Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 829 Double Harvest of Talents and Equipment

Xia Han, who had experience in buying bottoms, once again acted as the commander in chief of this operation. Not long ago, the Anshan Iron and Steel Plant under his name underwent a complete transformation.

As the earliest and largest iron and steel enterprise in the three northeastern provinces, and even the whole country, Anshan Iron and Steel is also the only super-large enterprise with an annual output of over one million tons of steel, and its every move attracts everyone's attention.

The shareholding transformation just carried out also had a huge impact. During this transformation, Zhang Tinglan completely merged his private shares, the original government shares, army shares, and some bank shares together and became state-owned. The shares accounted for a total of 40.00% of the steel plant. Among the other 60.00%, Xia Han accounted for 20.00%, and the rest were held by various shareholders and companies.

After this reform, Anshan Iron and Steel's shares have been completely clarified, and the problem of multi-management has also been solved. Both the government and the military have withdrawn from the management field.The businessman manages it himself, and the risks and benefits are also borne by the businessman. The government also looks at the business operation as a shareholder.

Xia Han also knew at this time that the burden on his shoulders was heavier and he had to be responsible for more things, but at the same time, his degree of freedom had also increased unprecedentedly, and he could flex his fists as he wished.Therefore, before the reform was completely over, they went to the United States with a huge purchasing group.

The steel industry is always an important indicator to measure a country's industrial strength and war potential, and it is also the focus of this procurement.

Xia Han's first stop was Pittsburgh, which is the headquarters of the famous American Steel Corporation.As an industrial city, the main theme of Pittsburgh is always the rumble and the smoke and dust all over the sky.

Every winter, when heavy snow falls, if you grab a handful and melt it in the palm of your hand, it will all be black water.Thousands of workers are working hard in this kind of air, and they don't know how much pm25 will be...

It's just that the winter that has just passed has been extraordinarily cold.It is even said that until spring, the coldness has not dissipated, on the contrary, it has become more serious.Factories that had been rumbling had stopped functioning.The black smoke all over the sky has also disappeared, and I can finally breathe a breath of fresh air. [

But the people of Pittsburgh no longer have such thoughts.The factories stopped, they lost their jobs, tens of thousands of people lost their source of livelihood, slept on the streets, and in the cold winter, I don’t know how many homeless people died of freezing and starving.

They tried every means to keep warm, even stuffing newspapers under their shirts.In order to block a trace of cold wind.For Xia Han, Pittsburgh, the U.S. Steel Company, is a giant like a myth.

U.S. Steel was founded in 1901.The age is not very long, but there are two behemoths behind it, one is the Carnegie Steel Company, and the other is the Morgan family.

It is relying on advanced management experience and sufficient capital supply.The U.S. Steel Corporation is like blowing up a balloon, rapidly inflating.Especially during World War I, it was the golden time for U.S. Steel Corporation. In 1916, the annual output of U.S. Steel Corporation reached 1900 million tons!

What kind of number is this?You must know that Germany was before World War I.The national steel output is only 1760 million tons, which means that a company in the United States can overwhelm Germany!It's no wonder that Germany lost the war. It is too difficult to challenge a behemoth like the United States.

As for China just cheering for its annual steel output exceeding 500 million tons, compared with the United States, the difference is more than an order of magnitude!

When Xia Han and the others saw the continuous factory area and the numerous factory buildings, it was such a huge scale that people couldn't help but exclaimed, and the accompanying personnel were even more dumbfounded.This is not a factory, it is clearly a huge city!

"Don't be stupid, act separately immediately, show me which factories are worth buying, and be sure to get them back for me."

Seeing these attendants running over like hungry tigers, Xia Han also clenched his fists secretly: "Ten years, in just ten years, I can also build a steel kingdom, a steel kingdom bigger than U.S. Steel Corporation !"

It took Xia Han and the others a week to figure out the U.S. Steel Corporation. This time, all the equipment they chose were [-]% new and large-scale.General small and medium-sized equipment can already be produced domestically. Although American products are better, China's industry also needs to develop and cannot blindly rely on American equipment.

Therefore, the standard set by Xia Han is very clear. The blast furnace must be more than 500 cubic meters, preferably 1000 cubic meters, and the open hearth furnace must be 50 tons or 100 tons.As long as these large-scale equipment are shipped back to the country, China's steel industry will be able to make a leap forward.

A 1000-cubic-meter blast furnace can produce 15 to 20 tons of pig iron once a year at full capacity. As long as more than 10 can be purchased, the domestic iron and steel industry will break through the [-] million-ton mark.

In fact, Zhang Tinglan has a longer-term plan. He knows very well that open-hearth steelmaking has been eliminated in later generations, and replaced by converters and electric furnaces.

