill all these people, but doing so will be a one-hundredth of a thing. It's just that besides the serfs, there are many free people in the plateau. These people He is still quite devout towards religious leaders, if he is killed, there may be a rebellion."

"Well, that's right. The regular army is not terrible. Even if you pull out a hundred thousand or eighty thousand troops, you won't be able to withstand a bombardment. It's just that once you rely on the terrain, like a group of mosquitoes, to fight guerrillas with you, it will be troublesome. On the plateau In the region, the consumption of stationing a large army is too great to bear."

"Since this is the case, is there any good way for Zhuoyan to have the best of both worlds?"

"It's nothing more than letting them be wealthy idlers, as long as they are willing to hand over all their power, give them some money regularly, and then leave some positions for them in all levels of government. They don't need any real power, just look passable."

Wang Yongjiang nodded: "Yes, in fact, we did the same in Mongolia. Over the years, Mongolia's economy has continued to develop, and the lives of herdsmen have become better and better. The original nobles no longer daydream. Honestly integrate into the mainstream society. It’s just that the plateau is not the same as Mongolia. I’m afraid there will be disasters if we do this.”

"Where is the problem?"

"It's very simple. Although Mongolia is similar to the plateau in many places, the exchanges between Mongolia and the mainland are closer. Since the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Manchu and Mongolia have continued to intermarry. In Mongolian society, the secular power is stronger and the religious influence is lower. As long as Strengthening exchanges and integration with the mainland will soon be effective. But in the plateau where religious forces are deeply rooted, I am afraid that after a round of transformation, there will be counterattacks."

Wang Yongjiang's words immediately reminded Zhang Tinglan that it is true, religion is indeed a very strange force.The Han people have been a weak and atheistic country for thousands of years.From the time when the child didn't talk about strange powers and gods, religion was destined not to be able to dominate Chinese society.Once such signs appear, the emperor of China has never been polite.How many times to destroy the Buddha.It is a complete localization of a foreign religion.

If we say what Chinese people have believed in for thousands of years, I am afraid that the most important thing is pragmatism, and gods and Buddhas stand aside.Because of this, China does not quite understand a society with a very strong religious tradition.When people are ignorant and stupid, they will blindly believe in religion, but once they have money, they will become a little richer.If you can calm down, you will return to religion.

Because of this, after the initial division of fields and land, the plateau will temporarily settle down, but the old traditions will not disappear, and sooner or later there will be a comeback.

Zhang Tinglan walked back and forth in the office a few times, frowning tightly, thinking about various strategies in his mind.The success in Mongolia is mainly due to Mongolia's rich resources. As long as the economy is developed, the level of culture and education is raised, and especially Sinicization is vigorously promoted, there will be no problem.

But these strategies become very troublesome for the plateau. The plateau of 5000 meters, within 30 to [-] years, it is impossible to build a railway. Without infrastructure, let alone economic development...

The same is true for Wang Yongjiang. He also knows the difficulty of changing the plateau, so he can't help but sigh.While walking, Zhang Tinglan suddenly set his eyes on a Maitreya Buddha on the Baibao Pavilion.

The Maitreya Buddha carved from topaz is only half a foot tall, with bare chest and breasts, and a pleasant smile.

Zhang Tinglan also suddenly had an idea, and couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Min Yuan, what do you think of this Buddha statue?"

Wang Yongjiang smiled and said: "I remember that this was the treasure that was found during the search of Prince Qing's Mansion. These nobles from the Qing Dynasty did indeed search for a lot of good things."

"Yes, if this Buddha statue is placed in the temple, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of many people and worship it. I don't know how many faithful men and women will rush to burn incense. But it is placed on this Baibao Pavilion. It's just a decoration, at most it's just admiring a carver and admiring its ingenuity."

Wang Yongjiang can be regarded as a wise man in the world. When he heard Zhang Tinglan's words, he suddenly showed a hint of bewilderment, and said with a smile: "Zhuoyan, do you want to invite all those gods and Buddhas?"

"That's right, as long as the gods and Buddhas that fill the sky leave the temple, they will lose their immortal energy, and they will lose their magic over time."


"Sir, there are more than [-] congressmen who signed the petition, and they want to sue you to the President?"

Yan Xishan didn't raise his head, he continued to look at the official documents, and just sneered casually: "What do they want to sue Yan?"

"Of course it is undermining religious freedom. Some people think that tradition should be respected, some advocate that it should be done slowly, and some people say that you have killed too much!"

"Too heavy?" Yan Xishan sneered: "I'm already showing mercy. If fewer people are killed, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the test above."