The converter steelmaking efficiency is higher, the speed is faster, the quality is better, and the consumption is less, and the comprehensive economic benefits are more than two or three times that of the open hearth furnace.The core technology of using converter steelmaking is to blow oxygen, blowing oxygen from the top, bottom, and middle.

Although Zhang Tinglan doesn't understand the specific things, there are so many engineers, as long as they have ideas, they will definitely be able to figure it out.What is really troublesome is the large-scale oxygen production technology, which China has not yet achieved. [

However, Zhang Tinglan has already arranged for people to purchase equipment and hire talents in Germany to prepare to break through the problem of oxygen production. As long as it is solved, China will be able to popularize converter steelmaking on a large scale before World War II.Coupled with the automated production line, relying on these two magic weapons, China will be able to go crazy. China, which has more human resources than the United States, has armed tens of millions of soldiers, just like drinking cold water.

As long as it reaches this point, no matter how far the war is fought, China is a well-deserved winner.

Watching the Chinese choose equipment recklessly, those Americans are also twitching in their hearts. They still don't know what happened.All these precious machines stopped at once, and the bustling factory area became a dead graveyard!

As if falling from heaven to hell, they have no choice but to watch the Chinese pick out what they like.

In normal times, the Americans would never sell these machines, especially to a rising country with huge potential like China, but the Great Depression completely messed up the United States, and they could even sell the machines to the Soviets , of course China will not be a problem.

In addition, behind this, there is a complicated transaction, that is, China's stock market!

Western capital has aggressively entered the Chinese stock market, blowing up the bubble, and wanting to take the opportunity to make a fortune.But Zhang Tinglan decisively threw out the action of enterprise reform.

The sudden suspension of a large number of stocks immediately led to the withdrawal of Western capital law and was trapped in the stock market. This kind of stalemate is not a good thing for both parties. Financial capital loses its liquidity and loses its life.And China is vigorously adjusting its enterprises, and it also needs a blood transfusion from the financial market.

Finally, after a few months of persistence, the two sides reached a compromise, Zhang Tinglan gradually restored the stock market, and then allowed financial capital to unwind and leave the market at an appropriate price.And these big consortiums want to open the door and provide convenience for China to buy Western technology.

Of course, the main direction of China's procurement is also concentrated on these large conglomerates. For example, the US Steel Company is an industry controlled by Morgan.

This agreement is a good thing for both parties. China has obtained what it needs, and these consortiums have received billions of orders, and they can continue to call the wind and do whatever they want.

After several contests, Western financial capital dare not move China easily. The laws of the Eastern world are completely different from theirs. In the Chinese government, there are not enough spokespersons. Paper documents, they will be frustrated, it is not worth the candle.

With the withdrawal of these capitals one after another, the Chinese stock market has gradually returned to calm. After the reorganization, the enterprises re-entered the stock market with an unprecedented appearance, and were instantly popular.

In fact, for such a powerful figure like Zhang Tinglan, what everyone is most worried about is his way of running the world, treating everything as private property, and then these entrepreneurs will have no way to play.Without the sanctity of private property, there would be no rapid development of capital.

This time, Zhang Tinglan's reform thoroughly clarified the relationship between the family, the country and the government. Not only did he not get any more points, but he also transferred a large number of industries to the name of state-owned capital.It is obvious that the Chinese market is more regulated, the government’s behavior has established guidelines, and the rules of the game have become more and more clear. Everyone has the qualifications to participate, and a new wave of entrepreneurship is surging in the land of China.

If you want to support entrepreneurship, you need a large number of talents. If China is not enough, you need to recruit from overseas.Xia Han and the others have been running back and forth in the steel company these days, which has also attracted the attention of many Americans.

Just when they were about to leave, more than a dozen workers finally found them. These workers were all unshaven and very sloppy. Without a source of livelihood, they were instantly inferior to beggars.

"Sir, do you just need equipment, don't you need operators? I have worked in steel companies for 20 years, and I am familiar with all production processes. As long as you give me a job, I can do anything."

"Including distant China?"

"No problem, I am willing!" the worker said without hesitation. "I am already old. If I leave the factory, I will hardly find any job."

Looking at the eager eyes of these workers, Xia Han seemed to have instantly found the feeling of buying cheap Germany back then, so he said with a smile: "No problem, as long as you can prove your worth, I will definitely let you get a satisfactory salary. In fact, our Headhunting companies have already arrived in the United States, as long as you register with them, you can get a salary, and we can send you food, bread, butter, steak, down jacket, coal, everything..."

Before Xia Han could finish speaking, these people went crazy, nothing was as important as filling their stomachs, and the temporary recruitment office was overwhelmed in an instant!

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