Since entering the plateau, more than 200 former nobles have been killed one after another, thousands of monks have been imprisoned, and more than 3 militants have been captured, all of which have been sent to the northwest to work as laborers.With the deepening of the land reform, more and more people will be cleared.

The more kills, the more pressure on your shoulders.It's just that Yan Xishan is very clear that since Zhang Tinglan's attitude is so clear, he can only go one way to the end, and don't even think about cutting tofu with two sides.If too many future troubles are left behind, and they are pursued in the future, that will be the real trouble.

"Don't worry about those people. They just stand and talk without back pain. If they don't make trouble, where can their value be reflected?"

While talking, someone suddenly ran in and said in a hurry: "Mr. Yan, the President's urgent call."

Yan Xishan hurriedly took it over and took a look, his eyes lit up immediately, and after a few glances, he said with a smile: "The President is indeed wise, with this order, I have an idea."

It turned out that Zhang Tinglan had issued an order for forced immigration to Yan Xishan, all the property of those nobles had been divided, and nothing was left for them.

If you are honest and obedient, you can get half of your wealth back, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you must move to the mainland, and each city is not allowed to exceed 100 households.In addition, those free people can also choose to immigrate, the government provides jobs, and both generations can enjoy education discounts.

This trick is not unkind, and since it is difficult to develop the plateau, then simply move people out.In short, after controlling the Far East and Central Asia, China has more and more room for maneuver. One million people who moved down from the plateau are just like wanting to sprinkle pepper noodles, and they will disappear in an instant.

As long as they are scattered in various cities, after a generation or two, they will be completely assimilated.Life in the interior is always better than on the plateau, and few people are willing to go back.

As for the remaining people, most of them are former serfs. After they are allocated a large amount of land, livestock, and property, their lives will get better and better.Without the instigation of the upper echelon, you can eat enough and live a good life. As long as you have a normal mind, you won't think about making trouble.

Yan Xishan also applauded this decision to move to the mainland, and immediately implemented it according to Zhang Tinglan's wishes.Regardless of whether the nobles and monks are willing or not, they can only choose one way to move or destroy.These people finally came to their senses and could only move out honestly.

When doing this, Yan Xishan also paid attention to the method. He started from the bottom, and moved the small temples and nobles first, and then all these people left.The foundation of the huge power pyramid was broken, and the top nobles could not leave if they wanted to. In this way, the forces that had been entrenched on the plateau for thousands of years were broken.

Of course, this also has a side effect, that is, the population of the plateau has decreased, which is very detrimental to border defense.But Zhang Tinglan doesn't care about these things. There is no atomic bomb now, and any place connected to China's land must be careful. If you dare to play China's wishful thinking, you will lose even worse.

Just after the problem of the plateau gradually calmed down, Zhang Tinglan hastened to implement another task, which was to completely abolish the Far East Empire and merge it into China's territory.

Back then, the Far Eastern Empire was just a painted skin, especially after the Russians revealed that the queen was a fake, the game couldn't go on. Since it couldn't go on, it just happened to be incorporated into the Chinese territory as soon as possible.

And at this time, all preparations are almost done. After Li Jinglin's anti-insurgency operation, the number of White Russians in the Far East has dropped to less than 50, and they are all old and weak, women and children.The number of Han people has increased to 300 million. Such a huge manpower advantage can already guarantee that there will be no accidents.

The entire Far East is divided into three parts, that is, three provinces, from the east of Lake Baikal to the line of Mohe, called Beihai Province, with Chita as the provincial capital.From Mohe to the east, to the west of the Heilongjiang estuary, it is called Xing'an Province, and the provincial capital is Hailanpao.As for the remaining area east of the Ussuri River, it is designated as Dongjiang Province, and the provincial capital is located in Vladivostok.

With the construction of the three provinces, China's territory has increased by more than 100 million square kilometers, and the whole country is immediately jubilant. The newspapers are full of reports on the prosperity of these provinces and encourage immigrants to develop.

Then China set off a movement to immigrate to northern Xinjiang, and it is true that these places are full of forests, the land is fertile, and there are a lot of mineral deposits underground.Gold, in particular, is a good thing that people are obsessed with. Going to the Far East to pan for gold has become the most fashionable topic.

As long as you dare to take risks, it is definitely not a myth to get rich overnight. This temptation is no less than drugs. More and more people are running northward, and the wave of immigrants driven by this upsurge has also completely consolidated the control of the Far East. (To be continued..)

ps: The net is just finished, sorry.In addition, it's the Great Depression, if you have any technology you want to get back, you can write it in the book review area, thanks a little...

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